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Ever Heard of F.A.T.C.A. ?
TheRealThing Wrote:Buzzing the tower only works when somebody's home. :biggrin:
Like I've told you many times before, it's easy to run your mouth behind a computer screen, where you can't be held accountable, like a face to face encounter. If you are going to run your mouth about me, at least do it like a man, to my face.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like I've told you many times before, it's easy to run your mouth behind a computer screen, where you can't be held accountable, like a face to face encounter. If you are going to run your mouth about me, at least do it like a man, to my face.

No, actually that is a conversation that you had with Hoot. ^^That was a joke, you did miss his point, right? You come on here calling people dumb and ignorant and then you can't take anything that comes your way. Laughable to say the least.
TheRealThing Wrote:No, actually that is a conversation that you had with Hoot. ^^That was a joke, you did miss his point, right? You come on here calling people dumb and ignorant and then you can't take anything that comes your way. Laughable to say the least.
You do understand the meaning of ignorant, right? It means uninformed, not stupid.
Keep one fact of life in mind TheRealVille. Poor people don't create jobs. You need to be thankful for the Haves. Unfortunately, strictly for votes, your party caters to the Have Nots.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Keep one fact of life in mind TheRealVille. Poor people don't create jobs. You need to be thankful for the Haves. Unfortunately, strictly for votes, your party caters to the Have Nots.

That's your republican, protect the rich mentality. The facts are that the consumer creates jobs, by buying goods and services. Take yourself, you wouldn't have anything if someone weren't buying your services. Your clients create every job that your office has..
^ This is why I can't understand the republicans protecting the rich. It's fact that the gap between the rich, and the middle class is getting wider and wider. It is also fact that upward mobility is at an all time low, as far as the middle class opportunities to get ahead. We are a consumer driven economy. If the middle doesn't have the money to spend, and the rich are getting richer, and the middle and poor getting poorer, there will come a time when there isn't enough middle to keep the rich up, via corporate welfare.
TheRealVille Wrote:That's your republican, protect the rich mentality. The facts are that the consumer creates jobs, by buying goods and services. Take yourself, you wouldn't have anything if someone weren't buying your services. Your clients create every job that your office has..

If your consumers didn't have those jobs provided by the Haves, they wouldn't be buying anything. Of course, I suppose we could surrender to the dream of your dubious leader and redistribute the wealth so as to, in reality, be a socialist country.

I tend to look at my clients in a different way than do you. I offer an expertise that they need. They come to me for help. I certainly don't solicit them. In more simplistic terms, I am doing them a favor. They are not doing me a favor. If they expect my favor, they will pay a nice hourly fee for it.

And, as a final thought, I fully support Burger King in its move of corporate headquarters to Canada. Burger King's first duty is to its shareholders and not to the federal tax coffers. I will materially increase my visits to Burger King. I would hope other corporations in which I have a financial stake follow suit.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If your consumers didn't have those jobs provided by the Haves, they wouldn't be buying anything. Of course, I suppose we could surrender to the dream of your dubious leader and redistribute the wealth so as to, in reality, be a socialist country.

I tend to look at my clients in a different way than do you. I offer an expertise that they need. They come to me for help. I certainly don't solicit them. In more simplistic terms, I am doing them a favor. They are not doing me a favor. If they expect my favor, they will pay a nice hourly fee for it.

And, as a final thought, I fully support Burger King in its move of corporate headquarters to Canada. Burger King's first duty is to its shareholders and not to the federal tax coffers. I will materially increase my visits to Burger King. I would hope other corporations in which I have a financial stake follow suit.
And I will decrease my visits, to zero. How American of you to like that Burger King is hiding their money in Canada, helping Canadians, and not America. /sarcasm

My money is invested in American companies, and doing pretty good at 8% return.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If your consumers didn't have those jobs provided by the Haves, they wouldn't be buying anything. Of course, I suppose we could surrender to the dream of your dubious leader and redistribute the wealth so as to, in reality, be a socialist country.

I tend to look at my clients in a different way than do you. I offer an expertise that they need. They come to me for help. I certainly don't solicit them. In more simplistic terms, I am doing them a favor. They are not doing me a favor. If they expect my favor, they will pay a nice hourly fee for it.

And, as a final thought, I fully support Burger King in its move of corporate headquarters to Canada. Burger King's first duty is to its shareholders and not to the federal tax coffers. I will materially increase my visits to Burger King. I would hope other corporations in which I have a financial stake follow suit.
You would, you are a "have", with an "I'm above you", republican, "protect the wealthy" mentality. You think your customers are beneath you, your above post proves it. A real, customer oriented, businessman would realize that they are nothing without customers.
Please share your portfolio with an 8% return.

Serious question. We could all use the money
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Please share your portfolio with an 8% return.

