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Belfry 21 - Bourbon Co 13
Much more when I get home tomorrow.

Bourbon is the best team Belfry has beat in a semi finals game. Great team Belfry was just a little more prepares and executed better

Clock operator should be banned from the press box in playoff games. Been following football for decades. Have witnesses honest errors and seen questionable moments but never was it as blatant that a biased operator was trying to aide his team.

Belfry dodged a bullet on deep balls bit neither Colonel TD should have happened

Dakota Mitchell was tremendous. He tremendous and kept bourbon in it.

Horton and Hatfield dominated Boco. The freshman Horton was everywhere and Belfrys defensive quickness surprised and overwhelmed a colonel team used to getting anything they want on offense

Bourbon was the faster team outside the hash marks but Belfry was playing on a different level between them
I think Bourbon should have attacked the edge more in the running game. They pitched it wide with success 2 or 3 times, then went away from it.

I was pleased to see the Belfry defense sending a blitzer here and there in the 4th quarter. A. Hall should tremendous speed on his sack when he ran Pope down from all the way across the field.
PaytoPlay Wrote:I think Bourbon should have attacked the edge more in the running game. They pitched it wide with success 2 or 3 times, then went away from it.

I was pleased to see the Belfry defense sending a blitzer here and there in the 4th quarter. A. Hall should tremendous speed on his sack when he ran Pope down from all the way across the field.

Austin Hall was the fastest kid in Pike county as an 8th grader.

He's got some wheels.
Did Austin Hall's sack on Pope late remind anyone of a sophomore Tony Messer smacking Erik Manning in semis vs Somerset in 2010?

Hall also ran step for step really close to Holman on the play that was called back. The long screen, which I thought was a legitimate hold on I believe Cameron Johnson.
Amazingly, on that hold no time ran off the clock.TongueirateSho
Some of my thoughts after looking at what everyone else posted:
-This game reminded me a lot of the Belfry/JC game in 2012...between the Bourbon first score and their last, Belfry shut them down...We had the Colonels with 55 yards in the first half.
-Holman is a real good back...I didn't think BC used him enough...
- Pope did play a gutsy game, but man his accuracy was way off...I think his lack of playing time combined with good Belfry pressure affected him.
- I know he had a fumble late,but A. Hatfield is and has been the best Belfry "big game" player IMO.
-For Mr. bojangles...JJ is playing the best of his career.
-The freshman aren't freshman anymore.
-Wellman continues to pin teams deep with his "ugly punts"
-Overall, the Belfry D played their best game of the year.
-A final note about the timekeeper...He was 3 chairs to my right...He obviously had multiple problems, but I'll take up for him a bit even though I can't justify some of the instances...The Bourbon coaches were getting instructions from the white hat and "Hollering" the corrections up to the booth then the timekeeper would adjust...But the main reason he was having so much trouble was because he was so emotionally involved...he was sooooo on edge every play and would lose focus of what he was supposed to do sometimes...I ran into this same type of emotion at Garrard two years ago, but they didn't make the mistakes...The PA guy was the same way....Every call the refs made, they had comments good and bad about the refs...So I understand what was going on, but IMO you have to balance better your excitement and doing an important job objectively.
-Hats off to BC for attempting to make the seating better....A field that nice needs a definite upgrade in facilities, but some great people and beautiful place to visit.
Leonidas Wrote:Amazingly, on that hold no time ran off the clock.TongueirateSho

There were a couple memorable moments in clock operation.

Obviously the best was on the Final Drive when Bourbon ran a full play, was tackled in bounds short of the sticks, re-set their line, had the official motion to run the clock, then motion again...and not a single second ever ran off... then after stopping the game and talking it over they took I believe it was 6 seconds off when no less than 35 seconds should have elapsed.... Bourbon then scores a TD on borrowed time thanks to what amounted to a free time out (when they had none left) and a bonus 20-25 seconds.

Second place goes to the Bourbon punt as they were trailing.. ball was snapped..time starts..punter punts and time stops... ball finally begins to roll and just before it is downed time suddenly starts again until the official blows it dead.

Third place goes to the officiating crew on Bourbon's Final Drive. On Belfry's final drive of the 1st Half the Pirates strung together several first downs and basically as soon as the official reached the ball he would signal the 1st Down then immediately wind the clock while the chain gang was 10 yards down field still. Fast forward to Bourbon's Final Drive as the Colonels lack a timeout.. Bourbon converts a First Down on a short run that is tackled in bounds. Official stops the clock and motions "First Down" and chains move... the other official holds his hand on the ball for 6-7 seconds as Bourbon's entire offense hurries to the line and gets set.. finally once the Colonels are set he steps backs and finally winds the clock HAHA

Honorable mention goes to the fact that the clock operator obviously had no clue at times where the controls were to properly do his job and sometimes took several seconds to locate the button under his finger... yet less than 5 seconds after the game goes Final he has no issue turning the scoreboard off.

