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Russia Facing Depression
According to Stuart Varney, the Russian ruble is in free fall. The conversion rate has fallen from 35 rubles per dollar in June to over 72 rubles per dollar overnight. RELATED ARTICLE---

He and other economists attribute the American oil industry as the underlying cause. And why not? It was the might of the US economy under the leadership Ronald Reagan that was responsible for the crash of the Russian economy and the resultant disintegration of the USSR into 15 separate countries back in December of 1991. Today's cocklebur to the Russian economy simply stated is the American innovation of fracking. Yes, the very same which has been targeted by fossil fuel opponents on the left, and designated as public enemy number 2 on the liberal hit list. Fracking, the subject of scorn in Hollywood movies and environ-mentals.

The mighty US oil industry, one of the last remaining bastions of the American system of free enterprise, may deliver a final blow for freedom prior to being regulated out of existence by the left in deposing the evil Putin. But, make no mistake. In just the same manner that the mushrooms of the left would have released their "torture report", or died trying. They will regulate the oil industry out of existence if they can. And BTW, guns are on that list too as your new surgeon general, Vivek Murthy, has declared guns a national 'public health care issue' prior to being confirmed by Harry Reid's marionettes.

The above demonstrates the abject naïveté of the left. Weighed in the balance are fracking and a healthy US economy versus a resurgent Russian imperialism, or a strong and free America versus kissing the sword that is about to take our heads, or continued second amendment rights versus a constitution redefined by immigrants with a alien points of view.

God speed the 114th Congress!
I hope this 114th congress gets a lot accomplished and doesn't screw around. Republicans now have a majority, and the media won't give them the free pass they gave Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. They had better be sharp on their game.
Putin just may be in the vortex of the drain!


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