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Pikeville Head Football Coach Resigns!!!
no prob 15
yes very ouch for pikeville football
its going to be hard for the players
but they are going to have to adapt
thats all they can do
cant wait to see what happens next season
and i didnt think that was true The Godfather
the thing is im sorry to the P-Ville seniors they will have some talented seniors next year i just hope this change doesnt hurt them. A new style of ball could hurt Weston if the offence changes which i dont think it will but u know what im saying
you got that right 15
but Salyer is staying so the same offense will probably be hopefully no harm done there
if Weston isnt on track thats definately nto a good sign
Good luck Mac at PCC. You will be missed. Mac was not only a great coach but a great man. A true role model for kids today.

Salyer may still be here but the offense might change depending on who the head coach is.
you do have a point there...
Let me telll you all something.......Coach Mac is a great man nobody knows why he really did it but him......but u guys have to understand that it wasnt easy for him to make this decision....i for one know what its like to lose a parent...losing mac is just the same to me when i heard the news i cried but its his family. He made the right choice and believe me its not an ouch for pikeville football
I totally agree with you liveMAROON
im my earlier posts i told of how i felt
it made me get a lump im my throat...i was wanting to say something but i couldnt open my mouth
its hard to lose mac, especially when ur just starting to get close to the man...i can only imagine how hard this is for the seniors
but i wish MAC best of luck!
great man...
yeah we also know how much it hurts to lose MAC or at least i do ive been around PC football for sometime now and realy got into Central football when MAC took over the program he is a great man and i respect him not only as a coach but as a friend i have missed MAC at PC and am so happy that he prob will b back.
we will all miss mac......just looking at everyones face at the meeting today............gosh
i know it was just a sad place to be
i looked at myself in the mirror just to see what my face looked like...i noticed i seemed down, then i took a look around and noticed everyone else was too
Mac handled the situation as best as he could today at the meeting without hurting anyone

Posted Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:54 pm:

Mac also made it clear that it was nothing against the Pikeville School was his own choice
but i think its time we leave mac alone...hes had to make some very hard decisions and now he needs support not ppl talkin about things they arent sure of
but 15 and LM you all speak the truth about Mac
great coach, better man...
dirty30 Wrote:great coach, better man...
Needs repeating...

thats true Beef i shouldve placed more empahsis on the statement cuz it is 100% true and everyone that knows him knows its true
Did you happen to mention that it's "true" in your previous post....:lol:
Country Boy Wrote:
ManChild Jr. Wrote:Yes, Mac has joind the team at PCCHS, yet I don't understand why he is leaving a great winning program, for a loosing one.

Though he is making a very bad decision, I still wish him best of luck Sad

Well from what i've heard PCCHS is paying him 70 thousand a year to coach down there and also a job for his wife in the board office. And heck if u think about it you go into a loosing team and win 2 more games than what they did the year're coach of the year. That is just my opinion and what i've heard.

Very wrong, Very Wrong.....First of all mac's wife is not getting a job and i highly coubt that they are paying him 70,000 if that were the case i think the decision to leave would have been a whole lot easier.
If Coach Mac is coming to pike central, it will be good for our program, and i am sorry to you panthers that lost your coach
Don't make me laugh........Program....What program.....If he goes to central it will bebecause he will be hired to IMPLEMENT a program.
i see wat ur getting at but however pike central football has been getting alot better over the last couple of years
ppl can we drop it okay

seems like alot of u all have a problem with nicely asked questions
thank you 15
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:ppl can we drop it okay

seems like alot of u all have a problem with nicely asked questions

Exactly what question did he ask?
yeah no prob i just hope everyone gets the point now

dirty 30 asked nice just thought id enforce it with stronger lingo
gotcha then buddy
well i think pcc will have a great coach next year though. Any idea who pikeville will be considering?
already a topic for that if im not mistaking Mario
it stinks that mac is leaving, but i wish him the best of luck were ever he goes.
True, Very true
There's a very nice on written by a former team member.

Try going here:
This year Mac will be greatly accepted at Central
yes he will i cant wait for our first practice

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