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"TERMINATOR X" Wrote:the best dunker in the 15th is without a doubt Brandon Murray from paintsville
Come on man hes lucky to get backboard!!!:insane:
Everyone wants to see a dunk in a game except the opposing team. When someone tries to dunk it. The defender tries to take him out. Its not worth it.
Well, untill someone else gets some in game dunkage, I guess the best dunker in the 15th up to this date is Deven Adams of Pikeville. He got a two handed slam against Raceland. Any others to compair to?
I watched him in warmups and he was jamming them down!!!!
"TOUGHGUY" Wrote:Good point, but we don't have over 5 people in the region that can actually throw a ball down consistently.
i would say there is hardly any one that can consistantly in the 15th
Out of all these names that was thrown out here. None of them have in game dunkage... only one does, so does that make him the best this year?
Jamie McCarty is by far the best in the region......
I would say 8-9 players can throw it down clean for JC
There throwing it off the glass, off the lob, off the ground anyway you can think of.
During warm-up's at the Belfry vs. ER game (at Belfry).. I saw #55 of ER throw down..which came out of no where.. (((((:CE_DP_Ste))))))
How many of them have actually dunked in games this year though?
JAMIE MCCARTY...I Always See Him Dunking In The Gym After Practice. It's Crazy.
"Bandit" Wrote:JAMIE MCCARTY...I Always See Him Dunking In The Gym After Practice. It's Crazy.
How many in game dunks does he havethis year?
jamie mccarty from jc
Devon Adams i herd had an in game dunk on jv.......
jamie mcarty
"Patton19" Wrote:lol i saw a guy fro magoffin with the light blonde hair asnd the tattoo jump up and tomahawk it, it was crazy, this guy is only like 6 foot tall, he has mad hops.

that was eric arnett, and yes that boy can jump lol
Jamie McCarty from JC! He's one of the few that can even dunk it!
i know chip davis can dunk it but his coack cant see wat this kid can do i warm ups he'll non-chellentley(?) just jup up and do a reverse
Mitch Copley from Lawrence can dunk with two hands pretty cleanly in warm-ups.
"#7" Wrote:i know chip davis can dunk it but his coack cant see wat this kid can do i warm ups he'll non-chellentley(?) just jup up and do a reverse
What do you mean his coach cant see what he can do? He was either starting or getting major minutes untill his ankle sprain. He hasnt even dressed for games sense then. Could you explain that remark?
my opion is jamie mccarty. but jc has a few freshmen that is close to dunkin but they have a 6'6 freshman can throw it down 2-handed but he is movin to owen co. other wise ryan fannin and kyle rice is gettin closer and closer to dunkin every day in practice.
"SCHS09" Wrote:4 of sheldon clarks starters can dunk....shawn johnson, brandon may, steven goble,and juan carlos

What??? Spud can't dunk it?/?:BigLaugh:
Well, big Dev got his 2nd and 3rd in game dunkage of the year against Pike County Central in a Freshman game today... Go ahead and say it, freshman games dont count or something....
dont forget eric arnett from magoffin he can put em down to...i remember this year in warm ups sum of magoffins pople were dunkin n warm ups and they got a T for it

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