Serious question. We could all use the money
I'll look it up when I get home. If you contact Nick at Group 10, he can set you up. He's the one that set mine up.
TheRealVille Wrote:You would, you are a "have", with an "I'm above you", republican, "protect the wealthy" mentality. You think your customers are beneath you, your above post proves it. A real, customer oriented, businessman would realize that they are nothing without customers.

I am not, nor have I ever been, a "real, customer oriented businessman". I don't sell products. And you better hope someone protects the "wealthy" because, otherwise, there would be no jobs for the workers.

If I am a "Have" it is because I educated myself and conducted my work life so as to be a "Have". With more effort and less whining, many others, including minorities who can't sing, dance, steal, or shoot a basketball, can do the same. As the great Ronald Reagan once said, "Money can't buy happiness but it will certainly get you a better class of memories". And, I must confess that I am a Republican. I believe in a Supreme Being, capitalism, self initiative, personal responsibility, and the sacredness of life from the moment of conception. So how could I not be a Republican?
TheRealVille Wrote:That's your republican, protect the rich mentality. The facts are that the consumer creates jobs, by buying goods and services. Take yourself, you wouldn't have anything if someone weren't buying your services. Your clients create every job that your office has..

amen brother
Isnt there a difference in the republicans who are greedy corporate "superior mentalities" and those who vote republican like most people on this site who are there for the founding conservative values and factors?

That's no different in you dems on here who like the progressive movement but are a far cry from nancy Pelosi.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If your consumers didn't have those jobs provided by the Haves, they wouldn't be buying anything. Of course, I suppose we could surrender to the dream of your dubious leader and redistribute the wealth so as to, in reality, be a socialist country.

I tend to look at my clients in a different way than do you. I offer an expertise that they need. They come to me for help. I certainly don't solicit them. In more simplistic terms, I am doing them a favor. They are not doing me a favor. If they expect my favor, they will pay a nice hourly fee for it.

And, as a final thought, I fully support Burger King in its move of corporate headquarters to Canada. Burger King's first duty is to its shareholders and not to the federal tax coffers. I will materially increase my visits to Burger King. I would hope other corporations in which I have a financial stake follow suit.
Are you also in support of Burger King's LGBT support? They had a Proud Whopper, wrapped in rainbow paper in support of LBGT
TRV, those colorful wrappers were only introduced in San Francisco. Not exactly a national promotion......
Walleye Wrote:TRV, those colorful wrappers were only introduced in San Francisco. Not exactly a national promotion......
It, nonetheless was a Burger King promotion, sponsored by corporate. The burger was labeled the Proud Whopper. Does it make it less "wrong" in your eyes because it was one city, during their gay pride parade? They endorse LGBT at the corporate level. Read below, and then try to justify "just one city" anymore.
Quote:Burger King on Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. EST plans to post a two-minute video about the Proud Whopper on its YouTube channel.

"It showcases who we are as a brand," says Fernando Machado, senior vice president of global brand management at Burger King. "It shows how we, as a brand, believe in self-expression."

The inspiration behind the unusual burger wrap and video, he says, is Burger King's localized efforts to put into motion actions that support its recently-tweaked slogan: "Be Your Way."

The move also demonstrates BK's desire to stay connected to its base of Millennial customers. Gay rights is an issue that reverberates strongly with many Millennials both inside and outside the U.S. Burger King also was a sponsor of San Francisco's gay pride parade. Machado says that's the first time Burger King has sponsored a gay pride parade in the U.S., though it may have sponsored some outside the country.

The downtown San Francisco Burger King sold "Proud Whoppers" last weekend, during the parade and also passed out some 50,000 rainbow Burger King crowns, that were worn by parade participants and spectators. The video, created by the Miami office of Burger King's ad agency David, captures customers discussing whether or not the burger, itself, is different. At $4.29 it costs the same as a conventional Whopper. And, indeed, customers ultimately discover the only difference is the rainbow wrap.

All Proud Whopper sandwich sales, Machado says, will be donated to the Burger King McLamore Foundation for scholarships benefiting LGBT high school seniors graduating in spring 2015.

One gay rights activist says BK is doing the right thing. "Whenever a company comes out in support of gay people, it makes a difference," says Jordan Bach, a consultant to corporations on gay rights issues and a GLAAD media partner. "But when it's done right—when it's done with a campaign that shows the company understands diversity and really believes in the profound acceptance of other people—that sort of marketing can change minds and hearts at the deepest level."

For the moment, Burger King has no plans to broaden the promotion, Machado says, but notes, "we may consider something even bigger later on."

