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Double Standard in our Politically Correct Society
So Michael Sam kisses his gay lover on live tv... he was the first openly gay player to be drafted in the NFL.

All the media outlets are praising Sam for his stance and his actions.... How brave he is and how other LGBTQ people should look up to him.

But on the other hand.....
As I posted before, shows like The Voice purposely omit the word Lord from one of the most well known gospel songs in history.... and then people get upset when Christian's complain.

Thank God the back of the book tell us that the Christians have already won..... However, everytime something like this happens and somebody who doesn't know about Jesus sees this, we loose ground. The world will never be sinless as long as time continues. But we have to atleast say we tried. We have to say we presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his love for us to as many people as possible.
Check out my YouTube channel.
Just so we are clear....

Christians do not hate any person.

We are however taught that certain actions are an abomination in the Lords eyes. And that is why true, blood bought Christians are against the whole LGBTQ movement.

If you are in the LGBTQ community, we do not hate you. In fact, we love you.
I know most of you will read that and laugh, but it's true. We're not gonna sugar coat the truth as The Bible teaches us. And yes, I do realize you have to believe in The Bible as the Word of God before any of this will sink in.

But my friend, please.... don't take the chance.
Check out my YouTube channel.

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