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Clay County 47 Russell County 35
With the win, the Tigers will move on to the playoffs and face Mercer County. A positive note for a somewhat rough season. Somewhat because many didn't expect more than 3-4 wins to begin with and the team has battled a few major injuries all season. For two struggling teams, I saw some good things from both. Really enjoyed seeing Will Sexton playing with some fire and even getting out on a few blocks after his recovery from an injury. I still feel as though the Tigers stand a good chance of finishing the season with 3 wins. They will need any positives they can to take into the offseason. In addition, hopefully both programs can get back to their winning ways from just a few seasons ago.
Congrats to the Tigers.
Congrats Coach Combs!
Congrats to the Tigers on a nice win. Well done.
Dave Diamond
Pound High School Class of '89
Union College Class of '93
U.S. Army Class of '97

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." -Galations 2:20
Congrats to the Tigers. We have surpassed past years record of wins and losses. Looks like they have hired the right coaching staff. Already won more games than past year. Congrats coach combs and his staff and team.
Can't wait to get a third win next week. He is turning this program around. Hearing good things about changes he is doing next year.
Tough year for the Tigers. Glad to see them pick up the win.
The return of Sexton really picked the Tiger offense up last night. I was impressed with the effort also. Played like a playoff game was on the line. I know it wasn't a high caliber opponent but I liked what I saw. Coulda packed it in and called it a year but they didn't. Congrats players and coaches.
walterwhite Wrote:The return of Sexton really picked the Tiger offense up last night. I was impressed with the effort also. Played like a playoff game was on the line. I know it wasn't a high caliber opponent but I liked what I saw. Coulda packed it in and called it a year but they didn't. Congrats players and coaches.

Exactly, it doesn't matter who the opponent is in that instance.
Says a lot of good about kids when they haven't packed it in at the end of a disappointing season. This is something to grow on.
Congrats to coach Combs! He and his staff will turn it around if you let him.
Great to finally get a W! Shouldn't be this happy for a win over a team that hasn't competed with anybody this season but that's where we are as a program right now. Defense simply has to get better, Russell almost matched their season point total in a single game against us. I'd like to see combs take over the defense and let someone else do the offense, his experience is on the defensive side of the ball and that's what we need to fix most right now. Him calling the offense is like playing left handed.
Congratulations Tigers!
Well Done Tigers!!
It says a lot about the kids that have stayed true to the team. Clay County Football will improve when the elementary program changes next year. The coach has some great ideas and it will end the playing of illegal players in elementary and the coaches not following the rules.. Can't wait to next season.
Love Clay County
TrueTigerfan Wrote:It says a lot about the kids that have stayed true to the team. Clay County Football will improve when the elementary program changes next year. The coach has some great ideas and it will end the playing of illegal players in elementary and the coaches not following the rules.. Can't wait to next season.

It says a lot about the fans that have stayed true to the Tigers! What kind of plans are in place? Who's playing illegal guys at the young levels?
People call it like it is. Clay beat West Jessamine. Russell County just blew this game. Fumble after you got it 1st and goal from the 4, fumble driving the ball down the field at the 25, get a pass picked off at the 1 yard line after you run it down Clays throat all game, then all the penalties giving up 1st downs.
Clay has nice athletes just no offensive scheme. Most of Clay big plays, with the exception of Wolfe going up and getting those jump balls, come from Sexton extending plays with legs. Clay has no coaching. None. How can you hire a defensive guy, then after 2 games hire another defensive guy? And still give up 394 points thru 9 games, 11 worst in the state
If Clays administration is turning over complete control of everything football related to a guy who has beat 2 teams with a combined record of 1-17 they are more desperate than I could ever have believed.
Sounds like Bird needs to be out there calling the plays!
Couldn't hurt any. If I was you could bet we would not have had 6 running clocks put on us in 9 games. Especially by a team like Rock, who has only beat 3 teams. South Laurel, Russell County and Clay.
Kind of hard to do that without 3-4 starters isn't it? I don't care what team it is, you lose your quarterback, a starting receiver, and your running back/defensive player and you're not preventing running clocks against good teams. People can talk all they want to about the coaching staff but you can only work with what you have. Then you lose some of what little you have to injuries and departures? The rest of us are finding positives and looking up.
I don't understand why people are so negative. We have improved and still improving. We have a good middle school program with kids I believe will stick with it. All you can do is hope the numbers increase and kids stay with it. Coach Combs is doing as good as he can do. He won the games he was suppose to win. If he wins Friday that's 3 games. That's an improvement. People need to back their team and quit focusing on the bad and look at the positives.
How is Clay county's JV team, how have they done this season and will several start on the varsity next year
He lost his QB that was big I give you that, but he wasn't left with nothing. Sizemore came in and played as good of a game as has been played in recent history in basically a single half for them. The receiver lost to this point has 6 catches for 74 yards, not hard to replace.
Now on the other hand, he ran off his RB/defensive player. He told the kid he deserved more carries and that he was going to get him the ball and didn't. When combs was confronted, combs dismissed him.
Another senior, Smith didn't play Friday heard he had a family member in the hospital and his father told him to come see that person. combs called him a liar and he is no longer around.
Tried to dismiss, T. Sizemore another senior for attending court. A kid that has played his whole life and currently has a torn ACL, but put off surgery and went thru rehab hoping to get a chance to play this year.
Tried to dismiss T. Dodson, not sure the reason but he just stubbed up and wouldn't leave.
Hard to build a team when you are running off the seniors.
Now on a positive note. Fields is a stud on defense. Has the ability and the body to play at the next level. Lets hope combs can get him to UK like he did W.T. Collins. I mean he got him a look after only playing 2 games and getting 2 tackles at Pikeville. If you believe that one ask combs something else you will be sure to hear a good one.
glad they are going we need team players
TrueTigerFan, wonder who you could be? First post on Potential Clay Coach, you word post just like some lying-trembling guy I meet with a couple weeks back. Him or a bobcatfan. I would just go ahead and call you coach but I have too much respect for the people I played for to honor you with such a title.
Hope for the kids sake, you don't pull a prick move and not let some of those seniors be Captains like its been told you were going to do. That would take a True POS to do such a thing, or a prick from Breathitt.
I can tell you for a fact no kid was dismissed now kids may have quit and then changed their mind and coach said no but enough is enough. Kids not coming to school or practice is a rule so any kid not on the team right now is not anyone on the coaching staffs fault. People or should I say parents are so pathetic. If you don't like it quit coming and move on to something else. You don't have to be in the group once a tiger always a tiger because some never was a tiger.ight
Sounds like another good episode of as the Tigers turn. We might not win a lot of games but man we're exciting.
Clown Bit. I knew who you were the whole time. Tried to post a pic of the clean his locker out text but cant get it right. I can on facebook along with all the other things you said about all the others guys to me.
It is just starting.

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