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Fairview 2014
NASCAR Wrote:Not really with football program just checking federal money on addresses. If they falsified addresses and took the money that's some serious problems. Many schools do it but looks like fairview will get caught, knowing correct addresses and things is the DPP and superintendents job.

You really are a special kind of dee-dee-dee, aren't you.
Fairview in big trouble. Independent reporting missing funds. Every school recruits and don't say you don't but Fairview's issues are much deeper than the recruiting. Forget the football and look at the bigger picture. Forget the recruiting and look at the bigger picture. Those were a means to an end. End being money, if not...then where is all the money?

Ashland received transfers from Fairview to play football...no problem...they have a money trail and acted Swiftly on it...want the money trail for Fairview? Glad you asked. Here it is...

Latitude - Longitude:

Latitude - Longitude:

Enjoy your findings, it's a been my pleasure to serve you.
Mr. E. Mann (aka Mystery Man)
e man you are way off base. what part of OEA dont you understand. has nothing to do with football. this all comes from a source who is so chicken shit that wont reveal thier name. ashalnd daily independent even says so. source promised not to be identified. shame on you source. schoolboard members were interviewed by khsaa. and they even apologized to the board members as to why they were at fairview. khsaa said to them they thought they were brought here on some real issues not the old ones. thanks a lot garry and nate good bye and so long
also has to do with the non resignation of bill music, thats it not football players. so keep your hat on and we will see all you south greenup buttholes in october
Core issue stems from allegations of football recruiting

Mike James
The Independent

WESTWOOD — Four investigators from the state Office of Education Accountability spent much of Thursday interviewing school officials in a probe of alleged school law violations in the Fairview Independent School District.

On schedule for sessions with the investigators were all five school board members — John Burke, Cindy Butcher, Scott McIntyre, Jeff Preston and Rick Tackett; athletic director Jeffrey Fletcher, finance officer Ernie Sharp, director of pupil personnel Brant Creech and superintendent Bill Musick.

Also scheduled to meet with investigators were elementary principal Christi Dornon and the school council, and high school principal Eric Hale and members of the school council that selected him for that post.

The list of interview subjects was outlined in an email obtained by The Independent. The email was sent to Musick from Karen Timmel, the OEA’s acting director.

The email did not detail the substance of the interviews, and the OEA does not release information on its investigations until it issues a final report.

But a source close to the investigation said the investigators are probing a variety of alleged violations including financial irregularities and improperly classifying out-of-district students as living inside district boundaries.

The source spoke to The Independent on condition of not being identified.

The core issue stems from allegations the district recruited athletes for its winning football program and listed them as having Westwood addresses, although the students did not live in the district, according to the source.

That would result in the district receiving more state money than it was entitled to because the state uses attendance figures to calculate school funding at about $4,000 per student per year — and out of district students don’t qualify.

The investigators also are looking into the rehiring of Musick by the board after it had accepted his resignation early this year, according to the source.

The Kentucky Department of Education’s legal counsel already has told the district rescinding Musick’s resignation is illegal, but the board has not taken any further action on the issue.

Also at issue are financial irregularities including in-school fundraisers for which proceeds are not accounted for, and lack of documentation for the sale of some school property declared surplus, the source said.
MIKE JAMES can be reached at [email]mjames@dailyindependent.com[/email] or

(606) 326-2652.

Way off base...I don't think so...apparently you don't read too well.
scrappy coco Wrote:e man you are way off base. what part of OEA dont you understand. has nothing to do with football. this all comes from a source who is so chicken shit that wont reveal thier name. ashalnd daily independent even says so. source promised not to be identified. shame on you source. schoolboard members were interviewed by khsaa. and they even apologized to the board members as to why they were at fairview. khsaa said to them they thought they were brought here on some real issues not the old ones. thanks a lot garry and nate good bye and so long

Dude, do you even grammar?
Ramcat77 Wrote:Dude, do you even grammar?

