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Where is Mr. Lundergan Grimes?
Granny Bear Wrote:Thank you! However, that post was not directed at you.

I have great admiration for the posters on this thread and was surprised at how these generalized comments affected me. Harry Rex....we've butted heads before so I know that he's more conservative than even I. I was; however, surprised to hear a couple of his comments knowing his level of education.

WideRight05...I know this cat much better!! I'm considering kicking in his teeth!

Where did Harry Rex offend you, Granny Bear?

It can't be my disdain for Little Lundergan. Her novice level of accomplishment, ability, and experience and the fact she is merely a stand in for Daddy Jerry should be obvious to everyone.

The liberal, non-Christian agenda of the government schools should be obvious to everyone.

It must be women voters. Women voters elected Obama. Women voters overwhelmingly support Hillary though most have no idea of what she represents. Thus, they must like her merely because she is a woman. If a disaster like Little Lundergan wins in November, it will be with low information women votes. Am I mistaken? I think not.

I don't mean to offend. However, I don't practice political correctness because it is rarely true.
Hey Harry women votes i hope they all read your posts. :lmao:
64SUR Wrote:Hey Harry women votes i hope they all read your posts. :lmao:

Prove where Harry Rex Vonner is wrong in his post. I sure hope moderate/independent voters read your posts. You certainly aren't providing any relevant info for defending Grimes or Obama!
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:You just described nearly every voter in America. Most voters go on emotion, just like you mentioned the "War on Women" could describe many voters in EKY who know nothing of politics but shout "War on Coal"

But I'm sure they're all above being "elementary minded", despite being one of the lowest educated areas in the country.

You claim that voters in EKY "know nothing of politics but shout war on coal," but you do realize that more voters in Kentucky and West Virginia are registered Democrat than Republican? Otherwise, how would the Democrats have been able to place 35 governors in office or been able to control the state house for 93 years?

But yet, even people from "one of the lowest educated areas in the country" have the brains to understand that their jobs, their way of life is in danger with Obama and company at the helm. Liberals will whine and cry "stereotype" if a conservative has a negative comment about Obama or the homosexual lifestyle, yet it's comments like the ones you made trampling on the education of EKY (and many liberals apply that to the south as a whole) that are stereotypical. First off, I wouldn't be calling anybody uneducated no matter what part of the United States I was from. We continue to slide further back in the education ranks of developed nations, especially in the areas of math and science

Education means nothing - what matters is experience in the real world. As someone with multiple degrees, I can assure you that you learn more in your first six months outside of school than you will throughout your entire school career. Put another way, it's one thing to read a page of instructions on how to install a transmission in one's car. And, quite another to actually do the work. Why? Because reading up on something may serve to make one able to discuss it, but there is no substitute for experience. We can study and analyze till our hearts content. I advocate for that opinion over academia's bent for redefinition. Liberals love to use the education system to indoctrinate our students, utilizing their bias and bent for capturing the minds of our youth while they are still a captive audience.

Yes, most voters in America go on emotion, as you said - which can be dangerous. It's best to logically analyze a situation, understand both sides, and then make an honest judgment based on your values and the values of the candidates that are running. You did not provide me a logical explanation as to why Todd Akin should have been voted out besides the couple of sentences he messed up. Women turned out in droves to vote him out merely because of that and not based on his overall performance. If Hillary runs, you can bet the women will be out in droves to vote for her with many not having a clue as to what she truly stands for.
64SUR Wrote:Hey Harry women votes i hope they all read your posts. :lmao:

I hope that is the case. Maybe they will be offended enough to become educated in regard to the issues facing Kentucky and the United States. Maybe, they will learn that there is no War on Women as the Democrats like to parrot but that, in reality, the war is a War on Babies. Maybe, just maybe, they will have enough spiritual conviction to realize that this idea of "control of their own bodies" ends too often with the murder of a baby- usually the baby they are carrying. Maybe they will realize that controlling their own bodies should mean not getting pregnant in the first place since, once pregnant, another very vulnerable human being has entered the equation.

Is asking that they realize what is at stake asking too much?
WideRight05 Wrote:You claim that voters in EKY "know nothing of politics but shout war on coal," but you do realize that more voters in Kentucky and West Virginia are registered Democrat than Republican? Otherwise, how would the Democrats have been able to place 35 governors in office or been able to control the state house for 93 years?

