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Raceland 2016
What will we have returning.
On offense
Qb Nathaniel Davidson 2nd year starter
Rb Bailey walker 3rd year starter
Receiver John cherry 2nd year starter
Receiver Cameron Webb 2nd year starter
OL Isaac Wallace 4th year starter
OL Jerome hall 3rd year starter
OL jarred manis 2nd year starter
OL Justin Fairchild 2nd year stater
OL Morgan Carmon 2nd year starter
* Damon black is back up qb but look for him to play some running back or receiver

Safety John cherry 2nd year starter
Corner josh Clark 2nd year starter
Linebacker Bailey walker 3rd year starter
Linebacker Blake Whitt 2nd year starter
Linebacker/ safety Nathaniel Davidson 3rd year starter
D end jarred manis 2nd year starter
D end Morgan Carmon 2nd year starter
D tackle Issac Wallace 4th year starter
D tackle Jerome hall 3rd year starter
Nose Justin Faircild ( when they use a 5 front) 2nd year starter
Lots of kids who will be going both ways. Depth looks like an issue but I may be wrong. Bronson and others fill us in..
All those played both ways lady year
The team this past season seemed to be lacking leadership and the team dynamic was too much me and not enough we. If the Rams want to have any kind of success next year that has to change. I'm not sure what a lot of the teams that are on the schedule bring back but based off of the tradition of the teams we play it looks like it will be another tough regular season and the district and region will be between Raceland and Paintsville. Unfortunately I think that is as far as they will go and I don't see this team having any big impact players returning or coming up in the ranks and I don't think Raceland will be a contender again at the state level for a few years.
Orange Blaze Wrote:The team this past season seemed to be lacking leadership and the team dynamic was too much me and not enough we. If the Rams want to have any kind of success next year that has to change. I'm not sure what a lot of the teams that are on the schedule bring back but based off of the tradition of the teams we play it looks like it will be another tough regular season and the district and region will be between Raceland and Paintsville. Unfortunately I think that is as far as they will go and I don't see this team having any big impact players returning or coming up in the ranks and I don't think Raceland will be a contender again at the state level for a few years.
Agree with the me not we attitude but disagree 100 % with the rest of your comment
The team really started coming together after the Paintsville massacre. I thought Nathaniel looked a lot more comfortable at QB after that and Issac and Jerome really started laying the wood beginning with Russell. Bailey always brings his A game on D but I look for him to have a MONSTER YEAR on offense at RB. Manis done a n excellent job at OT last year and will probably have to step up and take on the DE position left by a graduating Kyle Jamison. Cherry, Webb, and Clark will have a year of starting DB under their belts and they willbe pretty solid in that category. Fairchild will take over the reigns at C and will also get some time at T on the defensive side. He had a few awesome hits in the last couple games. And if Carmen returns to the team, he is a BEAST at DE. Look for Damion Black to make some waves at RB or WR on offense and maybe at DB on defense.
I may have left song players out but anybody who thinks this team doesn't have the ability to make a State Championship run is sadly mistaken.
BOOGIE WOOGIE MAN Wrote:The team really started coming together after the Paintsville massacre. I thought Nathaniel looked a lot more comfortable at QB after that and Issac and Jerome really started laying the wood beginning with Russell. Bailey always brings his A game on D but I look for him to have a MONSTER YEAR on offense at RB. Manis done a n excellent job at OT last year and will probably have to step up and take on the DE position left by a graduating Kyle Jamison. Cherry, Webb, and Clark will have a year of starting DB under their belts and they willbe pretty solid in that category. Fairchild will take over the reigns at C and will also get some time at T on the defensive side. He had a few awesome hits in the last couple games. And if Carmen returns to the team, he is a BEAST at DE. Look for Damion Black to make some waves at RB or WR on offense and maybe at DB on defense.
I may have left song players out but anybody who thinks this team doesn't have the ability to make a State Championship run is sadly mistaken.

Raceland will always contend in my opinion. Last year I thought would be there best year and they disappointed. I expect the district to be a 2- team race. I think the 3rd round is pretty fair for them next year and the team I think people in this district needs to watch is Nicholas county...
This team can go as far as its leadership will take them. From the top on down, the football program was a bit frazzled up until about week 10, very uncharacteristic of a Raceland team. Ive spoken with several will be seniors and I have to say, that Nathaniel Davidson was a big part of the seemingly instant changing of attitude. Its not reflected in his numbers, but I have spoken with several of the players and they all have said the same thing, Nathaniel really stepped up as being a little moe vocal as a leader.

I think that will all carry over into next year. I know several of the "on the bubble" players, in regaurds to starting or not, are already working there tails off. In regaurds to not having a real play maker, remember the name Judd Adkins, if he stays healthy, looks like a young Chase Hall (formerly of Pikeville). Taller kid, shifty, but still a down hill running back. Bailey shoukd be a beast and if he shows the same speed each night, that he did on the 70 yard TD reception in the Reg final game, theyln he should be a 1500yd/10+ td running back next year. I think you will see Black on the field more as well. Cam Webb should be another big time player for us. Tough as nails and has speed. I think we will be fine, especially with the mentality the team already seems to have.
Scotty your right , and I truly think We all made a lot of mistakes last season which contributed to the underachieving season . I head salmons himself say at a meeting before the season this team can win it all and should be playing in Decemember. Parents , Fans all told those kids how great they were and how far they would go and they listened and I think the felt like teams should just roll over for them and it didn't happen , then came the terrible loss to a fairview team they should've beat by double digits and that's when the wheels fell off Seniors felt that the coaches didn't like them was looking ahead till next year that the juniors didn't care and was looking ahead as well and that just wasn't the case . I think the Russell game kind of showed them all the juniors were there to win along with Nahaniel deciding Jr. Or not it's time to be more involved as a leader . Hopefully we ALL learned from our mistakes and don't make them again and here's something to look at too ..

