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Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I am still waiting to witness something positive that Obama does well. He is a good campaigner. He reads a teleprompter like a champ. After that, I cannot think of anything else. According to Michael Jordan, Obama is even a bad golfer despite all of the time that he has spent practicing over the past six years.

I will never understand how tens of millions of people voted for Obama in 2012. How could anybody lose an election to such an unaccomplished failure of a president? If Romney could not beat such a weak candidate, he should not even consider a second run. I am not sure that anybody who lost to the man who lost to Obama should consider another run either.

And I would cut your list by half. In my mind, to be a truly good campaigner one should necessarily be restricted to telling only the truth. In Obama's case as corroborated by top aides the likes of Jonathan Gruber, and as further witnessed by the nation and the world, he feels no particular allegiance to the truth. Remember the line "if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance?" And how about the promised savings of at least 2,500 dollars per family should ObamaCare pass. And of course there is my all time favorites, a tie between when we had our President's assurances that Benghazi was the fault of a video and that there was not a smidgeon's worth of corruption at the IRS.

That restricts him to a one dimensional teleprompter wizard in my book. :biggrin:
To anyone(first caller) that is confident of this nation going red/conservative for good, and this election is a referendum permanently against democrat politics: I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's wager of 100 bucks that the democrats retake the senate in the next election. Let's see how confident one of you are. If needed, we can work out the deal to keep you anonymous in the money exchange at a later date. I'd hate for your worry about anybody knowing where someone lives being a reason for not taking up this offer.
^Wrong thread. I'll put it in the right one.
TheRealVille Wrote:To anyone(first caller) that is confident of this nation going red/conservative for good, and this election is a referendum permanently against democrat politics: I'd be willing to make a small gentleman's wager of 100 bucks that the democrats retake the senate in the next election. Let's see how confident one of you are. If needed, we can work out the deal to keep you anonymous in the money exchange at a later date. I'd hate for your worry about anybody knowing where someone lives being a reason for not taking up this offer.
Who has predicted that Republicans will hold the Senate in 2016? All I have read is post after post restating the fact that Democrats took a severe beating last week, with you being the only poster who is unable to admit that gruesome truth.

For Democrats to retake the Senate will be much easier than it was for Republicans capturing the majority in these elections. As much as I, and most of the rest of the country, hate what Obama has done and continues to do to this country, I have very little faith in Boehner or McConnell not to screw things up. I also have zero confidence that the Republican establishment will not mess up their chance to win the White House by rigging the primaries and the debates to ensure that a moderate like Jeb Bush or Chris Christie wins the GOP nomination.

You can pony up $10,000 for a wager on the 2016 elections and it will not diminish the magnitude of the Democrats' losses in 2014.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Who has predicted that Republicans will hold the Senate in 2016? All I have read is post after post restating the fact that Democrats took a severe beating last week, with you being the only poster who is unable to admit that gruesome truth.

For Democrats to retake the Senate will be much easier than it was for Republicans capturing the majority in these elections. As much as I, and most of the rest of the country, hate what Obama has done and continues to do to this country, I have very little faith in Boehner or McConnell not to screw things up. I also have zero confidence that the Republican establishment will not mess up their chance to win the White House by rigging the primaries and the debates to ensure that a moderate like Jeb Bush or Chris Christie wins the GOP nomination.

You can pony up $10,000 for a wager on the 2016 elections and it will not diminish the magnitude of the Democrats' losses in 2014.
Republicans had an easy road in this election, that was always my only point. They won the majority from MOSTLY red states, and you guys won't admit that fact. The dems that lost the senate, lost in red states that they won in the "republican revolt states" in 2012, or earlier elections.
TheRealVille Wrote:Republicans had an easy road in this election, that was always my only point. They won the majority from MOSTLY red states, and you guys won't admit that fact. The dems that lost the senate lost in red states that they won in the "republican revolt states" in 2012.
Republicans won Tom Harkins' Iowa seat going away. They won governor's seats in Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan...have you even looked at the detailed results of the elections? Republicans now control approximately 70 percent of the seats in state legislatures. Yet you claim that the country is growing more liberal.

Even Rachel Maddow admits that the 2014 elections were a catastrophe for Democrats. State offices are the farm leagues for national politicians. Obama is destroying the Democrats' development league. Confusednicker:
^Michigan already had a republican governor, and legislation. I've already pointed this out to you. I keep up with MI, since I used to work a lot in Ann Arbor, ...until it went right to work and ran us out. Not to worry though, it went into rust belt status before Obama took office.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Michigan already had a republican governor, and legislation. I've already pointed this out to you.
Is Michigan a red state? No. Did the Republican governor not win reelection in a blue state? Yes.

However, Republicans control both the legislature and the governor's office in Michigan. Maybe Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have turned it into a red state.

Last Tuesday, Republicans gained control of the Colorado State Senate, Maine State Senate, the Minnesota State House, the Nevada State Senate, the Nevada State Assembly, the New Hampshire State House, the New Mexico State House, the West Virginia State Senate, the West Virginia State House, the New York State Senate and the Washington State Senate. How many of these do you count as red states? BTW, Republicans had more state legislative seats contested last week than Democrats did.

