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1A Final Four at a glance
Alright, I thought I would lay this one out here so everyone could make their comparisons. This should make it easier to look in one place for all your info. This is how the 4 remaining 1a teams schedules stack up. I will start with the top team by Litkenhous rating and work my way down.

Mayfield 12-1 Lit rating 108.7 Results Record
Ft Campbell********89.9****37-21***5-7
McCracken Co******115.8****35-34***9-3
Pad Tilghman******107.6****28-21***8-5
Graves Co*********99.3*****49-21***10-3
Marshall Co********71.0*****64-28***1-10
Fulton Co**********42.5*****63-0****1-8
Caldwell Co*********109.5****41-48***12-1
Holy Cross**********73.9*****35-0****6-6

Frankfort 11-2 Lit rating 94.5 Results Record
Bullitt East*********100.2****7-21***11-2
Green Co***********80.1****25-8****5-6
Franklin Co*********105.3***36-51****11-2
Western Hills********62.3****31-14***1-9
Lex Christian********65.6****21-2****1-10
Shelby Co**********84.6****27-14****6-5
Bracken Co*********19.3****78-0*****2-9

Raceland 11-2 Lit rating 90.6 Results Record
East Carter***********57.4**40-14***4-6
Ashland Blazer********85.4**34-35***8-4
Boyd Co*************57.8**47-7****1-10
Greenup Co**********61.6***55-18***2-8
Dawson Bryant, Oh****N/R****42-33***5-5
Lawrence Co*********83.1****35-38***8-4
Nicholas Co**********33.7****51-8****2-9
Ironton, Oh***********n/r****17-0*****3-7

Williamsburg 10-2 Lit rating 89.8 Result Record
Halls, Tn****************n/r***43-14***0-10
North Laurel*************88.9**14-31***8-3
Pike Co Central***********81.2**48-26***7-6
Wayne Co***************104.1*12-40***13-0
Harrison Co**************70.8**50-20***3-8
Lynn Camp***************36.4**53-0****3-8

Well, use this to help you figure things out. It is not fullproof by any means, but it is some tools for you.
32 looks and no comments?
mysonis55 Wrote:32 looks and no comments?

One out of the ordinary comment...why has Williamsburg played one less game than the other three teams?
I am looking at their schedule and the only thing I can figure is they are like some 1A schools like the Fultons down here in West KY, they have a hard time scheduling. But I would have thought with the recent success Williamsburg wouldn't have had a problem scheduling teams.
On paper Mayfield's schedule is head and shoulders above the other three. We have 2 teams still in the playoffs in their respective classes that we have BEAT. Williamsburg has Wayne County in there but they got drummed by em.
Slic Ric Wrote:One out of the ordinary comment...why has Williamsburg played one less game than the other three teams?

we was lucky to get 9 games nobody wants to play a 1A school unless you promise them you will let them win :Sad04:
64, I don't think that's the case. We have a full schedule with mostly bigger schools and we certainly are not promising anyone a win.
mysonis55 Wrote:64, I don't think that's the case. We have a full schedule with mostly bigger schools and we certainly are not promising anyone a win.

you guys are money hungry lol.Confusednicker:
Well, a little money in the program certainly don't hurt.
Williamsburg and Raceland look very even on paper. This one is about as close as you can get.
E's Army Wrote:Williamsburg and Raceland look very even on paper. This one is about as close as you can get.

Imo, it is going to come down to who can get pressure on the qb and cause the most disruption and turnovers. Both teams have tremendous tallent. I had a feeling, even before the weather last week, the game would be a lower scoring affair.

This game will be different. Much like coach Cal and the Wildcats, Wburg wants this game to get ito a shoot out. While Raceland will want to keep the game at a slower pace. Raceland's EXPERIENCE, not size, on the oline and dline will be the difference. The long bus ride gets them early on, but their defense is good enough to keep the game managable.
Is there another rating system you could use instead?

The Lit Ratings are the abosolute worst... heck they still have McCracken County as the #9 overall team in KY, Johnson Central @ #6 overall, and Caldwell in the Top 20...

Would be interested to see how they look using the Calpreps or Massey Ratings which appear to be a little more accurate
1. Mayfield
2. Raceland
3. Frankfort
6. Williamsburg
I know you don't want to hear it but the lit ratings are very accurate this time of year. They just don't factor in penalties and turnovers.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Imo, it is going to come down to who can get pressure on the qb and cause the most disruption and turnovers. Both teams have tremendous tallent. I had a feeling, even before the weather last week, the game would be a lower scoring affair.

This game will be different. Much like coach Cal and the Wildcats, Wburg wants this game to get ito a shoot out. While Raceland will want to keep the game at a slower pace. Raceland's EXPERIENCE, not size, on the oline and dline will be the difference. The long bus ride gets them early on, but their defense is good enough to keep the game managable.

