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Middlesboro job open!!
I hope this new, hometown hire of theirs is a home-run, because I would expect the MHS staff to change a good deal, too.

I know Coach Chappell came to Middlesboro specifically to work with Coach Frazier, so he's likely looking to leave now. And I have a hard time thinking Coach Pucciarelli will stay on staff after this fiasco, so that's a huge loss, too. One decision--three departures (at least).

So yes, the program's "direction" will definitely change. Even by Middlesboro standards, this is a ridiculous move.
New to this post, I'm not going to go all the way back and look. What reason would there be for this coach to leave. Isn't this team loaded???
Trenches07 Wrote:You obviously are an idiot! Steve Martin and you and anyone else that don't think he did a good job needs to stop following football all together. That team had not won a district championship in 8 or 9 yrs. They have a very competitive district as well. There is no Pineville's or lynn camps in that district so to win it was a huge success in itself. Jason was the only real assistant he had to work with. Again, I would like to restate my previous opinion of you and your retarded comments. You are an idiot!

:igiveup::igiveup: get use to this it will return to the M'boro program soon

You're right it was a great accomplishment to win the district. I am not trying to take away from that. But does it not make your job much easier when you have a team that is loaded with talent? The best team Middlesboro has had since 02 or 03 and it didn't even win a regional title, although they did win the district in 06. When you see a team that could've been in contention for a state title and you have them lose in the second round it can be disheartening. I have expressed much love and gratitude for Coach Frazier and gave him much thanks. Coach Frazier is a class act I have never once said that he wasn't or was not a great role model for the kids in the program.

But if you really want to know what sealed the deal it was Frazier interviewing for the LCC job last year. Steve Martin values people who want to be there in Middlesboro apart of winning games. Not people who are looking for new jobs in the off season. I hate this is the reason, especially because that was his hometown, but you can stop calling me a retarded idiot now.
Frazier is a good coach, would not be surprised if he ends up at Harlan or Letcher, he is well liked and from the area. GOOD luck to coach Frazier and your son really feel for the kid as he will probably be leaving all his friends from his high school.
teampaul Wrote:But if you really want to know what sealed the deal it was Frazier interviewing for the LCC job last year. Steve Martin values people who want to be there in Middlesboro apart of winning games. Not people who are looking for new jobs in the off season. I hate this is the reason, especially because that was his hometown, but you can stop calling me a retarded idiot now.

Ridiculous. If you have a coach who is never approached/asked to consider a different job (particularly one in his own hometown), then you have a coach that no one else wants. Sounds like the Jackets need to hire a coach that no other program would ever want coaching their kids. Good luck!
Teampaul with all due respect, with every post you show the less you know about the situation. Frazier has never interviewed for any job since he had been there. Again, I have talked to him all weekend. Frazier has handled this much better than I would. Class Act and good friend.

His example will be noted, in that he insists on supporting his school and the team and the new coach ,after being done the way he has been done.

The reason for a hometown coach...nothing more nothing less.
From what I have heard if you are not from Middlesboro, the new Super doesn't want you.

If you are a class act, great role model and win, the administration wants to go another direction?

This from the guys post that don't like Frazier. What direction?
teampaul Wrote:You're right it was a great accomplishment to win the district. I am not trying to take away from that. But does it not make your job much easier when you have a team that is loaded with talent? The best team Middlesboro has had since 02 or 03 and it didn't even win a regional title, although they did win the district in 06. When you see a team that could've been in contention for a state title and you have them lose in the second round it can be disheartening. I have expressed much love and gratitude for Coach Frazier and gave him much thanks. Coach Frazier is a class act I have never once said that he wasn't or was not a great role model for the kids in the program.

But if you really want to know what sealed the deal it was Frazier interviewing for the LCC job last year. Steve Martin values people who want to be there in Middlesboro apart of winning games. Not people who are looking for new jobs in the off season. I hate this is the reason, especially because that was his hometown, but you can stop calling me a retarded idiot now.

