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UPike 7 on 7 Tourney
Congratulations to Estill County on winning the tourney yesterday here in Pikeville. I went for a while, and Estill County's QB was easily the most polished one there. Very impressive, nice touch on the ball. Pikeville played with the backup and JV QB since their 1st stringer was on vacation, but I still saw some very promising signs. As for the other teams involved...

Wheelersburg has a VERY nice O. Crisp, WR's ran nice routes, very organised. D secondary looked pretty good as well, they've got some nice athletes.

Shelby Valley looked okay. They will struggle some in the defensive secondary I think, this year.

Betsy Layne has some pretty decent receivers. The QB I saw who got the majority of the reps needs a lot of work. I actually thought the kid who was their #2 at the camp was better. They might struggle on O this year in terms of passing O. Dwas pretty good but they will need some coaching up. Out of position a lot.

Pikeville looked very nice at times, especially considering the backups were throwing. Ran nice routes, caught well. My concern was the RB catching out of the backfield, they need to tighten that up a bit, but I'm sure Coach Mac will address it. Secondary looked really good at times. The LB's seemed to struggle at some times in terms of dropping back into coverage, but I saw some differences after some coaching up and I'm excited about their potential.

Magoffin County is pretty decent on O. Their D secondary struggled a lot covering people though.

Just my opinions. I watched about 3 hours, enough to see every team play at least twice. I know it is just a passing tourney, and I'm not judging whole teams based on what I saw, just expressing my opinion on what I did see.
Who all was there??
Betsy Layne beat Pikeville twice, Estill once, Shelby Valley once.

Lost to Estill in championship.

Betsy Layne had a couple not there but impressed with the athletes and could be another descent year.

Hard to see BL struggle on passing in fact they won the KCU tourney and runner up at the UPIKE. Today was day number two for them so the individual work and polishing will come, hopefully on offense and defense.
who was the two QB for Betsy Layne?
^If I were to guess, I would say the sophomore, Jordan Kendrick.

Peyton Case(Senior) was the starting QB, Case has been a WR all his high school career. It's going to take him some time to get acclimated to playing QB and getting his footwork down, but he is a high IQ football player and I have no questions that he can do it and that the coaching staff can get him ready time season rolls around.
Spud6 Wrote:^If I were to guess, I would say the sophomore, Jordan Kendrick.

Peyton Case(Senior) was the starting QB, Case has been a WR all his high school career. It's going to take him some time to get acclimated to playing QB and getting his footwork down, but he is a high IQ football player and I have no questions that he can do it and that the coaching staff can get him ready time season rolls around.
Oh I saw some good things out of him, and it didn't mean to sound like he stunk the joint up or anything. There were times he made some really accurate throws, but i think the sophomore (I guess it was) was more polished of the two. Hope my thoughts on what I saw didn't offend anyone. And remember, I was not there all day, didn't see every single game, just saw each team play twice. Usually one game of their second string, one game of their first string.
PHSForever Wrote:Oh I saw some good things out of him, and it didn't mean to sound like he stunk the joint up or anything. There were times he made some really accurate throws, but i think the sophomore (I guess it was) was more polished of the two. Hope my thoughts on what I saw didn't offend anyone. And remember, I was not there all day, didn't see every single game, just saw each team play twice. Usually one game of their second string, one game of their first string.

No negativity taken from it PHS. I just wanted to shed some insight on the situation that's going on with the QB situation.

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