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Paintsville 20 Raceland 15
64SUR Wrote:TigerBlues.....TigerBlues my reputation is on the line don't let me down paris is coming to town. :rockon:

Paris isn't coming to town. Paintsville goes to Paris.
Last night I didn't see any juniors , or seniors I seen one big , pissed off Raceland football team with ONE common goal , the team we all knew they were. If A couple of parents would've stayed out of it and let the kids figure things out this team would've played like this all year
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:The officiating wasn't that bad. They actually could have thrown some people out of the game early on on both teams. Some went our way and some went their way. We also got 5 downs at the end of the first half because we spiked the ball on 4th down and they have us an extra play. We has our chances. The offensive pass interference probably doesn't get called if he just doesn't extend his arms. I mean he just pushed the guy in the back. I don't know what else to say about it. If I'm Carson I probably push off too. He tried to make a play. He just got caught.

The officials were terrible, it was third down when Nathaniel spiked the ball not 4th the down maker guy kept changing the Down way to esely after plays , if it had been 4th down what did Racelsnd gain out if it ?? Nothing , and the pass interference call was bs both kids were pushing and grabbing all the way down the field and in the endzone . I've not seen a offensive pass interference call all year and to make that call in that situation and time to decide the game is wrong .
Hopefully the parents or whatever the problems are at Raceland figure it out, because they are going through years that are their best chances ever at making a state title game without making it there. Anyone who has followed Raceland football and these message boards for years knows that starting with last year's senior class, these are the "glory years" for the Ram program. I'd like to see them make it all the way one of these years just for the sake of you passionate Raceland message board posters. You all support your team more than any other fan base.
Crying about the PI in the endzone, which was the correct call cost Raceland a TD. Holding called against Paintsville, which cost them a TD. We're the officials good? No, they were not. But did they cost Raceland the game? No! Raceland played very good, but to get on here and keep complaining about the PI is getting old. Haven't seen a Paintsville poster say anything about the TD called back on the holding penalty. It's all part of the game. Get over it.
The Refs. were Bad on both sides I agree. We did not have 5 downs, the chain guys had it wrong.....but the one big play that bothers me is the Forward handoff "fumble"! I was standing right there and the ref. was looking right at the play and said it hit the ground. And to say the tigers had a bad game, No, Raceland just played liked they should have all year. They have the best D line around when they want to play. The Tigers like Paris has finally came around the corner and got better, it should be a good game. I thought Paintsville was at Home next week if they won?
EKYman Wrote:Crying about the PI in the endzone, which was the correct call cost Raceland a TD. Holding called against Paintsville, which cost them a TD. We're the officials good? No, they were not. But did they cost Raceland the game? No! Raceland played very good, but to get on here and keep complaining about the PI is getting old. Haven't seen a Paintsville poster say anything about the TD called back on the holding penalty. It's all part of the game. Get over it.

That's because the paintville posters know it was bs and next there is a big big difference I. A holding call and a offensive pass interference .. Let the kids decide the game not the Reffs .. Raceland at best would've been up 23-20 with Paintsville having the ball with 4 minutes to go . What would've happened who knows but the Reffs decided they would decide the outcome
The officials were terrible and missed calls on both sides last night. There were countless personal fouls against both teams that were let go and I saw a Raceland player almost pull Kash's helmet off on a play right in front of the ref with no flag. It was a hard fought game on both sides and Paintsville made the plays they needed to make and Raceland had some costly missed opportunities. Score twice in the redzone and Raceland wins by nine points. Even two field goals makes it a one point game. Were the officials bad? Yes. Did they cost Raceland the game? No.
If you are stopped at the goal line twice why not kick a field goal. That's six points. Ball game.
I have watched the PI play about 10 times now. That should have been a no call. If they'd have called defensive PI, i would feel the same thing. Carson was held through out the entire route, once in the endzone both kids were fighting for the ball. Two seniors, trying to make a play. As many times as the crew let things get chippy last night after whistles, several questionable late hits out of bounds (by bith sides mind you, they should have let the players play. Either way it woukd have likely ended one of the two seniors fighting for the football's careers, hate to see it come down to that. But like i said before, score in the redzone two times and the Rams likely dont even make that pass.
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:If you are stopped at the goal line twice why not kick a field goal. That's six points. Ball game.

