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Pacquiao says gays worse than Animals
Manny Pacquiao, former boxing champion, has lost endorsements in the wake of saying that people who same sex marry are worse than animals. If in defending our Christian belief, we step outside the Spirit and Mind of Christ to do it, we may really simply be reacting in unrighteous anger to that which our natural man despises. "Know what manner of spirit ye are of" kind of thing.
I always liked Manny. Now I do even more
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Manny Pacquiao, former boxing champion, has lost endorsements in the wake of saying that people who same sex marry are worse than animals. If in defending our Christian belief, we step outside the Spirit and Mind of Christ to do it, we may really simply be reacting in unrighteous anger to that which our natural man despises. "Know what manner of spirit ye are of" kind of thing.

good for him to stand for what he believes in:redboxer:
Couldn't agree with him more on this issue.
I can't believe this country still glorifies mental illness like this.
Well said guys.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Manny Pacquiao, former boxing champion, has lost endorsements in the wake of saying that people who same sex marry are worse than animals. If in defending our Christian belief, we step outside the Spirit and Mind of Christ to do it, we may really simply be reacting in unrighteous anger to that which our natural man despises. "Know what manner of spirit ye are of" kind of thing.

Not sure how "new" you actually are to BGR but these "perfect" humans on here thrive off of hatred and anger towards minority groups. They might even throw a Leviticus or two at ya for good measure. Good luck.
Motley Wrote:Not sure how "new" you actually are to BGR but these "perfect" humans on here thrive off of hatred and anger towards minority groups. They might even throw a Leviticus or two at ya for good measure. Good luck.

Well, the law came by Moses, but grace and truth by Christ. I am going to be merciful toward people who believe different from me because I need mercy shown to me. If the same sex couple hates me because I think God does not accept homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle, then I will answer that hatred with prayers for blessing. If the lesbian calls me a bigot and eggs my house, I will offer my car to be egged as I ask if she needs a jump start for her battery. This is how Jesus says we show ourselves children of the Father. A lot of religious folks have the rock in hand ready to launch it, yet Jesus asks if they are without sin. None of this means we embrace sin, but embracing people doesn't mean we embrace sin. If means we are learning the Way of the Master.
Motley Wrote:Not sure how "new" you actually are to BGR but these "perfect" humans on here thrive off of hatred and anger towards minority groups. They might even throw a Leviticus or two at ya for good measure. Good luck.

You sure about that?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Well, the law came by Moses, but grace and truth by Christ. I am going to be merciful toward people who believe different from me because I need mercy shown to me. If the same sex couple hates me because I think God does not accept homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle, then I will answer that hatred with prayers for blessing. If the lesbian calls me a bigot and eggs my house, I will offer my car to be egged as I ask if she needs a jump start for her battery. This is how Jesus says we show ourselves children of the Father. A lot of religious folks have the rock in hand ready to launch it, yet Jesus asks if they are without sin. None of this means we embrace sin, but embracing people doesn't mean we embrace sin. If means we are learning the Way of the Master.

Then you also know that the reason God called out the account of His destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was to define a certain matter. Once a society traverses through sin's fast lane until it arrives at the open acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, that society is on the cusp of the end. That is why God dealt with Sodom in the way He did in raining destruction down upon them in the form of fire and brimstone.

Were those folks uniquely evil as compared to the rest of humanity? Obviously not. The lesson in the Sodom account is for man to be able to recognize his societal and personal progression into the depths of sin. At some point God turns His back on men and sometimes entire societies because their minds have slidden into a state of reprobation. In other words, and I know you like the signpost analogy Sombrero, homosexuality is a signpost denoting a certain state of being rather than a certain location. For people who are hopelessly entrapped, or people who somehow derive some measure of satisfaction when others are involved with the practice of homosexuality, destruction awaits. Destruction, like the fire and the brimstone of Sodom, awaits.