Hazard try the slower pace and if we get up early on the Rams start the bus we have EXPERIENCE also GO WILLIAMSBURG :Cheerlead
64SUR Wrote:Hazard try the slower pace and if we get up early on the Rams start the bus we have EXPERIENCE also GO WILLIAMSBURG :Cheerlead

Hazard also gave up on the Run game after going down two tds. Much like they did in the 2nd half against Fairview, which lost them the game. You can't go into distress mode against teams like Williamsburg. If you give them enough chances, they are going to score points. I also noticed that Sizemore only completed 30% of his passes against Hazard.

Raceland is fairly used to seeing this kind of offense. They see variations of it every day in practice. Elkins doesnt generally make bad decisions throwing the ball. He doesnt have a big arm, but enough to get the job done. This game will become a chess match. Wish I could make it.
That's what good teams do. They schedule teams that will be similar to what they will see in the playoffs.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:Hazard also gave up on the Run game after going down two tds. Much like they did in the 2nd half against Fairview, which lost them the game. You can't go into distress mode against teams like Williamsburg. If you give them enough chances, they are going to score points. I also noticed that Sizemore only completed 30% of his passes against Hazard.

Raceland is fairly used to seeing this kind of offense. They see variations of it every day in practice. Elkins doesnt generally make bad decisions throwing the ball. He doesnt have a big arm, but enough to get the job done. This game will become a chess match. Wish I could make it.

I will take a chess match anytime you guys have a surprise in williamsburg friday night NO RAIN :welcome: to williamsburg
mysonis55 Wrote:That's what good teams do. They schedule teams that will be similar to what they will see in the playoffs.

Raceland had no ideal they would be playing williamsburg in williamsburg guys we have a heck of a football team as does raceland,stars in the sky are lining up for a mayfield shootout Confusedmoke:
EKU, you wanted another rating system. I checked the Super 25 off of Courier Journal. I think it's by Massey. This is the way it had the final four teams rated in the state.

Mayfield is #21
Frankfort is #50
Raceland is #54
Williamsburg is #65

I think pretty much any system you use is gonna have these teams rated in this order.
mysonis55 Wrote:EKU, you wanted another rating system. I checked the Super 25 off of Courier Journal. I think it's by Massey. This is the way it had the final four teams rated in the state.

Mayfield is #21
Frankfort is #50
Raceland is #54
Williamsburg is #65

I think pretty much any system you use is gonna have these teams rated in this order.

dang it i think we are the underdogs even at home the massey polls had us losing by 6pts.I love it showtime in williamsburg kentucky i'm riding this boat all the way to bowling green i think :lmao:
Just for you EKU. This is how calpreps has it. This is how the teams are ranked out of all the teams in Ky.

Mayfield #20 Ranking Results
Ft Campbell***95*****37-21
McCracken Co*25*****35-34
Pad Tilghman**34*****28-21
Graves Co****36******49-21
Marshall CO**149******64-28
Fulton Co***214******63-0
Caldwell Co***31*****41-48
Holy Cross***140*****35-0

Frankfort #57 Ranking Results
Bullitt East*****42*****7-21
Green Co******108****25-8
Franklin Co*****30****36-51
Western Hills***175****31-14
Lex Christian***151****21-2
Shelby Co******74****27-14
Bracken Co*****217***78-0

Raceland #56 Rating Result
East Carter*****162***40-14
Ashland Blzr*****55***34-35
Boyd Co********167***47-7
Greenup Co*****169***55-18
Dawson Bryant**n/r****42-33
Lawrence Co*****88***35-38
Nicholas Co*****202***51-8

Williamsburg #66 Ranking Results
North Laurel******70*****14-31
Pike Co Central****89*****48-26
Wayne Co********16*****12-40
Harrison Co******111*****50-20
Lynn Camp*******197*****53-0

Well that is just another version of it. I think it looks about the same.
EKU, I did all this extra work for you and no comment?
On paper we are the underdog :igiveup: on all of these stats :thanks: mysonis55
nice job, really tells interesting story
Thank your MC. Yes 64, that is kinda what I've been trying to tell you. Now that don't mean yall can't win, but be more humble. Don't encite the favorite and give them more reason to play harder. Besides that, no matter how much seasoning you put on crow, it still sucks.
mysonis55 Wrote:Thank your MC. Yes 64, that is kinda what I've been trying to tell you. Now that don't mean yall can't win, but be more humble. Don't encite the favorite and give them more reason to play harder. Besides that, no matter how much seasoning you put on crow, it still sucks.

Humble remember we are not suppose to be here mysonis55 you pick hazard to win by 3td,Maybe you encite Williamsburg I sure also :rockon:
Ok, just tried to help.
mysonis55 Wrote:Ok, just tried to help.

It's working Confusedinglepar
Did you tarp the field at least.

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