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Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare
WideRight05 Wrote:It gets even better.

This is the only thing that the Republicans asked for back when the shutdown argument was going on. Now, Obama chooses to go unilateral and do it. Talk about hypocrisy.

LOL, and talk about low information voters too! How shallow would one have to be in order to not understand things like this? Did you see the R.E.M. song Granny posted not long ago to describe current events? "It's the end of the world as we know it" She might be a Granny Bear but, she's got her ducks in a row. :biggrin: It's as if willful ignorance has taken on a life of it's own and, nobody quite knows how to stop it from taking over the world.
Every day there is a new headline detailing some short fall of the ACA. The numbers released as having signed up have been much inflated, obviously, and now we see some more accurate reporting to that end has emerged.

"The White House has been dealt a stunning new blow on Obamacare sign-up numbers with reports showing that only about half of the people "enrolled" at healthcare exchanges in various states have actually paid their premiums."

The mainstream media don't mind a bit to downplay or bury parts of the news that do not aid the cause while, embellishing the thinnest hint that may make things look better than they are. I will never forget reporter's pointed queries as to the readiness of the website and other key roll-out issues, and hearing Kathleen Sebelius blow them all off as ridiculous trouble makers.
Remember the Congressman from South Carolina yelling out the words; "You lie"?

Here is a partial text of the President's speech in 2009 relative to the passage of ObamaCare in which, he yelled out those immortal words. I recommend reading the whole speech, it takes a few minutes, but it's worth your time.

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release September 9, 2009
U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.
8:16 P.M. EDT

"Some of people's concerns (about ObamaCare) have grown out of bogus claims spread by those whose only agenda is to kill reform at any cost. The best example is the claim made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but by prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Now, such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible. It is a lie, plain and simple. (Applause.)
There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms -- the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: You lie! (Boos.)
THE PRESIDENT: It's not true. And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up -- under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place. (Applause.)
Now, my health care proposal has also been attacked by some who oppose reform as a "government takeover" of the entire health care system. (SNIP)
Finally, let me discuss an issue that is a great concern to me, to members of this chamber, and to the public -- and that's how we pay for this plan.
And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I'm serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don't materialize. (Applause.) Now, part of the reason I faced a trillion-dollar deficit when I walked in the door of the White House is because too many initiatives over the last decade were not paid for -- from the Iraq war to tax breaks for the wealthy. (Applause.) I will not make that same mistake with health care."

Note: the not "one dime" remark falls in paragraph number 42 of the full text cited. According to an article written by AMAC, a recent CBO scoring of the ACA (dated Feb 4, 2014) predicts a trillion plus deficit as the result of the law. Both houses of the congress have wrestled with the pitfalls of universal health care since the Clintons tried and failed to get it through in the 90's. It has been an intellectual argument debated in the Congress, that has been recast as a moral argument by Dems to stir up support among the people. It is reported to be mathematically insolvent in any model yet put forth, so Dems have foregone logic in favor of emotionalism. The problem is that they passed the law or their own accord, against the better judgment of their counterparts across the aisle. The question has really always been whether we should pass something America cannot afford to sustain.

BTW, notice the way the President gave flavor to his remarks by attacking those who did not agree with "his law?" Looks like he may mean to address the problem; "The FCC has cooked up a plan to place "researchers" in U.S. newsrooms,"

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:
The 'anything goes' methodology which has become standard practice in the name of the ObamaCare launch, may well have some pretty stout chickens coming home to roost for many. Of course, the ONLY reason folks were receptive to ObamaCare at the outset, was because it was sold as if it would be a free service to folks under the financial gun. Obviously, this is far from the truth.

"More than one million Americans may be receiving the wrong Obamacare subsidies and the government has not been able to solve the issue yet — meaning people who inadvertently got too much money could face crippling tax bills in upcoming years."
Administration officials and many Dems in general were so desperate to see the ObamaCare law come to pass, they agreed to throw any amount of money necessary at it during it's inception years. That means that according to the former head of the CBO, we who pay have only begun to hemorrhage our hard earned pay checks to fund the liberal idea of "paying our fair share."

