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New Poll Numbers-Post Debate

Sorry for the double post
Charles Krauthammer and Karl Rove were busy slamming Trump again today on the O'Reilly Factor. They're completely wrong (including Bill O'Reilly) about the kind of people who support Trump. As I have already mentioned Trump supporters are conservatives from across this land of every stripe, who can no longer stomach the political tripe (pun intended) that party mainliners have been dishing out since the turn of the century. You have the plain, ordinary, common sense talk of Trump versus the ridiculous spew of the far and near left.

What kind of space cadet really believes the Iranian nuke deal is valid? The once all powerful US military is in full retreat all over the globe. Sociopolitical sausage making is now accomplished in Mom and Pop bakeries and pizza parlors rather than the halls of Congress. We've spent our way into the hall of fame poorhouse. We got ObamaCare, skyrocketing electricity prices, NO Keystone XL Pipeline, a 62.5 labor participation rate, we are awash in millions of illegal aliens with calls for many more, incredibly we have more people on welfare than we have working to pay for it, over 200 coal fired electricity generating plants have either been shut down or are targeted to be shut down, the repeal of DADT has ensured the Christian Church that gay marriage and government inspectors will soon come aknockin, and on it goes. Target stores are removing the boy and girl designations from their toy aisles. Parents are supposedly expected to ask their kids if they feel like they are a girl or a boy. Now I see that Stumbo of the Kentucky legislature, will introduce a bill to have the statue of Jefferson Davis removed from the Capitol Rotunda because it may offend somebody, merely because of their name the Washington Redskins have gotten more attention from the US Senate than the IRS, and the SCOTUS is populated with bozos.

Such is fodder for the putrid conversation crawling up out of the septic tank hearts of today's mainline politicians. They cannot begin to imagine what conservatives are even talking about when they decry abortion on demand and gay rights. I'm not saying Trump will be elected, I'm just saying he gets it far better than does Krauthammer and Rove, or the rest of the RINO's and liberals.
It's that plain, common sense talk that has caught everyone's attention finally. These media blow hards don't like Trump so they are going to do everything they can to push people away from him. Only problem being people are tired of them also and not listening to them like in the past. They either don't get it or refuse to see what's happening right before their eyes. I agree Trump may not get elected but at the very least it should open some eyes as to what the public is starving for, and that's someone that hasn't spent their life telling lies day in and day out.
^^President maker Karl Rove acted in exactly the same manner when Christine O'Donnell ran for the Senate seat for Delaware. She wasn't a career politician who'd earned his respect and he trashed her for it on every TV show on which he could get himself booked to appear.

Rove is one of those guys who is wrong about much of what he says and when he gets it right, it's usually for the wrong reasons. The real reason he's out slamming Trump all the time is because he wants to see Jeb Bush get the nomination. Other pundits and talking heads who are following his lead feel similarly. Nothing short of an establishment candidate will please the media and President makers. While nothing short of a perceived outsider like Cruz or Trump will please the indignant silent majority.

As you say, the public is starving for the truth, and God help us if they do not rise up and vote this election cycle. At any rate, the very fact that these guys feel compelled to guide the election process by trying to influence the motivations of the public from a platform outside that process, is proof positive they believe they know everything.
I am starting to think that this Hillary email stuff must not have much power under it. If so, the Democratic party would be shoving someone like Joe Biden into the race as an insurance policy. Either they are incredibly naïve or there are no issues with her still getting elected.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^President maker Karl Rove acted in exactly the same manner when Christine O'Donnell ran for the Senate seat for Delaware. She wasn't a career politician who'd earned his respect and he trashed her for it on every TV show on which he could get himself booked to appear.

Rove is one of those guys who is wrong about much of what he says and when he gets it right, it's usually for the wrong reasons. The real reason he's out slamming Trump all the time is because he wants to see Jeb Bush get the nomination. Other pundits and talking heads who are following his lead feel similarly. Nothing short of an establishment candidate will please the media and President makers. While nothing short of a perceived outsider like Cruz or Trump will please the indignant silent majority.

