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Why Belfry has WV players
Gitback Coach Wrote:Sounds like there's a flaw in West Virginia's playoff seeding system that needs to be resolved.


There's nothing wrong with what he did. He's helping his team's chances. Now morally yes it's wrong. But he's put into that situation by west Virginias playoff rules. They change the playoff point system to something else they dont have that problem. I'd say he's not the first coach and not the last until there's change.

I personally wouldn't do the same as a coach. Because I'd believe in my kids.
How many players on Belfry's current roster are from West Virginia?
How many students go to Belfry that currently live in West Virginia? Just curious
Bulldogs4Ever Wrote:How many players on Belfry's current roster are from West Virginia?
How many students go to Belfry that currently live in West Virginia? Just curious

Don't hold your breath while waiting on an answer to your question. They will never fully admit that the majority of their roster reside in the wild and wonderful state of West Virginia.
Belfry0304 Wrote:We have as many WV players as Ashland would if they didn't suck.

How many West Virginia players are currently on Belfry's roster? Please just answer that question. I would venture to guess that almost your entire starting backfield aren't residents of Kentucky? What about Horton and Bentley? I'd say they live outside of Kentucky also.
IronMan86 Wrote:I might add that Belfry submitted their roster and validated all the kids ages and grades to the KMSFA. Ashland was simply grasping for any excuse to back down from a game. Funny how he neglects to mention that part.

Are you trying to say that Belfry Middle had no hold backs on this years team?
Tomcat Pride Wrote:Are you trying to say that Belfry Middle had no hold backs on this years team?

Not saying that at all. Your Ashland mommy's and daddy's reported BMS to the middle school football association in hopes of avoiding the impending beatdown by the middle school Pirates. Your witch hunt failed as Belfry was found to be completely legal, yet Ashland still chose to forfeit the game. Classy bunch of kittycats if you ask me. Then you roll in here making snide comments about regarding Belfry having players from WV on their roster, knowing damn good and well that Ashland has had their fair share over the years. Congratulations, you're a hypocrite. Now move along before you embarrass yourself and your fan base even further.
Pirate1991#8 Wrote:Let me school you on some Belfry/Ashland history. When I was a senior. A legit 17 year old senior as was the rest of the team because back then Belfry just didn't use the holdback rule. But teams elsewhere did. Like That 1990 state championship team with the Ashland Icon Juan Thomas. They was held back pal. And you guys had some West Virginia players along the years. And yes having the West Virginia players help us a great deal but we would still be contenders with out them. Why because our coach!!! He is a winner. And if your kid played for a coach like MC has. Then you would bring your kid to Belfry too.
If Belfry didn't have the all southern West Virginia all stars enrolled at their school they would be just like Pike Central. Please answer two simple questions. How many of your starters reside in West Virginia? Where is Corbett,Willis,Bentley,Horton and Carr from? Sure Ashland has a few move ins but the nobody can get them in like Belfry. You Belfry fans can deny it all you want but you know the truth. It's actually a perfect recipe for your success. Most schools would love to have around 20 move ins from another state on their roster every season while still playing in the KHSAA's version of the AFC South locally known as 3A East.
I honestly don't even know why kids that live in other states are allowed to attend school in Kentucky. Really doesn't even make sense to me. What about all these state school taxes we are paying. Nothing like funding the West Virginia students with my taxes.
IronMan86 Wrote:Not saying that at all. Your Ashland mommy's and daddy's reported BMS to the middle school football association in hopes of avoiding the impending beatdown by the middle school Pirates. Your witch hunt failed as Belfry was found to be completely legal, yet Ashland still chose to forfeit the game. Classy bunch of kittycats if you ask me. Then you roll in here making snide comments about regarding Belfry having players from WV on their roster, knowing damn good and well that Ashland has had their fair share over the years. Congratulations, you're a hypocrite. Now move along before you embarrass yourself and your fan base even further.
Quit hiding from the truth. Granted Ashland has had some transfers but you would have to add ten years worth of transfers to equal the amount that Belfry has on their team this year and the past five years.
I think it's safe to say Belfry and Ashland cheat evenly. No sense in getting mad. I'm sure both do all they can to cheat Confusednicker:
Bulldogs4Ever Wrote:How many players on Belfry's current roster are from West Virginia?
How many students go to Belfry that currently live in West Virginia? Just curious

I honestly couldn't answer that question. But I will say this, first, what does it matter , as long as they are legal and second, most if not all have been in the school system since grade school.
Tomcat Pride Wrote:Quit hiding from the truth. Granted Ashland has had some transfers but you would have to add ten years worth of transfers to equal the amount that Belfry has on their team this year and the past five years.

Hiding from what truth? What do you think you've exposed? Go back and quote where anyone has denied having kids from West Virginia on our roster. Please. Also, what the hell does it even matter to you or Ashland? You really should be focusing on not getting your face kicked in next go-around by a pissed off Johnson Central squad. Why are you so butthurt? As a parent of a student athlete would you not want your kid to play for the best program in the area? Suck less and maybe you'll attract better players.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think it's safe to say Belfry and Ashland cheat evenly. No sense in getting mad. I'm sure both do all they can to cheat Confusednicker:

Feel free to share any rules that have been violated
This moronic WV students at Belfry conversation...again? Why can't we ever have discussions about, oh I don't know, football! This site gets so close to being Topix half the time I wonder why I come back here as much as I do.