I haven't tallied all the costs to set up the new law. Websites, advertising, thousands of government paid aides and on and on, will all add up to an astronomic number to be sure. But, the former CBO chief has a terrifying number to add to the litany of tax dollars headed out of your bank account.

Waste: Lawmakers have learned that ObamaCare could end up overpaying insurance subsidies by as much as $152 billion. That´s more than the deficit cut Washington once promised ObamaCare would produce. Former Congressional Budget Office director Douglas Holtz-Eakin on Tuesday told members of the House Ways and Means subcommittee on health that ObamaCare would likely result in huge overpayments. To make his case, Holtz-Eakin pointed to the Earned Income Tax Credit, a program that works somewhat like ObamaCare in that it hands out refundable tax credits based on income. Despite its relative simplicity and the fact that it has been around a long time"
Is there anyway to hurry on to 2016...
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Is there anyway to hurry on to 2016...
Why? Even the republican talk show minions are admitting that if Hillary puts her name in the hat, she's a shoe in? Hillary beats anybody on either ticket, hands down.
^^ :hilarious: The Hill would wilt in short order in debate with the likes of Mitt Romney.

"A hacker breached in July and uploaded malicious software, apparently intending to use the system in future cyberattacks against other websites. 

The break-in, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, was discovered last week by federal health officials, who said no personal data was taken.

It is the first successful, confirmed hack of the federal health insurance exchange that went through a rocky launch last year."
Read more:

I will be among the first to admit attention has been diverted away from the ObamaCare debacle of late. What with recent Russian military advancements in the Ukraine resulting in more territory of that sovereign state falling into Putin's hands via a ceasefire agreement and, ISIS reforming the face of the Middle East. (Which BTW was predicted to the letter by none other than George W in 2007, when liberals were already revealing how they would manage foreign policy. We see were that rationale has led us.) Meanwhile, nothing has been done to deter Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons with almost nobody having the courage or foresight to see what that will cause. And, with men of honor on the ground at the time of the Benghazi attack appearing on talk shows stating they were in fact ordered to stand down and, the subsequent soon release of their tell-all book. And, with news of destroyed black berries and hard drives associated with IRS employees under Congressional investigation. One would necessarily need a score card for sure.

And yet, off radar the dictates of ObamaCare have begun to wrap their tentacles around the necks of working folks. The news will be forthcoming as to the oppressive tactics used to fund the measure and most are predicting that news will not be good. I found the release of the news of this hacking by Captain Transparency to be par for the course. "Oh by the way, we had a hacking of six weeks ago, but don't worry no personal information was lost." :please:

Thanks for posting on this thread RV. It would seem to have been very timely.
^ You want to know why your guys are diverting from the ACA talk? Because it's working. Kentucky is a prime example. And, states(red) that didn't embrace it are losing tons of money. BTW, it's the same way you are diverting from what I posted, Hillary wins hands down. Even your republican minions admit it. Obama beat Mitt in at least 2 out of 3 debates. Hillary would put Mitt in a coma state, face to face.
A few of you guys get more hilarious by the day, hilariously ignorant, that is. Not you Gut. I got tons of respect for you. The one in question, in this thread, knows who he is.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ You want to know why your guys are diverting from the ACA talk? Because it's working. Kentucky is a prime example. And, states(red) that didn't embrace it are losing tons of money. BTW, it's the same way you are diverting from what I posted, Hillary wins hands down. Even your republican minions admit it. Obama beat Mitt in at least 2 out of 3 debates. Hillary would put Mitt in a coma state, face to face.

I made it clear why "ACA talk" had taken a temporary hiatus. The world is exploding and ObamaCare talk is on the back burner in the face of recent volcanic world affairs. Obama and Candice broke with the debate rules format (imagine that a Democrat cheating to win), in the 2nd debate when she conspired with him to back the lie he told with regard to his having referred to Benghazi as an act of terror during his Rose Garden address. She didn't have the right to contribute to the debate, only to mediate but, she did it anyway. And, as it turned out Mitt has been right about everything he said and Obama has been wrong.