Do you? Blahahahaha
scrappy coco, you seem close to the program in the hood. In your not so honest opinion what is going to happen over there?
who cares on grammer ramcat. you get the point....e man you are not god almighty himself. read the paper buddy. everything you hear you believe huh?. how dumb is that. i know for a fact that this is not about football. its about bill music and garry leaving them high and dry. seven teachers were let go recently. and they have their own agenda's. they dont care about the kids. thats why they are gone. make plans to be in the wood in october south greenup rams:flame:
from now on i wil purposely mispell words so you can disect my grammar or lack their of. give me a break buddy who cares, in a day of shortened words on typo's who gives a rats ass if i cant spell. i dont care, but you have no life remember
It is what it is. It will be what it will be. Either way its sad. Rivalries aside, I dont wish this type of stuff on any program. No one benefits. Kids not getting the education they deserve, many families within the community will lose jobs, some will have to uproot their entire lives if all these alligations become true. Musick has ran that school district the best direction he knows how, right into the ground. Is it a SI's job to know what is going on from day day IN DETAIL, within each nook and cranny of each department? No. But it is an SI's job to hae an Idea of what is going on and keep some sort of check on whats going on within their district. Its a mess, a big one. I just hope those responsible are held accountable and dont't get another get out of jail free card for throwing someone else under the bus.
read the schedule...it will happen OCTOBER 17th in the wood FAIRVIEW vs SOUTH GREENUP RAMS
scrappy coco Wrote:who cares on grammer ramcat. you get the point....e man you are not god almighty himself. read the paper buddy. everything you hear you believe huh?. how dumb is that. i know for a fact that this is not about football. its about bill music and garry leaving them high and dry. seven teachers were let go recently. and they have their own agenda's. they dont care about the kids. thats why they are gone. make plans to be in the wood in october south greenup rams:flame:

I am in agreement with you. But all of this stemmed from the recruitment and now this investigation is going to be about the money not football...do you understand now?

Try not to get your panties in a wad over your precious beagles.
Well said bronson, you have some sense. The kids dont have a thing to do with administration, they are out there busting ther tails cause they love football. Thats it.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:It is what it is. It will be what it will be. Either way its sad. Rivalries aside, I dont wish this type of stuff on any program. No one benefits. Kids not getting the education they deserve, many families within the community will lose jobs, some will have to uproot their entire lives if all these alligations become true. Musick has ran that school district the best direction he knows how, right into the ground. Is it a SI's job to know what is going on from day day IN DETAIL, within each nook and cranny of each department? No. But it is an SI's job to hae an Idea of what is going on and keep some sort of check on whats going on within their district. Its a mess, a big one. I just hope those responsible are held accountable and dont't get another get out of jail free card for throwing someone else under the bus.

Garry was not thrown under bus, Nate maybe.
That is true. Kids that were...key word were. Last year guys, khsaa apologized to a board member as to why they thought they were there, it wasnt about football once again. Lack there of funds and bill music job
Thanks scrappy. I have read through the thread, since the investigation talk began. No one ever bashed the kids or said they werent working hard. It does stem from football. It has to do with MONEY now, but it is the football program that is responsible for SOME of that money. But make no mistake, Bill Musick should be the one taking most of this on the chin. But Im sure he will somehow and in someway manage to land on his feet somewhere.
I can't take it anymore. Scrappy, your posts are giving me a migraine headache. Back to work. Will log on later this afternoon after I finally decipher what Scrappy's posts are really saying. He must have taken English and Grammar in Westwood.

Going to use this new Obamacare and check myself into Pathways.
Mr. E. Mann Wrote:Garry was not thrown under bus, Nate maybe.

No one was innocent. Its the AD's job to know whats going on witheach STUDENT/Athelete. Imo, the HC should keep an eye on eligibilty as well. Once a month, just sit down and take a look at GPAs. Imo, Fairview got off lucky at the time. With some of this recent investigation reflected bits of the old, I'm not so sure they will get so lucky this time. Whether its 100% about football or 100% about money, things are headed in a bad direction for Fairview. The school and the schools atheletic department may take a major blow when its all said and done.
Scotty, are you related to the McPeeks? It amazes me at how quick you are to defend these two. Do you honestly believe that neither one of them had any inkling as to what was going on?
Ramcat77 Wrote:Scotty, are you related to the McPeeks? It amazes me at how quick you are to defend these two. Do you honestly believe that neither one of them had any inkling as to what was going on?