But yet, even people from "one of the lowest educated areas in the country" have the brains to understand that their jobs, their way of life is in danger with Obama and company at the helm. Liberals will whine and cry "stereotype" if a conservative has a negative comment about Obama or the homosexual lifestyle, yet it's comments like the ones you made trampling on the education of EKY (and many liberals apply that to the south as a whole) that are stereotypical. First off, I wouldn't be calling anybody uneducated no matter what part of the United States I was from. We continue to slide further back in the education ranks of developed nations, especially in the areas of math and science

Education means nothing - what matters is experience in the real world. As someone with multiple degrees, I can assure you that you learn more in your first six months outside of school than you will throughout your entire school career.

Put another way, it's one thing to read a page of instructions on how to install a transmission in one's car. And, quite another to actually do the work. Why? Because reading up on something may serve to make one able to discuss it, but there is no substitute for experience. We can study and analyze till our hearts content. I advocate for that opinion over academia's bent for redefinition. Liberals love to use the education system to indoctrinate our students, utilizing their bias and bent for capturing the minds of our youth while they are still a captive

Yes, most voters in America go on emotion, as you said - which can be dangerous. It's best to logically analyze a situation, understand both sides, and then make an honest judgment based on your values and the values of the candidates that are running. You did not provide me a logical explanation as to why Todd Akin should have been voted out besides the couple of sentences he messed up. Women turned out in droves to vote him out merely because of that

and not based on his overall performance. If Hillary runs, you can bet the women will be out in droves to vote for her with many not having a clue as to what she truly stands for.
This elections is not about COAL..This.elections is about Mitch not doing nothing for the coal fields in my book. And I love eastern Kentucky women and Granny Bear...I think Confusednicker:
64SUR Wrote:This elections is not about COAL..This.elections is about Mitch not doing nothing for the coal fields in my book. And I love eastern Kentucky women and Granny Bear...I think Confusednicker:

Why don't you respond to my points? You dodged everything about that previous post.

And yes, this election is about protecting the coal industry.
64SUR Wrote:This elections is not about COAL..This.elections is about Mitch not doing nothing for the coal fields in my book. And I love eastern Kentucky women and Granny Bear...I think Confusednicker:

Well, let's see, 64SUR. If McConnell is "not doing nothing", you are using a double negative which means you are saying that McConnell is doing something for coal. Of course, it is possible that, in light of all the political correctness being taught, your government school didn't address double negatives. And, I'm pleased that you love eastern Kentucky women. Unfortunately for you, Little Lundergan is from Fayette County in central Kentucky.

McConnell opposes Obama's environmental agenda which is destroying the coal industry. Little Lundergan, acting as instructed by Jerry, also opposes Obama's program. Now, does anyone believe that Little Lundergan, a Democrat with no real ideas of her own, will not fall in line with the Obama agenda if elected? Of course she will.

It gets down to having either the majority or minority leader or having a ultra junior senator with no ideas and no idea of where she is going. She will do Jerry's bidding which is Obama's bidding. Only a fool could believe otherwise.

If you need a little more, try to picture Little Lundergan standing up to Harry Reid of Obama. It won't happen. She has no intnetion of making it happen. She is incapable of making it happen.
Sorry I love all kentucky women Harry Rex vonner.Do you love women sure don't sound like it. :Sad04: Mitch should hire you to make.a.commercial I approve this message.:igiveup:
64SUR Wrote:Sorry I love all kentucky women Harry Rex vonner.Do you love women sure don't sound like it. :Sad04: Mitch should hire you to make.a.commercial I approve this message.:igiveup:

Come Sur! You're probably conservative in reality Confusednicker: but don't you at least want to respond to my previous points?
WideRight05 Wrote:Come Sur! You're probably conservative in reality Confusednicker: but don't you at least want to respond to my previous points?

Which one ? No wait a minute I will turn my television on Fox's news. :Sad04:
64SUR Wrote:This elections is not about COAL..This.elections is about Mitch not doing nothing for the coal fields in my book. And I love eastern Kentucky women and Granny Bear...I think Confusednicker:

In the words of the immortal Barney Fife, Citizen's arrest! I just can't let this one go by. If you can't connect the dots let me be of assistance. I mean sheesh, Obama is the one who is on record with his war on coal, and oil, and fracking, and lead smelters, and wood burning stoves.