This thread is about ObamaCare and the pending misfortune it will bring down on Democrats in the mid-terms. You did post about Hillary sure enough and I did you the service of responding. I don't believe she can win and I know she can't debate. Maybe you had your head in the sand when she debated Obama and started crying when she got frustrated. I still remember and I say she wouldn't stand a chance. At any rate, Romney had Obama on the ropes until the curve ball mentioned above. That would take anybody off their stride and that is why the rules forbad any contribution from the moderator.
Im not sure Hillary will run. It would make sense to. I do think she would be a favorite, however, is it worth having her drug through the mud? For anyone else, being president would be a dream come true, but she has already lived at the white house for eight years and seen the garbage. Why put up with it? Im sure she makes a LOT more doing speaking engagements than she ever would being President.

My point is, to her, is it worth it? First female president potentially, or set around and enjoy life?

I will say this, the Repubs need to be doing double time finding a better candidate than the ones mentioned, because I do believe she would be favored running against the like of Paul, Perry, Christie, etc.
Mitt would be the only reasonable choice, but hell, is it worth it to him now? lol.

Its bad when people are probably debating on whether or not to be the most powerful person on the planet.
The ACA works for Kentucky because of the amount of takers in this state. I honestly don't think that's a reflection on our voting. Our votes are mostly cast by the workers while the freebies set back and wait and don't really care.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:The ACA works for Kentucky because of the amount of takers in this state. I honestly don't think that's a reflection on our voting. Our votes are mostly cast by the workers while the freebies set back and wait and don't really care.
My buddy, republican businessman btw, went to the ACA website and got insurance cheaper than he had, that had better coverage. He is a believer in the ACA now.
TheRealVille Wrote:My buddy, republican businessman btw, went to the ACA website and got insurance cheaper than he had, that had better coverage. He is a believer in the ACA now.

That would be nice, if it were the case for everyone.
Had I changed with the ACA I was looking at doubling my premiums.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:That would be nice, if it were the case for everyone.
Had I changed with the ACA I was looking at doubling my premiums.

I don't see how. He is mid 50's, and both he and his wife have had cancer.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't see how. He is mid 50's, and both he and his wife have had cancer.

Every time I tried on several different plans my deductible was going to go from the 2400 that it is to at least 5000.
"Thousands of illegal immigrants have been allowed to illicitly enroll in and receive taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits from Obamacare.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La, has blasted the administration and sent a letter to Marilyn Tavenner, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), demanding action on eliminating illegal aliens enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, the Washington Times reports.

[SIZE="2"]"The Obama administration is bending over backwards to give Obamacare to illegal immigrants but won’t protect hardworking American citizens who are losing their healthcare coverage," Vitter told the Times.

"The Obama administration has been granting deadline extensions, making excuses and turning a blind eye to falsified documents by illegal immigrants."[/SIZE]


Belly up to the bar boys, it's happy hour! All ObamaCare has ever been is a scheme to get people with money to pay for the health care, of people who don't have money. And no matter how clever the taxes under which they disguise the taxes passed down to working folks, it is those taxes which pay for these guys health care. Administration lawyers argued that exact scenario before the SCOTUS. That is why Roberts rolled over on the taxpayer because only the Congress has the power to tax.
^Didn't your article tell that they lost ACA coverage Sept. 30th when they couldn't provide proof of citizenship? Why didn't you show that part?
7.3 million people have signed up, and paid for coverage under the ACA. Conservative at the national level are eerily quiet about the program now that they are being proven wrong on their assertions. I had another staunch republican guy tell me his dad saved 300.00 a month by using the coverage he got from the ACA. It killed their soul to admit that they approve of the ACA now. That's two families of strong conservatives that I know personally, that are loving on "Obamacare". Not to mention all the families that are keeping their kids on, until they turn 26.
TheRealVille Wrote:7.3 million people have signed up, and paid for coverage under the ACA. Conservative at the national level are eerily quiet about the program now that they are being proven wrong on their assertions. I had another staunch republican guy tell me his dad saved 300.00 a month by using the coverage he got from the ACA. It killed their soul to admit that they approve of the ACA now. That's two families of strong conservatives that I know personally, that are loving on "Obamacare". Not to mention all the families that are keeping their kids on, until they turn 26.

Did your 7.3 million actually sign up and PAY? Check the reality- assuming the government won't hide it. The overwhelming majority of your "sign ups" received subsidies from the taxpayers. Most 100% freebie. Somehow, that places a bit of a caveat on your Obamacare "success".

