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True Football Success Story
If you would like to invest 10 minutes of your life to read an inspiring story of how football can truly be part of making life great here it is:

My oldest son, Codi, had the honor of playing against Ben and Jared Lake. Ben has been to my home and is one of the finest young men you will ever meeting (Jared as well I'm sure). Ben was the only T I ever saw block Codi without holding him... LOL.

Why do we care who coaches our kids? Why do we insist on sportsmanship? Why do applaud those kids who train with ferocity and play with honor - win or lose?

Simple answer: we hope the game helps produce more young men like Ben and Jared Lake. God bless you guys.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
What's funny is that if this was a story about a kid who had left KY and get in legal trouble - it would have 500 comments... LOL.
Football1 Wrote:What's funny is that if this was a story about a kid who had left KY and get in legal trouble - it would have 500 comments... LOL.

That's sad, but you are correct. I really enjoyed reading it, thanks for posting it.
Very good read.
Nice article. Always great to read about successful Kentucky kids!
Great Article....key to their success...Great Parents. Congratulations to the Lakes Family.
Great story!
Football1 Wrote:What's funny is that if this was a story about a kid who had left KY and get in legal trouble - it would have 500 comments... LOL.

Wow!! Thanks this is a great story.....Must read BGR posters. :popcorn:
Great Story. Enjoyed the read. I spent 30 years Teaching and Coaching Eastern Kentucky Kids. Love it when they go away and become a success. Cong: to the Lakes family.
We are pretty proud of these two that played at Rockcastle. They've worked hard on the field and in the classroom. It's a nice article about two country kids from a city kid reporter's point of view.

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