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Potential Clay Coach?
Bird Wrote:Politics are going nowhere, IMO that's why the numbers are soo low, everybody knows who is going to play what spot in each sport from the time they are in 3rd or 4th grade til they graduate high school. Just the way it is here, and people wonder why parents get upset? Parents will let the coaches coach when the coaches let the "players" play.

That's not the politics I'm talking about.

Matter of fact. I don't any coaches who don't put the best ones on the field. Politics in terms of which kids play and which don't is usually a cover up for parents who can't say/admit "My kid just isn't good enough right now".
I just don't get parents these days. I thought we were in it to Win.
This past season we had kids miss practice all the time but never lost there spot. Now I think I had rather lose with the ones that are committed than win with those that just come to practice when they feel like it. We will never turn programs around and be completely successful until the kids are committed and they learn this from there parents. You don't miss practice you just don't.
I think they need to keep records of those kids that attend every practice and honor them some way in every sport. I think this was one of the biggest issues with our football team. Now the coaches can't make them come to practice but there should be consequences for missing.
It's in every sport girls and boys. I heard about the golf and that's is the craziest.
If you watched Clay's line play this season and can honestly say they played their best players you lack in football knowledge. I know a young man that has played every year non stop no quitting and always lifted that is going to be a senior that has yet to get a chance. Ofcourse, his parents had a run in with the staff. If a kid like that doesn't even get a shot something is terribly wrong.
I know kids will tell parents whatever they want them to hear, but seeing is believing, and what I saw told me not to believe what we had on the field was the best we had.
The word on the streets is Tom Larkey will be next head man at CC ...
Bird Wrote:If you watched Clay's line play this season and can honestly say they played their best players you lack in football knowledge. I know a young man that has played every year non stop no quitting and always lifted that is going to be a senior that has yet to get a chance. Ofcourse, his parents had a run in with the staff. If a kid like that doesn't even get a shot something is terribly wrong.
I know kids will tell parents whatever they want them to hear, but seeing is believing, and what I saw told me not to believe what we had on the field was the best we had.

Haven't seen Clay play, but thanks for the vote of confidence.
Bird Wrote:If you watched Clay's line play this season and can honestly say they played their best players you lack in football knowledge. I know a young man that has played every year non stop no quitting and always lifted that is going to be a senior that has yet to get a chance. Ofcourse, his parents had a run in with the staff. If a kid like that doesn't even get a shot something is terribly wrong.
I know kids will tell parents whatever they want them to hear, but seeing is believing, and what I saw told me not to believe what we had on the field was the best we had.

wait wait you are talking about a head coach whos head was on the chopping block I would bet both the family jules that that didn't happen!!! just because someone comes to every practice and works hard doenst mean he should play that is not fair to the boys that are trying to win. terrible wrong would be playing someone that is not good enough. now for the ones that didn't come to practice and still played I don't agree with that
Bird Wrote:If you watched Clay's line play this season and can honestly say they played their best players you lack in football knowledge. I know a young man that has played every year non stop no quitting and always lifted that is going to be a senior that has yet to get a chance. Ofcourse, his parents had a run in with the staff. If a kid like that doesn't even get a shot something is terribly wrong.
I know kids will tell parents whatever they want them to hear, but seeing is believing, and what I saw told me not to believe what we had on the field was the best we had.

If he was better I'm going to say he would have gotten a chance. Coaches want to win! Why don't parents/whoever don't understand that? It's a sad fact but there are going to be some kids that put their heart and soul into a sport but just don't have it, playing time is not for everybody. It's about being part of the team and being part of something for bigger than ones self, learn and teach life lessons instead of blaming your child's lack of ability on others. It's about the team. It's comical how parents think they know who can play and who can't sometimes, do you tell your doctor what to diagnose? Your priest what to preach? What makes parents think they know better than the coach? What makes parents think they know more about what's going on than the guys that dedicate every waking minute of their life to a sport? It's absurd.
The Eagle has landed Wrote:wait wait you are talking about a head coach whos head was on the chopping block I would bet both the family jules that that didn't happen!!! just because someone comes to every practice and works hard doenst mean he should play that is not fair to the boys that are trying to win. terrible wrong would be playing someone that is not good enough. now for the ones that didn't come to practice and still played I don't agree with that

Just because someone comes and works hard doesn't mean he should play? Don't agree with playing the ones who miss practice? Having trouble making up your mind?
DarthVader Wrote:If he was better I'm going to say he would have gotten a chance. Coaches want to win! Why don't parents/whoever don't understand that? It's a sad fact but there are going to be some kids that put their heart and soul into a sport but just don't have it, playing time is not for everybody. It's about being part of the team and being part of something for bigger than ones self, learn and teach life lessons instead of blaming your child's lack of ability on others. It's about the team. It's comical how parents think they know who can play and who can't sometimes, do you tell your doctor what to diagnose? Your priest what to preach? What makes parents think they know better than the coach? What makes parents think they know more about what's going on than the guys that dedicate every waking minute of their life to a sport? It's absurd.