But, it does help your boys in buying votes. Wonder if the "signees" were told that, as a condition for their free coverage, they had to get out and vote and pull the lever under the donkey? Of course, most all of the people in this category know to pull that freebie lever, don't they? They have been doing so for generations first for commodity cheese and peanut butter and now for more free trips to the emergency room.
Obamacare is another effort from Obama to redistribute the wealth. In the great majority of cases, it is just another avenue for the spread of welfare. Socialism at its best.
TheRealVille Wrote:^Didn't your article tell that they lost ACA coverage Sept. 30th when they couldn't provide proof of citizenship? Why didn't you show that part?

Your propensity to overlook the obvious in the name of partisanship is incredible. The fact that they were allowed to sign up at all runs completely contrary to Obama's promise that illegals would not be covered. Many are still getting benefits and will continue to get them.

It was widely reported during the hunt down for enrollees, that nobody was paying except those who were already accustomed to paying under the old system. As Harry Rex has already pointed out, out of the 7.3, which still includes those who have merely put a policy in their shopping cart BTW, the vast majority don't and won't pay for their coverage. Further, in the attempt to get numbers, they allowed anybody who had the courage to come on the site and sign up under real or false pretenses, the privilege of coverage based on subsidies until the whole mess could someday (assumably) get sorted out. Obviously the tactic worked, you're on here crowing about numbers, LOL.

I posted the link like I always do, it was not my intent to put up the whole article. And if there were no there, there, Senator Vitter would not have sent the letter. Eerily quiet? The only thing eerie about it is that the media are so in the tank they refuse to tell the truth. That and the fact that your vocabulary eerily reflects my influence.
TheRealThing Wrote:Your propensity to overlook the obvious in the name of partisanship is incredible. The fact that they were allowed to sign up at all runs completely contrary to Obama's promise that illegals would not be covered. Many are still getting benefits and will continue to get them.

It was widely reported during the hunt down for enrollees, that nobody was paying except those who were already accustomed to paying under the old system. As Harry Rex has already pointed out, out of the 7.3, which still includes those who have merely put a policy in their shopping cart BTW, the vast majority don't and won't pay for their coverage. Further, in the attempt to get numbers, they allowed anybody who had the courage to come on the site and sign up under real or false pretenses, the privilege of coverage based on subsidies until the whole mess could someday (assumably) get sorted out. Obviously the tactic worked, you're on here crowing about numbers, LOL.

I posted the link like I always do, it was not my intent to put up the whole article. And if there were no there, there, Senator Vitter would not have sent the letter. Eerily quiet? The only thing eerie about it is that the media are so in the tank they refuse to tell the truth. That and the fact that your vocabulary eerily reflects my influence.
They signed up, probably online, and got caught. No, not in cart, signed up, covered, and paid for. Do you research.
TheRealVille Wrote:T
They signed up, probably online, and got caught. No, not in cart, signed up, covered, and paid for. Do you research.

Always do.
TheRealVille Wrote:T
They signed up, probably online, and got caught. No, not in cart, signed up, covered, and paid for. Do you research.

And, who "paid for it", TheRealVille? The vast majority of your gophers who "signed up" didn't pay a dime. It is typical of all liberal programs. Sign up, vote Democrat, and let the actual taxpayers, most of whom are obviously Republicans, pay the tab.
1)----"the grandfather clause in Obamacare was intentionally written to make it impossible for Americans to grandfather their existing policies into our new socialist medical system. Dr. David Hogberg, a healthcare policy analyst for the National Center for Public Policy Research explained:
“If you had your plan prior to March 2010 when Obamacare became law, it was supposed to be grandfathered in. You were supposed to keep it, but the Department of Labor came out with these grandfather regulations. It’s almost like telling a guy you can keep walking on the beach as long as you don’t get any sand on your feet. It’s almost impossible not to violate.” [/SIZE]

2)----A number of insurance company executives were summoned before the House Energy and Commerce Committee this week to be grilled on the 6 million previous cancellations. Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) asked them whose fault was it for the cancellation notices that were sent out last year. Gardner’s website posted the following response:

“The witnesses confirmed that these [previous] cancellation notices were sent out due to the president’s healthcare law. It was also disclosed that millions more Americans will see their plans canceled when the president’s healthcare law is fully enforced.”

