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Collins 37 Highlands 34 (4A State Championship)
At the very least, it forced the coaching staff to rethink the two platoon theory with no flexibility. Next year, you'll see the best on the field at all times because they're gonna need them.
whackem'n'stackem Wrote:Correct, had they put in hoge, hayes, and some other athletes, it would have been a much different situation for sure. They lost b/c the coaches didn't do this. Like I said before, it's tough for any coach to all of sudden tell a kid, especially a senior, that he's coming out b/c theres another who can play his position better so we can win the game. Very tough so I don't blame the coaching staff. They ended up taking it on the chin when they needed it most. There is no question that Highlands, if they did this, would beat the best in Kentucky. The athletes they had on this team were exceptional and grossly underutilized.

Obviously you meant that they should have been doing that all year. Hoge, Hayes, etc. didn't practice any D all season long so they just couldn't throw them out there on D for the first time during the state game.

But no doubt you have pointed out a problem to the true two platoon system. The hope is that some of the below average players will have become average or better than average by year end as a result of getting so many practice reps (by only practicing on one side of the ball). If that doesn't happen, some players that would be better but only practiced on the other side of the ball all year, aren't available to help out at those weaker positions against strong opponents. I too would have liked to have seen Hoge, Feggins and others on D. But, as was the case most of the season, what really hurt was poor execution and discipline. And that's all I have to say about that.
charlie22 Wrote:Obviously you meant that they should have been doing that all year. Hoge, Hayes, etc. didn't practice any D all season long so they just couldn't throw them out there on D for the first time during the state game.

But no doubt you have pointed out a problem to the true two platoon system. The hope is that some of the below average players will have become average or better than average by year end as a result of getting so many practice reps (by only practicing on one side of the ball). If that doesn't happen, some players that would be better but only practiced on the other side of the ball all year, aren't available to help out at those weaker positions against strong opponents. I too would have liked to have seen Hoge, Feggins and others on D. But, as was the case most of the season, what really hurt was poor execution and discipline. And that's all I have to say about that.

To a degree, but I would still take my chances on a true athlete making plays over a "player" when it counted most. Hopefully next year they identify the best athletes and work them into the system on both sides of the ball when necessary. The coaching staff having a more "flexible" view of platooning will be the key moving forward for the Birds, IMO. They will greatly increase their odds of this never happening again if they adopt this new paradigm of coaching.
You hit the nail on the head
This team won't see another state game without playing kids both ways. I know what they have coming back and what's coming up as far as athletes.
This year when times got tough. Can you imagine this...Feggins and Harris at LB....Hoge, Veneman, Green and Hayes as DB's
bo67 Wrote:This year when times got tough. Can you imagine this...Feggins and Harris at LB....Hoge, Veneman, Green and Hayes as DB's

I agree it was silly to go 8-10 deep at WR with very very good athletes who could have really helped on D. And did not agree with Feggins and Veneman not getting more playing time on Offense, IMO they were on the sidelines way too much on offense! I know Harris was hurt most of season, but it would have been real fun to see him play some D. And Green was a very good WR, but probably only played 50% of plays and I would have loved to see him at DB, he is one of fastest runners in state (Track state champion) and maybe they would not have given up so many long pass plays on D. There are reasons Hayes did not play much on O or D, but not the place to get into why.
I agree with you. Too much talent wasted. I know Hayes story.
What won six straight titles and got us to a 7th straight game shouldn't be changed. Highlands has plenty of talent coming up, and most likely will be on a mission to show Collins who is boss in 2014 (provided Collins can even get to the title game). Highlands played the worst possible game they could play while Collins came in ready to play their best ball. Collins caught Highlands off guard and won because of that. End of story. Highlands will be back in 2014, the biggest challenge to the state title likely (once again) being Johnson Central or Cov Cath.
mrb5150 Wrote:Just let this one go the game was played Highlands lost time to move on:please:


We have 9 months to talk about this one game.

If it were a win for Highlands we would be talking about another state title for the next nine months...
Highlands was forced to play bad. Collins had more athletes, better game plan and the will to win. Get over it guys, you got your butt kicked.
Tommy2tone Wrote:Highlands was forced to play bad. Collins had more athletes, better game plan and the will to win. Get over it guys, you got your butt kicked.

Butt kicked? Are you serious? Let's say Collins won the game as that would be true. To say butt kicked would be false. Video and stats from the game bare that out. Game was decided on second to last play of game, hardly call that butt kicked. Enjoy the win for the next few months and then hope you get to feel it again sometime down the road.
Tommy2tone Wrote:Highlands was forced to play bad. Collins had more athletes, better game plan and the will to win. Get over it guys, you got your butt kicked.

