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Breathitt @ P-Burg 9/11
Who ya got in this one?
Breathitt Co- 28
BlackCats by two TD's
Should be a decent game. Within 10 points either way.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Used to love this showdown between these 2 teams. I've got the Bobcats in this one.

Bobcats 35
Black cats 27
Prestonsburg by 7
Breathitt by 2 tds
I got to go with the Blackcats in this one. :popcorn:

Prestonsburg 35
Breathitt County 21
Prestonsburg - 38

Breathitt County - 20
Prestonsburg: 26

Breathitt: 12
As bad as I hate to say it...... I'm gonna say the Blackcats win this one... 27-14
I think this is another toss up game. I think you give Prestonsburg the nod playing at home, but this game could go either way. Both teams are young and inexperienced at key positions, and ultimately, this has led to both teams being inconsistent to start the season. The key for the Bobcats is containing Frasure. You aren't going to stop him, but if you can hold him between 100-150 yards on the ground, your percentage of winning goes up a lot. If he has over 200 plus yards, then your percentage of winning goes down. On the other hand, Collins is one of the better athletes in the mountains and he can hurt you in a variety of ways. With Collins, he will create big plays, and it all goes back to how many big plays the Prestonsburg defense allows him to make. With that being said, if the Blackcats slow down the pace, and grind it out with Frasure, I think they win. On the other hand, if the Bobcats can get the Blackcats in a "shoot out" type of game, I think the Bobcats leave P-Burg with a Win. Although, Prestonsburg should be considered the favorite, I have to go with my heart, and say the Bobcats win 42-35. Good luck to both teams.
Breathitt 28 to 21
Breathitt is struggling to move the ball consistently through the air, which allows their opponents to focus on JFC. If the Freshman QB can become more consistent then the Bobcats will improve drastically.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Pburg by 2 - 3 tds
personal fouls against breathitt will cost them them the game.
P- Burg all the way in this one. Breathitt is still isn't back to the program they once was yet.
This is one of 2 games preseason I thought could go either way. I think my Blackcats will be much improved from week 1 and come away with the win at home. I look for the offense to open up a bit more this week to keep the defense honest.

Prestonsburg 31
Breathitt 20

If we can win this one I will up my preseason win total from 4-5 games to 6. I also had Hazard as a toss up game I now think we can win.

Good luck to both on an injury free game.
Prestonburg will squeak by in this one.

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