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Keystone Pipeline
TheRealThing Wrote:Of course not Skinny. I already posted the actual source of funding for the pipeline in a different thread and TV ignored it. So here we go again and he still thinks tax dollars will build the pipeline. :igiveup:

Yeah, I knew that, it was a little sarcasm towards his remark. I was hoping he would reply. Don't have a leg to stand on though.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Yeah, I knew that, it was a little sarcasm towards his remark. I was hoping he would reply. Don't have a leg to stand on though.

I'm sure, and I apologize sincerely if it seemed I was patronizing you. It was a way to answer TV without having to speak to him directly. :biggrin:
Again, the oil from Keystone will be exported to foreign countries. This is a political republican lie to get it built. The only thing republicans care about, is going against the democrats on this. Another thing, the proposed pipeline goes through Indian owned reservations, and the US government don't own that land. TRT doesn't give a damn about XL, other than it's political outcome. It does very little actual good for America. 40-50 permanent jobs, and relatively very few construction jobs.
TheRealThing Wrote:Again, nearly two years ago you said it was a go (post #2) and I said according to what I'd seen, he'd veto the darn thing if it came down to it (post 3).

Now he comes out and officially declares he will veto construction of the pipeline so, who was right?
What's this post have to do with the fact that it is going to the Gulf, to be shipped overseas? Did you notice the ? in post # 2, or didn't your school teach you that it represented a question? I hope he does veto it. It isn't good for America, and goes through land the US has no say over, Indian reservations. We took all their other land, and now you want to go through land we let them have in the deal?
TheRealVille Wrote:Again, the oil from Keystone will be exported to foreign countries. This is a political republican lie to get it built. The only thing republicans care about, is going against the democrats on this. Another thing, the proposed pipeline goes through Indian owned reservations, and the US government don't own that land. TRT doesn't give a damn about XL, other than it's political outcome. It does very little actual good for America. 40-50 permanent jobs, and relatively very few construction jobs.

And? I think most people understand that some, if not most of the oil may be exported. I don't tend to act like I know everything but, I was under the impression that some of the oil would be piped straight to refineries in this country as well. I have no qualms with anyone making a profit by exporting anything, even if it is oil. Should government limit and take hissy fits over exporting crude, or everything?

SURELY you don't think the republicans are the only ones throwing politics into this pipeline thing, do you? Only a fool would think so.
TheRealVille Wrote:What's this post have to do with the fact that it is going to the Gulf, to be shipped overseas? Did you notice the ? in post # 2, or didn't your school teach you that it represented a question? I hope he does veto it. It isn't good for America, and goes through land the US has no say over, Indian reservations. We took all their other land, and now you want to go through land we let them have in the deal?

To your question in post 2. As is the case in this post where you assert in absolute terms the oil transported via Keystone will be headed overseas, you leave out a very important qualifier. That being the fact that the US has first option on that oil, leaving it's destination up to us. If it's convenient, you like to claim the haze of ambiguity whenever you need to weasel your way around one of one of your so-called "facts." In any case, now that it's apparent that Keystone legislation is indeed headed for the President's desk, the talking point you repeat is nothing more than the updated version of the smoke screen they're all hiding behind.

The eventual route, not withstanding Indians or Caribou, is certainly not the liberal's main concern here. The White House in representation of the 'few' rather than the common good, has only one overriding concern, THE CARBON FOOTPRINT. And, they are willing to sacrifice as many jobs and as much of the economy as need be to eliminate man made carbons. Those few mentioned above, are the La-La's beset by delusions that only they understand man's place at any given historical juncture here on this earth, and are therefore trying to legislate the rest of humanity under submission to their ridiculous views.

All applications for the usage of fossil fuels are in the liberal crosshair. Coal, gasoline, and natural gas are the top three, as the hundreds of absurd and recent regulations coming down from the EPA amply demonstrate. The same methods are being used to regulate gun ownership. They can't really strike down the 2nd Amendment, so they're regulating the lead used in ammunition production and reclassifying it as a hazardous substance. Likewise in the field of energy, they can't really just shut it down, so they're going after the way coal is mined and drilling techniques employed in the production of natural gas and crude oil. If they eliminate the use of coal, the next target are the frackers, with gasoline bringing up a close third. Anybody who can't see that is a willfully ignorant Orwellian lemming.