Don't get me started on the officiating crew either... both teams suffered from their hair trigger calls and inconsistency. They missed at least three Belfry False Starts that to me were pretty blatant..yet they call a False Start when the only motion on the play were two Colonels jumping offsides.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:There were a couple memorable moments in clock operation.

Obviously the best was on the Final Drive when Bourbon ran a full play, was tackled in bounds short of the sticks, re-set their line, had the official motion to run the clock, then motion again...and not a single second ever ran off... then after stopping the game and talking it over they took I believe it was 6 seconds off when no less than 35 seconds should have elapsed.... Bourbon then scores a TD on borrowed time thanks to what amounted to a free time out (when they had none left) and a bonus 20-25 seconds.

Second place goes to the Bourbon punt as they were trailing.. ball was snapped..time starts..punter punts and time stops... ball finally begins to roll and just before it is downed time suddenly starts again until the official blows it dead.

Third place goes to the officiating crew on Bourbon's Final Drive. On Belfry's final drive of the 1st Half the Pirates strung together several first downs and basically as soon as the official reached the ball he would signal the 1st Down then immediately wind the clock while the chain gang was 10 yards down field still. Fast forward to Bourbon's Final Drive as the Colonels lack a timeout.. Bourbon converts a First Down on a short run that is tackled in bounds. Official stops the clock and motions "First Down" and chains move... the other official holds his hand on the ball for 6-7 seconds as Bourbon's entire offense hurries to the line and gets set.. finally once the Colonels are set he steps backs and finally winds the clock HAHA

Honorable mention goes to the fact that the clock operator obviously had no clue at times where the controls were to properly do his job and sometimes took several seconds to locate the button under his finger... yet less than 5 seconds after the game goes Final he has no issue turning the scoreboard off.

Don't get me started on the officiating crew either... both teams suffered from their hair trigger calls and inconsistency. They missed at least three Belfry False Starts that to me were pretty blatant..yet they call a False Start when the only motion on the play were two Colonels jumping offsides.

:biggrin: I made a comment to someone Friday night that was in no way meant to be disrespectful to BC, but IMO is true. You can always tell which schools are used to hosting big playoff games and crowds and those not quite accustomed. I think we will be seeing upgrades there very soon.
BTW, BC on a constructive note...Please invest in some 25 second clocks.
I think the last money invested into that stadium was for the turf, which was gorgeous. 25 second clocks and bleachers should be next on the list, IMO.

I'm not going into detail about the officiating or the clock keepers. You guys were there, you know what all happened.

I will say this, though. If you're personally involved in a play off game, you have no business doing either. It could mean the difference in the outcome.
Was I the only one to notice that the PA guy was calling what the penalties where before the refs even of course he did have a better view of field than anyone in stadium. On a side note, I thought the school was beautiful also. I loved the look of the windows in it. Paris is a pretty city, been a long time since I had been there.
I actually thought the PA announcer did a good job. I liked that he would say things like "great run, nice tackle" for both teams as opposed to just Bourbon. I think Belfry got a big first down late and that was the only time he showed a little disappointment, other times you would have thought he was pretty unbiased.
Was it it really Zach Morris doing the PA
I don't know. They wouldn't let me in the press box at halftime!!!

Belfry0304 Wrote:I actually thought the PA announcer did a good job. I liked that he would say things like "great run, nice tackle" for both teams as opposed to just Bourbon. I think Belfry got a big first down late and that was the only time he showed a little disappointment, other times you would have thought he was pretty unbiased.

You weren't in the press box with him lol:blabbermo
So it really was Zach Morris???

Belfry0304 Wrote:I actually thought the PA announcer did a good job. I liked that he would say things like "great run, nice tackle" for both teams as opposed to just Bourbon. I think Belfry got a big first down late and that was the only time he showed a little disappointment, other times you would have thought he was pretty unbiased.

I wasn't exactly saying he done a bad job or was being biased. I was trying to say he was calling the penalties or first downs before refs even signaled. Example: when Hatfield fumbled ball, which was right infront of me, I couldn't even tell the fumble, much less who had the ball. The refs had just barely blowed whistle and the PA guy had already said Bourbon ball and the pile wasn't even cleared. No ref made a signal for several seconds, then they went ahead and signaled BC ball. Not saying that BC didn't recover, just PA guy was pushing ahead alittle. That happened on several plays from memory.
Preppy was articulate and fired up! I liked it. The clock was a joke tho and fair Bourbon fans would have to admit how bad that looked.

