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(my grandchildren thinks it's really funny to add me to the mailing lists for Depends, hearing aids and rolling wheel chairs)
is correct!!
Having a fun filled weekend!
(You had great weather for it!!!)
Wait for it................wait for it.........................
Is sexy and he knows it!:-) :biggrin:
Likes himself.....
Sporting a new avatar since my leave of absence.
Took notice of change
Is converting to a Whitley fan this year
is taking a sabbatical
^ Depends spokes model Smile
will get there one day!
^ooops, just did Smile

Getting picked on again...
Keeping an eye on the storms in KY
Probably enjoying nice weather, while we deal with storms.
May have gotten some bad storms today
Was at work during the storms!
Sleeping during the storms
Hoping the Reds can pull it together and make a run this last 3/4 of the season.
^Knows the Reds always choke.
Keeping up with the reds!!

(seen the "labroning" jokes????
^Should know I am not keeping up with the Reds it's just a known fact they choke.
Keeping up with "lebroning"??

(I would post some of the pictures, but Stardust would kick me off forever!!!)
^Yeah I've seen it lol..... you need to put some pics up to bust Dusty's balls lol....
per your request

This is my good friend's husband and sons. They live in San Antonio, eat sleep and breathe the Spurs!

[Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/h...8986_n.jpg]
Picking on the poor Lebran fans....
( I love it!!!)
Has liked a even 600 posts.
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