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Mills fired at Bell County
Middlesboro Wrote:I'm hearing Jerry Herron from
Williamsburg is top of the list Bell Co will go after.

Jerry has previously passed on Whitley and Corbin, both of those situations were a better fit than Bell Co IMO...He has a good bunch of Fr. and Soph. coming back, I just don't see him leaving now...
Bobcats 9108 Wrote:Yes. There are no football coaches at Bell County High school right now.

Do you think they already had a coach in mind that will choose his own staff?
OldJacket Wrote:Jerry has previously passed on Whitley and Corbin, both of those situations were a better fit than Bell Co IMO...He has a good bunch of Fr. and Soph. coming back, I just don't see him leaving now...

I don't see him leaving Williamsburg either.
John Dudley is off in college finishing his degree in chiropractic school. He is smart enough not to get into coaching. PJ they will not be able to bring in a whole staff bc they have no jobs and are facing cuts, unless they can get people to commute and work for nothing???
Politics are obviously a huge motivator around here. Just look at New hires downtown. Bringing in old admins granddaughter. Joke.
I don't know if many schools have more than five or six paid assistants. The truth is that most great programs have a lot of volunteers.
Single Wing 77 Wrote:I don't know if many schools have more than five or six paid assistants. The truth is that most great programs have a lot of volunteers.

Corbin does. Bell used too.
I'm afraid our program is in trouble, I don't know who would want to Coach when you have no support from Administration, she has put Darrell and his other brother Darrell in charge of hiring new Coach, nobody with a clue about Athletics, sad times I'm afraid.
Leonidas Wrote:I don't know anything about the situation in Bell with Mills, but I'm replying to this post because the description of coaching today is so true.

Coaching has become such a horrible job nowadays that finding quality people will continue to get more difficult. The pay has actually decreased, the job has become much tougher, and the stress level is astronomical.

It's a shame that the people who sacrifice so much of their time to spen with our youth are often cast aside without the blink of an eye. For the most part, our teachers, coaches, and administrators in KY public schools are honest, hard working people. The expectations when it comes to athletics and test scores is ridiculously unfair on so many levels that it sickens me.

I pretty much agree with everything except the last sentence. What is ridiculously unfair about athletics and test scores? Not really arguing, just asking.
Just a stupid question could we see some transfer leaving bell county to Pineville, Middlesboro,Knox central or Corbin. :HitWall::HitWall::HitWall:
I've heard that is a definite possibility...
64SUR Wrote:Just a stupid question could we see some transfer leaving bell county to Pineville, Middlesboro,Knox central or Corbin. :HitWall::HitWall::HitWall:

No. They will go to Whitley County:ChairHit:
TopCat Wrote:John Dudley is off in college finishing his degree in chiropractic school. He is smart enough not to get into coaching. PJ they will not be able to bring in a whole staff bc they have no jobs and are facing cuts, unless they can get people to commute and work for nothing???

I hate to see this.decline in coal production is also hitting the area hard.
pjdoug Wrote:I hate to see this.decline in coal production is also hitting the area hard.

This might be a dumb question, but how big is coal for Bell County? Compared to places like Pike, Martin, Perry, Harlan, Letcher, etc?
First of all Mills should've been gone years ago. Back to back district titles in 2011 and 2012 were just the result of the program Hilton built. He has produced nothing since then. Being suspended two games, a fine for the school system, and law suit against the school all in one year I would say is enough of an explanation than anything for his termination. Football games on Log Mtn are far from what it used to be. It used to be a tradition of pride backing a well coached group of young men. As a football coach you are to be a mentor to the gentleman you are taking a part to help raise. You should show respect, and professionalism on and off the field. Showing your hind end and leaving a group of "children" unattended is far from both of those characteristics. Bell Co can and will do better.

And AC you've moved on from Bell Co so how about you take your petty drama with you.
Since the 80's Bell's coal production has fallen greatly. The last numbers I saw from the state where something like this as far as Coal Jobs. (of course they lead to other jobs as well)

Bell 10%
Harlan 15%
Pike and Letcher are both around 20-25% If I remember correctly??
OldJacket Wrote:Jerry has previously passed on Whitley and Corbin, both of those situations were a better fit than Bell Co IMO...He has a good bunch of Fr. and Soph. coming back, I just don't see him leaving now...

Herron wasn't considered for the Corbin job. I threw his name out there to one of the guys on the committee picking the coach and he said they had 5 potential coaches already on their list, and that he wasn't one of them. I think he is a very good coach myself, but I also believe the committee got it right in hiring Haddix.
SEKYFAN Wrote:Herron wasn't considered for the Corbin job. I threw his name out there to one of the guys on the committee picking the coach and he said they had 5 potential coaches already on their list, and that he wasn't one of them. I think he is a very good coach myself, but I also believe the committee got it right in hiring Haddix.

