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Forrest For the Trees
The media are determined once again to turn the Republican process to put forth a viable candidate for President, into a circus. To wit, Trump has gotten 3 full days of incoming as the result of his choice not to defend President Obama when a town meeting attendee asserted his view, which was to say that he felt like Obama is a Muslim. And Dr Ben Carson has been bombarded by the left's mock outrage over his recently stated position that a Muslim should not be considered to be President of this land.

Trump says he isn't duty bound to defend the President and frankly, the consternation of Charles Krauthammer notwithstanding, I can see why. According to O'Reilly, the latest Census report has the median income for the American working man/woman down 6.5% since 2007. (I don't know about you but 2007 seems like a long time ago to me, and we're not even treading water, we're losing ground) Did anybody hear a word about that coming from the President or any other lefty? So far this year we have seen the deaths of 94 police officers while in the line of duty, with the slightest of peeps about any of them from the Oval Office. But I've heard an awful lot about Michael Brown, Feddie Gray, and a Muslim student's clock which he brought to school for reasons not associated with any kind of schoolwork assignment, and looks a lot like a bomb. Over 3,000 souls lay in their graves as the result of only one terror attack, school shootings happen nearly weekly, but a vigilant teacher must endure a crafty yet scathing tweet from the Slammer-in-chief for her due diligence.

Then there is the 500 million taxpayer dollars invested at Obama's behest to train "moderate Muslims" to fight ISIS and Bashar al-Assad. According to the Joint Chiefs we got 4 or 5 Muslim soldiers for our 500 million. The equation would be a follows; 100 million dollars = 1 soldier. Green energy concerns who've been awarded oodles of tax dollars are still going belly up at an alarming rate. I mean, owing to the vastness of available subject matter, there is really no point in trying to put up a comprehensive list of this administration's failures.

Dr Ben Carson's situation is much the same. The media are all over his comment about the possibility of seeing a Muslim in the President's chair. Like O'Reilly said, if you're a Republican running for office you'll be accosted by the left leaning media with stupid questions, and gotcha traps will be laid for every liberal cause.

The point is this. Though we Americans have much to be concerned about, the media will never report on any of it. Their mission is to mislead, hide and distort. If they can keep the focus about some insignificant aside Trump has said, or something Dr Ben Carson has said, we won't be talking about the abject failures of the past 7 years. Even Hillary is out slamming the Republicans. I can tell you this, if any Republican candidate for President were being investigated by the FBI, the media uproar would make the Bill Clinton impeachment pale in comparison.
I'm stealing a quote from Hoot Gibson, but the goal of the media over this coming year will be to "deceive, deny, distract and divide." Anything to keep focus away from what is really going on.
I sincerely mean this: I feel sorry for the Republicans in the state of Kentucky. Not because I disagree with them, but because the average republican voter will not get to vote who he or she wants for in the Republican primary. I am sorry to each of you that your party did this.
I hate to say it, but Vladimir Putin is going to force Americans to start paying attention to the forest and the trees. If it was not already to late, Russia would be making a fool out of Obama, Kerry, and the rest of the dunces running this country. Will the foreign policy disaster that is unfolding in the Middle East be enough to convince the idiots who voted for Obama twice of the danger that they have placed this country? I doubt it - but Putin is making next to impossible for the rest of the world to ignore the fact we have a cowardly fool in the White House.

If Hillary is smart - and there is no evidence that she is - she would be busy negotiating a deal to avoid jail time. Nobody remotely associated with Obama's foreign policy is going to be trusted with the White House keys in 2016, and Hillary was a prime architect of the debacle in Syria. Maybe Hillary could agree to become Obama's official scapegoat for his own foreign policy nitwittery. Obama would grant her a pardon for being his fall gal.

Imagine a TV ad campaign featuring Hillary's big red Russian relationship reset button. You fools who voted these clowns into office are lucky voting stupidly is not a crime.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I hate to say it, but Vladimir Putin is going to force Americans to start paying attention to the forest and the trees. If it was not already to late, Russia would be making a fool out of Obama, Kerry, and the rest of the dunces running this country. Will the foreign policy disaster that is unfolding in the Middle East be enough to convince the idiots who voted for Obama twice of the danger that they have placed this country? I doubt it - but Putin is making next to impossible for the rest of the world to ignore the fact we have a cowardly fool in the White House.

If Hillary is smart - and there is no evidence that she is - she would be busy negotiating a deal to avoid jail time. Nobody remotely associated with Obama's foreign policy is going to be trusted with the White House keys in 2016, and Hillary was a prime architect of the debacle in Syria. Maybe Hillary could agree to become Obama's official scapegoat for his own foreign policy nitwittery. Obama would grant her a pardon for being his fall gal.

Imagine a TV ad campaign featuring Hillary's big red Russian relationship reset button. You fools who voted these clowns into office are lucky voting stupidly is not a crime.

