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Mayfield 28 Williamsburg 27 OT - 1A State Championship
KYHSFBFan Wrote:How did all those Corbin kids end up at Williamsburg? Did they move to W'Burg, pay tuition or does W'Burg have an open enrollment for all surrounding counties schools?

Just guessing the same way mayfield except kids they enrolled..:HitWall:
Congrats to Williamsburg on great season!!!
64SUR Wrote:Just guessing the same way mayfield except kids they enrolled..:HitWall:

Not the same as mayfield, as we didnt get any harlan county transfers.:biglmao:
OldJacket Wrote:The Patrick family home was one block fron Wburg HS...
They still went from Whitley to Corbin then to Williamsburg.
We sure are glad to have him!! You shouldn't make light of a situation if you don't know the reasoning. His transfer was legit and because of circumstances beyond his control. He is a great kid and will help Williamsburg in all sports that he plays.
OldJacket Wrote:The Patrick Twins had gone to Wburg till they were in the 6th grade, dad took them to Corbin for 2 years then back to Wburg...The Wilson kid came to play baseball, Corbin baseball coach was unwilling to let him pitch, to my knowledge he was not playing football at Corbin...The other 2 were not happy at Corbin or with Coach Jewell...Wburg has reciprocal agreement with most local schools...
That is not true. They went to Whitley's Boston Elementary.
Flash154 Wrote:That is not true. They went to Whitley's Boston Elementary.
I forgot they left elementary school at Wburg when their brother transferred to Whitley to play football, but they did attend elementary at Wburg for a couple of years...I remember seeing them ride their bicycles to school...
At least topnotch cant keep pulling the numbers card, being that williamsburg is pulling kids from corbin, and harlan county, and still couldnt close the deal on the young cardinal team.:moon:
Killbilly USMC I for one am tired if hearing from you! You talk about transfers like you know what you are talking about. How about you research the reasoning behind transfers and then come back and discuss it. Until then we don't care what you think about our transfers!!!
Jacket4Life Wrote:Killbilly USMC I for one am tired if hearing from you! You talk about transfers like you know what you are talking about. How about you research the reasoning behind transfers and then come back and discuss it. Until then we don't care what you think about our transfers!!!

Well everyone was tired of hearing from topnotch. Your cronie started it, and now that we are hearing about yalls transfers you are dang right i will give it right back to yall. SUCK IT UP IF YOU CAN DISH IT OUT BURG FANS THEN TAKE IT, or at least go recruit from the entire state of illuinois like mayfield
55 can you start a 2015 thread before i get in trouble on here. By the way burg fans i just like messing around, and dont take it to serious. Yall had a good team. Does massey, shelton, or griffith return.
killbilly usmc Wrote:55 can you start a 2015 thread before i get in trouble on here. By the way burg fans i just like messing around, and dont take it to serious. Yall had a good team. Does massey, shelton, or griffith return.

No they are gone...
OldJacket Wrote:No they are gone...

That sucks would have loved to see the burg, and beechwood nwxt year.
killbilly usmc Wrote:Well everyone was tired of hearing from topnotch. Your cronie started it, and now that we are hearing about yalls transfers you are dang right i will give it right back to yall. SUCK IT UP IF YOU CAN DISH IT OUT BURG FANS THEN TAKE IT, or at least go recruit from the entire state of illuinois like mayfield

I don't dish anything out!!! I am a mom who reads what everyone says and keeps her mouth shut for the most part but when you start talking about transfers when you have no idea I guess it touches a nerve. Especially one who has no control over his situation. Some kids are not dealt the ideal situation and when you start by saying that we recruited him it ruffled my feathers. No matter why they came they are JACKETS now not transfers.
killbilly usmc Wrote:Well everyone was tired of hearing from topnotch. Your cronie started it, and now that we are hearing about yalls transfers you are dang right i will give it right back to yall. SUCK IT UP IF YOU CAN DISH IT OUT BURG FANS THEN TAKE IT, or at least go recruit from the entire state of illuinois like mayfield

I can take it; AND dish it out...so bring it.

A couple of these posts come close to alluding to a poster's identity. A couple actually identifies where a family lives. The very last thing I want to do is shut this thread down, but if you guys don't knock it off, I will close it.

Please refrain from identifying where players live and alluding to another poster's identity.

Talk about transfer all you want and make whatever stupid inuendoes you want, but if you want the truth, ask somebody who knows about it.

First of all it's none of anyone's business why Fred Massey transferred to Williamsburg. The only thing that comes close to being anybody's business is the FACT that it was a legal transfer. I'm not close to discussing the reason why the transfer happened; because, again, it's none of your business.

I LOVE what Jacket4Life said...he is now a Jacket and that's all that matters.
Ok now i wont hold back, i thought this had died out, and have even pm'd a few jacket fans all in good spirits. But if any of you think yall can run yalls sucks for an entire year about mayfields numbers you can expect some ribbing to come your way. Deal with it, and it doesnt matter why the transfer, but you will still get itt right back when you poke at a team for an entire year. I dont play the double standard bullshit, that its ok for yall to take shots, but cant noone give it back. It was all in fun, but now i dont care, and could care less who i piss off or if i get banned from this site. Not sure how ive revealed an identity, but whatever.
Who said you revealed an identity killbilly; boy you are emotional tonight! AND, I don't give a tinker's damn who you rib. The identity warning was to another poster(s) who know who they are. Since you can't seem to understand, let me tell you plainly you received NO warning...

Personally, I don't like the inuendo you gave toward Fred. That isn't an act that requires an infraction. It's just one that shows your ignorance in the subject.

Now, all that said, would you STILL like to be banned?
Granny Bear Wrote:Who said you revealed an identity killbilly; boy you are emotional tonight! AND, I don't give a tinker's damn who you rib. The identity warning was to another poster(s) who know who they are. Since you can't seem to understand, let me tell you plainly you received NO warning...

Personally, I don't like the inuendo you gave toward Fred. That isn't an act that requires an infraction. It's just one that shows your ignorance in the subject.

Now, all that said, would you STILL like to be banned?

Sure would ive got bigger catfish to fry than worry about wether i get banned or not.:dontthink
I'm just glad that Belfry hasn't been mentioned one time in this thread!:biggrin::devilflam Carry on! :popcorn:
Seriously, two great football teams played and awesome football game. One team came away with a trophy but there were no losers in this game IMO.
Replay of Williamsburg and Mayfield game will be on WYMT 57 tomorrow at 3.00 pm December 11....:popcorn:
Kill BILLIE you have gone to far Mamma Bear is probably the most respected poster in the entire BGR. You keep me using numbers numbers, Iam going to call you out on this one, If you can post where I used any numbers in the post I wil;l shut up You show me one post where I used numbers I challenge you to show us the post, If you cannot then that makes you A simple agitator, that makes you a person who can' possible be trusted, And the puke you spew. is all bullshit and will never have any credibility. I? hope you have nothing to do with the USMC or maybe they will read your post .
I weared my Williamsburg Yellowjacket football shirt to the Corbin and clay basketball game last night in Corbin..I felt like a rock star..Coach Bobby Keith told me this was basketball season and put on a dam basketball shirts and make my mind up who I was for between clay and Corbin game. He said he was proud of Williamsburg football team. 3rd qtr I set with Corbin coach Haddix and he said Williamsburg had the best team between Williamsburg and Mayfield and he was proud of Williamsburg. Eastern,Kentucky.Now that was from a basketball legends and a future football legends. Eastern,Kentucky folks can be proud of this 1A Williamsburg team. :truestory:
I think that's enough. Time to move on to 2015.
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