As for the wrappers, he says, they've already become collectibles. "Customers were folding the wrappers and taking them home with them," he says. Pretty soon, he says, they'll probably show up on eBay.
HRV votes against gay rights, but supports gay rights, as long as he has "a financial stake" invested in a company that endorses, and believes in gay rights, as long as it makes him more money, by BK hiding tax money. LOL. We call that "pet sins" where I come from.
If Michael Sam makes the roster maybe BK will approach him to endorse the Proud Whopper and all will be good. :1:
TheRealVille Wrote:HRV votes against gay rights, but supports gay rights, as long as he has "a financial stake" invested in a company that endorses, and believes in gay rights, as long as it makes him more money, by BK hiding tax money. LOL. We call that "pet sins" where I come from.

You, as usual, are wrong, TheRealVille. I support corporations in their efforts to better fulfill their duty to their shareholders. My support of BK is strictly on that level. On the other hand, I do not support any corporation catering to fairies. You may rest assured that I do not tolerate fairies any more than I tolerate those who rationalize the premeditated murder of babies.

And, you can be sure that, if BK shows any further tendency to legitimize fairies, I will get rid of its stock. To be honest, I am extremely morally conscious in buying stock. I don't retain stock of those who support abominations. I certainly don't need them.

As we all know, the only decent thing to ever come out of San Francisco is an empty bus that has been fumigated.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You, as usual, are wrong, TheRealVille. I support corporations in their efforts to better fulfill their duty to their shareholders. My support of BK is strictly on that level. On the other hand, I do not support any corporation catering to fairies. You may rest assured that I do not tolerate fairies any more than I tolerate those who rationalize the premeditated murder of babies.

And, you can be sure that, if BK shows any further tendency to legitimize fairies, I will get rid of its stock. To be honest, I am extremely morally conscious in buying stock. I don't retain stock of those who support abominations. I certainly don't need them.

As we all know, the only decent thing to ever come out of San Francisco is an empty bus that has been fumigated.
That's not what you said.

Quote:I will materially increase my visits to Burger King. I would hope other corporations in which I have a financial stake follow suit.

Are you going to "materially increase your visits" to a corporation that supports LGBT, or not? Do you, or do you not, have a financial stake in BK?

It's not just SF, it's BK's corporate stand in LGBT rights.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You, as usual, are wrong, TheRealVille. I support corporations in their efforts to better fulfill their duty to their shareholders. My support of BK is strictly on that level. On the other hand, I do not support any corporation catering to fairies. You may rest assured that I do not tolerate fairies any more than I tolerate those who rationalize the premeditated murder of babies.

And, you can be sure that, if BK shows any further tendency to legitimize fairies, I will get rid of its stock. To be honest, I am extremely morally conscious in buying stock. I don't retain stock of those who support abominations. I certainly don't need them.

As we all know, the only decent thing to ever come out of San Francisco is an empty bus that has been fumigated.
You don't check them too close. After only 5 minutes of reading about BK, I knew they supported LGBT equality, and even had a scholarship fund that gives money to seniors, including LGBT seniors.
TheRealVille Wrote:You don't check them too close. After only 5 minutes of reading about BK, I knew they supported LGBT equality, and even had a scholarship fund that gives money to seniors, including LGBT seniors.

From your history of posts, I am certain that you are much more in touch with the affairs of the fairy agenda than am I. Your side of the political spectrum seems to embrace homosexuals. Actually, since I don't normally keep up with such doings, I was not aware of BK's alleged overture to them. You can bet that I will take the situation under advisement and act accordingly. I want no association with any company or individual that acts overtly or covertly in any way that might be interpreted as an effort to try to legitimize fairies. I'll leave this apparent fascination to you and your people.
^^ Yeah, this is a thread about the IRS extending it's tentacles into the records of the foreign banking industry. The IRS then, will decide whom from among their list of clients are American, or who is profiting from American business. Therefore, according to all the sources I have cited on this matter, IRS officials will be looking into the business matters of all involved. Perhaps the liberal hierarchy feel the influence the American banking industry wields, is more important to these other countries than the indignation they will experience over being pushed around by the dictates of FATCA.

However, many think we're flirting with disaster with regard to the forcing everybody else in the world of finance to do things our way. We'll see but, you can bet the experts in the world of finance are concerned, and I for one, can see why. Listening to liberals, one might reasonably be led to believe Putin is no threat and the combatants of ISIS are the JV of the terror world. In trying to understand the apparent suicidal bent of the powers that be, one might conclude all one needs to effect solid foreign and domestic policy, is the ability to mock, berate and otherwise mount a shameless and nasty personal attack on any and all whose opinions pose a credible threat.

Attacking the credibility of any of a differing view is about all liberals ever come up with. I would challenge our liberal authorities on here to name a few things that conservatives warned was going to happen that failed to materialize during this miserable administration.

