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Fairview 2014
Whats the word over in Westwood? Hearing there's a new offense in place. New HC, new AD, same SI, whats the defense look like? How are numbers? Any new onfo on players returning. What all did they lose? Answers please.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Whats the word over in Westwood? Hearing there's a new offense in place. New HC, new AD, same SI, whats the defense look like? How are numbers? Any new onfo on players returning. What all did they lose? Answers please.

Only Clint himself will answer that round of questions Scotty Bronson.
Im sure clint or talon will weigh in sometime soon.
I read on the other site that an up tempo offense has been installed, about 60%-70% pass. I don't think they have put much work in on the defensive side as of yet. I'm not sure about numbers or anything along those lines. I still say the legitimacy of the program is in question as long as Bill Musick is around.
^^^i have to agree with the Musick statement. We know they lost Roark to graduation and McPeek left with his dad. Stats about 13" 700lbs gone off the line lol. But in all seriousness they had some good size on the line last year, even without those two. With the uptempo offense, their line has to be in better shape. They got worked over by quicker lines of the same size or smaller. Raceland and Hazard both gave them fits in the trenches. The Franklin System(if thats what they r running), has the ability to let the finess and skill over shadow the line. But if you dont have depth and consistancy at the G and T position, its tough to be successful in that system. Gotta have lineman with stamina. Wit what Raceland and now Paintsville have coming out next year, the Eagles will have to fight hard to win the district, as will the rest but I think they are 3rd in the district b years end. Even with the loss of Phelps for the season, I think the Tigers are on the prowl to make a move to number 2 and possibly take over the number 1 spot. Lord, is it August yet?
Needs a bump...paging Talon, Clint, who ever else can give some insight!
The top 3 in that district will be in this order
I think tallent alone should be enough to win the district. Fairview does still have King and Yetts though. Yetts is VERY fast. They have some tallent of their own. Our district could get interesting if Paintsville does better than expected and other teams hae an injury or 2.
Now that the si has gotten to come back, how long before the rest of the crew does?
The rest of the crew wont be back. They are in GA. Nate is at Tucker HS i think, as the Asst HC/oline coach. I think Gary went somewhere else in GA though. As for the WV pipeline, who knows. Ive been told that Charles Ray is a straight laced guy but who knows?
We kinda like the W Va boys. They give us the ball lots of times when we are on defense. They are a very giving bunch of boys.
Lol there are many reason they get those guys. Most of them were second chance players, guys who had behavior issues or couldnt make grades. Which I am all for doing so for the kids. The entire point of HS atheletics is supposed to be instilling, discipline, hard work, dedication, respect, and character into these young(and women). Giving them a second chance could completely change their lives. Mason Rutherford is a prime example. If I am not mistaken, he was expelled from Huntington High and Kicked off of the football team for behavior issues. Now he is a starter or atleast a sognificant roll player, at Morehead State. Huntington High is a premier atheletic school in the state of WV. Many state championships and high caliber players have past trough that school and from that area. Randy Moss, Chad Pennington, Chris Jennings, Elijah King, OJ Mayo(who was an incredible football player btw), and Bill Walker.

Anyone would have been crazy, to not jump at te chance to have Mason Rutherford, Elijah and Isaiah King on their team. They are great players. People hust had an issue wit how it all happened and many of te Fairview faithful were unhappy with seeing their kids who hadbeen there since flag football, getting passed over their jr and sr year for guys who were only playing for a year or two. The loss to Raceland really set the wheels in motion for the fit hitting the shan.

With that said, i look foward to seeing what thenew HC does at Fairview. Wishing them all the best. They have some pretty good speed i the backfield.
I believe in student athletes as well. I just think if a kid gets kicked out of school or off a team and another one just accepts them in, then you lose all chance at discipline. That sends the wrong message. Then of course to be the school that sets back and waits for that to happen and then let them shop you to see if it will work for them. I saw the interview of one of the boys where he said he visited several schools before deciding to go to Fairview. That makes them feel like they are in charge and can dictate to educators what they want.
New start at Fairview
Scotty, myson and patchy stinky boy...you all need to go get a room. You just keep bashing and bashing...man up and go see Musick tell him what you think and go tell McPeek instead of getting on here and acting like the immature pricks that you are!

Randy Moss and Pennington went to Huntington High? You are an idiot.
I agree in every kid deserves a second chance 100% but that doesn't mean enroll in Fairview. Most of the kids that now call Westwood home are from Huntington? What a joke! I guess midland and spring valley were not wanting the trouble? It's pretty sad that Fairview was almost last in test scores this year with the third highest school tax in the state. Where's that money going? Cause it's not academics that's for sure. But if you talk to Fairview supporter they all say every school recruits it's just who gets caught which is 100% false.
It's time to get Luther turner and bill musick out of Westwood cause it's a mess and completely unfair to the kids who really have no clue what's going on
I'm sure people are not scared of the MCheats or billy lol
They might get a Huntington player to fight for them then pay there bills with the Westwood residents tax dollars
I agree with you mysonis55, it is like they are not being punished at all but rather just becoming free agents that can pick whatever school and football team has the best opportunity for them.
Keep running that little donut sucking mouth of yours patchy boy. You are on an island on this one...free agents. Like I said, go man up and tell them to their face you little coward instead of flapping your thoughts through a keyboard. You are such a douche bag.
Never said Randy or Chad went to Huntington. Said they were from the area. I Was just talking about the tallent that has come out of Eastern West Virginia. This "immature prick" said giving some kids a second chance can turn their lives around, which is what Fairview did. This "immature prick", wished Fairview the best of luck. This "immature prick" spoke of the speed and tallent in the backfield. So, I will go ahead and be a prick again and say that I wish Fairview and the new staff all of the best, as well as say, like I have said since it all started, good luck to the McPeeks as they move on to their future endevors. The past is the past and they are both great football minds. I'd hate to see what kind of label I would recieve, had I picked Fairview to win it all.
Go root for the Am's and get some kahunahs and go tell Musick to his face what you think about him. You get on here and give some props to these kids then in the same post throw your digs in at us. You and eye sore must be pals.

