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Just how good is the young Mayfield defense?
Might have something to do with the fact that this is a very predominately east site. If someone says good things about us or for that matter any west team, you guys flock in attack mode. Year after year when I mention that PT is good, here comes the flock. When I mention McCracken as being good, here comes the flock. When I say something about Caldwell or Murray, same thing. The funny thing is that if you checked this site at the beginning of the year you would think Williamsburg was the defending champs by all the chirping. But if I or anyone says a thing good about the real defending champs, here it goes. But yet, I am the one in the wrong. I love high school football and follow it more than most. My team is very much the center of my research and I know more than almost anyone about Mayfield since 1995. I have followed them around the state missing maybe a hand full of games and when I did, listening on the radio. So, I think when I say this defense is exceptional, I have a very good basis for my opinion.
mysonis55 Wrote:Might have something to do with the fact that this is a very predominately east site. If someone says good things about us or for that matter any west team, you guys flock in attack mode. Year after year when I mention that PT is good, here comes the flock. When I mention McCracken as being good, here comes the flock. When I say something about Caldwell or Murray, same thing. The funny thing is that if you checked this site at the beginning of the year you would think Williamsburg was the defending champs by all the chirping. But if I or anyone says a thing good about the real defending champs, here it goes. But yet, I am the one in the wrong. I love high school football and follow it more than most. My team is very much the center of my research and I know more than almost anyone about Mayfield since 1995. I have followed them around the state missing maybe a hand full of games and when I did, listening on the radio. So, I think when I say this defense is exceptional, I have a very good basis for my opinion.

So you agree with me? The "eye test" is better than comparing points allowed over the years. That's good to hear 55. :Thumbs:
baseball1974 Wrote:This is the second thread he's started about their defense, telling everybody how good they are. Its a shame because Mayfield is not the type of program that needs to fish for compliments. Everybody got tired of listening about it in the other thread(with basically the same title), so he starts another one. Mayfield is a great team. I'm sure they'd be embarrassed if they knew their people were fishing for compliments on message boards?

I tend to agree with you. I actually liked the 1st thread and thought he brought up some nice comparisons and had some valid points, but, when you start another thread 3 weeks later about the same thing, it begs for look at us, look at us.. Mayfield doesn't need to have there horns tooted. Everyone has plenty of respect for what they do on the field, year in, year out..
In a couple to three weeks, I will have another one.
mysonis55 Wrote:In a couple to three weeks, I will have another one.

jetpilot Wrote:Shocker.

mysonis55 Wrote:In a couple to three weeks, I will have another one.

I think Mayfield's D is solid this year, but, not sure it's any better than the past few years. The prior years teams typically blew out opponents early and the JV and Freshmen D's played alot in the 3rd and 4th qtrs, and alot of the points given up were to those D's and not the starting D's. This years team isn't as explosive offensively and haven't had quite the blowouts and running clock games of the previous teams, therefore, the starters staying in the games longer. That could be some of the reason. I know you pointed out that some of the points this year were given up by the JV, but, this has been the case from all the past teams, some more than others..
mysonis55 Wrote:In a couple to three weeks, I will have another one.

Keep mayfield alive in 1A :Cheerlead 55
Interesting point but typically that is not the case. The first 5 games or so each year are tough games and typically our jv doesn't get much playing time. They actually have gotten more time this year than last at this point. This year the jv has played the majority of the second half and some of the first in 3 of those games. But, like last year they did not play against McCracken, PT, Murray or Graves. That is pretty typical though. I think the 2002 team actually had less of the jv playing games back then because Marshall was pretty solid back then and Hopkinsville was very tough and certainly tougher than Fort Campbell is this year.
I'm a Mayfield fan and this team is not even close to being as good a defense as the 2012. The linebackers are not even in close to the 2012 bunch. And they are not as good as last years defense. Now, the good news, this team is getting better and is good enough to win the State Title. The Defense is solid and will be what brings Mayfield a title if there is one to be had.
Well Killer, I and the coaching staff would disagree. They have publicly stated on several occasions that this defense is better than last years. The stats and scores are indicative of that as well. I think it is hard to say the lb's this year could match up with the 2 senior led lb crew of 2012. I think the cb area would certainly go to 2012. But that is getting better every week. I think the line is better this year and senior led. I think the d ends are pretty even with 2012. The safeties are pretty close except for the experience lost in Sevik.
mysonis55 Wrote:Well Killer, I and the coaching staff would disagree. They have publicly stated on several occasions that this defense is better than last years. The stats and scores are indicative of that as well. I think it is hard to say the lb's this year could match up with the 2 senior led lb crew of 2012. I think the cb area would certainly go to 2012. But that is getting better every week. I think the line is better this year and senior led. I think the d ends are pretty even with 2012. The safeties are pretty close except for the experience lost in Sevik.

Joe has never publically stated that. He has only said this team is getting better.
mysonis55 Wrote:Well Killer, I and the coaching staff would disagree. They have publicly stated on several occasions that this defense is better than last years. The stats and scores are indicative of that as well. I think it is hard to say the lb's this year could match up with the 2 senior led lb crew of 2012. I think the cb area would certainly go to 2012. But that is getting better every week. I think the line is better this year and senior led. I think the d ends are pretty even with 2012. The safeties are pretty close except for the experience lost in Sevik.

