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02-12-2006, 03:00 PM
enough about the fighting.
It will not be tolerated
and rather than close the thread you will be warned and if you continue you will face a suspension.
It will not be tolerated
and rather than close the thread you will be warned and if you continue you will face a suspension.
02-12-2006, 03:25 PM
I think that you are allowed to use body paint as long as you wear a shirt, at least that is what I know the Bobcats were told. As far as the chants go, BL didn't chant anything worse or anymore chants than P-burg did. So I don't see how a double standard was seen at that game. If you really want to talk about favortism, I think everyone should know a little about the BL and P-burg game. Cheerleaders from either squad was suppose to cheer due to the sponsors not attending a mandatory class for coaches. BL's cheerleaders didn't cheer but P-burg's did. The first chant by P-burg's pep section was " where's your cheerleaders?". Also, Coach Pack cancelled the game between the girls due to this same class that he had not attended. Then called the day of the game and it was back on I assume due to "someone" that he knew. So I wonder who really has the inside track with the BOE?
02-12-2006, 03:30 PM
No.. Prestonsburg's Cheerleaders and girls basketball team got tp play because.... if the sponsor of the team was employeed by the BOE before 1995 then you didnt have to have the class. Leslie Ousley (PHS Cheer Coach) was hired in 1993 - and Idk about Coach J. Pack.
02-12-2006, 04:29 PM
ALLSPORTFAN you might want to get your facts right. The cheerleaders go to cheer and the girls got to play b/c of a bylaw, blackcatforever you are exactly right, at least someone knows what they are talking about.
02-12-2006, 07:02 PM
I believe they used all caps lock, be fair now, I got blasted for that!((hahahahhaahha)
had to say it(lol)
I believe they used all caps lock, be fair now, I got blasted for that!((hahahahhaahha)
had to say it(lol)
02-12-2006, 07:39 PM
Well, that was every parent at BL thought and said. I guess Jack Pack was unaware of the bylaw at one time or he would not have called and cancelled the game to begin with.
About the painting your body situation.. To my knowledge the BOE hasn't said that a PEP section cannot paint their bodies. I think that this really goes with what the Principal wants his students to do. I dont think that Mr. Ousley (BLHS principal) would let their pep section paint their body if they weren't supposed to.
About the painting your body situation.. To my knowledge the BOE hasn't said that a PEP section cannot paint their bodies. I think that this really goes with what the Principal wants his students to do. I dont think that Mr. Ousley (BLHS principal) would let their pep section paint their body if they weren't supposed to.
02-12-2006, 07:41 PM
The situation is you can paint your body, but you MUST wear a shirt. So therefore you are really only painting maybe your arms and face. The BL students arrived with no shirts and thats why I think there is a fuss.
02-12-2006, 08:31 PM
"ALLSPORTFAN" Wrote:Well, that was every parent at BL thought and said. I guess Jack Pack was unaware of the bylaw at one time or he would not have called and cancelled the game to begin with.
About the painting your body situation.. To my knowledge the BOE hasn't said that a PEP section cannot paint their bodies. I think that this really goes with what the Principal wants his students to do. I dont think that Mr. Ousley (BLHS principal) would let their pep section paint their body if they weren't supposed to.
So is a toga a toga or is it a shirt?
Just asking cause i watched the game on tv
and it looked like bl had togas on
02-12-2006, 08:46 PM
What is and isn't allowed is basically a code of conduct set by the principals of each individual school.. East Ridge fans aren't allowed to dress in the ways that schools such as Pikeville fans are. That happened because of Mr. Kilgore not allowing it, nothing to do with the county and such. I'm not really up on each of the Floyd County schools and their policies but it is all on the principal. I suppose that the principal at South Floyd did this because of the fight but I don't know why P-burg was brought into it as well..