If that's the case, Scotty and NASCAR are related.
Ramcat77 Wrote:Scotty, are you related to the McPeeks? It amazes me at how quick you are to defend these two. Do you honestly believe that neither one of them had any inkling as to what was going on?

What part of NO ONE IS INNOCENT, is hard to comprehend? All involved deserved blame and repremand. In my post a stated that the AD which is was Gary McPeek, fouled up. I also stated that even though its not actually on a head coaches job description to know every grade of eac player, he should atleast sit down ever few weeks and make sure his STUDENT/atheletes are up to par with state requirements. The HC was Nathan McPeek, he had to have known something was going on in some way. No, I am not related. Musick, Both McPeeks, and the rest of the cosching staff should been held accountable. McPeeks moved on to other things, Musick yet again was given another chance. I defens those who I feel deserved defending, many seem to forget that this stuff went on before the McPeeks were even involved with Fairview. Im just not going to use this as an opportunity to make it a big thing to bash fairview. It os what it is, its awful. Musick and the rest involved need to be held accountable withot 2nd chances
If these allegations are true, do you think Fairview Schools would survive? If not, who would absorb the Fairview students? Ashland? Boyd Co.?
If the school gets shutdown then i would say, yes. I think more would go to BC though.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:What part of NO ONE IS INNOCENT, is hard to comprehend? All involved deserved blame and repremand. In my post a stated that the AD which is was Gary McPeek, fouled up. I also stated that even though its not actually on a head coaches job description to know every grade of eac player, he should atleast sit down ever few weeks and make sure his STUDENT/atheletes are up to par with state requirements. The HC was Nathan McPeek, he had to have known something was going on in some way. No, I am not related. Musick, Both McPeeks, and the rest of the cosching staff should been held accountable. McPeeks moved on to other things, Musick yet again was given another chance. I defens those who I feel deserved defending, many seem to forget that this stuff went on before the McPeeks were even involved with Fairview. Im just not going to use this as an opportunity to make it a big thing to bash fairview. It os what it is, its awful. Musick and the rest involved need to be held accountable withot 2nd chances

I comprehend all of what you are saying, unfortunately you posted while I was typing, otherwise, I wouldn't have called you out on it. However, Garry McPeek is about as slimy as slimy can get. Every time he's left a job, an investigation has followed. You're right, the shady business was going on at Fairview before the McPeeks, but it didn't really take flight until Garry and Nate started networking their Huntington contacts. What's really amusing, is the people who are now vilifying the McPeeks are the same ones that were singing their praises way back when.

You really have to feel sorry for the kids from Westwood, the kids who are second and third generation students at Fairview High School. If these allegations are found to be severe enough, these kids may find themselves wearing Tomcat and Lions apparel next year, as this investigation may bring Fairview High School to it's knees, once and for all.
scrappy coco Wrote:who cares on grammer ramcat. you get the point....e man you are not god almighty himself. read the paper buddy. everything you hear you believe huh?. how dumb is that. i know for a fact that this is not about football. its about bill music and garry leaving them high and dry. seven teachers were let go recently. and they have their own agenda's. they dont care about the kids. thats why they are gone. make plans to be in the wood in october south greenup rams:flame:

He posted an article FROM the paper above and it is contradictory to what you are saying so.........not sure that I can follow your logic on this one. Also, know for a fact that a couple of those teachers that were let go did not "have their own agendas" in fact some were let go because of the agenda from the top...
No big deal Ramcat. It is sad for these kids. Even the ones who are new faces, tbh, some of them are foming from a bad situation where they were at originally. Not much of a situation to come into if u r trying to get a second chance and better yourself. I feel bad for Fred Ray as well. I know its hard to come in behind a bad electrician, plumber, or carpenter and have to clean up a mess. Its gotta be hard on Ray trying to right the ship
a few of you read the paper like it is the gospel. how hard is that to understand? i guess whatever you read in the little ole daily is the truth. well im here to tell ya its not. either comprehend what i said or believe the daily. see ya in october south greenup
talking about the 7 recently let go. in the last month. agenda from the top. thats old news. im talking currently. i know your slow but come on
Obviously you cant believe everything thats printed. But at this point, it's all we have to go on.
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