LOL, that reset button was among my first thoughts when I heard that Putin had not only bombed anti-Assad rebels, but the darn CIA camp where they were being trained. :igiveup:

But you're right, it is too late for that particular revelation. Obama proved his mettle when Assad crossed the now infamous "red line", using chemical weapons against his own people with zero repercussion. And Kerry his when he got laughed out of chambers during the negotiations between Israel and Hamas during last year's rocket barrage. IDK, maybe the calculus got changed to new/fuzzy math.

The vast majority of Americans do not understand what has happened in the world since Obama ascended. They don't get how the US withdrawal from her rightful role (and responsibility I might add) as leader on the world stage created a vacuum into which strode Russia, China, North Korea and the Arab World. I mean, the true believers are so naïve that they are about to hand nukes and money over to the Ayatollah. ABTW, did the obvious about Ash Carter's press conference strike anybody else? He repeated that Russia was making a strategic mistake in not running their military operations through the brass at the Pentagon over and over ad nauseum. Maybe it's just me but I think Putin would as soon spit on a US uniform as not. He's not about to coordinate a thing with pajama boy, even if he is offering hot chocolate. At any rate, I wasn't buying the 'we're the big boys charade' for a second.
And now we have another round of righteous indignation from Obama centering around gun control.

I HATE what happened yesterday in Oregon, but the very last thing that should happen is politicizing that tragedy.

Obama has no bounds!
^ It should be zero surprise of what Obama does anymore. He's a a deplorable American, and those who put him in office are no better for supporting this de-Americanization of our country!
TheRealThing Wrote:LOL, that reset button was among my first thoughts when I heard that Putin had not only bombed anti-Assad rebels, but the darn CIA camp where they were being trained. :igiveup:

But you're right, it is too late for that particular revelation. Obama proved his mettle when Assad crossed the now infamous "red line", using chemical weapons against his own people with zero repercussion. And Kerry his when he got laughed out of chambers during the negotiations between Israel and Hamas during last year's rocket barrage. IDK, maybe the calculus got changed to new/fuzzy math.

The vast majority of Americans do not understand what has happened in the world since Obama ascended. They don't get how the US withdrawal from her rightful role (and responsibility I might add) as leader on the world stage created a vacuum into which strode Russia, China, North Korea and the Arab World. I mean, the true believers are so naïve that they are about to hand nukes and money over to the Ayatollah. ABTW, did the obvious about Ash Carter's press conference strike anybody else? He repeated that Russia was making a strategic mistake in not running their military operations through the brass at the Pentagon over and over ad nauseum. Maybe it's just me but I think Putin would as soon spit on a US uniform as not. He's not about to coordinate a thing with pajama boy, even if he is offering hot chocolate. At any rate, I wasn't buying the 'we're the big boys charade' for a second.
Well said. Putin is a patriot. Obama is not. Putin acts in what he sees as the best interest of the citizens of his country. Obama is under the delusion that he is some sort of global leader who needs to set aside U.S. interests to benefit the citizens of Earth.

China and Russia are working on two fronts to displace the U.S. as the dominant power in the Middle East. It is not hard to imagine Obama abandoning the Middle East entirely before he leaves office. If that happens, our standard of living will nosedive. Eventually, this country will be forced to utilize our own fossil fuel reserves as Russia and China divide the Middle East's reserves. Of course, as long as a liberal Democrat resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., the U.S. government will continue its assault on the companies that mine and drill our own fossil fuels. Cheap energy has always been the primary driver of great civilizations and Obama is doing his best to give the Chinese and Russian industry a big edge in energy costs.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Well said. Putin is a patriot. Obama is not. Putin acts in what he sees as the best interest of the citizens of his country. Obama is under the delusion that he is some sort of global leader who needs to set aside U.S. interests to benefit the citizens of Earth.

China and Russia are working on two fronts to displace the U.S. as the dominant power in the Middle East. It is not hard to imagine Obama abandoning the Middle East entirely before he leaves office. If that happens, our standard of living will nosedive. Eventually, this country will be forced to utilize our own fossil fuel reserves as Russia and China divide the Middle East's reserves. Of course, as long as a liberal Democrat resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., the U.S. government will continue its assault on the companies that mine and drill our own fossil fuels. Cheap energy has always been the primary driver of great civilizations and Obama is doing his best to give the Chinese and Russian industry a big edge in energy costs.

There is both irony and paradox in the highlighted portion of your post.

I am confident that the inhabitants of the earth are indeed moving toward secular and religious Unitarianism. The nations do indeed seem poised to recognize the leadership of one man, although IMHO, Obama ain't him, even though I believe he'd love to be him. But, when it does happen this "global community" he's always spouting off about will amount to little more than a staging concept. We've all heard the saying, 'grease the slide'. Prophetically speaking, the global community won't amount to much of anything except slide grease for the Antichrist.