You know Raceland has been guilty and has violated many bylaws and has gotten away with it, so I really get tired of your crap on here.
Some people let their panties get in a wad. This prick says if you don't want the talk, do the right thing. It's that simple. Not everyone cheats.
I dont get on here to back and forth. Its not what these forums are supposed to be about. I gave my opinions, Clint is entitled to his, as is everyone else. If your tired of my crap, dont read it. Best of luck to everyone in Fairview this season, even ol' Clint.
mysonis55 Wrote:Some people let their panties get in a wad. This prick says if you don't want the talk, do the right thing. It's that simple. Not everyone cheats.

Not all cheated. Some things are out of the control of others. You guys are still pricks. Go post on your own teams forums.

Scotty Bronson, got to hand to you. You are sneaky and clever how you post on here. Bragging on the kids then slamming the administration. Its all over with, Superintendent is for right now Bill Musick. If you have issues with him then grow up and go talk with him otherwise you and your illegitimate son Patchy Boy need to move on and get on with your life.
All of the school system was in on it and if u don't think so your in denial lol the joke is over back to the 4-6 days unless Luther turner can find some new out of state kids to put on the roster
mysonis55 Wrote:Some people let their panties get in a wad. This prick says if you don't want the talk, do the right thing. It's that simple. Not everyone cheats.

[quote=Scotty_Bronson]The rest of the crew wont be back. They are in GA. Nate is at Tucker HS i think, as the Asst HC/oline coach. I think Gary went somewhere else in GA though. As for the WV pipeline, who knows. Ive been told that Charles Ray is a straight laced guy but who knows?[/QUOTE]

This is what im talking about. You are an idiot. WV Pipeline? Coach Ray started for four years as Quarterback at a D1...any kid would jump at a chance to play and learn from him, whether its Huntington kids or Russell kids...as for your info about Coach Ray...grow some and go confront him!
If my statement came across the wrong way I appologize. I never said anything bad about Coach Ray, the phrase, lwho knows", can be attributed to any new coach. BECAUSE NO ONE DOES!!! I hae said that I think Michael Salmons will do a great job at Raceland...but....wait for it...WHO KNOWS. sorry if that phrase affends you. Everything I have heard about Fred Ray is that he is a straight laced, honest, hard working, and christian man. I hope he continues to show that character and help get Fairview back on track. It is good for the atheletic community as a whole if ALL area teams are competitive, not just with each other, but across the state, both on the field/court and more importantly, in the class room. I am not slamming anyone, nor will I blow smoke up anyone rear end to make them look better. Im not arguing. Just stating what I meant by my statement. Its well known that I dont care for Bill Musick and he knows that. It is what it is, idk why you feel the need to come at me with guns blazing ready to battle. I dont like going back and forth, its not what these forums are supposed to be about. But, with that said, I wont leave a forum just bc someone disagrees with my statement. We all have our opinions and thats what makes the bater back and forth so much fun between rival schools.

Now thats out of the way. Is their anyone on god's green earth that knows anything about personel in Fairview? What all did they lose to graduation? Who do they return? Did they lose anyone, other than McPeek, after the sanction? THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT OF PERSECUTION, just curious of anyone else left. Lets talk rosters, numbers, and schedules now.
We have already lost 11 players since school has been out. Who knows (no pun intended) what we will have come August. It sucks when you are left with all the fall out. Nate and Garry are good people, wish them well.
11 players? For real? Didnt expect to hear that. is the backfield still intact? With Yetts, King, And Brown, there was alot of speed in that backfield. With Dolen there as a more downhill runner with enough speed to go the distance once he was in the open field. I know both OTs were gone wit McPeek leaving and Roark to graduation. But with 70 players on last years roster, i figured there would be plenty to fill the gaps. Hate to hear that there's been kids leaving. Given the opportunity, I think Fred can get things put back together.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:11 players? For real? Didnt expect to hear that. is the backfield still intact? With Yetts, King, And Brown, there was alot of speed in that backfield. With Dolen there as a more downhill runner with enough speed to go the distance once he was in the open field[B]. I know both OTs were gone wit McPeek leaving and Roark to graduation. But with 70 players on last years roster[/B], i figured there would be plenty to fill the gaps. Hate to hear that there's been kids leaving. Given the opportunity, I think Fred can get things put back together.

They had 70 on initial roster but finished the year with several gone from that
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