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Ballstar I will not play with you any more you are not what this is all about. If a moderator reads this take the thread off some people has turned a fun thing into trash I will not post anything on this thread again.
Cordia would be lucky to be 4th in the region. And in my opinion RR is about the same coaching wise in the region.
Can anyone please just say yes or no and not act like fools?

I thought it was weird these rumors heated up again out of nowhere. I heard some reps from the KHSAA were poking their heads around last week.

Another thing on the rumor wire is that this is Rhodes' last year. That not coming from the KHSAA - coming from ole' Alice
Look who turned this into a unless thread. I ask a serious question about info I obtained today thru a VERY good source. I never said anything negative about Cordia, Rhodes or any child on that team. You, Ballers and 64 tried to make it more than what it was. Ain't nobody scared of Cordia, ain't nobody hating on Rhodes and could truly careless who the crap y'all have waiting to get eligible.
Glad someone can see through the smoke.
ballstar Wrote:When you say putting it on the good ole boys are you meaning they beating up the white boys or what??? Not sure what good ole boys mean. Sounds kinda racist to me!

You got to be kidding ballstar....:igiveup:
Rhodes will be at cordia until he decides to leave on his own terms. IF the KHSAA does hand down sanctions i can promise you it will be hashed out in franklin co circuit court and the khsaa wont have the ultimate authority it will be a real court they may rule against us but at least it will be fair not the kangaroo court of the khsaa. I have heard people on hear saying the hammer is about to fall on cordia but if you think " ole Alice " won't push this to the ky supreme court you are crazy. Other schools have done this for years they are not going to make an example out of cordia. Cordia has deeper pockets than the khsaa. Alice and Rhodes have no issues she loves him that is a fact not rumor I honestly don't know where this stuff comes from eastern ky is the worst ever I think you hav a bunch of out of work deadbeats that don't have anything to do but hang out at places like smittys all day that's just my opinion.
zaga_fan Wrote:Can anyone please just say yes or no and not act like fools?

I thought it was weird these rumors heated up again out of nowhere. I heard some reps from the KHSAA were poking their heads around last week.

Another thing on the rumor wire is that this is Rhodes' last year. That not coming from the KHSAA - coming from ole' Alice

I heard they was poking around JBS...perry...Knott and throw in hazard....Heck less just throw in Alice Lloyd for the sake of it....Redbird next...just saying Confusederiously:
Nothing that I say comes from anyone that is
A.) a deadbeat
B.) is out of work
C.) hangs out at Smitty's
Is there anyone that goes to Smitty's to hang out?
Just heard this same crap from another working guy who doesn't hang out at gas stations.

I know how rumors get going around here and I won't believe it til I see it...
but I'm not hearing this from anyone who is "scared to play" anyone.
So is there truth to what I first posted on this thread. I'm not trying to make anymore out of this than what it is, I'm just asking the questions. What's this deal about Ky Supreme Court Buford? Everybody on here acted like I was stupid when I said that a month or so ago.
I can promise everyone that "IT AINT OVER!"

Look for something to happen in the next week or so.
Well well well - Three guys on here posting about the same stuff that all have jobs, aren't deadbeats and never cross paths at Smitty's or Ben's
Man, I'm tired of being right. You non talents get on here and think you know what's going on and don't have a clue. Bash ole ball star now!!! I remember what happened to MC Napier 1 day before the district tourney. Let's see if what I said holds any merit!!!!!
Where did everybody go????? No replies now??? Funny when a couple more say it how quick it starts becoming the truth! All of a sudden I don't look like redneck, deadbeat, stupid idiot. Thanks EKFF and Zaga! Truly appreciate the help.
I've heard the same thing
#48 notch ......... burford..... Give a some info....... Call ole Rod and tell us what's up!!!!! I started this thread for a reason, ain't no troll. I want to know what the deal is because I need to turn my cards in. I have Cordia on 1 of them.
ballstar notch ......... burford..... Give a some info....... Call ole Rod and tell us what's up!!!!! I started this thread for a reason, ain't no troll. I want to know what the deal is because I need to turn my cards in. I have Cordia on 1 of them.

Me to I have cordia on 4 of my cards but I have 7 cards....Confusedmoke:
Looks like Cordia is in some trouble
64SUR Wrote:Me to I have cordia on 4 of my cards but I have 7 cards....Confusedmoke:

Dang man!!! You gonna have to loan me a few $100 cause I'm a deadbeat! Lol
Gut, I've been posting on here for about 7 years now and I HAVE NEVER POSTED ANYTHING THAT WAS A LIE & I don't plan on starting now. Cordia is in some SERIOUS trouble and you can take that to the bank.
I am telling you nothing is up that no one knows for certain just rumors. One would think the khsaa is pissed off after the statement Julian Tackett gave after the boys were ruled elidigible by a judge and he said they would move forward with further judicial review. What happened to mc Napier was totally different mc Napier played an illegal player. The khsaa said that Denny fugate could not coach and he would not resign and the board would not fire him. The team was never told they could not play if he would step down mc could have played but he would not. I am just telling you I spoke directly with the people handling this case and they said " I don't see how the team could be banned from tourney play cordia has not played any illegal players. The two boys ruled elidigible by the court can't be touched by the khsaa that would be contempt of court. All the other boys are good to go. Really the only play the khsaa has at this point is to suspend rod Rhodes but even at that the team wold still play. They can't suspend him without PROOF he has done something they better be moving fast the season is coming to a close. Personally I think if anything happens it will be after this season is over, but I am sure they will try to do something I just don't know what and no one else on this board does either because I guarantee I am closer to the situation than anyone on this board.
Buford T Justice Wrote:I am telling you nothing is up that no one knows for certain just rumors. One would think the khsaa is pissed off after the statement Julian Tackett gave after the boys were ruled elidigible by a judge and he said they would move forward with further judicial review. What happened to mc Napier was totally different mc Napier played an illegal player. The khsaa said that Denny fugate could not coach and he would not resign and the board would not fire him. The team was never told they could not play if he would step down mc could have played but he would not. I am just telling you I spoke directly with the people handling this case and they said " I don't see how the team could be banned from tourney play cordia has not played any illegal players. The two boys ruled elidigible by the court can't be touched by the khsaa that would be contempt of court. All the other boys are good to go. Really the only play the khsaa has at this point is to suspend rod Rhodes but even at that the team wold still play. They can't suspend him without PROOF he has done something they better be moving fast the season is coming to a close. Personally I think if anything happens it will be after this season is over, but I am sure they will try to do something I just don't know what and no one else on this board does either because I guarantee I am closer to the situation than anyone on this board.

