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Just how good is the young Mayfield defense?
Yeah im really thumping my chest considering i have never stated 1 time that i think mayfield would win title this year. I have not predicted that. But since you are caught up on the numbers Frankfort, and russellville aint big schools either, and both would have beat the burg, so without mayfield you still wouldnt have won title last year. Ill leave this ignorant discussion and wont give you the time of day of posting again.
Yep, both of them gave us a better game last year.
I will tell you 1 more time the school with the biggest enrollment has the advantage in athletics I know you can't count junior high kids and elementary kids in assigning what class you play in but, they sure can play feeder league football, and it is A lot easyer to coach 25 kids than 12 or 15 believe me. I didn't even say the system should change but the problem which is there will still give the advantage to the larger number of male students. I just ask you to acknowledge that you were A school that had the enrollment that is required to be A 2A team.
I too, do my share of picking 64. I do like following football and stats though. I guess the stats thing comes from my many years of coaching baseball. I just don't understand why educated discussions, in which you base it upon facts, upsets someone so much. I have not proclaimed anything blindly. I used stats and scores to back my statements. Never in this discussion did we bring someone's beloved orange jackets into it. So, I guess, get over it.
topnotch Wrote:What you said, if I have it right, was A whole bunch of nothing. 55 you sounded just exatly like A modern day politican. Just answer my question does A school with A enrollment much larger than another school have an athletic advantage. YES OR NO

topnotch Wrote:I will tell you 1 more time the school with the biggest enrollment has the advantage in athletics I know you can't count junior high kids and elementary kids in assigning what class you play in but, they sure can play feeder league football, and it is A lot easyer to coach 25 kids than 12 or 15 believe me. I didn't even say the system should change but the problem which is there will still give the advantage to the larger number of male students. I just ask you to acknowledge that you were A school that had the enrollment that is required to be A 2A team.

W'Burg didn't seem to have much trouble with S.Laurel and they have about 3xs the students Mayfield does.. Why aren't you complaining about them..
Maybe the KHSAA should come up with another class, 1/2A and ole topnotch could bring his ball back so the other kids could play..
I really don't understand what is wrong with the old man. He may need to take a laxative or add some fiber to his diet.
topnotch Wrote:You are A fan of A school that has been very successful, I see where you have
listed all these reasons, and you are actually pretty good at it, so I am going to ask you to show us the one thing that you seem to overlook. That is the size of your school (male student body) compared to the teams you have beaten. I know that when you played Williamsburg last year, you were actually A 2A school. not THE SIZE OF EVERY ONE ELSE. in 1A. KHSAA lets size of school lag for about 3 years before they change it. By the way Williamsburg is the 1st or second smallest school in KY> that plays football, Mayfield is the Largest school in KY. That KHSAA allows to play 1A football. I think that the enrollment of male students in any school is the single most telling Effect as to how well they will preform on the athletic field in any sport. You my good athletic friend or Fan are 2A playing in 1A- competition. As Bill Orily says where am I wrong. Do some research on that, You do great research. Well informed, Like 64sure.

You are a big crybaby, Williamsburg is 1A, Mayfield is 1A. Deal with it or go play 8 man football. Williamsburg whips up on all those no name teams then they get their moment in the sun and they wilt. Play for the mountain no name state title if you want. Williamsburg will get to deal with Beechwood after we are gone...meet the new boss, same as the old boss.:biglmao:
topnotch Wrote:I want to tell you Killbille and 55 you guys get on BGR and thump your chest, I am so sick of hearing how we play Marshmallow's and Mayfield is the most powerful team in the world. I really liked Mayfield and respected it's accomplishments in athletics But I am sick of Mayfield now, you guys talk so much about how good you are I almost think you are trying to convince each other, I want to tell you what I think of both of you and the Mayfield football team and the horse you rhode in on you are like A politician you are full of hot air you and you suck. I hope that you get A chance to play us in Bg if we are fortunate enough to get there I speak for my self, iif that be the case I want to tell you we could care less about your thropies and all your records Williamsburg will kick your hind end and make you like it. Bring them on. You don't scare us one bit.

baseball1974 Wrote:Unfortunately, you are missing the point and are going way off base to try and prove a point that is unprovable. The KHSAA has never nor will they ever count enrollment from kindergarten on up to classify teams in classes, and neither will any other state. Why? Its really simple actually, kindergartens do not play high school football. Neither do the other grades on up to the high school level. That is why the numbers I posted above, that is the actual data that the khsaa goes by, is based off of the number of males each school has to chose from for high school football. Those numbers are not that far off. It's definitely not an excuse for them and why they are winning. They have a championship atmosphere there and they have been winning against different classes since the school started. If you knew how the khsaa works you would know how impossible and improbable it would be to change classes every year? That is why the system is set up like it is and it is actually a very good fair system.

Williamsburg beat Newport and they have twice as many kids as Mayfield. Shouldn't you have lost to them?

