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Trump, the political hurricane, still rages
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:According to Rush this morning, Trumps numbers are lower then what they actually are.

They do those studies that ask people over the phone compared to on the street. People on the street are much more likely to lie than in the privacy of there home.

They claim his support is much close to 50%

Wide Gut, I think you make a really interesting and good point.

For my example with this to add to your point, I am going to use the redefinition of marriage.

Right now the polls show that the percentage of Americans that support redefining marriage is well into the 50's. However, prior to Obergefell v. Hodges marriage redefinition was defeated most of the time it came up on the ballot despite polls showing that people in some states would choose to redefine marriage.

I remember speaking to someone from the American Family Association about it a while back. He said that when you're in that booth, it's you and God. You don't have the public to answer to. Thus, support for redefining marriage suddenly declines in the voting booth.

Slovenia would be a good example of that recently. Their citizens just voted by a count of almost 2 to 1 to keep the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. This is a country that has had so-called discrimination protections for almost 20 years and even has "partnership" recognition and step-child adoption.

Here's the even bigger knocker, a poll in February showed that 59% of Slovenians supported redefining marriage just like in the United States. Other polls showed support coming into the 50's on this topic.

We have become such a politically correct society that some people are afraid of showing their support for Trump in public (especially in very liberal areas) for fear of being branded a racist or xenophobe by liberals. If someone feels in their heart that defining marriage between a man and a woman is the right thing to do, they might answer the poll differently in public out of fear of being labeled a bigot or a homophobe.

It's terrible what our society has come to under control of the left. Be it under the "tolerant" liberals or their buddies, the Republican establishment that has no spine.

I have participated in a poll, Trump is yet to be in my top three in that poll, for what it's worth. My top candidate is Cruz partially because of some of his similarities to Trump, but the addition with him is that he really makes a much stronger push to engage the Church. However, Trump will have no issues winning my vote if he wins the primary due to Hillary or Bernie being on the opposing side. Trump's rallies are drawing people to no end. I mean, this is someone who drew a crowd of 25,000 wanting to see him in Vermont. So it wouldn't surprise me if support for him was higher than many people think, and some were keeping the decision to themselves to avoid being labeled by the left.
Its why the whole saying "we can talk about anything except politics and religion" began.

Peoples personal beliefs will guide them to where they want when it comes to the polls.
However, if you are standing beside your gay friend on the street, you are more likely to lie and say yea, I support them. Come election time, you will sneak into the polls and proudly vote against anyone who stands for such.

I can see the flaw...
Well another debate has come and gone.

I don't see any way that we have a nominee not named Trump or Cruz.

The rest might as well go home.

Only miracle case left is Rubio. The rest should pack it in.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Well another debate has come and gone.

I don't see any way that we have a nominee not named Trump or Cruz.

The rest might as well go home.

Only miracle case left is Rubio. The rest should pack it in.
I agree. Barring some political catastrophe, it will be a two man race. I hope that the size of the field shrinks to two or three soon because I don't think Trump can hang with Cruz in a 90 minute debate one on one.

These debates and the timing of the primaries were planned to protect Jeb Bush from Cruz but that plan backfired on the GOP' elites. Nothing would have made Jeb competitive but the crowded debate stage has favored Trump.
WideRight05 Wrote:Wide Gut, I think you make a really interesting and good point.

For my example with this to add to your point, I am going to use the redefinition of marriage.

Right now the polls show that the percentage of Americans that support redefining marriage is well into the 50's. However, prior to Obergefell v. Hodges marriage redefinition was defeated most of the time it came up on the ballot despite polls showing that people in some states would choose to redefine marriage.

I remember speaking to someone from the American Family Association about it a while back. He said that when you're in that booth, it's you and God. You don't have the public to answer to. Thus, support for redefining marriage suddenly declines in the voting booth.

Slovenia would be a good example of that recently. Their citizens just voted by a count of almost 2 to 1 to keep the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. This is a country that has had so-called discrimination protections for almost 20 years and even has "partnership" recognition and step-child adoption.

Here's the even bigger knocker, a poll in February showed that 59% of Slovenians supported redefining marriage just like in the United States. Other polls showed support coming into the 50's on this topic.

We have become such a politically correct society that some people are afraid of showing their support for Trump in public (especially in very liberal areas) for fear of being branded a racist or xenophobe by liberals. If someone feels in their heart that defining marriage between a man and a woman is the right thing to do, they might answer the poll differently in public out of fear of being labeled a bigot or a homophobe.

It's terrible what our society has come to under control of the left. Be it under the "tolerant" liberals or their buddies, the Republican establishment that has no spine.

I have participated in a poll, Trump is yet to be in my top three in that poll, for what it's worth. My top candidate is Cruz partially because of some of his similarities to Trump, but the addition with him is that he really makes a much stronger push to engage the Church. However, Trump will have no issues winning my vote if he wins the primary due to Hillary or Bernie being on the opposing side. Trump's rallies are drawing people to no end. I mean, this is someone who drew a crowd of 25,000 wanting to see him in Vermont. So it wouldn't surprise me if support for him was higher than many people think, and some were keeping the decision to themselves to avoid being labeled by the left.

I don't think there is any question that Trump is no evangelical. But that doesn't make him all bad, as a matter of fact, it gives him broader appeal where the voter is concerned. The thing that makes him acceptable among evangelicals is his respect for Christianity. Frankly, I doubt seriously that there have been many 'Born Again Christians' to occupy the oval office in the last century anyway. Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and George W are likely the only three Christians after 1950 for sure, with Carter being the only one openly born again among them. The point is this. Reagan and Bush were likely Church goers of the average ilk. To make clear the distinction, those who have "taken up their cross" in the Biblical sense, in that they are totally committed to a life of service to our Lord Jesus Christ, are far more the rare commodity than your average Church goer who none the less, has great respect and reverence for the ideals of Godly living.

But to my way of thinking, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, George H W Bush, even Bill Clinton to a lesser degree, all had respect for the person and sovereignty of our Creator God. And the thing is, a normal level of respect and reverence is and has been enough. I can tell you one thing, executive orders issued to blatantly countermand God's law are certainly not penned by anyone with a shred of reverential fear of God. Nor do any of those who adjudicate a liberal activism from the bench. Those are the ones who are totally unfit for public office. Not the conservatives, who understand that the benefits of living in a free society are not free. They are earned and they are protected, often at great sacrifice and expense to those who enjoy the bounty.

So until we get really lucky and get a real man of strength and honor who is bound by a genuine knowledge of our Lord and who happens to be a statesman too, with a candidate like Trump we find ourselves in the middle somewhere, and that is fine with me. I mean you see how the establishment treats Huckabee and Cruz, their only sin would seem to be their love of the things of God. That's why they're only getting 3 or 12% of the polling numbers. I can't find a darn thing wrong with Huckabee, but one would think he was somehow deficient by the support he gets. Contrast that to Hillary Clinton who (by the polls) is simultaneously the most untrustworthy political figure to ever run for the Presidency and the frontrunner candidate for her sad party.

Under a President Trump, the Church will get a reprieve from the Satanic forces which would force the Godly Pastors of our neighborhood Churches to perform gay weddings on pain of loss of their tax exempt status. One more thing. The list of people (many of them notable Christians) for which I have great respect, and who are backing Donald Trump, reads like an exhaustive Who's Who. It's hard to reconcile that Trump has bamboozled that many sage and vigilant self thinkers.

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