You know just about anybody should be able to figure out the patently obvious. There is a very good reason Obama and his Hollywood cronies are breaking the bank to get Alison Lundergan Grimes elected, and it sure aint cause she's got the first clue what goes on in Washington DC. Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is in Obama's way, MAJOR! If McConnell wasn't there the coal industry in Kentucky would already be long gone. :lame::HitWall:
64SUR Wrote:Which one ? No wait a minute I will turn my television on Fox's news. :Sad04:

Nice try, I don't watch Fox - maybe you should catch up with C-SPAN and see these people for who they really are.

You can't be serious in what you are saying. Lol
WideRight05 Wrote:I'll admit that I was one to nearly fall for the indoctrination of the public school system. Despite being strongly against abortion and gay marriage, I held a grudge against the rich and believed in liberal economic policies but it was the liberal bias of my teachers in a religion and a philosophy class in college that woke me up. One used the religion class to try to do anything he could to prove the Bible wrong as a former pastor, the other used the philosophy class to teach "tolerance and open-mindedness," while using the opportunity in class to bash Christians and conservatives (although she claimed to be a Christian herself).

In fact, an accounting/law professor I had - a wise conservative who was very good - recently switched to the Catholic Church from where he was attending prior. As someone who used to attend the same Church I did, we knew each other somewhat, so the topic came up and we discussed and debated it. Later on, the philosophy professor told me that she overheard our discussion and because "he didn't have the degrees" that he shouldn't be discussing that with me, which made me irate so I slammed her for it. That is the type of attitude we are dealing with in the public school system - "I have the degrees, so I know it all."

The Republicans have been nothing short of disappointing. Just because the public is embracing homosexuality right now, doesn't mean that it will be in the future. America is becoming more and more pro-life, for example. Some of the abortion laws being passed right now would have never passed in the 1990's. I hate to see people cave in to public pressure on their values, a lot of the "pressure" of which is made up by the liberal media. The Nevada Republican party has dropped their opposition to homosexual marriage and one senator from Utah declared yesterday that nationwide homosexual marriage was "inevitable," although he is against it. We are going down that slippery slope as a country, and I hope it's not too late before we are able to pull it together.

I read your post with interest. According to your philosophy teacher, your law and accounting teacher doesn't have the degrees to discuss church history and practices with you. Your philosophy teacher truly revealed herself. All she knows about reality is what she has read in college textbooks. She is a perfect example of someone who considers herself a philosopher. Just what is a philosopher? What good is she to society? Does she have any skills that are marketable? The answer is she has nothing but textbook garbage in her head. She is irrelevant.
Memo Luna Wrote:I read your post with interest. According to your philosophy teacher, your law and accounting teacher doesn't have the degrees to discuss church history and practices with you. Your philosophy teacher truly revealed herself. All she knows about reality is what she has read in college textbooks. She is a perfect example of someone who considers herself a philosopher. Just what is a philosopher? What good is she to society? Does she have any skills that are marketable? The answer is she has nothing but textbook garbage in her head. She is irrelevant.

But, getting her and the rest of America's self styled academia, to realize their irrelevance is the trick. Don't you think? I mean, the whole nation seems to be willing to jump into the toilet while begging for an apt 'flusher' to fulfill his destiny. And the reason American's are so willing to fall on history's sword? Global warming witchdoctors have them believing our American lifestyle is killing the planet. Obama (one of academia's most self deluded), said as much during his run up to the White House in 2008. In a Chicago campaign speech, he bemoaned this country's level of energy usage saying; "America uses over 67% of the combined energy used across the globe each year. We can't continue at that level, it's not right." And to think folks still seem to doubt the existence of 'the war on coal.'

But to emphasize an even wider point is this, a prof ala the ilk of Wide's philosophy prof, ascended to the White House in 2008. Since that time a guy who believes himself to be inerrant has led this country out of the navigable channel, all the while ignoring the granite rocks which portend certain shipwreck looming before us.

Heaven help us to wake up in time for the mid-terms this fall and on into the Presidential election season in 2016.
You are correct, TheRealThing. There are two worlds- the real world and the academic world. The real world is just that. It functions from life's actual experiences. It reacts to true life events and adjusts accordingly. The academic world, on the other hand, lives its life in textbooks and classrooms. It has no experience outside the hypothetical world of what it wishes to be reality. Philosophers are the perfect example of the academic.