That being said, if a person is not so deeply enslaved that they can still respond to God in repentance for their sin, will obviously be forgiven.
Tolerant liberals are Tolerant so long as you agree with them. That makes sense doesn't it. If protecting our borders, and calling homosexuality a disease like it is makes me a bigot then I proudly accept that tag.
I don't think liberals realize that words don't actually hurt and people like us don't need safe spaces :biglmao:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Tolerant liberals are Tolerant so long as you agree with them. That makes sense doesn't it. If protecting our borders, and calling homosexuality a disease like it is makes me a bigot then I proudly accept that tag.
I don't think liberals realize that words don't actually hurt and people like us don't need safe spaces :biglmao:

Do you call hating people because they have a different skin color a disease? What about the choice to gossip? Is that a disease?
TheRealThing Wrote:Then you also know that the reason God called out the account of His destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was to define a certain matter. Once a society traverses through sin's fast lane until it arrives at the open acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle, that society is on the cusp of the end. That is why God dealt with Sodom in the way He did in raining destruction down upon them in the form of fire and brimstone.

Were those folks uniquely evil as compared to the rest of humanity? Obviously not. The lesson in the Sodom account is for man to be able to recognize his societal and personal progression into the depths of sin. At some point God turns His back on men and sometimes entire societies because their minds have slidden into a state of reprobation. In other words, and I know you like the signpost analogy Sombrero, homosexuality is a signpost denoting a certain state of being rather than a certain location. For people who are hopelessly entrapped, or people who somehow derive some measure of satisfaction when others are involved with the practice of homosexuality, destruction awaits. Destruction, like the fire and the brimstone of Sodom, awaits.

That being said, if a person is not so deeply enslaved that they can still respond to God in repentance for their sin, will obviously be forgiven.

If I read the "hey, Lot" story correctly, the men gathered at the door wanting the Guest brought out so that they might have their way with him. This seems to have been the norm, the custom, as seemingly no sheriff shows up to stop it. This portrays a level of depravity that I don't ascribe to this culture. However, your "societal and personal progression" point is interesting and worth thinking about.
The United States is a safe place for Jews and Christians. They are not killed here or put in jail or stopped from going to worship. Also, a huge amount of "clothe the naked, feed the hungry, comfort the afflicted, visit the sick and imprisoned" issues forth from this nation. Let's not get carried away in the spin and cycle of the negative sheeple mewling and bawling "baaad, baaad" all day long.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Do you call hating people because they have a different skin color a disease? What about the choice to gossip? Is that a disease?

Like most, I don't really hate queers. I just don't want them around me or my family. And, the only disease associated with all this is suffered by the queers.
Memo Luna Wrote:Like most, I don't really hate queers. I just don't want them around me or my family. And, the only disease associated with all this is suffered by the queers.

But, you don't feel the same about you and your family being around gossips, liars, pornography addicts, tax cheats (and that's just at a church service)?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:If I read the "hey, Lot" story correctly, the men gathered at the door wanting the Guest brought out so that they might have their way with him. This seems to have been the norm, the custom, as seemingly no sheriff shows up to stop it. This portrays a level of depravity that I don't ascribe to this culture. However, your "societal and personal progression" point is interesting and worth thinking about.

Well, thanks for considering that. I believe that the preserving salt and light effect that Christians have on any society in which they live, is all that restrains that scenario from becoming reality here in the US. But, judgment will come none the less. And in view of reported revelations with regard to certain ugly comments made about Justice Scalia online and in the tweetosphere, I don't feel quite as insulated from the events that went down at Lot's house as you seem to.

The homosexual behaviors such as the people of Sodom displayed are not born of norms or cultural twitches. They are the 100% predictable and definable outcomes of an open acceptance of homosexuality. I mean, are not Mr Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party in general open and unashamed in their endorsement of the homosexual lifestyle? This acceptance is beyond doubt in this country if one listens to our heads of government. Though the common man is proportionally not on board to near the level of acceptance alleged by liberals within government.

The obvious takeaway from all this, is the afore mentioned progression of sin as it applied to Sodom, and therefore since God does not change, as it applies to the United States.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:But, you don't feel the same about you and your family being around gossips, liars, pornography addicts, tax cheats (and that's just at a church service)?