I agree. Three times i wondered why the coaches made the call to either kick of not kick a field goal. Both times, it cost Raceland the ball game. Two times last night we didnt and when we chose to kick a field goal and not go for the TD on 4th and Goal against Fairview when we had been gaining 7 yards/carry. Oh well, season was disapointing, but the last three weeks, we have saw the Rams that I thought we would see. It was just too little too late. Good luck to the Tigers next week.
Anyone who attended this game can in NO WAY say the officials favored Paintsville! If so either they don't have a clue what their talking about or just a bad sport! You would think if they favored Paintsville the Tigers wouldn't have had 13 penalties! Raceland got more than their share of calls their way that shouldn't have been but even though officials were not great they were not great both ways! Pushing all the way down the field or not the kid got caught pushing the defender in the back with both hands arms extended! Do I blame him? Nope. I'd done the same thing in that game trying to create space. Paintsville had a similar offensive pass interference called against them at Fairview. Like it has been stated already had Raceland been able to score on either of the times in the red zone this play would not be talked about at all after words! In any game if you put your team in a position for 1 call to decide the outcome of a game then obviously you didn't do what needed done!
^^^i agree 100%
Raceland had multiple opportunities prior to the PI to put themselves in position to win the game but they couldn't capitalize. Good luck to Paintsville the rest of the way.
Just watched the film and the plays before half where Ram-a- devil said Raceland got 5 downs he's wrong what happened was Nathaniel did try snd spike the ball on 4th down but the play was called dead before the snap with a false start call they were moved back 5 yards and replayed 4th down
anotherfootballnut Wrote:Just watched the film and the plays before half where Ram-a- devil said Raceland got 5 downs he's wrong what happened was Nathaniel did try snd spike the ball on 4th down but the play was called dead before the snap with a false start call they were moved back 5 yards and replayed 4th down

No. He snapped the ball, spiked the ball, whistles blew, then the flag came out.
That was one hell of a ballgame! My hats off to the Raceland Rams. Great Game!
I was 5 feet from the pass interference. That's what is was. Defender was in front of the wr and left his feet. When he did the wr pushed off to create space with the ball in the air extending his arms. That's Pass interference on the offense in my book.
Had it not been such a flagrant case of pass interference, it may have been a no call. But, the two were locked up all the way down the field, then all of sudden, when the ball is in the air, the DB is shoved three feet away from the receiver. It was a game deciding foul that absolutely HAD to be called.
Some tigers appeared to b a little scared or to relaxed.. I don't know why but that was the way I seen It! The officials were Horrible on both sides!! Bottom line is the Rams out played us and should have won!!
I think my complaining about the PI call is making me sound like the officials were one sided all game , no that wasn't the case at all they were terrible but equally for both teams ..
Last thing I will say .. Our line has been getting crap most of the year last night they played with some grit and won the line of scrimmage battle great job to them , josh Clark has caught a bunch of crap even by me he played well last night . Raceland had two kids who played hurt most of the year but showed up and played every game . One has a torn mcl and will have surgery in December the other is basically running on one leg both played their ass's off last night . Thank you boys for entertaining us for the last few months and good luck to all the seniors I've enjoyed watching you guys play over the last 4 years
The Raceland Rams played a hell of a game!!
Redneck Wrote:No. He snapped the ball, spiked the ball, whistles blew, then the flag came out.

That's what I said .. He tried to spike the ball on 4th down but a flag stopped the play and they replayed 4th down
Nut has blown a gasket. Redneck is clearly saying that the QB spiked the ball BEFORE whistles and flags. If it happened that way the spike would have been the 4th down play and Paintsville ball.
that's right Wrote:I was 17 and Defensive Player of the year back in the day and never acted that way! But then again I didn't have the PA guy playing Chi Ching every play I made like they did three weeks ago and for the grown men at the end zone screaming at our coach and fans tonight in the 2nd half. One even waved his arm for us to come his way! Learn how to win with class and play with class. I hope any kid that gets to play for UK gets to play and do well on the next level. Hopefully he does well.
Defensive player of the year in little league does not make you a big dog.
Paintsville dodged a hell of a bullet last night . IMO the offense was flat from the very start . I know at this point in the season everyone is tired but unfortunately this is when it matters the most . Bad officiating on both sides .
We cant go to Paris and have another 13 penalty game . The penalties were for elementary mistakes like false starts and off sides . Things that shouldnt be happening at this point in the season . All in All a great game but to close for comfort for me //Take a deep breath Tigers , Regroup , and Bring home a state title .:Cheerlead
jetpilot Wrote:Nut has blown a gasket. Redneck is clearly saying that the QB spiked the ball BEFORE whistles and flags. If it happened that way the spike would have been the 4th down play and Paintsville ball.

No.. It was a false start that's a pre snap flag .. It's not that hard to figure out
anotherfootballnut Wrote:No.. It was a false start that's a pre snap flag .. It's not that hard to figure out

MY point is that you and Redneck are not saying the same thing. I'm going to let it slide though because of the Keith Whitley/Beeper comment that is still #1 on the charts after many weeks.
anotherfootballnut Wrote:No.. It was a false start that's a pre snap flag .. It's not that hard to figure out

The flag didn't come out until after the ball was spiked

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