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Can anyone play with Cordia????
Had the opportunity to take in one of there open gyms Happy Osborne was there and he said " This team is one of the best high school teams I have ever seen" . Possible 7 D-1 Players. How good is this for 14th region?
Cordia is loaded if they all get eligible.
harvey updike Wrote:Had the opportunity to take in one of there open gyms Happy Osborne was there and he said " This team is one of the best high school teams I have ever seen" . Possible 7 D-1 Players. How good is this for 14th region?
is anybody allowed to go watch these open gyms or are they an invite only type thing
Does anyone find it strange that 7 d-1 players all end up at Cordia?
I guess not.
I've never heard of high school's have open gyms for everyone to come and watch...

With the talent they have, I'm gonna be very surprised if Cordia isn't playing for a regional championship this year...
What I find strange is all the D-1 coaches on Lotts Creek. They are attracting more college coaches than they use to fans. Shout out to Coach Rhodes for A job well done you have brought excitement back to the 14th region. All I can say is my commodores had better be ready to lace them up tight cause they are in for A battle. Don't think Knott can compete with just 4 players.
Justin Johnson and Braxton Beverly will take care of the Lions.
Hold up on that car wash gentlemen Beverly and Johnson are good players but they are only 2 players. I don't think you people know what you are dealing with seriously. Cordia already has 8 players that have received offers. Thad matta will be in the house next week and as for the above poster wondering if any one find it strang that all of these players are at Cordia does any one find it strange that all these hot shot players have made their way to Scott co over the years hell they even put it on lexington news about a 7 foot all American they got this year I guess he just at random decided to move from north Carolina to Georgetown. It really is not that strange at all when just one kid comes here from a bad environment and likes it they pass the word along and it travels. Kids want a safe environment to live and go to school and it also does not hurt that there is a high school American and former NBA player coaching at that school. Kids want to go where they can get the most out of life. How many other high schools across the country are coached by former NBA player not many I would say. So until R.R. Leaves Cordia the old blue bloods of the region need to realize things have changed big time in the 14th region Cordia has taken their lumps over the last 80 years and now it is somebody else's turn for a while. I feel no pity on any of the big shots in the region whith their self appointed sense of entitlement. Stop crying and play ball.
At least Scott county has jobs to offer. And they get maybe 1 or 2 a year, and nobody is naive enough to think that all of these players are coming to cordia just because Rhodes is coaching. And what exactly are these kids getting out of life except paid. Lets face it CORDIA HAS THE BEST TEAM MONEY CAN BUY. They pay there players and the players don't even have to go to school. They get their grades gave to them. Facts
Guys, fair warning, don't let this get out of hand!
Seven Division I players is pretty amazing. I saw Cordia this summer at the AAU and they had eight players. How many of those were among those seven?

If you think about it, that does add a little pressure. How many times has a state championship team had more than one or two Division I recruits? Anything short of a perfect season could be considered a disappointment with that kind of talent.
If they have seven Division I players, anything short of a national championship should be disappointing.

And yes, despite what anyone wants to argue, it throws up red flags when this many kids mysteriously relocate to Eastern Kentucky and enroll in the same school.
Guys everyone gets transfers. Perry Central has 2 I believe counting Johnson and Hazard has atleast 2 I believe as well. Programs like Scott County, Hazard, Perry Central, Ballard, Clay County, etc. get kids come in there because they are great programs that are established for many years. I'm not saying there are no wrong doings at these schools at all, but something simply does not seem right at Cordia.
I am happy for cordia and the 14 regions :bball: now if cordia would start a 1a football program :football: this would be awesome Confusednicker:
harvey updike Wrote:Had the opportunity to take in one of there open gyms Happy Osborne was there and he said " This team is one of the best high school teams I have ever seen" . Possible 7 D-1 Players. How good is this for 14th region?
Happy did not take into consideration mountain politics and officiating. Sometimes when you are playing 8 it is hard to overcome even with D-1 prospects. Going to be an interesting season in the mountains to say the least.
It amazes me that people can be sometime so naïve that they speak and lead others to form their opinions. One of the kids that transferred in comes from a single parent home where the mom actually has a very good job as a professors at one the state Universities. The kid has above a 3.0 GPA takes advanced placement and accelerated class work and has been playing basketball since he a young kid. The mother is good friends with a resident of Hazard. When her son got jumped at one the local gyms after playing pick up bball and his sister an elite high school basketball was diagnosed with leukemia during BB playoff of her junior year and immediately began intense chemotherapy. In an effort to keep him focused on school and basketball, and not be sucked into a community or circumstances that angered him and made question the will of God. His transfer allowed his mother to focus on the daughter who is now a high school senior fighting a disease that striped her of muscle mass not only fight cancer but working to build herself to play her last year of high school basketball. All of this to say stop being so critical every black kid does not come from a poverty stricken home some are just trying to continue a path that God established before life. This is my kid and my desire as a mother is to help him successfully obtain his goals and dreams without having to worry about issue designed for adults. In the end these are KIDS for whatever reason they are trying to improve the or better their situations. So as you pass judgment wherever in KY, CA, TX , NC, MS or wherever we should praise the kids and parents for trying to do what we feel is best for our kids. I truly believe if I allowed my child to stay he would end up in jail. The pain from watch his sister and the envy for his success in school and basketball was to much of a distractions for this young black male with the capabilities of being a successful black male. I hope all the kids at all schools in whatever activity they participate in tennis, gymnastics , track, cheerleading, dance or the big two football or basketball etc. accomplish their goal and dreams. And if Coach Rhodes and if staff at Cordia High School can help these kids get the best for their lives GOOD LUCK and the same to all the other school with similar goal. These activities are for the KIDS let them play and live.
OutsideLookingIn Wrote:Happy did not take into consideration mountain politics and officiating. Sometimes when you are playing 8 it is hard to overcome even with D-1 prospects. Going to be an interesting season in the mountains to say the least.