At any rate, we got two months to wait before liberals are again swept out of office.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ Yeah, this is a thread about the IRS extending it's tentacles into the records of the foreign banking industry. The IRS then, will decide whom from among their list of clients are American, or who is profiting from American business. Therefore, according to all the sources I have cited on this matter, IRS officials will be looking into the business matters of all involved. Perhaps the liberal hierarchy feel the influence the American banking industry wields, is more important to these other countries than the indignation they will experience over being pushed around by the dictates of FATCA.

However, many think we're flirting with disaster with regard to the forcing everybody else in the world of finance to do things our way. We'll see but, you can bet the experts in the world of finance are concerned, and I for one, can see why. Listening to liberals, one might reasonably be led to believe Putin is no threat and the combatants of ISIS are the JV of the terror world. In trying to understand the apparent suicidal bent of the powers that be, one might conclude all one needs to effect solid foreign and domestic policy, is the ability to mock, berate and otherwise mount a shameless and nasty personal attack on any and all whose opinions pose a credible threat.

Attacking the credibility of any of a differing view is about all liberals ever come up with. I would challenge our liberal authorities on here to name a few things that conservatives warned was going to happen that failed to materialize during this miserable administration.

At any rate, we got two months to wait before liberals are again swept out of office.
Which includes American companies dodging paying taxes by hiding their money overseas. A pretty unAmerican thing if you ask me, but I understand the way you guys think. You would rather see America sink into oblivion rather than have people pay their fair share of taxes.
I don't think Burger King are the ones to blame in this.

As long as we allow companies to do this, democrat or republican, free market trading with other countries is starting to be bad news. I admit I will have to relook at all of the laws and agreements when it comes to this, but if im not mistaken, NAFTA pretty much hurts Capitalism more than it helps when it comes to workers and middle class families in the lower ranks.
TheRealVille Wrote:Which includes American companies dodging paying taxes by hiding their money overseas. A pretty unAmerican thing if you ask me, but I understand the way you guys think. You would rather see America sink into oblivion rather than have people pay their fair share of taxes.

It could all be avoided if your "president" weren't so anti-capitalism. The burdens placed on businesses, particularly corporations, in this country are abominable. But, then, your boy wants to redistribute the wealth, doesn't he? His socialist philosophy will not destroy the country but it will seriously damage it for years to come. The culprit in this matter is your little fellow hiding in the White House (or on a golf course).

Remember, your boy has never created a job in his life. And, of course, he has never worked in the private sector in his life. He is beneath contempt.
TheRealVille Wrote:Which includes American companies dodging paying taxes by hiding their money overseas. A pretty unAmerican thing if you ask me, but I understand the way you guys think. You would rather see America sink into oblivion rather than have people pay their fair share of taxes.

So if I understand you correctly, the only way America can survive is if every last dime available to be taxed, is taxed? And I don't buy for a second that you understand the way 'we' think. If you did you wouldn't be making all these lame posts extolling the virtues of big government and repeating catch phrases like "pay their fair share." The very nature of that idea smacks down the notion of governance of and by the people, in lieu of bowing to the dictates of government.

If the Dems would follow the tried and true formula of the Reagan era and lower the capital gains tax, all these companies would come home.
"The United States’ high tax burden on capital gains has long-term negative implications for the economy. This non-neutral tax creates a bias against savings, slows economic growth, and harms U.S.’s competitiveness."

The tag tax and spend liberals, still holds true.
TheRealThing Wrote:So if I understand you correctly, the only way America can survive is if every last dime available to be taxed, is taxed? And I don't buy for a second that you understand the way 'we' think. If you did you wouldn't be making all these lame posts extolling the virtues of big government and repeating catch phrases like "pay their fair share." The very nature of that idea smacks down the notion of governance of and by the people, in lieu of bowing to the dictates of government.

If the Dems would follow the tried and true formula of the Reagan era and lower the capital gains tax, all these companies would come home.
"The United States’ high tax burden on capital gains has long-term negative implications for the economy. This non-neutral tax creates a bias against savings, slows economic growth, and harms U.S.’s competitiveness."

The tag tax and spend liberals, still holds true.
Yea, we are still seeing the effects of "trickle down". The rich keep spreading the gap between them and the middle. It's already been proven how trickle down doesn't work. Reagan started this "rich" thing that just keeps getting worse. We've already talked about the dead years of the Reganomics. FTR, the deficit grew 3 times in size under Reagan. If you want to talk good economy under a President, you might want to use Clinton.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, we are still seeing the effects of "trickle down". The rich keep spreading the gap between them and the middle. It's already been proven how trickle down doesn't work. Reagan started this "rich" thing that just keeps getting worse. We've already talked about the dead years of the Reganomics. FTR, the deficit grew 3 times in size under Reagan. If you want to talk good economy under a President, you might want to use Clinton.

How do you ease the plight of the poor other than with perpetual handouts?

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