So it sounds like you agree with him that 2012 was better from your post? Just say that. You don't have to disagree with everything? Its not a prerequisite I don't think?
mysonis55 Wrote:Each week I watch this defense get better and better. I am very surprised at just how good they are. I think people around here do not realize just how good they are because they are more looking for qb sacks, very big (Jonathan Jackson) hits and such. They are missing the fire for all the smoke so to speak. It left me thinking just how good are they? So, I thought about it for a while. I have hung my hat on the 2002 Mayfield Cardinals defense as probably the best I ever saw. With that in mind, I chose to compare scores for each years teams all the way back to and including the 2002 season. Since we have only played 7 games so far this year, I looked at the totals for each years defense all the way back to 2002. This years young Cardinal defense, which will return 7 starters next year and another 2 that get a lot of playing time, has given up 75 points thus far. Really, I am short changing them because I know for sure that 9 of those points should not be credited to their defense. So this is what I found out for each year in the first 7 games.

2013 136 points, 14-1 state champs
2012 133 points, 14-1 state champs
2011 46 points, 14-1 state runners up
2010 73 points, 15-0 state champs
2009 112 points, 13-2 state runners up
2008 190 points, regional finals
2007 78 points, regional finals
2006 123 points, semi finals
2005 87 points, state runners up
2004 178 points, semi finals
2003 97 poi9nts, semi finals
2002 71 points, 15-0 state champions

These are the point totals given up by each Cardinal team by year through the first seven games. The strength of schedule and for the most part all the teams are pretty much the same year after year. I think this shows really good signs for where this bunch is at this time.

You could say the same about any of these teams in regard to the subs giving up points. I don't buy the strength of schedule is the same every year even though we play a lot of the same teams.

When the season is over and everyone can look back and reflect, will be the time to put this team and defense in perspective.
It depends on what you say is publicly. Just because it's not been in the papers or on radio doesn't mean it hasn't been said. I don't think they even expected this defense to do as well as it has though. I feel like they are very pleased at this point. It has put them in a position where they have not had to show a lot of their offense yet. There are a lot of things this offense has in store for late in the season that will remain a surprise until deep in the playoffs. The reason is, we don't have to score as often to win.
Mayfield's defense isn't even as good as Graves Co's. Ask McCracken.:yikes:
mysonis55 Wrote:It depends on what you say is publicly. Just because it's not been in the papers or on radio doesn't mean it hasn't been said. I don't think they even expected this defense to do as well as it has though. I feel like they are very pleased at this point. It has put them in a position where they have not had to show a lot of their offense yet. There are a lot of things this offense has in store for late in the season that will remain a surprise until deep in the playoffs. The reason is, we don't have to score as often to win.

Of course they're pleased. Joe is not going to compare this team or defense that has not even won a district championship yet to any team before them.
jetpilot Wrote:Mayfield's defense isn't even as good as Graves Co's. Ask McCracken.:yikes:

I knew the stupid people would comment....eventually
Killer in the Sun Wrote:I knew the stupid people would comment.

:lame:I guess you have to be stupid to know 21<38.
jetpilot Wrote::lame:I guess you have to be stupid to know 21<38.

and 0<21 stupid
Killer in the Sun Wrote:and 0<21 stupid

And you lost to McCracken and they didn't dummy.:Sad04:
jetpilot Wrote:And you lost to McCracken and they didn't dummy.:Sad04:

So what....puck face:biglmao:
Killer in the Sun Wrote:So what....puck face:biglmao:

So like I said ask McCracken who is better.Confusedhh: Your great signature loss you guys are so proud of turns out to not be such a great loss.:thatsfunn
mysonis55 Wrote:It depends on what you say is publicly. Just because it's not been in the papers or on radio doesn't mean it hasn't been said. I don't think they even expected this defense to do as well as it has though. I feel like they are very pleased at this point. It has put them in a position where they have not had to show a lot of their offense yet. There are a lot of things this offense has in store for late in the season that will remain a surprise until deep in the playoffs. The reason is, we don't have to score as often to win.

I think anyone would agree that "publicly" means paper, radio and TV in sports?

I'm confused by what you mean with "things this offense has in store for late in the season?" Are they holding a D1 prospect hostage in their locker room until playoffs?

Every team has trick plays they go over in practice. That's not the same thing as a surprise offensive scheme that is so cutting edge they won't use it in games because it would blow everyone minds?
Wouldn't you like to know the surprise. Come to practice.
baseball1974 Wrote:I think anyone would agree that "publicly" means paper, radio and TV in sports?

I'm confused by what you mean with "things this offense has in store for late in the season?" Are they holding a D1 prospect hostage in their locker room until playoffs?

Every team has trick plays they go over in practice. That's not the same thing as a surprise offensive scheme that is so cutting edge they won't use it in games because it would blow everyone minds?

Confusednicker: This thread is turning out to be pretty good after all.
So if you are setting in a room full of people talking about something, it's not public because it didn't make the media?
baseball1974 Wrote:I think anyone would agree that "publicly" means paper, radio and TV in sports?

I'm confused by what you mean with "things this offense has in store for late in the season?" Are they holding a D1 prospect hostage in their locker room until playoffs?

Every team has trick plays they go over in practice. That's not the same thing as a surprise offensive scheme that is so cutting edge they won't use it in games because it would blow everyone minds?

I agree with this statement
mysonis55 Wrote:So if you are setting in a room full of people talking about something, it's not public because it didn't make the media?

It definitely means he doesn't feel that strongly about it or it would have made it to the media. Like somebody else said, this team can be evaluated after the season when they've actually won something. Right now, they haven't proven themselves in the post season or won any district region or state titles. The coach was probably speaking towards the potential of the defense and you grabbed on to one little peice of a comment and ran with it.
mysonis55 Wrote:So if you are setting in a room full of people talking about something, it's not public because it didn't make the media?

I know the coaches are not having in depth conversations with you. They may give you tidbits like they do all but its not their style.
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