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Middlesboro job open!!
Who will be the next coach at the Boro?
It isn't open is it?
What happened to coach Frazier???????
I was told by a really reliable source that he was told today. I am pretty cautious about what I post on here so I feel pretty confident it is or will be posted in the next couple of days. If I am wrong then I totally apologize to BGR.
Not a rumor. It's totally true.
I wish whoever put rumor on the thread would please take it off. Like I said I would not post something like this on here if I wasn't for sure it was true.
Please, I would like one of the mods take RUMOR off this thread. I am not sure which mod added it to my thread but someone please remove it. Thank you.
I had heard whispers of this over the past couple months but didn't believe it would actually happen. If true, wow! Classic Middlesboro.
Classic and stupid middlesboro!!! Unreal. Do they not realize what the program was before he took over????

Unreal, I am sure it will be a political crony hired in 3,2,1.
Where is he going
Coach Frazier was great at Bell as an asst. Anyone would be glad to have him. Very accomplished coach at various schools. It will not take him long to get a job, if he even wants one?
It is true, hate it for Coach Frazier and his son. Great guy and good family. Wish him the best in whatever he decides to do. Was told today he would leave it up to his son and daughter, in whatever they want to do. He has been ask to stay on as a teacher, they wanted to go in a different directions with the football program.
Didn't they have a good record but they beat Bell this year too. Hasn't it been forever since that happened?
Cardfan1 Wrote:Didn't they have a good record but they beat Bell this year too. Hasn't it been forever since that happened?

Yes. That is why it is a middlesboro move. They always seem to do the unthinkable!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That is all I can say. His son would be a good pick up????

I don't want to sound insensative, when I talk to him he was a straight up guy.

Will he try to get another job?
Wow middlesboro just let him go. That was a dumb move he is a great coach and the kids like to play for him. All I can say is wow!!!!!!
Bring your son to Harlan County to play for the Black Bears!!! Frazier has Harlan County ties.
Well south laurel, Whitley are still open
Can anybody close to the Middlesboro program speculate about why this move has been made? Whose decision?
I can't believe that is true. That would be a shame if true. I really dont believe the current administration would do that to Coach Frazier. I would truly be ashamed of Middlesboro School District if true. That would be ten times worse than the way they done Coach Roark. I was told the current Super would never operate like the former one, but I may have been given bad information. I still don't believe it's true.
It is true
I still think it is just a bad rumor and should be taken off here. Middlesboro current Administration is not going to do something like that. BGR should remove this NOW!
Was at the BBgame tonight, it is true. His son was there and seem to be having a hard time. They are friends of my family, I wish them the best. He should get out of there, this may be the best thing for him working at a place like that. Best of luck.
It's true news guys. Really hard to believe.
I apologize to BGR. I just found out that it is true. I am sorry to everyone for taking up for current administration at Middlesboro. I was really surprised. I guess nothing has really changed there at all. Someone had posted earlier that it was probably done to hire a political crony and I am thinking that very well may be true. Again, I am sorry for taking up for the current administration. I have lost all respect for them myself. Does anyone know what grade is son is in? He would be a good pick up for someone. Good luck coach. Get out of Middlesboro now!
Wow.....unbelievable.... unbelievable.... unbelievable......:why:
His son is a senior and a very good player. I imagine it would be hard to leave his high school teammates esp his senior year.

But on the other hand it would be hard too stay and play at a school with such ignorant leadership.
I actually heard this was comming last night and could not believe it! I am also hearing Frazier might not be the end of it. If you really want to add insult to injury I am hearing the the best athlete in the system is leaving after this year! I never have known much about Middlesboro politics, but it seems as if the supreme idiot of the Universe has landed in the big crater.

Unless a private citizen is stepping up to pay the salary for big names....Middlesboro might be headed for a seat right next to Letcher Central. There was a time I really wanted to see Frazier land there...not now.

May I be the first to request in a most compliable way....

Home is where the heart is....:biggrin:
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