I knew he'd veto the pipeline from the onset, because I'm not all aslosh on the kool aid. One thing is sure. The twin mental midgets of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are deposed at long last. That means Mitch McConnell will be in their faces until we get rid of the kingpin leader in 2016. Then we'll be shed of genius foreign policy advice such as the following;
"In a New York Times article from September 13, 2014, when asked about the beheading of the two Americans and now the man from England, our president had this to say.

“If he had been “an adviser to ISIS,” Mr. Obama added, he would not have killed the hostages but released them and pinned notes on their chests saying, “Stay out of here; this is none of your business. Such a move, he speculated, might have undercut support for military intervention.”
I just want this done to piss off environmentalist. I don't care if we don't get a dime for it.
How can TheRealVille, union disciple that he is, oppose those overpaid, pud union jobs building the pipeline?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:How can TheRealVille, union disciple that he is, oppose those overpaid, pud union jobs building the pipeline?
A person could go crazy trying to make sense out of TheRealVille's tangled web of contradictory political opinions. If Obama's positions ever start making sense, then so will TRV's because they are identical as far as I can tell.
And right on cue, the wolf who has recently been forced to shed his sheep's clothing owing to the Republican sweep of 2014, announces new legislation aimed at what else? The energy industry of course. And, since the laughable renewable energy industry's best efforts have done diddly-squat to provide any kind of energy, we're obviously talking about fossil fuels here.

"On Wednesday, President Obama announced plans to move ahead with mandating methane emission reductions primarily directed at the renaissance in the energy industry.

This unleashes his Environmental Protection Agency to create new rules to limit methane emissions from cows, landfills, coal mines and, most particularly, the oil and gas industry."

I'd bet this move is in some way tied to falling gasoline prices, which for the time being mitigates the pain we'll all be feeling later. Two years of wide open regulation, if that doesn't scare you nothing does.
has SB.1 gone to the house yet?
Lol! You know what scares me deregulation!!! Never does well for the consumer! Just got done bailing out a bunch of big banks thanks to degrags... history does not work well with that! When people learn that people are gread, and must have laws to control that greed... we will all be better off!
Shocker, Obama just vetoed the pipeline. If I was a betting man I would have bet the ranch on that outcome. I knew he'd never consciously betray liberal directives.
Canada has given up on the pipeline, at least until after Obama, Harry Reid and the rest of the liberals are run out of DC. Hopefully 2017 will see the start of construction.

"The company sponsoring the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline Monday asked the State Department to suspend the review of its federal permit application, a request that could push a final decision on the pipeline beyond President Obama’s tenure in office."

BTW, this is the perfect time to be thinking of selling off our strategic oil reserves, is it not? :lame:
If you heard the President's speech today on the XL Pipeline, you may have had trouble believing your own ears, I know I did. Statement after statement was IMO completely untrue. But the one that was so patently absurd that it flipped me out was this;

'Today, we're continuing to lead by example, because ultimately, if we're gonna prevent large parts of this Earth from becoming not only inhospitable but uninhabitable in our lifetimes, we're gonna have to keep some fossil fuels in the ground rather than burn them and release more dangerous pollution into the sky.'

Of course, in the very next breath he said as long as he is President, the US is going to adhere to the same high standards we hold the rest of the world to. I mean, it's been all over the news for the past several days that China has been lying to us all along about how many pollutants they've been belching out. Come on Nov 4, 2016, I can't wait to see this guy hit the bricks.
Why put off the inevitable. The dems obviously cant win the WH forever and the first repub that comes in is going to pass it. Whats the damn point?

