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Mills fired at Bell County
Williamsburg coach was called about this job!!! Wayne county coach was called about this job!!! If you ask them they will tell you!!! Mr.Gambrel is going to have to give up his music career at the local pub to find a coach for this mess!
A good head coach is only as good as his assistants, honestly.

If indeed Mills' entire staff has been shown the Exit door on Log Mountain, the job is a total rebuild. One head coaching hire doesn't even come close to covering the job required.

Does Bell have a local/permanent nucleus of knowledgeable, qualified and experienced volunteer/paraprofessional assistant football coaches? If so, and if the new hire finds them compatible, there might be SOME hope.
Trashtalker Wrote:Williamsburg coach was called about this job!!! Wayne county coach was called about this job!!! If you ask them they will tell you!!! Mr.Gambrel is going to have to give up his music career at the local pub to find a coach for this mess!
Never said Jerry Herron was not called, I am saying he is not headed to Bell Co...
Gitback Coach Wrote:A good head coach is only as good as his assistants, honestly.

If indeed Mills' entire staff has been shown the Exit door on Log Mountain, the job is a total rebuild. One head coaching hire doesn't even come close to covering the job required.

Does Bell have a local/permanent nucleus of knowledgeable, qualified and experienced volunteer/paraprofessional assistant football coaches? If so, and if the new hire finds them compatible, there might be SOME hope.

They don't have anyone. The people that can and will coach was already doing so at the high school and middle school. With that said who in their right mind will step into this huge smoking pile of dung for $1500 a year??? It is laughable!!!
If you really want to know. Williamsburg, Wayne Co and North Laurels coaches are Bell Co's main targets. There I said it.
What's fascinating is that just 7 short years ago Bell was winning a state championship.
Herron told them he had no interest.
jamesdeane Wrote:What's fascinating is that just 7 short years ago Bell was winning a state championship.

....and, 17 years before that was their first.

Bell will always be a good job. What it once was? Probably not. After all, it has "county" in its name and extremely rural..ups and downs are givens when those two things are in play.
Gitback Coach Wrote:A good head coach is only as good as his assistants, honestly.

If indeed Mills' entire staff has been shown the Exit door on Log Mountain, the job is a total rebuild. One head coaching hire doesn't even come close to covering the job required.

Does Bell have a local/permanent nucleus of knowledgeable, qualified and experienced volunteer/paraprofessional assistant football coaches? If so, and if the new hire finds them compatible, there might be SOME hope.

1st With no open jobs in the Bell co School system if these fired assistants decide to not come back it will be a head coach and no staff. New head coach can't bring any assistants with him.

2nd now you have to hustle to find a coach because who's doing weight lifting and planning since Bell co has no coaches. With the assistance still in place you could have taken your time hiring a coach.

This was not a smart move.
JohnWayne Wrote:1st With no open jobs in the Bell co School system if these fired assistants decide to not come back it will be a head coach and no staff. New head coach can't bring any assistants with him.

2nd now you have to hustle to find a coach because who's doing weight lifting and planning since Bell co has no coaches. With the assistance still in place you could have taken your time hiring a coach.

This was not a smart move.

Not a well thought out decision. And it hurts no one but the kids.
JohnWayne Wrote:1st With no open jobs in the Bell co School system if these fired assistants decide to not come back it will be a head coach and no staff. New head coach can't bring any assistants with him.

2nd now you have to hustle to find a coach because who's doing weight lifting and planning since Bell co has no coaches. With the assistance still in place you could have taken your time hiring a coach.

This was not a smart move.

Good post hadn't thought about the lifting and no one there to keep an eye on them and help them.

Living The Dream!!
I imagine at this point. And especially this time of year. They are pretty much doing all lifting etc......on their own. Isn't like they are clueless about what to do........but I am no sports scientist
Somebody approved by the board will be in the weight room if it is being done on school property. Liability issues guarantees that.
It's December 11th....they'll have somebody in place to handle the offseason.

With it being December 11th and all of 3 weeks after their season ending, I'd hope like hell they are getting away from all things football until going back to school in January.
To any Bell supporters willing to respond:

I've been away from Bell for a few years, but is Jeff Saylor still involved in the school system? If not, has he retired, moved on or otherwise removed himself from a position of influence?

I've known Jeff since the late-70s and always admired/respected his dedication to the program.
Gitback Coach Wrote:To any Bell supporters willing to respond:

I've been away from Bell for a few years, but is Jeff Saylor still involved in the school system? If not, has he retired, moved on or otherwise removed himself from a position of influence?

I've known Jeff since the late-70s and always admired/respected his dedication to the program.

He's the Estill County Superintendent.
Thanks for your quick reply; bummer. Jeff Saylor always impressed me as a very competent and supportive administrator.