I wouldn't bet on that!! Let's see what happens and let's see how much control the khsaa truly has!!! I can tell you that the 2 playing under an injunction can be touched by a higher power than Franklin County judge. Let's see if I'm right!!! Time will tell.
Unless the board has found something out about a kid that is playing that makes them ineligible.

Same thing happened to Fairview this year in football.

They found out that someone was playing (not under injunction) that wasn't eligible by the book and they brought the hammer down right before the playoffs - DEATH PENALTY
All I'm saying is:

Rules are rules and everyone has to go by them!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Looks like Cordia is in some trouble

How in the heck is cordia in trouble can anybody explain to me....from Knott,perry and hazard why you think cordia is in trouble..I lived in a glass house an no rock are allow in my somebody in perry,Knott and hazard explain...Confusednicker:
Here is a portion of the release from the KHSAA on the Fairview situation earlier in the year.

Quote:In addition to the illegal impact the ineligible player had in athletic competition, the participation of an ineligible player jeopardizes the KHSAA’s catastrophic insurance policy for all student-athletes. The members schools of the Association have agreed to abide by the Bylaws of the KHSAA which are indisputable when the knowledge is there to prevent an ineligible player from participating.

“The KHSAA prides itself on the myriad of participation opportunities for students in high school sports and sport activities. Truly, these events are the other half, and most times a very important half, of education. But like any membership organization, we must depend on our member schools to have policies, procedures and practices in place to ensure that the rules that originate with member school approval and ensure fair competition are consistently and fairly applied,” said KHSAA Commissioner Julian Tackett. “Fairview High School has been a good member of the KHSAA for 55 years, and will continue to be a valuable member of the Association. It is my hope that this setback, and the many lessons learned by all of those involved, will only serve to strengthen their resolve to do things correctly and fairly on behalf of the students, coaches, administrators and fans; and based on their ongoing internal efforts, will ensure that this type of situation is not repeated.”

The KHSAA accepted the following penalties as proposed by Fairview Independent Schools, including the forfeiture of all contests during the 2012 season, the forfeiture of the first four contests of the 2013 football season, probation for the football program through the end of the 2017 season, a $5,000 fine, a district wide (all sports) coaches education administrators meeting to be run by the KHSAA and funded by Fairview, and the return of all playoff trophies earned during the 2012 season to the KHSAA.

The $5,000 fine will be paid and distributed in the following manner: $2,800 restitution to the KHSAA for travel allowances paid during the 2012 State Football Finals, $550 redistribution to each of the four member schools Fairview defeated in the 2012 state playoffs.

In addition to accepting the self-proposed penalties by Fairview, the KHSAA has elected to impose the following sanctions:

1. The Fairview football program will be suspended from all official activity (practice, competition, meetings and other activities) effective Tuesday, November 5, 2013 until the first allowable reported day of spring practice in football for 2014.

2. Fairview’s second-place district finish in 2013 will be vacated and the team will not be permitted to participate in the 2013 KHSAA football playoffs. The vacated game between Fairview and the third-place team from the opposite district will be considered a forfeit by Fairview. No adjustments will be made to the district standings or playoff schedule of any other team in the two affected districts.

3. The District, Region and Semi-State championship positions from 2012, as well as the State Runner-up finish in the 2012 Russell Athletic/KHSAA Commonwealth Gridiron Bowl shall be vacated, and all records removed as to those finishing positions.

4. An Assistant Commissioner of the KHSAA will be assigned to work with the Superintendent of Fairview Independent Schools to ensure development of policies, procedures and best practices to be implemented in the athletic program.

All forfeited games by Fairview will be recorded on the official records as 1-0 in compliance with the playing rules of the NFHS. Scores of those games lost by Fairview will have the original score reported and the results will be so noted.

The KHSAA will have no further comment on this matter. All inquiries should be directed to Fairview Independent Schools.


Not saying this is what is going to happen or anything...
I'm just saying that it's already happened to one school this year and it's a possibility.

I've heard nothing but hearsay on this junk - I just think it's weird that it popped up after the KHSAA was spending some time in the area last week.
zaga_fan Wrote:Unless the board has found something out about a kid that is playing that makes them ineligible.

Same thing happened to Fairview this year in football.

They found out that someone was playing (not under injunction) that wasn't eligible by the book and they brought the hammer down right before the playoffs - DEATH PENALTY

Fairview play a player for 5 years on the football team...don't think nobody play at cordia for 5 yes....just saying :Sad04:
64SUR Wrote:Fairview play a player for 5 years on the football team...don't think nobody play at cordia for 5 yes....just saying :Sad04:

The penalties are the same no matter what rule is broken.

If it's proved that one of these kids was recruited or moved here for basketball reasons it would be the same deal.

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