Same way with the rest of this environmental bull shit. If the repubs win back the WH next year, all of his "progress" will be undone in 2 weeks. I see the liberals are in full foce covering up info that Antarctica is actually ADDING ice. They claim that has no effect on what they are claiming :biglmao: CNN has already put out 15 opinion pieces on how global warming sure is real lolololol.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Why put off the inevitable. The dems obviously cant win the WH forever and the first repub that comes in is going to pass it. Whats the damn point?

Same way with the rest of this environmental bull shit. If the repubs win back the WH next year, all of his "progress" will be undone in 2 weeks. I see the liberals are in full foce covering up info that Antarctica is actually ADDING ice. They claim that has no effect on what they are claiming :biglmao: CNN has already put out 15 opinion pieces on how global warming sure is real lolololol.
I wish that I could agree with this statement but when the Dimocrats lose the White House, they still maintain control over the media, and by media I include the Hollywood entertainment industry and nearly all of this country's printed and electronic news media. How much of Obama's economic damage gets undone depends very much on which Republican candidate wins the presidency.

If any of the establishment GOP's candidates get elected, including Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, or John Kasich wins, very little of the regulatory burden will be lifted from our economy. I am hopeful that Trump or one of the few, true conservative candidates (i.e., Cruz) would put a short leash on federal agencies like the EPA, but Obama, with the help of McConnell and Boehner, have placed so many radical left wingers into key positions in federal agencies that very little will get done in two years, let alone in two weeks.

Shrinking and reforming the federal bureaucracy will be an exercise in cat herding, even if the person elected makes shrinkage and reform a top priority. I have personally seen how difficult it is to fire a federal bureaucrat who was incompetent, unmotivated, and unwilling to perform her job.

The sheer number of federal employees (2.7 million) is staggering and so many of the worst of the lot are protected by public sector unions and liberal judges that it is hard for me to be optimistic that electing the best candidate will result in a quick turnaround in Washington. I was surprised to learn that the number of federal employees is actually at its lowest level since the mid-60s, but much of the real work is done by contractors like me, and federal salaries and benefit levels far outstrip private sector salaries and benefits. Lobbyists, many of them former elected officials, represent another obstacle to undoing Obama's damage. Political candidates need money to get re-elected and the system delivers that money if the candidates deliver the results that special interests demand.
I would usually think the same but Obamas way of signing his executive orders and vetoing stuff will ultimately be all of his "policies" undoing.

Instead of pushing a law barring things, he has simply signed a piece of paper for a lot of things, of which can be undone with another president signing another piece of paper.
He has continually shown to be the most worthless breath of air this country has ever seen. He cannot be gone soon enough.
I don't know how many, but I'm sure there are a lot of disappointed job seekers along the corridor of the pipeline. What a shame!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I would usually think the same but Obamas way of signing his executive orders and vetoing stuff will ultimately be all of his "policies" undoing.

Instead of pushing a law barring things, he has simply signed a piece of paper for a lot of things, of which can be undone with another president signing another piece of paper.
He has continually shown to be the most worthless breath of air this country has ever seen. He cannot be gone soon enough.
A Republican president will not be allowed to play by the same rules as Obama did - especially a conservative like Cruz or an outsider like Trump. Unless a GOPe wins the White House, expect McConnell & Co. to find their spines and insist that the Republican president keep in his own lane. A new Republican president can get a lot done, including quick approval of the Keystone pipeline, but Obama has inflicted so much damage by filling agencies and courthouses with worthless liberals, it will take more than two terms of hard work to clean up his mess.
Ive got a feeling you've seen the end of McConnell come next election day.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:^
Ive got a feeling you've seen the end of McConnell come next election day.
I hope that he follows Boehner's example and resigns early. He has been a disaster for this country but he is not going anywhere as long as Obama needs him to help keep the floodgates open for illegal immigrants. He is the leading member of the "Look the Other Way" wing of the Republican Party.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I hope that he follows Boehner's example and resigns early. He has been a disaster for this country but he is not going anywhere as long as Obama needs him to help keep the floodgates open for illegal immigrants. He is the leading member of the "Look the Other Way" wing of the Republican Party.
agree wish there could be recall vote on Mitch.
was glad to see Cruz call him out and define what he is a few weeks ago "A Liar".

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