He and I were friends long ago. I'll look him up. Meanwhile, I still think Bell can land a proven head coach or a very promising assistant coach looking to make his mark.
Coach Herron From Williamsburg has already turned them down, Wayne Counties Coach has turned them down, and A Coach from a Tenn. Heard Fraizer was going to take the Whitley Co. Job. School has turned them down. If they do not find a GOOD REPLACEMENT FOR Mills some of our TOP PLAYERS will be leaving. Most of the players went to Mrs.Gilliam on behalf of Coach Mills and the Assistant Coaches and she told them it wasn't about football wins or loses but about the safety of the Children and basically shot them down. Now for the people that say he didn't care about all his players, hmm then why would the team go and show their support for him? I guess they were forced to do it. Any Way. I just hope whom ever they do get will be for the kids and help them accomplish their goals.
LadyCat Pride Wrote:Coach Herron From Williamsburg has already turned them down, Wayne Counties Coach has turned them down, and A Coach from a Tenn. Heard Fraizer was going to take the Whitley Co. Job. School has turned them down. If they do not find a GOOD REPLACEMENT FOR Mills some of our TOP PLAYERS will be leaving. Most of the players went to Mrs.Gilliam on behalf of Coach Mills and the Assistant Coaches and she told them it wasn't about football wins or loses but about the safety of the Children and basically shot them down. Now for the people that say he didn't care about all his players, hmm then why would the team go and show their support for him? I guess they were forced to do it. Any Way. I just hope whom ever they do get will be for the kids and help them accomplish their goals.

Well said LadyCat!! I feel the same way. You are correct in the coaches that have declined, but the administration and those on search committee won't admit they've even contacted much less been shot down by them! Lol, what a bunch of clowns we have making the decisions for our kids and football program. The administration thought all the great coaches out there will be knocking the door down for the job. I think they will soon see they are wrong and will regret this bad decision!!! I'm hearing the same about a number of our TOP PLAYERS leaving to get away from all the incompetence in this system. I hope a great coach does come and rescue the program from the bad days ahead. Just don't see it happening!! :Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::
snapcat91 Wrote:Well said LadyCat!! I feel the same way. You are correct in the coaches that have declined, but the administration and those on search committee won't admit they've even contacted much less been shot down by them! Lol, what a bunch of clowns we have making the decisions for our kids and football program. The administration thought all the great coaches out there will be knocking the door down for the job. I think they will soon see they are wrong and will regret this bad decision!!! I'm hearing the same about a number of our TOP PLAYERS leaving to get away from all the incompetence in this system. I hope a great coach does come and rescue the program from the bad days ahead. Just don't see it happening!! :Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::Sad04::

It suppost to be all about those kids. With no coaching staff present, it is putting them behind because they can not lift and do the conditioning needing to stay in shape on the off season. I have always said it and will always say it Kids need some kind of structure in their life whether it be finding it in sports, or other programs such as the band, and even choir. And something else that bothers me is if this is all about the children's well being while under his supervision then why is it she said he could still be a teacher? I just don't get it. I hope we are wrong about them not finding a good coach for these kids.
Is there a committee together?
It sounds like there is and its a one person committee.
Yes a committee, Principal Gambrel basketball man and not very good at that.. Pizza man who is to busy laying in tanning bed.. AD- couldn't find a coach at the national coaching convention..
Superintendent that is old and couldn't care less about athletics, shows up to work at 10:00 everyday!!!
Talked with 3 of our assistant coaches yesterday and they are finished coaching. No matter if they hire Nick Saban
Principal Gambrel called Chuck Smith and he said NO WAY!!
That's the latest update on coach...
O one more: was told that Humfleet was headed to Corbin. Great young man and family..
Who is Humfleet?
Humfleet, Treyton
13 232 1950 39 150 3.0

played running back and d-back for Bell. Rushed for 1950 yards last year heck of a player and a really good kid.
This is an awful situation from the way everyone hear talks and my guess is it will get much much worse
Black Bear Fan Wrote:if they hire any of the above they really are desperate,and have fallen on hard times. - See more at: http://www.bluegrassrivals.com/forum/sho...h4w17.dpuf

Really PJDoug ?? I hope you're being a little sarcastic. Larkey is still a great coach. His resume speaks for itself. He is a legend in high school football and even better person. I would say if you ask any former or current players, parents, colleagues, etc.. they would all agree. I bet the administration at PCC are very pleased to have him and his current staff. The folks on Log Mountain may have made a mistake letting Mills go, time will tell. Unfortunately, it appears the current student athletes may be facing hard times regardless of whoever they hire as their coach. Good luck to those kids moving forward.
You have a sick obsession with Larkey. He ain't a spring chicken and his coaching days are numbered.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
It was a full time grass cutter for winter. Confusednicker:

As for getting back on topic, I know what id like to see happen. Hopefully it does.

What? Smile
cherokee Wrote:5
Humfleet, Treyton
13 232 1950 39 150 3.0

played running back and d-back for Bell. Rushed for 1950 yards last year heck of a player and a really good kid.

Oh, is that the kid who had about 40 touchdowns? How big is he? He's transferring to Corbin?
Are they going to be willing to look at any experienced assistants?
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