Hold on here. Nothing says we are to feel compelled to worship with unrepentant homosexuals. If they come to Church seeking the truth, that one thing. And don't equivocate gossiping with homosexuality. As I have mentioned, there are no burned out cities laying in testimony to the seriousness of the sin of gossip.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Do you call hating people because they have a different skin color a disease? What about the choice to gossip? Is that a disease?

You now he didn't say the first word nor did he lay any inference to skin color between the lines. He was speaking of the abomination of homosexuality.

Do you call alcoholism or drug addiction diseases?
TheRealThing Wrote:Hold on here. Nothing says we are to feel compelled to worship with unrepentant homosexuals. If they come to Church seeking the truth, that one thing. And don't equivocate gossiping with homosexuality. As I have mentioned, there are no burned out cities laying in testimony to the seriousness of the sin of gossip.

I'm not convinced that the gossip doesn't do more to damage peace in society, amongst family and friends and church, than same sex folks. In fact, I would venture a guess that admonitions to avoid gossip and those who practice it are much more frequent in the NT than discussions of homosexuality. And, when Christ catalogues inner defilement, "adulteries and fornications and lewdness" are mentioned, but no special category for homosexuality. I am not here suggesting that same sex relations are approved by God. Just that all the focus on it, to the exclusion of a whole range of behaviors, is out of balance.
TheRealThing Wrote:You now he didn't say the first word nor did he lay any inference to skin color between the lines. He was speaking of the abomination of homosexuality.

Do you call alcoholism or drug addiction diseases?

Mostly I call them missing the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (sin) and see myself as no less in need of the Cross than the most depraved homosexual who burned to a crisp in Sodom and Gomorrah or the most hopeless heroin addict in some seedy hotel.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I'm not convinced that the gossip doesn't do more to damage peace in society, amongst family and friends and church, than same sex folks. In fact, I would venture a guess that admonitions to avoid gossip and those who practice it are much more frequent in the NT than discussions of homosexuality. And, when Christ catalogues inner defilement, "adulteries and fornications and lewdness" are mentioned, but no special category for homosexuality. I am not here suggesting that same sex relations are approved by God. Just that all the focus on it, to the exclusion of a whole range of behaviors, is out of balance.

And yet homosexuality is the ONLY sin called out in the New Testament for which God said He will turn over those guilty of committing to "reprobate minds." A condition which is final and irretrievable for all so classified.

Don't forget, Abraham went to great lengths to ask God in plain terms if He would spare Sodom if there were even 10 people, who were redeemable from among all those who dwelled in that great city. The record on this is clear, there were not even 10 from among them. In fact, there was likely only one, that being Lot himself, and his family were saved for his sake. But knowing that Lot's family totaled more then 10 people, many believe Abraham, fearing to go any lower than 10, dared not ask further for the sake of Lot.

No, homosexuality is the last straw, and it marks the point of no return.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Mostly I call them missing the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (sin) and see myself as no less in need of the Cross than the most depraved homosexual who burned to a crisp in Sodom and Gomorrah or the most hopeless heroin addict in some seedy hotel.

Well, to my understanding, only those guilty of homosexuality have crossed the line into reprobation. Which is a state of hopelessness.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, to my understanding, only those guilty of homosexuality have crossed the line into reprobation. Which is a state of hopelessness.

Homosexuality as the unpardonable sin? In Romans 1, isn't Paul making an argument that spans several chapters? Communicating to believers in a pagan city? Explaining to them how a "Gospel of righteousness from God is revealed" and how that relates to what they see going on around them? And isn't wrenching homosexuality alone out of that chapter and magnifying it beyond all proportion just the kind of "distortion" that Peter is talking about, among many others?
the urban sombrero Wrote:homosexuality as the unpardonable sin? In romans 1, isn't paul making an argument that spans several chapters? Communicating to believers in a pagan city? Explaining to them how a "gospel of righteousness from god is revealed" and how that relates to what they see going on around them? And isn't wrenching homosexuality alone out of that chapter and magnifying it beyond all proportion just the kind of "distortion" that peter is talking about, among many others?