Unfortunately, our country is run by those from the academic world. Obama, a product of social promotion and affirmative action, is the perfect example. His real life experiences in the world of reality, other than drug use, etc, is completely lacking in capitalism, true human relations, economics, the letter of the law, etc- is non existent.

No wonder we are in such a dangerous condition in this country. And, the media is a close accomplice since it will not expose Obama as the inept fool that he truly is.
Has anyone tracked Mr. Lundergan Grimes yet? He is still a true mystery boy- much more of a mystery than his spouse, Little Lundergan Grimes. She is an empty pants suit while he is a phantom.
Memo Luna Wrote:You are correct, TheRealThing. There are two worlds- the real world and the academic world. The real world is just that. It functions from life's actual experiences. It reacts to true life events and adjusts accordingly. The academic world, on the other hand, lives its life in textbooks and classrooms. It has no experience outside the hypothetical world of what it wishes to be reality. Philosophers are the perfect example of the academic.

Unfortunately, our country is run by those from the academic world. Obama, a product of social promotion and affirmative action, is the perfect example. His real life experiences in the world of reality, other than drug use, etc, is completely lacking in capitalism, true human relations, economics, the letter of the law, etc- is non existent.

No wonder we are in such a dangerous condition in this country. And, the media is a close accomplice since it will not expose Obama as the inept fool that he truly is.

Of course they won't. Both hail from the same stagnant pool and every last one of them don't hesitate to put party or ideological concerns above the good of the nation.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Has anyone tracked Mr. Lundergan Grimes yet? He is still a true mystery boy- much more of a mystery than his spouse, Little Lundergan Grimes. She is an empty pants suit while he is a phantom.

He's got dishes and laundry to do in addition to his driving duties. :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:He's got dishes and laundry to do in addition to his driving duties. :biggrin:

I'd say that there is a good chance that you are correct. Papa Jerry, the real candidate, sure keeps the boy hid, doesn't he?
TheRealThing Wrote:He's got dishes and laundry to do in addition to his driving duties. :biggrin:

What's wrong with dishes and laundry I do them in my home. :wash: :truestory:
Memo Luna Wrote:I read your post with interest. According to your philosophy teacher, your law and accounting teacher doesn't have the degrees to discuss church history and practices with you. Your philosophy teacher truly revealed herself. All she knows about reality is what she has read in college textbooks. She is a perfect example of someone who considers herself a philosopher. Just what is a philosopher? What good is she to society? Does she have any skills that are marketable? The answer is she has nothing but textbook garbage in her head. She is irrelevant.

Yeah, and that's the funny thing ML - she uses that "I have the degrees mentality" like hotcakes. I recall reading some of your posts where you have mentioned your career in academia and dealing with some of the professors who have that attitude.

That law/accounting professor had it down - he had years of experience in his profession and utilized that in class. He knew what was important in our textbooks that we would use in the real world and he eliminated the junk from the textbook. Thus, the students in his classes learn valuable skills that they will be able to apply toward the real world. His degrees may not be in philosophy, but he definitely had a much greater understanding and open-mindedness than that "tolerant" philosophy professor had. A good friend of mine from that school and I still talk about his classes from time to time and how good they were.

The other professor was different - I had that person for two classes in school in back to back semesters. You couldn't be more right, ML, on that she has nothing but textbook garbage in her head. She often preached open-mindedness and tolerance in her class and went on to bash conservatives and Christians (despite claiming to be one). That's when I realized that everything the pastor was telling me at Church about the real world was correct. I'll tell you a funny story - one of the classes was online and she created a discussion board similar to this one. There were quite a few liberals in the class, with another girl and I being the lone conservative - and with me being in the learning process just a couple months after realizing how dangerous liberalism is. She got emotional a lot on the board, especially when we talked about a religion class and I mentioned the bias of the religion professor at the school. After that and several other debates we got into, she shut down the board because it was "falling off track from what it was meant to be." In reality, she was getting slugged around and from there on limited the discussion board. If she were a moderator here, you, I, TRT, and HRV would have been banned long ago. RIUTG wouldn't have been around long enough to become a moderator. Confusednicker: She cannot handle opposing views.