Bailey walker played all year with a hamstring that had him ( in the words of a doctor ) running on one leg you really could see this when he would try and get outside in stretch plays and in open field on defense trying to make tackles he just couldn't make a cut ..

Isaac Wallace played All year with a torn mcl ( which he has surgery on esrlier this month ) he got hurt in team camp but fought through that all year

Nathaniel Davidson for one had never taken a snap at qb ever in a varsity game had played running back since 3rd grade add the fact he messed his ligaments up in his ankle in the second quarter of the west carter game didnt miss a game started feeling better got a bad hip pointer at Lawrence co . Add all that up and still passed for around 1350 yards not great but not to bad .

My point those three are hopefully gonna be healthy next year and are level headed hard nosed kids that are very capable of leading this team . Will they is the question .
Sophomore Class has some athletes if they step up. The two RB's that could make an impact are Adkins & Lacks.
Won't buy into the hype just yet. After a whole bunch of talk about Region & State Championships last year,the Rams laid an egg in the regular season. Very classy team & fan base that does it the right way. Looked like they found an identity in the playoffs, lets see if it carries over into next season. Hope to see you guys hoisting that region title again in 16'.
Raceland finally last year realized what they needed to do and that was Run the ball more to set up the pass instead of vise versa..
Slic Ric Wrote:Sophomore Class has some athletes if they step up. The two RB's that could make an impact are Adkins & Lacks.

I agree it might be middle of the season kind of thing bc both were hurt last year but they are two really nice players that could be the difference
Raceland should be much better next year. Lots of kids coming back with starts under their belts.
bac2369 Wrote:Raceland finally last year realized what they needed to do and that was Run the ball more to set up the pass instead of vise versa..

I didn't see Raceland throwing to set up the run at all last year , but I did see them run the ball better and the line dominate other teams the last three games, along with eliminating stupid flags . first year qb along with first year receivers wasn't gonna get a lot of 3rd and 15 plus yards
Gargamel Wrote:Won't buy into the hype just yet. After a whole bunch of talk about Region & State Championships last year,the Rams laid an egg in the regular season. Very classy team & fan base that does it the right way. Looked like they found an identity in the playoffs, lets see if it carries over into next season. Hope to see you guys hoisting that region title again in 16'.

I hope there's not any hype so the kids can't buy any of it :Cheerlead
Tbh, im tired of being let down by my own expectations. I know what these kids are capable of, ive helped coach them and know that they know football, know how to win, and know how to play for each other. That being said, the next installment of the Rams have to prove to me that the Raceland Rams arent nothing more than a solid program with a few seasons where they got lucky on some atheletes. i dont believe thats true, but its hard not to ponder it from time to time.
Hang in there Scotty
I'm thinking Scotty_Bronson.... I liked what I see coming back at raceland :pondering:
Merry Christmas to everyone enjoy the time you have with family and friends
Happy festivus to all!
With the line Raceland has coming back I would like to see the qb under center more. Seen a few games where it was 3rd and short or 4th and short and the qb and is in the gun. They should be able to run the ball on just about anyone ,if this line stays healthy.IMO
CoachfromtheStands Wrote:With the line Raceland has coming back I would like to see the qb under center more. Seen a few games where it was 3rd and short or 4th and short and the qb and is in the gun. They should be able to run the ball on just about anyone ,if this line stays healthy.IMO

I thought the I should of been used this year...
Don't be surprised if one series Raceland comes out in a wishbone , next the spread maybe even I formation at times. Racelands line should be dominate so why not ride them
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Don't be surprised if one series Raceland comes out in a wishbone , next the spread maybe even I formation at times. Racelands line should be dominate so why not ride them

The wishbone should of been used this season. They had 3 very good backs.
Raceland has their offense and that is what they are primarily gonna run but yes I would've liked to see them throw in some wishbone
I agree with and have made the same statement about going from the gun/pistol all the time. On short yardage situations, I dont like giving the defense a 3-6 yard advantage. Unless you are running some sort of ISO or misdirection with the QB. With the backfield we had last year and will have this year, coupled with an experienced line that has a good balance of size and agility, I would love to see us have some sort of option package from under center. Would also like to see us continue to spread teams out, but from under center. Lots of variables between now and then. Wish itd hurry up and get here!!!
Raceland had thier football banquet yesterday , nice tribute to the seniors but I kept hearing how they started playing like they were capable the last few games . I really hope the players who are returning heard the same thing and take it to heart . they are playing the exact same schedule next year they played this past season most of teams they play will be down next year compared to this year . East / west carter , ashland , Lawrence co , fairview lucasville valley all lose a bunch , paintville should be down from this year but you never know , Russell will be about the same , greenup co and Portsmouth west will be as good or better.. If Raceland comes out and plays like they are capable they very well could be 10-0 but if they let outside distractions interfere and don't have senior leadership like this year they will have the same result. Heard it said yesterday this junior class has the talent and been talked about around the area since they were in 7th grade it's time to show it
I am hearing some really good things about the kids in the before school strength and conditioning program. Several kids making good gains and losses (in run times and weight). Something else for you ramfans to be proud of, I was working in Lavalette the other day and had on a Raceland football tshirt. The stock room manager mentioned seeing a few kids with Raceland shirts on (he assumed they were football players due to the groups size lol) said he saw them in huntington at the mall, helping a man in Vietnam Vet hat getting loaded up into his truck. Love hearing these sorts of things.
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