Be patient, it will not be long before political scholars will begin publishing studies showing the full extent to which Obama and his cohorts have eroded their party's once broad base of support by pandering to special interest groups and weakening the American middle class.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Is Michigan a red state? No. Did the Republican governor not win reelection in a blue state? Yes.

However, Republicans control both the legislature and the governor's office in Michigan. Maybe Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have turned it into a red state.

Last Tuesday, Republicans gained control of the Colorado State Senate, Maine State Senate, the Minnesota State House, the Nevada State Senate, the Nevada State Assembly, the New Hampshire State House, the New Mexico State House, the West Virginia State Senate, the West Virginia State House, the New York State Senate and the Washington State Senate. How many of these do you count as red states? BTW, Republicans had more state legislative seats contested last week than Democrats did.

Be patient, it will not be long before political scholars will begin publishing studies showing the full extent to which Obama and his cohorts have eroded their party's once broad base of support by pandering to special interest groups and weakening the American middle class.
Apparently, being run by republicans since before Obama took office, it is no longer considered blue? I thought we were talking congressional, and governors seats? Are you going to bring in county magistrates next?
TheRealVille Wrote:^Michigan already had a republican governor, and legislation. I've already pointed this out to you. I keep up with MI, since I used to work a lot in Ann Arbor, ...until it went right to work and ran us out. Not to worry though, it went into rust belt status before Obama took office.

Did overbearing unions with unrealistic demands have anything to do with the "rust belt" syndrome?
TheRealVille Wrote:Apparently, being run by republicans since before Obama took office, it is no longer considered blue? I thought we were talking congressional, and governors seats? Are you going to bring in county magistrates next?
When Obama took office, Michigan had a Democrat governor and Democrats controlled the Michigan State House of Representatives.

You are the one that has been arguing that the 2014 elections were nothing more than a normal mid-term loss of a few seats in Congress that happens every four years. Clearly, that was not the case. Republicans made huge gains in state government. That is a big advantage to have entering the 2016 campaign.

I have no idea whether Obama's six-year reign has impacted the balance of Democrats and Republicans in local government, but it has dealt a crippling blow to the Democrats at both the national and state level. If you want to continue to ignore the numbers, you risk looking as silly as Obama does threatening to use his pen and phone after a such crushing political defeat.

You should be on the phone begging the White House to stop destroying your party through its lawless behavior. If somebody does not talk some sense into your hero, it is going to be a very long two years for Democrats.
Here you have it from the horse's mouth. In the words of top Senate Dem Chuck Schumer, ObamaCare was pushed through because Dems wanted to make sure it got through while they had control of both the lower and upper house, as well as the Oval Office. So when you hear our President say that he's tired of waiting on the Congress to act on immigration, just remember that Dem's top priorities were acted upon during the first two years. Nancy Pelosi and Mr Obama are having seizures, LOL.

I hope they got the Cadillac package and can afford to have seizure covered.

Oh, they get it all free? Nevermind.
TheRealThing Wrote:Here you have it from the horse's mouth. In the words of top Senate Dem Chuck Schumer, ObamaCare was pushed through because Dems wanted to make sure it got through while they had control of both the lower and upper house, as well as the Oval Office. So when you hear our President say that he's tired of waiting on the Congress to act on immigration, just remember that Dem's top priorities were acted upon during the first two years. Nancy Pelosi and Mr Obama are having seizures, LOL.

Chuck is delusional. Like almost every other Democrat in the country, Shumer realizes that outside of a few deep blue areas, Democrats will have to repudiate Obama in 2016 to stand a chance of getting elected. He is delusional for thinking that he has any chance of ever becoming president. Shumer has been one of Obama's top henchmen in the Senate. He can run but he cannot hide from his loyal service to Emperor Obama.

The people of New York are stupid enough to reelect Shumer for life, but his left wing record and serpentine personality will never allow him to become a serious presidential candidate. Maybe Democrats just want somebody to run who will make Hillary look great in comparison.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Chuck is delusional. Like almost every other Democrat in the country, Shumer realizes that outside of a few deep blue areas, Democrats will have to repudiate Obama in 2016 to stand a chance of getting elected. He is delusional for thinking that he has any chance of ever becoming president. Shumer has been one of Obama's top henchmen in the Senate. He can run but he cannot hide from his loyal service to Emperor Obama.

The people of New York are stupid enough to reelect Shumer for life, but his left wing record and serpentine personality will never allow him to become a serious presidential candidate. Maybe Democrats just want somebody to run who will make Hillary look great in comparison.

If you ask me most Dems are delusional. It's hilarious to think Mitch McConnell's ranking is supposed to be at the bottom of the heap when compared to the likes of Schumer, or any of the special interest darlings of the Congress at large for that matter. It's hard to name a Democrat that cannot be connected to one of the many scandals besetting this administration. Those deep blue areas are none the less a big concern. You know they're (Dems) going to exploit that angle to keep the President's chair in play. And the takers are never going to give up their seat on the gravy train.

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