I had help from someone in debating her on the board because of my lack of understanding at the time - but it didn't take too long to where she was pretty easy to debate on the board because of how she quickly became emotionally charged to the point it impacted her thinknig. That was around the time she told me that the law professor was "forcing his religion" on me when we discussed it - and I mentioned that I was the one who brought the discussion up to him and we merely discussed and debated it. That was all. When she went on her rant about how she had the degrees and he shouldn't be debating religion, that's when I set off.

The best professors I had, like that law professor, were the ones that had the real world experience and knew what the students would be handling once they graduated. The ones that lack that are mostly the ones who attempt to brainwash our students into becoming liberals. Not all of them are, but most of them are that way - especially in the english, philosophy, and liberal arts areas.
I think somebody has pull the plug on these guys. I think Mitch has. Confusednicker:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Has anyone tracked Mr. Lundergan Grimes yet? He is still a true mystery boy- much more of a mystery than his spouse, Little Lundergan Grimes. She is an empty pants suit while he is a phantom.

I've spent some time on it HRV; I really have. I have gotten a moderate amount of information, piecemeal, but nothing even worth repeating.
Granny Bear Wrote:I've spent some time on it HRV; I really have. I have gotten a moderate amount of information, piecemeal, but nothing even worth repeating.

Keep trying, Granny Bear. Do you suppose that Papa Jerry has had him sent to Gitmo?
Dems are without a shred of integrity. Their dream pick candidate for the US Senate, would have been Ashley Judd and you can bet the ranch they were upset that she withdrew her name from consideration. At any rate, the two hopefuls selected by the Dems says a lot about their thinking.

Ashley for example, is the quintessential icon. Though parlaying the success of her famous country music Mom and sis along with her own movie stardom, meant absolutely nothing to qualify her to govern in high office, as far as the world of Democrat political guides were concerned, she was THE choice of choices. So that tells us that experience, integrity or statesmanship, doesn't even factor in when they go looking for a candidate. Rather, with their ultra liberal agenda having been long since settled, the ultimate candidate for the Democratic cause would necessarily then, be a good looking and famous rubber stamp. Conviction and character are the passé traits of the GOP, which are not conducive to a mindless adherence to the Dem's progressive ideological lemming rush.

It also tells us that in lieu of a famous, if somewhat personally compromised movie star, their next choice was much more a case of having to 'settle' for the best compromise available. That, in their minds, was Alison Grimes. I mean seriously, if one were to look up the word vacuous, would he really be all that surprised to see her picture next to the word?

We've already got a 'sold out for the cause' President. As the direct result for which, we will all suffer mightily IMHO. Just because liberals think the world isn't fair, now there's a novel line of rationale, we will all be paying through nose for health care, electricity, gasoline and food (except the cherished poor from among us, they get everything handed to them through a government run extortion scheme). In addition to all that, our national defense is evidently being overseen by Alvin and the Chipmunks, the US Congress has been effectively neutered, and the SCOTUS is the primary means of mitigation for gay rights and abortion on demand. Needless to mention that despite the dire need, the 'hot spot', will ice over long before Dems will allow the Keystone XL Pipeline to come to the US.

But, we are tolerant to a fault here in the US of Anything goes. No matter how ridiculous or absurd the cause, even to the point of a guarantee of "plant's rights", we Americans will accept the idiotic. Therefore, we see the 'all in' enthusiastic support for yet another candidate, that the gimme gimme crowd thinks will keep the goodies and free phones coming in.
Papa Jerry would be instrumental in closing Gitmo if it served his financial purposes. He's really a story!

I am to the point of wondering if Papa didn't arrange this marriage with the sole purpose of having a spouse that couldn't possibly upstage Alison. After all, he's sort of perfect for the role. And it wouldn't take very much to upstage her.
Granny Bear Wrote:Papa Jerry would be instrumental in closing Gitmo if it served his financial purposes. He's really a story!

I am to the point of wondering if Papa didn't arrange this marriage with the sole purpose of having a spouse that couldn't possibly upstage Alison. After all, he's sort of perfect for the role. And it wouldn't take very much to upstage her.

And speaking of roles, you may have seen the movie featuring Tom Hanks entitled "Cast Away." If so, then you may agree with me that Wilson could easily do it! Confusednicker:
I loved Wilson!! It was sad when he was lost forever!!

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