Man thinks he has outgrown or evolved past the need to honor God. That's why global crime is rampant, and that is why the governments of the world are fast running out of answers. Living under the precepts of Christianity, though historically highly successful, has been abandoned and replaced by the whimsical notions of men who think they have all the answers. Hence the global firestorm, and things will only get much worse. At some point in the near future one man will emerge who will seem to have all the answers, again, he will be Antichrist. And will exercise global control over everybody's lives at the most intimate of levels. That isn't what I'd call a community, but it certainly will be global in scope.

In the meantime as you always point out with eloquence, US officials may well keep stumbling about in the dark. The Dems will continue to be the all-in rabid liberals, and the Republicans will continue to be the timid and tepid supporters of the American image that still exists in everybody's mind. Not the actual image, which features gender neutral pajama boys who think the world will respect an Army under the direction of a proud homosexual. No, I mean the America of Reagan, feared and respected by the nations of the world.

Obviously those days have passed. Many Americans couldn't conceive of living in a nation in trouble. One of these days all the grasshoppers who comprise so great a portion of the US populace are going to get an object lesson for the ages. To demonstrate where I wanted to go with that, consider the campaign successes of avowed socialist Bernie Sanders. I hear the media talking heads (who don't get it either BTW) speak of the level of awareness of the average voter. Listen, the average voter is only interested in what he can get out of the government. Sanders wants to give them a real party, and add 18 Trillion in spending to the national debt at the outset of his Presidency, making the Obama stimulus look like a joke. But just look at the enthusiasm of his supporters, who have him ranked at nearly 20% in the last RealClear Political poll. With numbers that high, we have to face the possibility that some nitwit like Sanders could actually get elected. Putting the US financial Armageddon less than four years away from inauguration day.
Granny Bear Wrote:And now we have another round of righteous indignation from Obama centering around gun control.

I HATE what happened yesterday in Oregon, but the very last thing that should happen is politicizing that tragedy.

Obama has no bounds!

To politicize something would be to gain something for himself. So what if he politicized the problem? What does he have to gain? What does anyone have to gain from politicizing this problem? To save lives? Oh, who would want that?

You can call it selfish, out of bounds, etc., but it's ignorant to believe that we can continue to accept the death of innocent people in such a tragic way. People on this board constantly want to change abortion laws to save lives, but sit by and say "That's how it goes" when students get gunned down by someone.

If he didn't say we needed to change NOW, then why wait? We have become so desensitized that in a week nobody will want change anymore and we'll just accept it as the norm.

Continue to talk about how gay marriage is ruining this country, along with abortions and government spending. Meanwhile our youth of this nation are beginning to accept that mass killings are just the way it goes and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Also continue to preach what God/Jesus would do or want us to do, and then convince yourself that he would want us to sit back and do nothing about this problem. You're kidding yourself.

Contrary to the what you think, nobody is out to get your guns or keep law abiding citizens of the right mental state to own a gun. With this shooter, and MANY others there were clear symptoms and red flags that should have kept them from purchasing firearms so easily.

But please be cliche and tell me about banning cars and knives now, or go ahead and say that the good ol' armed citizens can stop it with more guns. We have a MASSIVE amount more guns than other civilized and developed countries. Your armament is working so far eh?
Motley Wrote:To politicize something would be to gain something for himself. So what if he politicized the problem? What does he have to gain? What does anyone have to gain from politicizing this problem? To save lives? Oh, who would want that?

You can call it selfish, out of bounds, etc., but it's ignorant to believe that we can continue to accept the death of innocent people in such a tragic way. People on this board constantly want to change abortion laws to save lives, but sit by and say "That's how it goes" when students get gunned down by someone.

If he didn't say we needed to change NOW, then why wait? We have become so desensitized that in a week nobody will want change anymore and we'll just accept it as the norm.

Continue to talk about how gay marriage is ruining this country, along with abortions and government spending. Meanwhile our youth of this nation are beginning to accept that mass killings are just the way it goes and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Also continue to preach what God/Jesus would do or want us to do, and then convince yourself that he would want us to sit back and do nothing about this problem. You're kidding yourself.

Contrary to the what you think, nobody is out to get your guns or keep law abiding citizens of the right mental state to own a gun. With this shooter, and MANY others there were clear symptoms and red flags that should have kept them from purchasing firearms so easily.

But please be cliche and tell me about banning cars and knives now, or go ahead and say that the good ol' armed citizens can stop it with more guns. We have a MASSIVE amount more guns than other civilized and developed countries. Your armament is working so far eh?

Obama would ban all guns from private ownership if he could get by with it. He was raised by socialists and Communists. He was mentored by Communists and socialists. He has always associated with Communists and socialists. what else would anyone expect?