There was some pretty good talent there, but I don't know about loaded. How many first-team all-staters did they have, second team, third team?
What about Division I recruits, or Division II or NAIA?
Coach Frazier actually had much, much more talent at Cumberland with Massey, Tinsley, Ravizee, Baskin etc...
As far as interviewing for other jobs, that does seem to be pretty common. I think coach Hilton left once at Bell and was welcomed back, and I'm pretty sure other schools talked to him over the years.
teampaul Wrote:You're right it was a great accomplishment to win the district. I am not trying to take away from that. But does it not make your job much easier when you have a team that is loaded with talent? The best team Middlesboro has had since 02 or 03 and it didn't even win a regional title, although they did win the district in 06. When you see a team that could've been in contention for a state title and you have them lose in the second round it can be disheartening. I have expressed much love and gratitude for Coach Frazier and gave him much thanks. Coach Frazier is a class act I have never once said that he wasn't or was not a great role model for the kids in the program.

But if you really want to know what sealed the deal it was Frazier interviewing for the LCC job last year. Steve Martin values people who want to be there in Middlesboro apart of winning games. Not people who are looking for new jobs in the off season. I hate this is the reason, especially because that was his hometown, but you can stop calling me a retarded idiot now.
Sounds like Steve Martin doesn't want what is best for Middlesboro Football. Sounds like he only wants someone from Middlesboro. I would say it is more ego on his part. The program will be in shambles in three years with thinking like that. Good luck Frazier ! Steve Martin better remember sometimes things come back on you.
WhyLie Wrote:Teampaul with all due respect, with every post you show the less you know about the situation. Frazier has never interviewed for any job since he had been there. Again, I have talked to him all weekend. Frazier has handled this much better than I would. Class Act and good friend.

His example will be noted, in that he insists on supporting his school and the team and the new coach ,after being done the way he has been done.

The reason for a hometown coach...nothing more nothing less.

Hey maybe I don't know as much as I thought if you're such good friends with him then you would know better than me. If you are then you have a good friend who I know has been wronged. However, I have heard many times that he interviewed which did not bother me personally, but did cause some people to feel otherwise. If he didn't think I probably would've made that more clear because the administration seemed to think he did.

I may not know much about the situation but I do know that Middlesboro has cut teachers for the past two years. So they could not justify making a new position for a new coach out of no where. So if Coach Frazier keeps his job teaching then where could they have room to hire a new coach? This is a serious question that I feel like will just cause serious drama.
He just got finished hiring a good friend of his in the central office. He will hire another for the job. Really are you that blind to politics.
FlippedOut Wrote:He just got finished hiring a good friend of his in the central office. He will hire another for the job. Really are you that blind to politics.

No, I am well aware that he did. However could you imagine the hell that would be raised if they made a new position for a football coach after firing a successful one? I know they will end up doing what they want. I am just not sure if I am ready for the storm when they do.
Especially after firing teachers the past two years. I just dont even know if they could save their jobs after that
This is what will happen. A non-tenured teacher will get done wrong as well now. One not from here.
Anyone who says they wouldn't at least interview for a job that may offer more pay, or a better situation is a liar. Not fair to keep people from bettering themselves if that is what is expected in that part of ky.
WOW ! What in the world is going on at Middlesboro. Super hiring friends at central office, teachers being let go for no reason, firing coaches because they are not from Middlesboro. Sounds like the school board needs to get the Martin guy under control or get some new board members. Doesn't sound like Middlesboro is a good place to be right now. Did the current school board hire him or was it the previous one?
teampaul Wrote:You're right it was a great accomplishment to win the district. I am not trying to take away from that. But does it not make your job much easier when you have a team that is loaded with talent? The best team Middlesboro has had since 02 or 03 and it didn't even win a regional title, although they did win the district in 06. When you see a team that could've been in contention for a state title and you have them lose in the second round it can be disheartening. I have expressed much love and gratitude for Coach Frazier and gave him much thanks. Coach Frazier is a class act I have never once said that he wasn't or was not a great role model for the kids in the program.

But if you really want to know what sealed the deal it was Frazier interviewing for the LCC job last year. Steve Martin values people who want to be there in Middlesboro apart of winning games. Not people who are looking for new jobs in the off season. I hate this is the reason, especially because that was his hometown, but you can stop calling me a retarded idiot now.

That's part of the culture of coaching. Most are always looking, talking, networking, or listening. There's not a coach out there that doesn't do it. Doesn't mean a coach is leaving. Shouldn't be held against him.....but that's the Super's choice.
Isn't that the culture in everything? More money and better opportunity lead you elsewhere otherwise everyone would always work at McDonalds
PRIDE101 Wrote:From what I have heard if you are not from Middlesboro, the new Super doesn't want you.

