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02-11-2006, 11:35 AM
I Know I Am Old And Decrepit And Out Of Touch But Let Me Get This Straight. You Have Two Schools In Floyd County...PrestonsBurg And South Floyd...That Have Been Told That They Can't Paint Their Bodies...Start Chants...Or Otherwise Engage In "Antics In The Stands" That Show Support For Their Team. There Is At Least One School....Betsy Layne...That Can Paint Their Bodies...Start Chants....And Engage In "Antics In The Stands" To Support Their Team. Isn't This Appying Double Standards To The Schools In The County Where You Have One Set Of Rules For One Group And Another Set For Another Group. Has Anyone Contacted The BOE Or Superintendent About These "DOUBLE STANDARDS". Just Wandering.:rules: :Skull03: :bow:
02-11-2006, 12:51 PM
I agree with you OldAndDecrepit. If someone hasn't called already, they need to!
02-11-2006, 02:41 PM
Why is a finger being pointed at just Prestonsburg and South Floyd?
I saw Betsy Layne fans painted, what gives?
Allen central was painted up for the All A.
I saw Betsy Layne fans painted, what gives?
Allen central was painted up for the All A.
02-11-2006, 02:42 PM
Allen central was painted up for the All A.
02-11-2006, 02:44 PM
Nice post Oand D I am interested in hearing what the crazies and and the Blackcat faithful has to say about this
02-11-2006, 02:47 PM
definitely seems like a double standard from my point of view.
02-11-2006, 02:53 PM
there trying to strick down the good fans
02-11-2006, 02:54 PM
Cause SF and PHS has the best fans
02-11-2006, 02:55 PM
Is there a rule book for all 58th district pepclubs to follow, if so i havent seen it. The decision for pburg not to paint their bodies has to have been a decision within the school. I can understand sf not being able to paint themselves and to chant due to the probation, but pburg should be able to.
02-11-2006, 02:58 PM
Isn't This Some Sort Of Violation, Having One Set Or Rules For One Group And Another Set Of Rules For Another Group. I Thought That All The Schools Are Supposed To Be Treated Equally. Maybe I am Wrong On This. Can Anyone That Knows For Certian Why This Was Done Clear Up The Confusion For Me. Seems Like One Group Is Really Getting The Ol' "SHAft" :CE_DP_Ste

02-11-2006, 03:00 PM
"bballjunky" Wrote:Is there a rule book for all 58th district pepclubs to follow, if so i havent seen it. The decision for pburg not to paint their bodies has to have been a decision within the school. I can understand sf not being able to paint themselves and to chant due to the probation, but pburg should be able to.
Explain To Me What Probation Has To Do With Showing School Spirit. :CE_DP_Ste