Newport doesn't have as many recruits as Mayfield because all the other North Kentucky teams recruited them and left Newport with the scraps:biglmao:
Kill billy and 55 why can't you answer A simple question? does a school with a enrollment twice the enrollment of another school have an athletic advantage??
I have no doubt that the Orange Yellow jackets are going to kick your ass as in donkey. Thump your chest squall and holler. I really don't think we will get the chance, your scrawny bunch of red birds will have difficulty getting past the team you play Friday Night and or Beechwood or Frankfort. We will be pulling for every team you p-lay.
topnotch Wrote:I have no doubt that the Orange Yellow jackets are going to kick your ass as in donkey. Thump your chest squall and holler. I really don't think we will get the chance, your scrawny bunch of red birds will have difficulty getting past the team you play Friday Night and or Beechwood or Frankfort. We will be pulling for every team you p-lay.

Top-notch I want mayfield "Field of Dreams". :worthy:
I would like to buy Mayfield for what they are worth and sell your school, Football team, your marine, your band director, and You for what you think you are worth, after The championship game wheather we beat you or some one else I am going to make it A point to tell you what you should have done and exatly how to coach your team. And where you can put all your trophies, records, and achievements. It is A special place you want enjoy. I am looking forward to it.
Spoken like the true fan of a team that got their a**es handed to them on the big stage. Go back to drinking and crying.
topnotch Wrote:Kill billy and 55 why can't you answer A simple question? does a school with a enrollment twice the enrollment of another school have an athletic advantage??

Hey Mr Stupid

Of course but we play by the rules and since your team is the worst team to ever play in the finals maybe they need to try 8 man football or flag. Yes, Williamsburg can play for the state flag football championship. :hilarious:
55, I think topnotch has blown up your thread. Maybe start a new one after we whip Russellville this week?
:1: :dogbowl:
topnotch Wrote:Kill billy and 55 why can't you answer A simple question? does a school with a enrollment twice the enrollment of another school have an athletic advantage??

Confusednicker:circle yes
topnotch Wrote:I have no doubt that the Orange Yellow jackets are going to kick your ass as in donkey. Thump your chest squall and holler. I really don't think we will get the chance, your scrawny bunch of red birds will have difficulty getting past the team you play Friday Night and or Beechwood or Frankfort. We will be pulling for every team you p-lay.

64SUR Wrote:Top-notch I want mayfield "Field of Dreams". :worthy:

build it and they will come :truestory:
topnotch Wrote:Kill billy and 55 why can't you answer A simple question? does a school with a enrollment twice the enrollment of another school have an athletic advantage??

That's not a blanket statement you can make as it being just "in general?" There are a lot of different variables that go into it. That's why not every school that has 2a 3a 4a 5a or even 6a numbers can beat every 1a school. More goes into it besides numbers. If you flip flop and give Williamsburg 100 or 150 more males athletes to chose from and give Mayfield less, their still going to be better based off the atmosphere and program they've built there.

A winning tradition translates no matter how many kids you have
expect Williamsburg to go through the east and west like a dose of salts Confusednicker:
I don't expect any team to go through it. That is the thing you guys don't understand. The state championship is no given. I have seen years when we should have won it all and we didn't get past the semis, 2001 for sure. I remember years when we over achieved and won it all. You just cannot expect it, you have to earn it.
mysonis55 Wrote:I don't expect any team to go through it. That is the thing you guys don't understand. The state championship is no given. I have seen years when we should have won it all and we didn't get past the semis, 2001 for sure. I remember years when we over achieved and won it all. You just cannot expect it, you have to earn it.

you guys? I'm not a Williamsburg fan.just giving an opinion or trolling or whatever you want to call it:trolldad::haters: Confusednicker:
topnotch Wrote:Kill billy and 55 why can't you answer A simple question? does a school with a enrollment twice the enrollment of another school have an athletic advantage??

Good thing you aint a basketball fan you really wouldnt like the numbers disadvantage in basketball since ther is 1 class. I wish this guy would get off here ive gotten were i dont care much about coming on here with his endless attacks and crying.
He has his panties in a wad. He wont get over it either.
I've been here long enough to know that it wouldn't matter what the enrollment number is, so I'm circling NO. If the enrollment number went down we would just have to be more selective in our recruiting. We would reduce the number of "diamonds in the rough" and focus purely on blue chippers. Confusednicker:
Isn't that the truth. Half of the burgs players came from Corbin. Then they recruited in a back from another school this year. If you can recruit in 22 good players, you don't have to worry about how many males are in the school.
mysonis55 Wrote:Isn't that the truth. Half of the burgs players came from Corbin. Then they recruited in a back from another school this year. If you can recruit in 22 good players, you don't have to worry about how many males are in the school.

Williamsburg has 22 players for sure mysonis55. And yes everybody in 1A should be worry. Confusederiously:
64SUR Wrote:Williamsburg has 22 players for sure mysonis55. And yes everybody in 1A should be worry. Confusederiously:

I'm worried. Worried that Coach Morris won't call off the dogs after the 1Q, like he did last year.
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