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THE U @ The Ville 9/1
Miami is a 3.5 point underdog. Hoping they welcome loserville too the ACC with an L.:popcorn::ChairHit::redboxer:
Go canes

Living The Dream!!
As much as I hate to say it those loserville helmets are pretty sick.
Miami looks bad.
It was a pretty good game there for a little bit.
#6 you know how dumb that sounds outside BBN? From the looks of things on TV it certainly looked anything but. Nice win for the Cards. I thought it would be much closer either way.
Hate the ville big CANES fan from early 80s in football. Don't think they will ever get back to the old days. Even bigger UK BB and football fan but adopted the Canes as my 2nd fav team. Why does it sound stupid? I bleed blue and white maroon and white and orange green and white.
Canes are bad real bad
You have to ask? You don't have to like them....but losing? Better take a look at the Cards success lately. And check out the U's recruiting. Maybe not as good as the eighties....but they should be pretty tough in the future.
The Ville has 2 ex Canes on the sidelines as coaches. They have found a way to flow some of the abundance of S. Florida talent to Kentucky. Have had some very good teams doesn't mean I have to like it though. Wish the Cats could tap into the Florida pipeline. Canes have lost their Swag and coaching is iffy.
#11 might want to take a look at the U's recruiting class. Not that I have already said that. U OF L has had a Florida pipeline for several years. UK is recruiting great.....only problem.....eight or nine SEC schools are recruiting better. But they also let basketball season end in March and start in late November.
DIEHARD louisville fan from eastern kentucky, just give up it's impossible to have a conversation with a UK fan and it remain civil and logical. They're the best just accept it and move on. Lol
irishcard16 Wrote:DIEHARD louisville fan from eastern kentucky, just give up it's impossible to have a conversation with a UK fan and it remain civil and logical. They're the best just accept it and move on. Lol

As long as you know it, we are all good.
Cards looked pretty sharp for a first game , against pretty good D'1 comp. Cracked the top 25.
How many was arrested during the game?
insideinfo Wrote:How many was arrested during the game?

I think they beat there old record.
irishcard16 Wrote:DIEHARD louisville fan from eastern kentucky, just give up it's impossible to have a conversation with a UK fan and it remain civil and logical. They're the best just accept it and move on. Lol

If only everyone would just admit and move on there lives would be much simpler.
Smack talk can be expected. I'm fine with that. the many were arrested? Just stupid. Has he seen both teams arrest records? Apparently not. Neither has one they can be proud of. Loserville? That's just stupid. BBN..they may think so. But the records and accomplishments say otherwise.
Fromthebleachers Wrote:Smack talk can be expected. I'm fine with that. the many were arrested? Just stupid. Has he seen both teams arrest records? Apparently not. Neither has one they can be proud of. Loserville? That's just stupid. BBN..they may think so. But the records and accomplishments say otherwise.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I thought maybe the FBI arranged this game, so it would be easy to round them up if they was all in one place at the same time.
Loserville cannot sound stupid outside of BBN cause BBN is everywhere.
Louisville looked good
You don't get out much. Put it that way. I have no doubt anywhere you go you can find an ignorant UK fan.
Fromthebleachers Wrote:You don't get out much. Put it that way. I have no doubt anywhere you go you can find an ignorant UK fan.

This coming from a man who's team fans starts flashing gang signs ever time they put a TV camera on the stands.

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