As for guns, I suspect that if the college were not a gun free zone and if some of the students were packing firearms, the end result would have been much different. Gun free zones with their silly signs on the entrance doors, are nothing but an open invitation for disaster. That should be obvious but, then, we are talking about a college with typical college teachers and administrators who live in a bubble world of theory and fantasy.
Truth Wrote:Obama would ban all guns from private ownership if he could get by with it. He was raised by socialists and Communists. He was mentored by Communists and socialists. He has always associated with Communists and socialists. what else would anyone expect?

As for guns, I suspect that if the college were not a gun free zone and if some of the students were packing firearms, the end result would have been much different. Gun free zones with their silly signs on the entrance doors, are nothing but an open invitation for disaster. That should be obvious but, then, we are talking about a college with typical college teachers and administrators who live in a bubble world of theory and fantasy.
I mostly agree, but Obama, as is the case with most extreme left wing radicals would not ban all private ownership of firearms. Liberals have a philosophy of "guns for me but not for thee." Obama and his family will always be able to depend on gun wielding security details to protect them. It is the little people like you and me that Obama wants to strip the last round of ammo from.

When confronted with facts about gun ownership, liberals have no good answers. Areas with the strictest gun control laws like Chicago and Washington, DC have the highest gun crime rates in the country and liberals like Obama cannot explain why that is true.

Obama has been golden for the firearms industry. The more Obama attacks our Second Amendment rights, the wealthier those who have invested in firearms companies get. That must really gnaw at liberals' collective gut.
Motley Wrote:(1) To politicize something would be to gain something for himself. So what if he politicized the problem? What does he have to gain? What does anyone have to gain from politicizing this problem? To save lives? Oh, who would want that?

You can call it selfish, out of bounds, etc., but it's ignorant to believe that we can continue to accept the death of innocent people in such a tragic way.
(2) People on this board constantly want to change abortion laws to save lives, but sit by and say "That's how it goes" when students get gunned down by someone.

If he didn't say we needed to change NOW, then why wait?
(3) We have become so desensitized that in a week nobody will want change anymore and we'll just accept it as the norm.

Continue to talk about how gay marriage is ruining this country, along with abortions and government spending. Meanwhile our youth of this nation are beginning to accept that mass killings are just the way it goes and
(4) there is nothing that can be done to stop it. Also continue to preach what God/Jesus would do or want us to do, and then convince yourself that he would want us to sit back and do nothing about this problem. You're kidding yourself.

(5) Contrary to the what you think, nobody is out to get your guns or keep law abiding citizens of the right mental state to own a gun. With this shooter, and MANY others there were clear symptoms and red flags that should have kept them from purchasing firearms so easily.

(6) But please be cliche and tell me about banning cars and knives now, or go ahead and say that the good ol' armed citizens can stop it with more guns. We have a MASSIVE amount more guns than other civilized and developed countries. Your armament is working so far eh?

First things first, Obama already admitted that he in fact did politicize the Oregon shooting.
President Obama on Thursday made an impassioned case that gun violence is “something we should politicize” following a mass shooting at a community college in Oregon.

(1) What does he (Obama) have to gain? The fulfillment of another big liberal agenda item to check off his list. I'm sure he envisions himself being hailed during 'happy hour' for the next hundred years, as frosty mugs are lifted in his honor LOL.

(2) Nobody on this board has ever said "that's how it goes" with regard to a mass shooting, or individual shooting for that matter.

(3) Obama used the word 'numb',not desensitized, when making his charge that "folks" would forget about this shortly, and then just go on with their lives. Other than that you have his talking point down pretty close.

(4) We had something "done" about this problem. Police were doing admirable in the performance of their jobs, crime was basically under control and people still felt relatively safe. Then came the days of the ultra-liberal, characterized by police bashing skewed to the poisonous view of Al Sharpton, and everything got all weird. But, it's nice to see you believe in God, because it's really starting to look like He is the only One Who could hope to straighten this mess out.

(5) I for one, will decide for myself what the true nature of this administration's gun control aspirations really are. At any rate, you seem to be fairly brimming with righteous indignation with regard to 'controlling' mass shootings. The President said the evidence bears out that the cities and states with the most strict gun control laws, also have the lowest number of crimes relative to gun violence. Really? "You say that the states that have the most gun laws have the least gun violence. Your home state of Illinois has perhaps the most stringent gun laws in the country. Since 2012, there have been 6,000 shootings – 6,000 shootings in the city of Chicago. There have 1,679 murders in the city of Chicago. Many of them, exactly where you worked as a community organizer.”---BILL O'REILLY

Talk about being desensitized, is the intolerable level of dishonesty troublesome to anybody other than me?

(6) But, as far as being cliché goes, the Second Amendment and the US Constitution has been through quite enough adventurous redefinition as things stand. I'll just stick with the mundane and the profound in honoring it's sanctity.

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