Sosby is the dudes name.
pugsley79 Wrote:I was at game and good job Belfry. I have to bring up one thing. How does an adult sit in the press box and hold the clock and cheat on teenagers. This person at Bourbon County really has a lot of class trying to cheat teenagers and I'm surprised if Bourbon County would let anyone like this have anything to do with their school athletic program. This has been reported to the KHSAA and they have game tape. Once again Bourbon County in a weak district and region. Mountain football just wore this city school down. Can't hang with the mountain boys?? Bourbon County 13-1 and Big Red moving on to Bowling Green. See you next year when you bring your undefeated record to Belfry and take another but whopping.

Bourbon won't be undefeated next year, and thought they may make next year's game due to the weak region, it won't be nearly as competetive as this year.

Bourbon loses:
Cox twins
4 o-linemen

Holman will return, but will have to recover from his leg injury in the off season. Hill will be a junior and they will have a soph. QB who when Pope was out did not get the call as a Freshman. Outside of that they will be completely rebuilding.
HSFOOTBALL Wrote:Bourbon won't be undefeated next year, and thought they may make next year's game due to the weak region, it won't be nearly as competetive as this year.

Bourbon loses:
Cox twins
4 o-linemen

Holman will return, but will have to recover from his leg injury in the off season. Hill will be a junior and they will have a soph. QB who when Pope was out did not get the call as a Freshman. Outside of that they will be completely rebuilding.
It wouldnt surprise me to see Bourbon back in the Semi's... Belfry's district will be stout next year as both Lawrence County and Pike Central should have Top 10 caliber teams, but aside from them I don't see the Eastern Semi-State being any better. Hopefully Holman returns 100%..he's a heckuva back.

I am in the minority I think and will probably take heat when I say this, but I think Belfry takes a step back next year before a string of really dominant teams. I still think Belfry will be the prohibitive favorite in the East again as they have some nice pieces returning and the defense should be stout. With that said, it is difficult enough to lose guys J. Johnson, Carr, Dari, Duty, and C. Johnson, Barnes, Bostic, and Nelson (If I miss someone I apologize).. but losing Hayden Hatfield on defense and Sani both ways are massive blows.

No matter what you do at QB you are going to have a significant drop-off in some fashion... Keaton Taylor is he best suited and would do a good job.. but then you take away a major threat at WR while still giving up a little at QB. On Defense Warren is a 4 year starter at CB as well. Belfry can always plug in new talent in the backfield but this was an especially talented group with a ton of experience. A. Hatfield ideally doesn't have to play both ways, but we saw how vital he is to the defense... and when you lose 3 HB's and your best returning HB has to recover from an ACL injury I simply see Belfry having some issues.

H. Hatfield was the heart of the Belfry defense and really gave them their identity. Belfry has did a good job of recycling quick DT's and Horton will be a stud on the other side, but you lose a lot when Hatfield leaves. Simply put I can't look at a specific aspect of Belfry next year and say "that will b tough for teams to overcome".. the Oline will probably be the closest thing to that with Macky Francis leading a very talented group who improved significantly.

Belfry will still be a Top 5 team in 3A to open the year... but I think the door is open a bit if a team like Bourbon, Pike Central, Lawrence County, or even Mason County can catch lightning in a bottle this off-season and really buy in.
I think you are spot on EKU.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:It wouldnt surprise me to see Bourbon back in the Semi's... Belfry's district will be stout next year as both Lawrence County and Pike Central should have Top 10 caliber teams, but aside from them I don't see the Eastern Semi-State being any better. Hopefully Holman returns 100%..he's a heckuva back.

I am in the minority I think and will probably take heat when I say this, but I think Belfry takes a step back next year before a string of really dominant teams. I still think Belfry will be the prohibitive favorite in the East again as they have some nice pieces returning and the defense should be stout. With that said, it is difficult enough to lose guys J. Johnson, Carr, Dari, Duty, and C. Johnson, Barnes, Bostic, and Nelson (If I miss someone I apologize).. but losing Hayden Hatfield on defense and Sani both ways are massive blows.

No matter what you do at QB you are going to have a significant drop-off in some fashion... Keaton Taylor is he best suited and would do a good job.. but then you take away a major threat at WR while still giving up a little at QB. On Defense Warren is a 4 year starter at CB as well. Belfry can always plug in new talent in the backfield but this was an especially talented group with a ton of experience. A. Hatfield ideally doesn't have to play both ways, but we saw how vital he is to the defense... and when you lose 3 HB's and your best returning HB has to recover from an ACL injury I simply see Belfry having some issues.

H. Hatfield was the heart of the Belfry defense and really gave them their identity. Belfry has did a good job of recycling quick DT's and Horton will be a stud on the other side, but you lose a lot when Hatfield leaves. Simply put I can't look at a specific aspect of Belfry next year and say "that will b tough for teams to overcome".. the Oline will probably be the closest thing to that with Macky Francis leading a very talented group who improved significantly.