If you call losing on a last second play against a team that played the best game they could possibly play getting your butt kicked, I could only imagine what you would call some of the thrashings Highlands has dished out over the past few years.
WideRight05 Wrote:What won six straight titles and got us to a 7th straight game shouldn't be changed. Highlands has plenty of talent coming up, and most likely will be on a mission to show Collins who is boss in 2014 (provided Collins can even get to the title game). Highlands played the worst possible game they could play while Collins came in ready to play their best ball. Collins caught Highlands off guard and won because of that. End of story. Highlands will be back in 2014, the biggest challenge to the state title likely (once again) being Johnson Central or Cov Cath.

Highlands got outplayed and lost to the better team.
pjdoug Wrote:Highlands got outplayed and lost to the better team.

Outplayed??? Really??? Just because they lost does not mean they got outplayed does it? Stats and film say the game was pretty much even which is pretty evident by the fact that the game was determined on the second to last play from scrimmage. Lets call it what it really was, and that was an evenly played game from the opening whistle to the final whistle.
when you lose you get outplayed.whining about a loss weeks later is poor sportsmanship.
pjdoug Wrote:when you lose you get outplayed.whining about a loss weeks later is poor sportsmanship.

Who is whining? I did not play. Losing does not mean you got outplayed. There are teams that get outplayed for most of a game, but hang in there and win. What does discussing the game have to do with poor sportsmanship? Absolutely nothing where I come from.
good sportsmanship is congratulating Collins on the win and moving onto the next season lol
pjdoug Wrote:good sportsmanship is congratulating Collins on the win and moving onto the next season lol

I am not the one that used the words "outplayed" or "butts handed to you" Collins gets credit for the win in a tight tight game. That is what I am saying, no more no less. Where is the credit to Highlands for how they played in the game? All I have read is ridicule and how happy everyone is that they lost. That is poor sportsmanship my friend.
Time to move on Ohio River boys. Take your loss like men and quitting whining about what coulda, woulda, shoulda been like spoiled brats.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Time to move on Ohio River boys. Take your loss like men and quitting whining about what coulda, woulda, shoulda been like spoiled brats.

again no one whining. stating facts mtn boys
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:WHY?!?!!?!

We have 9 months to talk about this one game.

If it were a win for Highlands we would be talking about another state title for the next nine months...

Win or lose they are still being talked about.

In all the loses I've watch over the last seven years this one and the Ryle 2010 have the same feel to it. Tommy was right saying all week that collins was going to play to win. Collins this year and Ryle in 2010 had great game plans. Great players at the Qb and Rb. The only thing is it only took collins one game to get it. Ryle over the few years playing Highlands twice in a sesason got the score closer til they got the win. Which I think helped that team understand they could get beat and almost did to Johnson Central.

As long as we put up 70 we didn't care what the D did. Well that day came and our O got stoped> The D didn't make a play in the end. 2007 was the best D out of Highlands the past seven years. 2009 right up there. But as the years gone by its been more about the "Next big Hit" on a guy, not rapping up the guy.

You can Play "Hit ball" all day but you have to rap the guy up.
We didn't do that and they won Hats off to them.

Would of been very interesting if we don't get the movement call on the FG. If the kids makes it since at that point neither D could stop the other O. We still might be playing this game in overtime!

Great game by both teams. Collins had the ball last and made the play that other teams couldn't do. They did it. Great win!
mantax Wrote:again no one whining. stating facts mtn boys

I guess that is two of us stating facts.
I have the read the posts on this thread and I can say another absolute factual statement. WideRight is the biggest sore loser in Kentucky high school football.
mantax Wrote:again no one whining. stating facts mtn boys

fact is the Titans are State Champions and your team lost.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I have the read the posts on this thread and I can say another absolute factual statement. WideRight is the biggest sore loser in Kentucky high school football.

pjdoug Wrote:fact is the Titans are State Champions and your team lost.

And that right there is good Sportsmanship? That is a real adult thing to say, kind of like sticking your tongue out and saying nanananana. As they say in sports, you cannot win them all, but 6 out of 7 certainly ain't too shabby now is it.
pjdoug Wrote:Highlands got outplayed and lost to the better team.

You keep calling Highlands fans out for sportsmanship, but you have exhibited piss poor sportsmanship. And again, just because one loses a game does not mean that they're not the better team of the two. Collins played the best game they could, Highlands did not and it cost them. Are you a Collins fan? If your school wants to do something really impressive, try winning six titles in a row. I doubt Collins even makes it back to the finals next year.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:I have the read the posts on this thread and I can say another absolute factual statement. WideRight is the biggest sore loser in Kentucky high school football.

I state facts. Some people can't deal with them.
Fact is Collins won and Highlands lost. Collins made bigger plays in key situations (out played)than highland.
Collins hit you like you haven't been hit all year. (butt kicked)
Very close game and one that will go down in history....Collins made the last play that counted....
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