02-12-2006, 10:37 PM
I'm assuming that anything that covers up the chest is acceptable, as long as there are no bare chests. There were a few that tried to go to the P-burg game without a shirt on but was made to put shirts on as they entered and they did.
02-17-2006, 01:06 AM
the call has been made
02-17-2006, 01:36 AM
"DANTE ALIGHIERI" Wrote:I know that Coach Martin told his team that P-burg fans had been doing their, " Bob-by Knight and John-ny Mar-tin,' chants for at least 20 years and that he loved it when they did that. Usually, he said that at halftime or after the game the P-burg students would slap hands with him and interact with him. I know that he loves their spirit and their chants.I never once "gave him the finger", nor did I use any profanity, and for him to say that I did is completely erroneous. I also sense that you're trying to intimidate me by implying that the man is another Chuck Norris, but understand this my friend, I will always support my school.
He told them the next day that he stood up, as usual, when they started the chant and was greeted by a few who gave him the finger and said F- you!
He is highly competitive and took offense since the Rebs were getting torched by 40 points at the time. I think he also had an emotional time at that game for personal reasons and he also had just broken two more bones in his left hand( to go with the broken bone in his right hand.)
So he said he did an immature act by motioning for the offenders (whoever they were)to come over to the bench and do that, not stand in the crowd.
He thought it was no big deal at the time but after staying up all night at the gym the next morning he emailed the Pburg principal apologizing for his actions and hoped that no would reprimand the offending students and fans and actually praised their enthusiasm. You can probably verify this if you wish with Mr. George.
Coach Martin loves kids- other teams' students as well as his own and I know he would hate it if he knew he was in any way responsible for destroying school spirit in the county.
I think he would probably be willing to address the Pburg student body and tell them of his regret if he were asked. He's just that kind of guy. He is also completely fearless (you would be too if you were an expert in Tae-Kwan-Do as he is.) But I know he does truly love kids and coaching sports.
02-17-2006, 01:44 AM
"jayblackcat2006" Wrote:I never once "gave him the finger", nor did I use any profanity, and for him to say that I did is completely erroneous. I also sense that you're trying to intimidate me by implying that the man is another Chuck Norris, but understand this my friend, I will always support my school.
nor did i give him the finger, but someone may have, i will not rule it out. there are some immature people at prestonsburg high school, just as every other school.
02-17-2006, 01:47 AM
so true Blackcat so true
All schools not just Sf and pburg
All schools not just Sf and pburg
02-17-2006, 02:01 AM
I guess in this inverted county that the immaturity of a few supersedes the great spirit shown by the majority. I wonder what ever happened to that First Amendment, maybe it only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades now also.
02-17-2006, 02:09 AM
i am so glad i am out and away from all the bullshit that surrounds Floyd Co sports.... too damn political... makes me sick.
02-17-2006, 02:10 AM
"Vincent Vega" Wrote:i am so glad i am out and away from all the bullshit that surrounds Floyd Co sports.... too damn political... makes me sick.Floyd County? No way. You're probably being prosecuted right now man. Be alert my friend, be alert.
02-17-2006, 02:13 AM
"jayblackcat2006" Wrote:Floyd County? No way. You're probably being prosecuted right now man. Be alert my friend, be let em try. truth stand even if the world falls..
02-17-2006, 02:19 AM
"Vincent Vega" Wrote:lol let em try. truth stand even if the world falls..As lustrous an adage that is, I'm not sure it's dependable anymore.
02-17-2006, 04:20 AM
Jay, congrats on making coaches mad. Makes me proud man. LOL
And the way I feel about this whole situation is F--- the BOE, F--- Dr. Fanning, and F--- the county cuz if I wanted to come to the game painted then I would. I came many of times to football games painted and nothing was ever said. To all P-burg fans I say this: stand up for what you believe in. Who cares what anyone else thinks. If you wanna wear paint, then wear it. And this whole wearing paint with a T-shirt is rediculous. What's the point in painting yourself then?