Belfry will still be a Top 5 team in 3A to open the year... but I think the door is open a bit if a team like Bourbon, Pike Central, Lawrence County, or even Mason County can catch lightning in a bottle this off-season and really buy in.

Should be no heat. I can see a dip, followed by very good teams. But if other team can't step up to the plate, dip years can still be opportunities for success.
EKUAlum05 Wrote:It wouldnt surprise me to see Bourbon back in the Semi's... Belfry's district will be stout next year as both Lawrence County and Pike Central should have Top 10 caliber teams, but aside from them I don't see the Eastern Semi-State being any better. Hopefully Holman returns 100%..he's a heckuva back.

I am in the minority I think and will probably take heat when I say this, but I think Belfry takes a step back next year before a string of really dominant teams. I still think Belfry will be the prohibitive favorite in the East again as they have some nice pieces returning and the defense should be stout. With that said, it is difficult enough to lose guys J. Johnson, Carr, Dari, Duty, and C. Johnson, Barnes, Bostic, and Nelson (If I miss someone I apologize).. but losing Hayden Hatfield on defense and Sani both ways are massive blows.

No matter what you do at QB you are going to have a significant drop-off in some fashion... Keaton Taylor is he best suited and would do a good job.. but then you take away a major threat at WR while still giving up a little at QB. On Defense Warren is a 4 year starter at CB as well. Belfry can always plug in new talent in the backfield but this was an especially talented group with a ton of experience. A. Hatfield ideally doesn't have to play both ways, but we saw how vital he is to the defense... and when you lose 3 HB's and your best returning HB has to recover from an ACL injury I simply see Belfry having some issues.

H. Hatfield was the heart of the Belfry defense and really gave them their identity. Belfry has did a good job of recycling quick DT's and Horton will be a stud on the other side, but you lose a lot when Hatfield leaves. Simply put I can't look at a specific aspect of Belfry next year and say "that will b tough for teams to overcome".. the Oline will probably be the closest thing to that with Macky Francis leading a very talented group who improved significantly.

Belfry will still be a Top 5 team in 3A to open the year... but I think the door is open a bit if a team like Bourbon, Pike Central, Lawrence County, or even Mason County can catch lightning in a bottle this off-season and really buy in.

I think you'll be surprised as to how well this Pirate team will mesh next year, but I do think the year following will be a special, special year.
With the way the freshman have developed the step backward will not be nearly as big...One of the main reasons is some real good experience in the O line...Francis and Gibbs and gang will be stout...The question I would pose is who would knock Belfry out? They will still be my favorite from the east to get to BG...There is very little strength there in the east and if they win district they won't have to travel.
I totally agree that BHS will lose some great players,but view this a different way. If you were the coaches at Belfry and you had this roster, what type of team could you build...A. Hatfield, Taylor, Francis, Drew Mullins, Gibbs. X. Willis, Fletcher, Catron, Hall, Horton, Bentley, Woolum. Wellman and D. Stanley and Edwards and TJ Dotson plus another good freshman class that has two or three players, IMO, that can get big minutes next year.
bucslover68 Wrote:I totally agree that BHS will lose some great players,but view this a different way. If you were the coaches at Belfry and you had this roster, what type of team could you build...A. Hatfield, Taylor, Francis, Drew Mullins, Gibbs. X. Willis, Fletcher, Catron, Hall, Horton, Bentley, Woolum. Wellman and D. Stanley and Edwards and TJ Dotson plus another good freshman class that has two or three players, IMO, that can get big minutes next year.

I was very impressed with the Varney kid in the middle school state title game. I think as long as Haywood and company are around and the middle school keeps pumping in talent like they have been Belfry will be solid for years to come.
AtlPirateFan Wrote:I was very impressed with the Varney kid in the middle school state title game. I think as long as Haywood and company are around and the middle school keeps pumping in talent like they have been Belfry will be solid for years to come.

Varney has God given skills and has a world of potential. He's not going to be as physically ready to immediately step in like some of the monsters in the past Freshman class... but with a lot of effort over the summer, added muscle mass, and repetition it might not take too long.

The Hunter kid also has a special skill set. He has a ways to go learning the game... but that kid is going to be absolutely electric and reminds me a lot of Matt Maynard in some aspects. Very, very raw right now... but I could see him becoming an absolute terror on kick returns as he grows into a football player.

Derek Wellman should be able to provide depth at LB. Might not start next year but he has a nice future. He's tough.

I don't see many guys on that team who will be physically ready to immediately make a splash like Horton, Bentley, and Hall... but I do see some Fletcher and Catron types that can grow into a role as the season goes and provide critical depth. Lots and lots of upside though in this last crop from what I saw.

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