As you say, the public is starving for the truth, and God help us if they do not rise up and vote this election cycle. At any rate, the very fact that these guys feel compelled to guide the election process by trying to influence the motivations of the public from a platform outside that process, is proof positive they believe they know everything.

That's the part that always worries me. If the people that are tired of what's happening don't show up to vote then we are screwed.
LWC Wrote:I am starting to think that this Hillary email stuff must not have much power under it. If so, the Democratic party would be shoving someone like Joe Biden into the race as an insurance policy. Either they are incredibly naïve or there are no issues with her still getting elected.

Ever since the Clinton impeachment proceedings, I've watched the Dems circle the wagons whenever something untoward pops up. Hillary is the Democratic heir apparent, so they're back at it, denying and doing their best to dodge the bullets. Supposedly, the FBI has put their best on the investigation into the Clinton email scandal, so we will see.

In view of the sleeping dogs that lay about on every hand attributable to scandal, many do not believe this administration will pursue it and that rather it is just another smoke and mirror show.
I think there is actually something to it, but as you said TRT I don't think anyone will pursue it. It is funny that the FBI has taken such an interest, but still if the Admin don't want to do anything then nothing will be done.
Demarcus ware Wrote:I think there is actually something to it, but as you said TRT I don't think anyone will pursue it. It is funny that the FBI has taken such an interest, but still if the Admin don't want to do anything then nothing will be done.

If you heard her comments last Friday you know that she shows no indication that she has any worries whatever; “You may have seen that I recently launched a Snapchat account,” Clinton said at the start of her 25-minute address. “I love it. I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves.”

In the past as was the case during her husband's administration, we saw that when one has the DOJ in his hip pocket and every Democrat in the entire US Congress has his back, then he can come across as incredulous even when he's as guilty as a dog. This was the modus-operandi for the Clinton era. It worked back then so there is no reason not to try it now. Only time will tell if anything comes of the FBI investigation.
Fox News' Ed Henry and Hillary on who wiped her server---
With all the scandals Hillary has in her life, may not be a bad thing to let the Dems put all their eggs in that basket. Polls have shown Americans don't feel they can trust her, Now I'm not sure who was polled but she's eventually going to have to answer these questions, maybe she can lose her cool and have a meltdown on TV Confusednicker:
TheRealThing Wrote:Fox News' Ed Henry and Hillary on who wiped her server---
She's just like Obama. Arrogant!!!!
Trump leading in North Carolina followed by Hillary and the in 3rd place is Deez Nuts. Crazy I know
Demarcus ware Wrote:Trump leading in North Carolina followed by Hillary and the in 3rd place is Deez Nuts. Crazy I know

More and more Democrat defenders and Democrat public officials are jumping on the trash Trump band wagon, and we will see that trend escalate over time. See, Dems think they have the Republican's number, and if one can believe his own eyes that would seem to be the case. Dems are therefore quite comfortable with using Republicans as a whipping boy even though those same Dems have gotten shellacked in the Congress, having just lost both the upper and lower houses. During a Donald Trump tenure there would be no more Dems ruling the Hill, and they know it. Thus the Dems will do all they can to derail his bid for the White House. They know they might lose this time around but, if they do, they prefer another malleable Republican to push around, not the confident Trumpmeister.

I see two unfortunate circumstances associated with the 'get Trump campaign.' First is the fact that Dems desperately want to be in power at any cost, and will do or say anything to achieve it, up to and including a deal with the Devil. Second is the fact that the Republicans are naïve enough to help them by joining in on the effort to sideline Trump. I mean, who do folks want, Daniel Webster or the Devil himself?

That's going to be a problem TRT. The Republicans can't stand Trump's success and will end up helping the Dems push him out, leaving us with another Dem president.

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