02-11-2006, 03:03 PM
there has to be different rules made by the principals for the different schools of the 58th. that is the only possible way that Betsy Layne is allowed to do chant and paint and prestonsburg and south floyd aren't. Every morning my younger brother tells me that the principal from BL tells them to cheer for our team and not against the other team. They had like 8 different teachers there to make sure that nothing was said or happened at the pburg game.
02-11-2006, 03:06 PM
well Randall...SF is on probation and Dr.Fannin told us that we wasnt allowed to paint ourselves or do ne think cause of me that is rlly stupid cause that is the best way of showing skl spirt if u ask me....
02-11-2006, 03:06 PM
"RANDALL FLAG" Wrote:Explain To Me What Probation Has To Do With Showing School Spirit. :CE_DP_Stealute:
Well seeing that almost 70% of sf's pepclub has been banned from the rest of the games, not much of school spirit can be shown.
02-11-2006, 03:06 PM
Well, I understand it's probably my fault that we have been struck down on, but it is completely BS, Mr. Martin chose to act in an immature way and our student body has been punished for his actions.
02-11-2006, 03:12 PM
"jayblackcat2006" Wrote:Well, I understand it's probably my fault that we have been struck down on, but it is completely BS, Mr. Martin chose to act in an immature way and our student body has been punished for his actions.
02-11-2006, 03:15 PM
I know it is a school function and everything. But give them a break. If they want to paint up and show school spirit, by all means let them. If now, why even let people in the game. Just have the players and coaches go in and play. That will keep all school spirit down. What ever happened to freedom of expression, freedom of choice? Dr Fannon must think he is the dictator of Floyd County to allow some schools to do things and ban others from doing the same thing.
02-11-2006, 03:19 PM
"WOW" Wrote:??????At the AC game, we chanted Johnny Martin, and Martin singled me out and acted in a way he shouldn't have.
02-11-2006, 03:23 PM
I do not believe this came exactly from Dr. Fanning. I believe it was mentioned first at SF by a few that the painted fans were going to cause trouble and then when they stood on the floor they were already opinionated with tunnel vision that this was the problem of that night. In fact it was not. I see no reason or have not read anything that states fans can't be painted up as long as they remain in the stands. No matter which school.
02-11-2006, 03:51 PM
i still see south floyd on probation so should betsy layne....they were in that fight just as much as south floyd and also started it....why cant prestonsburg paint did they even do anything......but i know one thing i will be goin wild at region if sf makes it...this is my last year to cheer for my friends that i have known all my life and i know they want to win and i will be there cheerin them on even though i am banned from all games in floyd county im still rootin for ya guys and i promise to be there if u all make it to region...LETS GO RAIDERS....i hate betsy layne
02-11-2006, 03:58 PM
I don't see how painting yourslef would incite a riot or violence. Kids will act the same way, painted or not.
02-11-2006, 04:02 PM
You know what idc about the rules the SF and Pburg students should show up at district and paint there body's and do what we want! Both school's bball teams cannot just look in the stands and see the opposing teams pep section being louder and jumping up and down! Thats there momentum is tooking out of the game! Well district time we should be allowed to do what we want no matter what the Principle or what any1 says !!!
02-11-2006, 04:04 PM
"The Misfit" Wrote:i still see south floyd on probation so should betsy layne....they were in that fight just as much as south floyd and also started it....why cant prestonsburg paint did they even do anything......but i know one thing i will be goin wild at region if sf makes it...this is my last year to cheer for my friends that i have known all my life and i know they want to win and i will be there cheerin them on even though i am banned from all games in floyd county im still rootin for ya guys and i promise to be there if u all make it to region...LETS GO RAIDERS....i hate betsy layne
I agree !!!
02-11-2006, 04:06 PM
Well...I think it is all stupid...I agree Kids will act the same Painted or not!...LETS GO BOBCATS:wenumber1...great win over the Blackcats !!!...i hate Prestonsburg!
02-11-2006, 04:09 PM
good post misfit...did p-burg even do anythoing...
02-11-2006, 04:11 PM
Fans of these two schools should paint thierselves up anyway. I mean really what are they going to do turn the fans away.. If they don't let you in the game because your painted. Then just put some paint and in your pocket and go paint yourself in the bathroom..
There shouldn't be double standards.. If one team is not aloud then all teams should have to follow the same standards..
All you fans should from this two schools should paint yourselfs up come district tournament and enjoy yourselfs. Demonstrate a little school spirit. Don't let people jealous of your fan support, your spirit and your success prevent you from doing so.
If all you Blackcat and Raiders fans come painted up.. What are the going do? Turn away 500 or 600 fans. I don't think so.
There shouldn't be double standards.. If one team is not aloud then all teams should have to follow the same standards..
All you fans should from this two schools should paint yourselfs up come district tournament and enjoy yourselfs. Demonstrate a little school spirit. Don't let people jealous of your fan support, your spirit and your success prevent you from doing so.
If all you Blackcat and Raiders fans come painted up.. What are the going do? Turn away 500 or 600 fans. I don't think so.
02-11-2006, 04:14 PM
One time I saw a person get on all fours and bark at another team!!
02-11-2006, 04:15 PM
"torQQue" Wrote:If all you Blackcat and Raiders fans come painted up.. What are the going do? Turn away 500 or 600 fans. I don't think so.
I agree !!!
02-11-2006, 04:18 PM
"bballjunky" Wrote:there has to be different rules made by the principals for the different schools of the 58th. that is the only possible way that Betsy Layne is allowed to do chant and paint and prestonsburg and south floyd aren't. Every morning my younger brother tells me that the principal from BL tells them to cheer for our team and not against the other team. They had like 8 different teachers there to make sure that nothing was said or happened at the pburg game.
If This Is The Case, Then I Would Be Interested In Knowing Why The Principals At South Floyd And PrestonsBurg Would Object To Their Students Showing Some School Spirit. If The Decision Came From The Board Or Dr. Fannin, I would Love To Hear His Explanation As To Why Two Schools Are Being Singled Out And Not All The Schools Are Treated The Same. It Is Not FAIR And It Is Just NOT RIGHT. :CE_DP_Ste

02-11-2006, 05:37 PM
Fans have a great effect on the game outcome, the energy of fans are great. They should be able to be crazy, but not get out of hand.
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