It's absurd to think if a lineman can get a hand on his block before he gets by him that he deserves to keep his spot. From anyone's viewpoint, coach or parent.
Bird Wrote:It's absurd to think if a lineman can get a hand on his block before he gets by him that he deserves to keep his spot. From anyone's viewpoint, coach or parent.

If the starter is that bad.... then what does that say about the kid behind him? In my honest, expert, know it all opinion, if the team your playing is so bad that their defensive line is running by your o line, you should be suggesting to your coach in a very polite non confrontational manner that he run midline/veer or trap, or maybe even a nice jail break or middle screen if a spread style is more of what you fancy and take advantage of that circumstance if you indeed know what you're talking about Wink Complaining about kids playing makes you look like you don't know ball :O oh wait, you probably dont...
Bird Wrote:Just because someone comes and works hard doesn't mean he should play? Don't agree with playing the ones who miss practice? Having trouble making up your mind?

I think he means play the ones that come, work hard, and CAN play. If they can't play then not only are they a liability on the field, they are also a hazard to get other kids hurt. Kids that miss sounds like more of a parent issue and if thats the case then I understand why Clay has been so bad lately, parents have to make their kids come to practice, in the top notch programs that is not an issue.
I agree you play to win. Just because a kid is a senior doesn't mean he has the right to play. You can't put a kid out there that's not talented enough because they will get hurt. I do think they deserve a look. I feel every kid that want to play deserves a shot at playing. Now this year there were kids that were very good players and we needed them to have success but they made bad choices by not coming to practice for various reasons. We played them anyway. That sends a terrible message. I feel a coach should have some type of policy in place. The actual missing practice is totally 100% the kids responsibility but it's the way they are raised as to how they conduct themselves.
Some kids will stick it out til the end even though they know deep down that they're not going to play very much.I have a good friend that played basketball for coach Keith and he was not the most talented player,seldom saw the court ,now he is an asst. principal at the highschool and has a state championship ring. Other kids will fall by the wayside .Just the way it is.
Is Eddie Smith still the front runner for the coaching job?
This has been the most well kept under wraps coaching search I've ever seen, I expected at least a list of candidates in the paper, but this committee decided we didn't even need that tiny morsel to glean and ponder. I have no clue who the front runner is but I heard the committee was sequestered at the board well past supper last night, if you've seen some of those boys on that committee I would not have wanted to get between them and the supper table after the meeting adjourned, one could have found themselves trampled. :biglmao:
Bird Wrote:Just because someone comes and works hard doesn't mean he should play? Don't agree with playing the ones who miss practice? Having trouble making up your mind?

no I don't have trouble making up my mind. if you don't come to practice you don't play it is that simple. But just because some kid comes to practice everyday doesn't mean he is good enough to play. give you an example, I played 30 some years ago with a guy that worked his butt off and came to practice everyday, BUTT IF HE WOULD HAVE GOT IN THE GAME TO BLOCK FOR THE BACKFIELD WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOMMYS OF OUR BACKS WOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE HOSPITAL THAT NIGHT. he was the worst football player on our team, a great kid good person but was awful football player. its high school football not little league. Clay co. coach got fired because he didn't win so you are telling me if he would have played these players you are talking about they would have said well you let everybody play so we are not going to fire you. GET IN THE REAL WORLD!
I agree eagle. You want to play those guys that put in all the hard work and effort but at the same time you want to keep your starting QB and RB healthy. If you put a guy in that can't chew gum and walk at the same time your hurting yourself. Sometimes you have to play some guys that miss some or your gonna get someone hurt. In a fantasy world we would play everyone on the team. But that's just not the case in high school football. That's why you have a freshman and JV team with a loaded schedule so those guys can play those games. Imagine you have a 1500 yard rusher and a starting line man misses practice a day that week or two days. Do you sit him and play someone who can't block as well and risk your 1500 yard rusher. Prolly not. But in a good program player don't want to miss practice because they are scared of the consequences. You make an example out of one usually it stops. Old tiger they didn't eat the new coach did they?...haha
That might be a possibility, I think I saw that guys must be 270+ to coach at cc.
Justin Combs hired.
Clay County has a NEW coach. Congrats and beat of luck to Coach Justin Combs.
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