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letcher central over rated
i dont know bout u all but i think that leatcher central is over rated
I think for it to be a new consolidated school, 1st year together, new coach, still having to use the old facilities, that they are a very good team and making a statement.

If they are winning ballgames in their inaugural year, just imagine how much better they have yet to get.

Coach Justice has done an excellent job and I give him props for it.
IMO, Letcher Central is a good team with a chance to make noise in the 14th region.
Raymond Justice has done an excellant job in the schools first year.
They have very good B-Ball club and its like PP stated that a new school and everyone getting along and winnug games is great.
They are an average team, and have some good players, they should be able to compete with any other team in the 14th because the Region does not have a team that stands out from the rest IMO.
They are very over rated. Any one can pick them off. Don't let their name and big school intemidate you. The refs are all you really have to worry about.
I agree LCC is over rated. However the do have some really good ball players on the team. Skylar Sexton had a wonderful game against Jenkins. IMO a 3A school should not have to struggle against the other schools in the district they should be killing them but thats not happening. GO CAVS!!!
IMO they are a good team, but nothing very special.. got a chance in the 14th for sure.

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