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So Long My Friends!!!!
Well, we gave it a shot, but WVU just came up way short. I wish to say my good-byes now. Good luck going 40-0. Goooooo Cayuts!!!!!!!:igiveup:

Dusty, pm me your address so I can mail you that Lions app. :truestory:
It's been fun having you around. Gave me many laughs over the years.
Good luck Neerfan!! Consider what WideRight05 suggested!!
Goodbye Dan. We need to hit a Marshall or WVU game sometime.
Earnie it's been a good one. Take it easy bud!
Going to miss you Neery! One of my favorite posters EVER!

With the Bionic Elbow!

See ya Danny boy.
Thank God and Stardust that you are GONE! I can understand fans from Schools like Duke or IU talking crap at least those programs have won something. There should be a law on the books that states WVU fans should SHUTUP and stay STUTUP until their school wins something!
So is dangerousdaneerfan is active or is he banned?
Check out my YouTube channel.
His status hasn't changed.
Changed my mind. He hates ky. Dont let the door hit u in the ass.

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