WV Parents choose to send their kids to Belfry to play for Haywood and the Pirate tradition. Some move, some pay tuition. Regardless it's legal. So let us move on and stop with these low IQ attacks.

This topic was about Mingo Central and whether or not throwing a game was OK and what impact it has on MCs roster.

If you need a list of how many WV players are on Belfry's roster to get yourself off, just say all of them and then the answer wont matter.
I'm just curios why everyone thinks that kids from WV are so much better? Lol
Pretty much saying WV has better talent than KY. Stupid
I doubt Belfry recruits from WV, but Belfry sure shouldn't be playing WV teams. We can't have programs like Belfry making the state look bad.
Belfry Mountaineers. I don't know why all you people want that guy at MC fired for. Not like he is asking for you to be fired from your jobs. He chose to take a loss to get farther into the playoffs. Nothing illegal about it right? Just like the WV boys going to Belfry. Maybe Belfry will get a few more of Mingos players now since Yogi has pissed so many off. You guys should be happy. Do all of Belfrys scrubs from Kentucky go to Mingo Central?
WideRight05 Wrote:I doubt Belfry recruits from WV, but Belfry sure shouldn't be playing WV teams. We can't have programs like Belfry making the state look bad.

Have a Tea Party Governor, Kim Davis and several other things already taking care of that for the State.
BP2011 Wrote:I'm just curios why everyone thinks that kids from WV are so much better? Lol
Pretty much saying WV has better talent than KY. Stupid

This one gets me too. People act like the Coaching or kids spending YEARS in the system has nothing to do with it. Kids crossing the river from Mingo Co must be D1 pedigree born and bred >.<
Still no answer on how many Belfry starters actually live in West Virginia. There must be a lot of them.
AtlPirateFan Wrote:Have a Tea Party Governor, Kim Davis and several other things already taking care of that for the State.

Now that's just dumb. Democrats have run this state for decades and decades and kept it near the bottom in almost all areas and you are trashing a guy who hasn't spent his first day in office yet. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Tomcat Pride Wrote:Still no answer on how many Belfry starters actually live in West Virginia. There must be a lot of them.

Call the school and ask if you're so concerned about it
Fairview would be a 1A power at this point had Raceland and Ashland not influenced the KHSAA to take them down for populating their roster with West Virginia players. It's ironic that Belfry has done the same thing for many many years and gets away with it. In fact, that's why Belfry is Belfry. Without the WV infusion, they would just be another Pike Central, Haywood or no Haywood. They get the top talent from their region, sort of like Ironton did for many years in southeastern Ohio. It's not that West Virginians are better athletes. It's just that there are a lot of them and any time you can draw from a larger population base, you are going to have a better team. Belfry should just be glad they weren't trying to build their WV pipeline in NE Ky with teams like Raceland and Ashland around to fight it every step of the way.
I said this on another thread called the luck of living on state line and having a great coach
Why not hate on Mayfield
Covington Cath ft thomas
Beachwood all wining programs with good coach
Ashland has no reason to complain about recruiting because when your 8 grade played Johnson county a couple of the kids were from Mississippi that you had got there parents from Marshall to come help coach
IronMan86 Wrote:How'd that middle school game go between Ashland and Belfry a few weeks ago? Oh wait...

By the title of the thread, his question is legitimate. The snarky reply wasn't (yet) called for.

I find myself a little offended, too, with all the monikers being used for Belfry later in the thread. I called it first !! They're the "Greater Williamson Area All-Stars".

(Belfry has a competitive advantage, no doubt...but it's NOT an illegal one)

Ashland fans just want to whine and complain about everyone else to take the focus off their mediocrity over the last what 50 years? If they spent nearly as much time worried about themselves and developing players then they wouldn't get knocked out in the second round ever year. All they want to do is try to blame outside factors for why they aren't successful. Look at not playing Belfry middle this year in the playoffs. I don't care what I thought might be going on at Belfry Middle...I would be damn if my team wouldn't at least line up and play the game.
AtlPirateFan Wrote:Have a Tea Party Governor, Kim Davis and several other things already taking care of that for the State.

Yeah, sort of like the Democrats did for almost a century. Confusednicker:
oneijoe Wrote:By the title of the thread, his question is legitimate. The snarky reply wasn't (yet) called for.


The legitimacy of his question was never an issue. The manner in which he delivered his question while suggesting belfry officials have made calls to recruit players is what warranted my "snarky reply" as you put it. But nonetheless, people will continue to take shots at our program and make factless allegations, and we will continue to defend it.
Crossbones Wrote:Don't have to pay for them, when you have a winning program, kids want to play there. Take Whitely County for example, they will never experience that, they have sucked for so long that parents would not even accept money to have their child play there. :truestory:

Bull Butter.cheating is what starts the winning to begin with.talking out your a$$
^^ I rest my case

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