In other words, MILLIONS of retirees and other folks on fixed incomes will be facing the end of affordable health care in a matter of months, as the ObamaCare Law is fully implemented. Not to mention union workers who have a temporary deferment. I would imagine the crying will start in earnest once the employer mandate extensions run out. Doctors already routinely refuse to accept patients who are either on Medicare or who cannot demonstrate the ability to pay the 40% of care costs which fall outside of the limits of a bronze level ObamaCare policy. I mean, all it takes is a credit check. Folks who have been saddled with paying for the freeloaders to enjoy the full Monty with regard to access to health care, may well find themselves looking at a choice between selling their home or possibly giving up their cars in order to afford care, or face death or a greatly shortened life span. But since ObamaCare is FEDERALLY MANDATED, even though they may have restricted access to care, they will still pay for ObamaCare.
TheRealThing Wrote:Remember the Congressman from South Carolina yelling out the words; "You lie"?

Here is a partial text of the President's speech in 2009 relative to the passage of ObamaCare in which, he yelled out those immortal words. I recommend reading the whole speech, it takes a few minutes, but it's worth your time.

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release September 9, 2009
U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C.
8:16 P.M. EDT

"Some of people's concerns (about ObamaCare) have grown out of bogus claims spread by those whose only agenda is to kill reform at any cost. The best example is the claim made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but by prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Now, such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible. It is a lie, plain and simple. (Applause.)
[COLOR="red"][SIZE="2"]There are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false. The reforms -- the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.
THE PRESIDENT: It's not true. And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up -- under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place. [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR](Applause.)
Now, my health care proposal has also been attacked by some who oppose reform as a "government takeover" of the entire health care system. (SNIP)
Finally, let me discuss an issue that is a great concern to me, to members of this chamber, and to the public -- and that's how we pay for this plan.
And here's what you need to know. First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future. (Applause.) I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period. And to prove that I'm serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don't materialize. (Applause.) Now, part of the reason I faced a trillion-dollar deficit when I walked in the door of the White House is because too many initiatives over the last decade were not paid for -- from the Iraq war to tax breaks for the wealthy. (Applause.) I will not make that same mistake with health care."

Note: the not "one dime" remark falls in paragraph number 42 of the full text cited. According to an article written by AMAC, a recent CBO scoring of the ACA (dated Feb 4, 2014) predicts a trillion plus deficit as the result of the law. Both houses of the congress have wrestled with the pitfalls of universal health care since the Clintons tried and failed to get it through in the 90's. It has been an intellectual argument debated in the Congress, that has been recast as a moral argument by Dems to stir up support among the people. It is reported to be mathematically insolvent in any model yet put forth, so Dems have foregone logic in favor of emotionalism. The problem is that they passed the law or their own accord, against the better judgment of their counterparts across the aisle. The question has really always been whether we should pass something America cannot afford to sustain.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

My apologies for quoting myself but, the 'red' text above bears revisiting, LOL. Looking back as of September 2014, the Congressman from South Carolina doesn't look quite so bad in my book. So you tell me, are illegals getting coverage (even free coverage) under ObamaCare or not?
Chief ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber--- “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass… Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

There you have it. Republicans tried to head this thing off but, voters allowed their opponents the Democrats, to define Republicans as hard hearted rich guys that did not have the interests of the people in mind. As I have said, Dems believe the end justifies the means, in other words they believe it's okay to lie to the voter. Ironically an act which denies us the 'choice' we keep hearing so much about. One has to wonder how big labor will react once the reality of what they have supported through votes and hard earned wages hits home.
I am still waiting to witness something positive that Obama does well. He is a good campaigner. He reads a teleprompter like a champ. After that, I cannot think of anything else. According to Michael Jordan, Obama is even a bad golfer despite all of the time that he has spent practicing over the past six years.

I will never understand how tens of millions of people voted for Obama in 2012. How could anybody lose an election to such an unaccomplished failure of a president? If Romney could not beat such a weak candidate, he should not even consider a second run. I am not sure that anybody who lost to the man who lost to Obama should consider another run either.

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