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Summer Slam Updates
Coming up here shortly
John Stewart kicks off Summer Slam
Stewart starts naming off the wrestlers, he gets to Cena and everyone boo's lol. Gets to Lesnar and Taker and everyone cheers
Mick Foley in the house as Stewart interviews or wants to interview Lesnar
Funny Segment between Stewart and Foley. Summer Slam is now starting...
Orton vs Sheamus to kickoff Summer Slam
Orton goes to RKO Sheamus to begin the match but Sheamus counters and runs out of the ring...Sheamus grabs a mic and says everyone looks stupid and that you will respect the Hawk (Talking about his Mo Hawk) Orton comes out gets a few punches and a drop kick in before Sheamus takes control
both trading upper cuts
Sheamus locks in the cloverleaf, Orton is bleeding but Orton makes it to the rope...Orton takes control now
Orton with his vintage DDT from the top rope, goes for the RKO but Sheamus rolls out of the ring
Orton hits an RKO as Sheamus goes for the bandering ram but Sheamus rolls out of ring again
Orton goes for his pattened punt kick but Sheamus avoids and hits White Noise but Orton kicks out at 2
You look stupid chants break out
Sheamus wins via 2 brogue kicks
Tag titles is next in a 4 way match
New Day are new tag team champs
So John Stewart is back stage trying to get autographs from Steven Amell and Neville, lights go dem and Taker walks by with fog following him.
Up next Rusev vs. Ziggler
WOW...Lana is rocking Ziggler attire instead of business suites
Rusev runs his mouth before Ziggler head buts him and takes control to start the match
Rusev in control now
Ziggler counters the drop press or whatever it's called into a DDT
Rusev with the spin kick and is now in control
Ziggler with the sleeper head on Rusev
match ends in a double count out
Up next: Steven Amell and Neville vs King Barrett and Stardust
Amell and Nevill win
Up next: IC Match...Ryback vs. Big Show vs. Miz
Ryback retains the title in a rather quickly match...Miz tried every way to win the title..Ryback hits Big Show with Shell Shock Miz sneeks in and hits Ryback with Skull crushing finanlie only to be disappointed...Big Show hits miz with KO...Ryback shoves big show out of the ring then covers Miz to win the title..
stweart goes and knocks on Lesnar's door wanting an interview Heyman comes out and tells Stewart that now is not a good time
Stewart is an Undertaker guy...Stewart tells Heyman that instead of giving the little kids a puppy on Christmas day that he gave them cole.Asks Heyman what he thinks about that..Heyman starts singing his Glory Glory song then goes back into Lesnars dressing room and tells Lesnar what went on..Stewart leaves and we have our next match coming on

Up next: Bray Wyatt/Luke Harper vs. Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose
Heyman tells Stewart, I guess we couldn't get Letterman to host the show

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