If you are a class act, great role model and win, the administration wants to go another direction?

This from the guys post that don't like Frazier. What direction?
You hit the nail on the head.
Middlesboro has to high of expectations, stupid move.
watcher Wrote:WOW ! What in the world is going on at Middlesboro. Super hiring friends at central office, teachers being let go for no reason, firing coaches because they are not from Middlesboro. Sounds like the school board needs to get the Martin guy under control or get some new board members. Doesn't sound like Middlesboro is a good place to be right now. Did the current school board hire him or was it the previous one?

There is all kinds of drama going on within the Middlesboro School System, not sure why, but I'm sure the Mboro insiders could shed some light on it.
I think the Superintendent is a new guy. He may like drama.
Im not familiar with this situation at all but have there been any "official" reasons for his dismissal? I mean "going in a different direction" is not much of a reason for a man to lose his job especially since they seemed to be headed in the "right" direction. Again, I dont know the administration at all but firing the man with his son going into his senior year seems to be pretty low. I feel terrible for the kid. Coaches know the nature of the business that they are in. HS coaches have no contracts so you can be fired for not smiling at the right person but the man's son sure didnt sign up for this! Where is the principal in all of this? Site Based Council??
So, if Middlesboro was on the rise and improving and they're clearing room for a "hometown guy," who is the hometown guy they plan to get?
Hey, if no one else is going to say it, let me....................DUDLEY HILTON


Sorry old joke , I guess.
This sounds like some Dillon Panthers stuff from the show "Friday Night Lights".
[quote=Quickkickonthird]Im not familiar with this situation at all but have there been any "official" reasons for his dismissal? I mean "going in a different direction" is not much of a reason for a man to lose his job especially since they seemed to be headed in the "right" direction. Again, I dont know the administration at all but firing the man with his son going into his senior year seems to be pretty low. I feel terrible for the kid. Coaches know the nature of the business that they are in. HS coaches have no contracts so you can be fired for not smiling at the right person but the man's son sure didnt sign up for this! Where is the principal in all of this? Site Based Council??[/QUOTE]

Scared that they will be next, along with AD. They were supporters of Coach, but would not come to help. I do agree with teampaul on one thing, when they start hiring coaches, and laying off others. Things will fall apart.
He is assistant coach at Bourbon Co him and his family are from Middlesboro his father is a good friend of Steve Martin he has never had any experience as a head coach but with twenty seniors they will make him look pretty good but after next season we will see his coaching ability this team next year is what Frazier has worked the last four years to make and the guy that said Frazier interview for job at LLC is not true and you are a idiot for posting something you don't know anything about.
FlippedOut Wrote:[quote=Quickkickonthird]Im not familiar with this situation at all but have there been any "official" reasons for his dismissal? I mean "going in a different direction" is not much of a reason for a man to lose his job especially since they seemed to be headed in the "right" direction. Again, I dont know the administration at all but firing the man with his son going into his senior year seems to be pretty low. I feel terrible for the kid. Coaches know the nature of the business that they are in. HS coaches have no contracts so you can be fired for not smiling at the right person but the man's son sure didnt sign up for this! Where is the principal in all of this? Site Based Council??[/QUOTE]

Scared that they will be next, along with AD. They were supporters of Coach, but would not come to help. I do agree with teampaul on one thing, when they start hiring coaches, and laying off others. Things will fall apart.

Mr. Bennett, the principal at MHS, is an honest man. I have never met a more fair and honest individual. I don't feel like he would ever just totally wrong someone. I feel like whatever he said has fallen on deaf ears. You can say many things about anyone but I have more respect for Bob Bennett than nearly any man I've ever met. I am sure he has tried his best for fairness and it just hasn't worked.
teampaul Wrote:[quote=FlippedOut]

Mr. Bennett, the principal at MHS, is an honest man. I have never met a more fair and honest individual. I don't feel like he would ever just totally wrong someone. I feel like whatever he said has fallen on deaf ears. You can say many things about anyone but I have more respect for Bob Bennett than nearly any man I've ever met. I am sure he has tried his best for fairness and it just hasn't worked.

We agree once again. Mr. Bennett is one of the best men that you will find. My point and I should have made it more clear. Martin has made an enviroment that many fear for their own jobs. Bennett is as good as they come.
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