And the way I feel about this whole situation is F--- the BOE, F--- Dr. Fanning, and F--- the county cuz if I wanted to come to the game painted then I would. I came many of times to football games painted and nothing was ever said. To all P-burg fans I say this: stand up for what you believe in. Who cares what anyone else thinks. If you wanna wear paint, then wear it. And this whole wearing paint with a T-shirt is rediculous. What's the point in painting yourself then?
02-17-2006, 01:27 PM
I was at the P-Burg and AC game. P-Burg fans as well as some of the cheerleaders and dance team were very rude that night. I left after the girls game because my 7 year old neice was with me.We couldnt enjoy the game because of the things that were going on that nite.This kind of behavior should never be tolerated by ANYONE!
02-17-2006, 02:04 PM
You're exactly right!!
"rebel mom" Wrote:I was at the P-Burg and AC game. P-Burg fans as well as some of the cheerleaders and dance team were very rude that night. I left after the girls game because my 7 year old neice was with me.We couldnt enjoy the game because of the things that were going on that nite.This kind of behavior should never be tolerated by ANYONE!
02-17-2006, 07:30 PM
This thread isn't about the game at Pburg when the Johnny Martin incident happened..this thread is about school spirit
02-17-2006, 07:40 PM
"allie25" Wrote:This thread isn't about the game at Pburg when the Johnny Martin incident happened..this thread is about school spirit
Actually This Thread Is About How Two High Schools In The County Are Restricted In Their Fan Behavior ( Especially South Floyd ) And The Other Two Aren't. ( Especially Betsy Layne ) I Don't Have A Dog In This Fight, But When I Researched What Had Happened To P-Burg And South Floyd The More I Realized That It Is Just NOT RIGHT. :CE_DP_Ste

02-17-2006, 08:00 PM
Prestonsburg and South Floyd have the wild fans that like to get kicked out of games and yell curse words to pump up there respected teams! These two schools have the best fans in the 58th maybe even the 15th !
02-17-2006, 08:14 PM
02-17-2006, 08:52 PM
"rebel mom" Wrote:I was at the P-Burg and AC game. P-Burg fans as well as some of the cheerleaders and dance team were very rude that night. I left after the girls game because my 7 year old neice was with me.We couldnt enjoy the game because of the things that were going on that nite.This kind of behavior should never be tolerated by ANYONE!Oh, I didn't know that an immature coach taunting and provoking fans to come to him was acceptable. Listen lady, you know that the fan section is made up of kids, who at times will be immature, with that taken into consideration you should have asked yourself this question: Should I really be bringing a child at the age of seven (one of the most vulnerable ages in the lifespan) to a stadium filled with spirited fans and raving parents. Nice move, slick!
02-17-2006, 08:53 PM
"blackcatfan4life" Wrote:Jay, congrats on making coaches mad. Makes me proud man. LOLI'm just carrying the torch man, but here's the thing, they threatened up with police officers and stuff.
And the way I feel about this whole situation is F--- the BOE, F--- Dr. Fanning, and F--- the county cuz if I wanted to come to the game painted then I would. I came many of times to football games painted and nothing was ever said. To all P-burg fans I say this: stand up for what you believe in. Who cares what anyone else thinks. If you wanna wear paint, then wear it. And this whole wearing paint with a T-shirt is rediculous. What's the point in painting yourself then?
02-17-2006, 10:50 PM
Did the fans not taunt Johnny first? High school b-ball games should be a family thing. Ive had children in the Floyd Co. school system for alot of years. Ive had ballplayers,cheerleaders and dancers. This is the worst I have ever seen it. This kind of behavior should not be tolerated.Not from anyone no matter where they go to school.
02-18-2006, 12:53 AM
i am a banned student at south floyd and to who ever makes it out of sf and phs in district i wish the best to u ......if sf wins ill be there crazy as ever and if phs who knows i might go painted in red and black .....see ya at region
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