He was contacted to see if there was any interest before they had the list of 5 potential coaches...
64SUR Wrote:Just a stupid question could we see some transfer leaving bell county to Pineville, Middlesboro,Knox central or Corbin. :HitWall::HitWall::HitWall:

Idk. But I know a few are wanting to leave Boro for Bell Co.
Auburn Wrote:This might be a dumb question, but how big is coal for Bell County? Compared to places like Pike, Martin, Perry, Harlan, Letcher, etc?

Maybe even more so in comparison. Some of those other counties had so much coal that they took a few hit here and there and were still fine.

It has dramatically affected Bell. There top producers are gone, and last I remember, im not sure there is a single strip job in Bell County anymore. Places like Straight Creek (formerly Xinergy) provided a LOT of jobs and kept many businesses open.

Bell is more or less depleted.
Not trying to hijack the thread but I've already forgotten how the Corbin thing went down. Who were the 5 candidates? I'm pretty sure Tommy Reid was hired but something about his teaching certification being expired right? That lead to Haddix?
Coal has a lot more to do with economic backbone of Bell Co. than 10%. That maybe the direct jobs but indirectly they are many, many more. Just ask Brooks tire or all the heavy equipment dealers and parts suppliers that use to be in Middlesboro. We used to have a bunch of people make a living selling tools and supplies to mines, not anymore. They are all having to move toward the interstate and larger areas to make money. Nally and Hamilton just shut down last week.

I have been at Bell Co. during the terrible times when I played, to the great times of my sons and nephews. This next chapter is not going to be good. Talent is not where it has been and support is obviously gone from the school system. We have a principal and AD that don't know football from karaoke. Our leadership downtown is not any better. I feel sorry for the next coach and the next generation of players.

cinis cinerem pulvis in terram
So Mills is gone and it appears like the only green grass in Bell Co is the synthetic grass (sarcastic way of saying times may be tough).

Who are the possible replacements for Coach Mills? (just throwing names out there)

Elam at Pineville?
Larkey at PCC?
Mitchell currently at Clay as a DC
Hilton at Taylor Co (dare I say that out loud)

It would not surprise me to see them go with a young coach or a name out of left field, somebody nobody would even think of taking the job.

Do they have a timetable for the hire?
Will it be by committee?
^ if they hire any of the above they really are desperate,and have fallen on hard times.
Bobcats 9108 Wrote:Whoever is coming better look into it long and hard because all of the assistants were fired as well. He may not have any help and with the major budget cuts not going to be many jobs to fill those positions. Bell has been short handed coaching every year Mills has been there. Dudley had as many as 10 assistant Mills had only as many as 6.

Who paid for the new turf field? Surely the school system didn't if they are having financial difficulties.
The new field is the burden of the few taxpayers left in Bell County. It was raised through a nickel tax that was placed on "real property." Make no mistake about it the new field was for more than just football. I am grateful that they had 1 good season on it.

They will fall on hard times and the sheer sign that they didn't have a replacement ready in the wings shows they have no desire to keep a good football program. If you get rid of a Coach you better have a improvement lined up. They didn't. I am glad my bunch has already had their time on "Log Mountain."

The superintendent met with some former and current players this week and told them wins and loses don't matter and she knows nothing about football. Which from what I have heard she made obvious to the young men gathered in her office. I have heard that she tried to hide her car so nobody would know she was at the office. That is your leader of Bell County Schools.
Dietpepsidrinker Wrote:So Mills is gone and it appears like the only green grass in Bell Co is the synthetic grass (sarcastic way of saying times may be tough).

Who are the possible replacements for Coach Mills? (just throwing names out there)

Elam at Pineville?
Larkey at PCC?
Mitchell currently at Clay as a DC
Hilton at Taylor Co (dare I say that out loud)

It would not surprise me to see them go with a young coach or a name out of left field, somebody nobody would even think of taking the job.

Do they have a timetable for the hire?
Will it be by committee?

Of this list Elam would be the best choice for the job. Who knows if he is even interested in it thought. With the way it sounds things are are Bell he my be better off staying where he is.

Living The Dream!!
if they hire any of the above they really are desperate,and have fallen on hard times. - See more at: http://www.bluegrassrivals.com/forum/sho...h4w17.dpuf

Really PJDoug ?? I hope you're being a little sarcastic. Larkey is still a great coach. His resume speaks for itself. He is a legend in high school football and even better person. I would say if you ask any former or current players, parents, colleagues, etc.. they would all agree. I bet the administration at PCC are very pleased to have him and his current staff. The folks on Log Mountain may have made a mistake letting Mills go, time will tell. Unfortunately, it appears the current student athletes may be facing hard times regardless of whoever they hire as their coach. Good luck to those kids moving forward.
I think a young coach with a strong background might be the way to go for Bell, but in this day and age very few fans/followers of a traditionally successful program ever manage to STFU and let the new guy make the program his own. Typically, the very first bump in the road is all it takes to incite the masses to collectively lose their ever-lovin' minds.
I love reading all these comments. Sounds like a lot of sour grapes on here. Bell Co is going to be fine. Geez. Sorry Mills couldn't even win a District Championship. Herron will be the next Coach.
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