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Middlesboro job open!!
There is nothing right about what has happened there. I really hoped we could get there coach to help here in football and there basketball coach to come here. With that said let the administration keep going. Someone will be helped by what they have done. If I were to guess I would say Bell is going to reap benefits from this, one way or the other.
I've been hearing a school a little further north could really reap some benefit if they could find a opening.
I don't really have a dog in this fight, we'll actually I do...Frazier is a good friend of mine and I'll stand up for him to the end, but the same person that told me Frazier would lose his job the night before it happened also told me Thompson's fate was decided as well. Also I have been told that A very talented lady jacket would be wearing other colors next year. With what happened after the Clay loss and before the district tournament I wouldn't be surprised.

I think the 52nd district and local football could have a much different look in 14-15, from a player and coaching standpoint.
I really hope these kids can get it together. Things do not look that good. I hear we lost another player today with injury. One of our best will miss his senior year with shoulder surgery in June. If Cole Frazier leaves like I have been hearing that is also a big hit .....this has turned into a mess for these kids.
Who is missing with shoulder surgery? Cole Frazier isn't leaving
Listen....you can think what you like...but if you believe Cole Frazier is staying...you are seriously on the pipe. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
Bear_Paw Wrote:Listen....you can think what you like...but if you believe Cole Frazier is staying...you are seriously on the pipe. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Hes welcome at Whitley Confusednicker:
Now people are just making things up. Coach Thompson isn't even rumored to be losing his job. Everyone around Middlesboro loves him. The girls coach has a little more to worry about, on the other hand.
As you grow older you will understand local politics. The girls coach is from Middlesboro and his family can fire the super. They will not be touched. It doesn''t matter who likes who , if the super has a hometown person in mind look out.
Who is missing their senior year because of shoulder surgery? Cole is staying. His father is staying. I spoke with them
I sent you a PM.
JacketFan98 Wrote:Who is missing their senior year because of shoulder surgery? Cole is staying. His father is staying. I spoke with them

Better sit down and have another talk with them.
Harlan County has very nice facilities. You and your family will not be treated the way you have been.
WhyLie Wrote:Better sit down and have another talk with them.

I think so too. I don't think either one of them will be there.
Why would anyone stay at Middlesboro, especially that Family. This situation is 1 of the worst I have ever heard about. Unreal. The players and parents don't deserve it but the administration deserve a total meltdown of the program. I am hearing the chosen 1 is now having cold feet and who could blame him??? Making the Supt look real smart now.
William Muney Wrote:Why would anyone stay at Middlesboro, especially that Family. This situation is 1 of the worst I have ever heard about. Unreal. The players and parents don't deserve it but the administration deserve a total meltdown of the program. I am hearing the chosen 1 is now having cold feet and who could blame him??? Making the Supt look real smart now.

A meltdown would serve the admin right but I sure hope it doesnt happen because of the kids. They deserve every opportunity possible.
We would welcome Coach and his son back to Harlan County!!!
If Frazier gets another position, Cole is out of there. Mboro may not be on top next year after all. Rumor has it things are falling apart over there. Kids have totally lost their enthusiasm in the weight room. I also heard the asst coaches have already been decided and only 1 having any coaching experience. Again, this is the rumor in town but if it is true..Bell County may be county champs again. Especially with the Brock kid missing the entire season next year and many of the players saying they're not playing.
Things are falling apart. I hope they don't but the way things are looking then it won't be good. They should've left coach Frazier and staff alone. Brock does hurt pretty bad as well
As bad as the Super done Frazier, I still hope it does not fall apart at Middlesboro.
Things not sounding good. If I was a parent I would be reconsidering my child going to M'boro. Terrible academics and now these types of decsions.
I think that the Boro is in trouble.
William Muney Wrote:Things not sounding good. If I was a parent I would be reconsidering my child going to M'boro. Terrible academics and now these types of decsions.

Nothing is falling apart and MHS is having the best academic success in recent years. So none of anything mentioned here has been true. Just like the fact that Frazier is AD and they have a coaching staff. They don't even have a dang head coach yet. In fact, they haven't even interviewed for one.
teampaul Wrote:Nothing is falling apart and MHS is having the best academic success in recent years. So none of anything mentioned here has been true. Just like the fact that Frazier is AD and they have a coaching staff. They don't even have a dang head coach yet. In fact, they haven't even interviewed for one.

You are obviously a genius and although you are being optimistic you need to go ahead and swallow what little bit of pride you have left and admit what a complete and total idiot you have running your school system. I agree with all of the other posters on here. If I were a player at M'boro I would literally tell tell the administration "GOOD LUCK TO YA"

On a side note, Get your :igiveup: ready you will need them next season and seasons to come. :closed:
Bell co academics is the same as Middlesboro . State ranking has them and Middlesboro about the same. Take a look at ACT scores
Bell Co Superintedent, really!
Two things happened that Martin didn't count on...number one, Frazier had a great season, beating Bell Co. and winning the District. Number two, he did not expect such an uprising from the community when he fired Frazier. Now they don't know what to do. My guess is that Massengill doesn't want to be a target of anger for taking the job so he may have cold feet. Or, they are hoping things quiet down and then make the announcement that Massengill was hired after a "extensive interviewing process", lol. Well, it's not dying down, people haven't forgotten how Frazier was treated and this is not going away. Sorry to ruin your plan, there, guys.
Martin is trying to remove himself from situation now. He put together a committee of a principal that nows nothing of sports, 70 year old libarian,(great gal) another of the friends of the community that is in charge of hiring Massingale, a parent, and a subsitute teacher. Only the friend has the least bit of knowledge of football. He then removed himself , so he can say the committee hired Massingale.

TEAM PAUL you will learn hometown politics soon.
redstorm Wrote:Bell co academics is the same as Middlesboro . State ranking has them and Middlesboro about the same. Take a look at ACT scores
Bell Co Superintedent, really!

No they are not. Middlesboro is classified as a focus school. ACT scores is just 1 small piece of the puzzle of school achivement and does not reflect the entire district.

M'boro was 50 22nd percentile

Bell Co. was 57 60th percentile

Whitley was 61 86th percentile (which is excellent)

Corbin was 67 98th percentile (Corbin is highest in region)
Just because Martin puts a "committee" together (laughable) does not mean the decision hasn't already been made. If they even interview other coaches besides Massingill for the job, it will only be for show. We are not idiots in this community.
Things never change in Middlesboro. They do not do what is best for kids, just what is best for family and friends.
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