They will need division 1 ref to make it far.
Cordia can bring in Lebron to pla and they will still find a way to lose.
I will bet the farm they don't beat Knott Central for the district finals.
Maybe when Rhodes is out recruiting basketball players from all over United States, Canada, and Africa he needs to recruit some refs to the 14th region as well. Cause some of these old mountains boys that are refs probably don't like for coaches trying to recruit a championship like Rhodes and other coaches are doing. I think that it is going to be hard for anybody to beat Perry Central for the 14th region. Not only because it is at PCC but PCC is getting recruits that are good to go with Johnson and Beverly. Johnson who is the best player in the region will be hard for anybody to stop this year.
I agree. These 14th regional refs are the second worst only behind the 13th.
That's the biggest reason why I think it will be hard for perry, hazard, or cordia to beat knott
Knott was better than anyone in the region last year, didn't need any help from
the refs. Cordia ain't beat nobody yet. Half them jokers won't even be eligible.
If all eligible Cordia will win the wymt and 14th region tournament. Frimpong and Lucien are already eligible and that's makes up for the lose of Owootoah and Warren. And we all know Cordia was a tough out last year. Tagaloa is proven top player in the region. Cunningham, Catching, Ortiz, Keita, Lu, and Combs will be just to much for anyone else imo. While other teams are trying to rest their stars Cordia will have the depth to run away with game. And trust me when I say Malik Hines is hands down the best big man in this region.
I have not seen Malik Hines play yet but to say he is the best big man in the region is big words. Johnson was a beast last year and playing this summer has only made him better. Johnson proved how good he is by playing against top talent all summer. Going against the top big guys in the country and holding his own against them. Not to say Hines is not good but did Hines play against that kind of talent.
Also who know who will transfer in before or during the season. With the 14th region person never know.
Some of the posters on here act like Cordia is the only school in the 14th that has had players move in to their school. Hazard, Perry, Knott, they've all had players move to their school. A transfer is a transfer, whether he makes the move from Canada, California, or the next county over such as Clay. And it doesn't make any difference if it is 5 transfers or 1, it's still just a transfer. Isn't Johnson a transfer from Sheldon Clark? Didn't the Sizemore siblings transfer a few years ago from Breathitt to Hazard (and helped Hazard's boys and girls teams make it to the state tournament.) The girls actually won it. Didn't Johnny Cox transfer from Fleming Neon to Hazard (although he did have to sit out a year, it was still a high profile transfer that helped them win the state title)? Didn't Shannon Hoskins transfer out of the 14th to Clay? Didn't Justice transfer to Knott. Didn't Hudson transfer from Cordia to Hazard? Didn't Whitaker transfer to Hazard from Bell? Didn't Perry pick up a player from Bath? And so on and so on.

Cordia is a newbie in the transfer game in the 14th. Others had already read the "How To Get Transfers" books a long time before Rhodes and Cordia joined the party. Some of them may have even written a few of the books.
If a coach get a kid to transfer that is fine. But I think that it needs to be like it was in the past. If you transfer you had to sit out a year before you can play for the new school. I think that will stop all the transfer. KHSAA is going have to do something about all the transfer. It is like high school coaches in the 14th region are going and get one and done players for their team
I can't keep up.
Can someone please list the roster now with grades, heights and position? Cordia had eight players this summer, so I have the info for those guys.
Malik Hines is no doubt the best big man in the region. One of the tops in the state and good enough that 2 UK assistants said that Mr Calipari would be in contact with him. Hall is good Johnson is better but if Hines plays the way he did in front of the UK coaches yesterday then they are not even in the same league. They list him at 6'8 he is more like 6'10 with A wing span of A boeing. He can knock down the 3 and when A rebound comes off someone is about to get dunked on. I have watched basketball for 45 years and he is the best that will have ever played in the 14th region. Why can't we all quit bickering give the kids the credit they deserve and let the game speak for itself.
Malik is 6'10" he has grow about 2 inches since his last listing. He is not a skinny 6'10" either he is about 260 lbs. I have seen him duck his head coming in the doors at the Cordia gym and a standard doorway is 6'8". I agree with Harvey he is the best player in the region and one of the best in the state. Lsu has already offered him Thad matta of Ohio state will be here next week and two uk assistants were here on Friday robic and antigua I think I spelled it right. Louisville will also be here next week and I was told that pitino himself wants to come. All of these coaches would not be coming if they didn't think this kid could play they have not been coming to knott co, perry co,or hazard. When people saw him play this summer they did not see the real Malik that was the first time he had played ball since February he was just coming off elbow surgery for a broken elbow. He was just cleared to play by a three days before he played in the summer. Malik is the real deal.

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