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Fairview board meeting?
I am not interested in smearing anyone or talking negative about the school or team, but I was just wondering what was done or said at the meeting tonight. Please with the comments, just keep it straight forward and no negative stuff. I can't go to the other thread on this issue because it has turned into 13 pages of trash talk.
Nothing was said, nothing was done. Bill Musick said he has not requested that any resignations be turned in. Something smells...
He did indicate FHS would be allowed to participate in the post season playoffs
I never doubted that they would participate in the post season. The KHSAA doesn't get in a hurry over these types of things and they wouldn't ban a school from the post season, even if it sent the proper message.
Okay thank you both. I was expecting more. I guess that means they will be taking a stance against the KHSAA suggestions. I don't know if that will be bad or good. I just hope that this information can be passed out without saying things that will hurt some kids.
Ramcat77 Wrote:Nothing was said, nothing was done. Bill Musick said he has not requested that any resignations be turned in. Something smells...
I agree, this stance differs from published reports. As superintendent, has he accepted any resignations? Why the cat and mouse?
The trash talk is more fun.
In his comments Musick said that he had not heard from the KHSAA, he did say he thought Fairview would play in the postseason. That is what he thinks, not a fact. Personally I feel that the Eagles will not be allowed to play in the postseason. Hope I am wrong. I was told from someone that is normally dead on that a ruling from KHSAA will be out sometime tomorrow.
None of it makes sense. Neither Musick nor the school board requested resignations. Nathan keeps saying "The trth will come out" and many say he has done nothing wrong. If tht were the case, why resign? None of it makes a lick if sense.
He resigned so it looks good like he is doing the right thing.The board did not accept.He will be there next year.Same thing happed a couple of years back with another local school,basket ball coach I think.
Something is rotten in Denmark!
The KHSAA will operate at its own speed- very slow. Nothing said or done will be relevant until KHSAA comes down with its edict and Fairview has a chance to rebut it (obviously a waste of time but still part of the "game"). Once KHSAA reaches its interpretation of the facts, it very rarely changes its conclusions regardless of the rebuttal offered by the accused entity.

When it is all concluded, many will think Fairview got off far too easy because many suspected "sins" won't be addressed or punished. Also, many will think Fairview was singled out unfairly by KHSAA when, in their eyes, others in the area have committed equal or worse infractions with nothing happening to them. Actually, both groups will be correct. KHSAA is quit subjective in its enforcement of its rules.

The key is that KHSAA must receive a "complaint", not anonymous, from someone- a school representative, an individual, etc.) before it will consider an investigation. That appears to have happened in this matter and the circumstantial evidence of the identity of the tattler seems pretty reliable since it has a past history of tattling.

Fairview representatives have been advised by counsel to keep their collective mouths shut and, if anything is said, to say it with measured words. That will continue to be the case. That is good advice. We have all heard that loose lips sink ships. Therefore, any forthcoming "facts" will be second or third hand or gossip.
I'm sure we will find out before the post season starts and by post season, I mean 2014.
it's kind of like trying to find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop. The world may never know.
Does anybody know if Russellpride attended the meeting last night? I tried to go, but I was stopped at the door and turned away, seems I didn't know the proper secret handshake. Oh well.
It's not a secret. You just need a few dead presidents to put in the other hand.
Why would a teacher and or a coach step down or resign before the meeting? Before the KHSAA gave the results! UNLESS!!
Both Nate and Gary Mcpeek have gave their resignations according to Ashland Daily Independent.
The coach may care so much about the school and the community that he is willing to sacrifice himself for them. Just saying. It may be something else. I think it was more of an administrative problem. If the kid wasnt eligible, whoever was over academics should of told the coach NO, the kid cant play. That simple.
The_Rock Wrote:The coach may care so much about the school and the community that he is willing to sacrifice himself for them. Just saying. It may be something else. I think it was more of an administrative problem. If the kid wasnt eligible, whoever was over academics should of told the coach NO, the kid cant play. That simple.

Blame cannot be excused in regard to the coach. Any and all coaches know exactly what is going on and are in on the "project" from its inception.

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