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Do you call hating people because they have a different skin color a disease? What about the choice to gossip? Is that a disease?

Your race card isn't accepted here.

Hating people because of there skin color makes you a racist. I don't recall anyone saying anything about skin color. But I understand, as a liberal, you have to bring up race. Its indebted in your brain as an okay response when its really not. If anything, it seems liberals are more worried about race in this country than anyone else.

Im not sure what you mean about gossip. Ive never met a man or woman in my life that hasn't said one or more bad things about someone else, that is just human nature.

Mental illness is a disease this country has long ignored and caused several deaths. Its fine to have a different opinion then myself, unlike liberals, I believe everyone has the right to express whatever opinions they so choose. I stand by my statement a 100% that homosexuality is a mental disease.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:But, you don't feel the same about you and your family being around gossips, liars, pornography addicts, tax cheats (and that's just at a church service)?

You will not hear a religious argument from me. You cant use a religious argument to combat a liberal. They will continually spin the subject using there talking points and agendas.

This has nothing to do with religion. I find it funny that while liberals are all for science, evolution, etc. They are also welcoming of homosexuality which goes directly against human biology and survival of the fittest. Hard to survive if you cant reproduce.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Homosexuality as the unpardonable sin? In Romans 1, isn't Paul making an argument that spans several chapters? Communicating to believers in a pagan city? Explaining to them how a "Gospel of righteousness from God is revealed" and how that relates to what they see going on around them? And isn't wrenching homosexuality alone out of that chapter and magnifying it beyond all proportion just the kind of "distortion" that Peter is talking about, among many others?

Had to go watch "Making Money" and "Lou Dobbs."

No, in Romans Chapter 1 Paul is pointing out the fact that he was called, in a most sensational way FTR, to become a bondservant of our Lord Jesus Christ. And although you mention Peter for some reason, Paul does point out that though Peter and the other Apostles were to preach the gospel to the Jew first, it fell to him to take that gospel to the gentile world, which would have been to the Greeks and the rest of the world to include no less than Rome itself.

God is the One Who emphasized that homosexual activity results in His abandonment of those so inclined. Paul the Apostle was "sent" by the Lord Himself to deliver that very message. One reason that Paul brought up the Greeks was because their once flourishing society was on it's ear. The reason? Homosexuality. Romans 1:24,26-28 (KJV)
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

The Lord has made His meaning and His intentions clear.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:But, you don't feel the same about you and your family being around gossips, liars, pornography addicts, tax cheats (and that's just at a church service)?

I find your post to be amusing. In reality, I am most likely to encounter those you mention at a rally for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders both of whom seem to possess several of those traits. Hillary encompasses your first, second, and fourth listings and Bernie, from his past and present history, takes care of at least your first three. I believe that covers them all and we all know that Hillary only goes to church for the possible political benefits and Bernie couldn't find a church on a clear day.
Memo Luna Wrote:I find your post to be amusing. In reality, I am most likely to encounter those you mention at a rally for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders both of whom seem to possess several of those traits. Hillary encompasses your first, second, and fourth listings and Bernie, from his past and present history, takes care of at least your first three. I believe that covers them all and we all know that Hillary only goes to church for the possible political benefits and Bernie couldn't find a church on a clear day.

The line about "a church service" was meant in jest. As to why people go to church, again, I am not the arbiter of mercy and grace, so I refrain from sorting the net.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The line about "a church service" was meant in jest. As to why people go to church, again, I am not the arbiter of mercy and grace, so I refrain from sorting the net.

You can be sure that, in the typical church service, you will find people meeting the descriptions of the "sinners" you mentioned in your earlier post. I would add that that would be the case at any gathering of six or more human beings past the age of majority at any given time.

However, I don't worry about gossips, tax cheats, liars, etc. infecting me with disease just by being in their presence. I am not convinced that that is the case with the homos regardless of what the politically correct CDC may tell us. I believe in freedom of association, I choose not to associate with homos. And, therefore, I won't.

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