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Why does it look like teams from EKY are behind the rest of the State?
I was reading a post earlier and it was brought up that the 15th Region is behind the rest of the State. So what are eveyone thoughtson this. And why do you think this.
There's no doubt the 15th Region is the worst in the state of Kentucky, and I think the reason is just a lack of size compared to other areas...Also the talent level is somewhat lower than other areas, and the 15th Region has less to choose from than other areas...

The 14th is about the same way, but they're slightly better this year...
I agree alfus the only team latley from the 15th that has done anything has been painstville in the late 90's....
I wouldn't say that the 15th is the worst. We are on a pretty even playing field with the 14th and 16th. Top to bottom those regions may be better, but there is little diffrence in the top 6 or 7 teams.
The 15th region is behind partially because a lack of true size compared to the rest of the state, but also great athletes in the 15th are not great athletes outside the 15th. There are few impact players in the 15th that could go to the 11th or 7th region and even see quality clock. Not that they are not as good as those players, but they don't fit their style of play as well. The 15th region is not as fast paced as most regions, but seems to be somewhat more physical and when we get officals that are not used to our style of play (or we are not used to their style of officiating) we tend to have foul trouble.
That is how I see it. I could be way off base but there is my 2 cents.
"former_raider80" Wrote:I agree alfus the only team latley from the 15th that has done anything has been painstville in the late 90's....

Johnson Central went to state in 99-00 lead by Tommy McKinzie and won a game a state. Beat Hopkins County Central 66-64. I would consider that doing something. Any win on that floor is doing something IMO.
"Matney's Prodigey" Wrote:Johnson Central went to state in 99-00 lead by Tommy McKinzie and won a game a state. Beat Hopkins County Central 66-64. I would consider that doing something. Any win on that floor is doing something IMO.
Did they win state like paintsville did in 96, i dont think so, did they have a player that went to uk,nope....i would consider these things actaully doing something.....but i will give it to ya winning a game down there is good but winning the whole thing is alot better.......
The part of it all I dont understand is... Back before all the schools got consolidated, it seems like 15th region teams won games at the state all the time. Not winning the whole thing, but going in two, sometimes three rounds. Now, It seems like we go there and get beat by 20 a game. Does anyone else that is older remember how the teams 20 years ago played in the state tourneys?
I would love to see a 15th region team go to state and maybe win a game or two but i really dont see that happing,the only team that has a chance to do this will be paintsville in a couple of years if all there talented somphores stays there....
The reason why I believe EKY teams are so far behind is because the teams aren't as structured or diciplined(some, not all) they just go out there and shoot threes hoping to shoot well, or go one on one. Down state coaches are more diciplined for example, you can see it on the court, alot of pick and rolls, back screens...etc. And alot of teams are strict on the definsive end as well, their players eighter play D or dont play at all. Some teams can score 40-45pts and win that way, its all discipline.

Of course the Louisville/Lexington teams are so far ahead of the rest of the state most years because their are so many athletes in those areas.

But thats just my opinion.
teams in eky just dont have the size or talent that teams in lexington and othe parts of ky does
"former_raider80" Wrote:Did they win state like paintsville did in 96, i dont think so, did they have a player that went to uk,nope....i would consider these things actaully doing something.....but i will give it to ya winning a game down there is good but winning the whole thing is alot better.......

They only beat Magoffin that year by 3 points... the 15th region looked pretty good that year..
Imo, Tackett wasted his time in kentucky, he shouldve went to a smaller school and actually got some playing time
"Pressure" Wrote:They only beat Magoffin that year by 3 points... the 15th region looked pretty good that year..
Imo, Tackett wasted his time in kentucky, he shouldve went to a smaller school and actually got some playing time
A win is a win no matter if you win by 1 or 100 its a win...they went and won state,a player from eastern kentucky went and played for uk thats something big....Im not even a big fan of painstville,actually i hate em but i give them what they desreve and they did that year.....
A big reason we are satisfied with just getting there
cause the good teams have no competion
"Matney's Prodigey" Wrote:I wouldn't say that the 15th is the worst. We are on a pretty even playing field with the 14th and 16th. Top to bottom those regions may be better, but there is little diffrence in the top 6 or 7 teams.
The 15th region is behind partially because a lack of true size compared to the rest of the state, but also great athletes in the 15th are not great athletes outside the 15th. There are few impact players in the 15th that could go to the 11th or 7th region and even see quality clock. Not that they are not as good as those players, but they don't fit their style of play as well. The 15th region is not as fast paced as most regions, but seems to be somewhat more physical and when we get officals that are not used to our style of play (or we are not used to their style of officiating) we tend to have foul trouble.
That is how I see it. I could be way off base but there is my 2 cents.
I read a thread on here about Grade School teams and their coaches. Every one who posted thought basket ball should be fun, everybody should play. Now I think it should be serious if you are going to WIN. The players have to want to win and know they can go to the Sweet Sixteen and not just win one game but win it all. You have to have your BEST players and that don't mean everyone gets equal time. You can spot the good players pretty early. We might have some winning teams if the kids would work hard toward that goal.
"HomeGrown" Wrote:A big reason we are satisfied with just getting there
Thats true most teams for the 15th just want to get there instead of actually winning it.....
i think the 15th region is weak because schools dont see that potential talent they have and work with it from grade school thru high school like they do in other parts of the state
I'm not real fimiliar with any other area but the 15th region, but in my opinion the 15th dosen't have the coaching talent that the down state teams have nor do we have the size. I believe the 15th region plays ball to play and to have something to do on a Friday night, while the down state teams play ball hoping to make it their career. It would be nice to see a 15th region team go to the Rupp and bring it all home but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
The reason isnt size or disipline its just that Central and Western Ketucky teams are intimidated by those schools due to size of cities and that(I'm going to regret saying this)there are more Black kids in the central and western than there are here in EKY! And I think our players from this area are imtimidated by them reasons ! Here's another Example, When kids look at there schedule and they see a Lexington Catholic or a Warren Central or a PRP or and Bowling Green or Lex, Louisville, or Owensboro, and Cincy area teams, they already think that there gonna lose they dont go into those games with any convidence !
on the first sentence is I meant to say EKY teams are intimdated by central and western ky teams!!!!!
"blackcat_student" Wrote:The reason isnt size or disipline its just that Central and Western Ketucky teams are intimidated by those schools due to size of cities and that(I'm going to regret saying this)there are more Black kids in the central and western than there are here in EKY! And I think our players from this area are imtimidated by them reasons ! Here's another Example, When kids look at there schedule and they see a Lexington Catholic or a Warren Central or a PRP or and Bowling Green or Lex, Louisville, or Owensboro, and Cincy area teams, they already think that there gonna lose they dont go into those games with any convidence !
I agree 100%....
Central, Western and Northern Kentucky kids have more opportunities. Most of the junior/pee wee leagues around here run for a few short months. The kids get to practice for less than 1 hour-- one time a week. They come out on Saturday morning and play their game. Gym time is precious in most leagues. In other areas of Kentucky you have places like KBA, YMCA and community centers-- where kids can play the game year around. At KBA you have 5 full size courts with games and practices going on. I'm sure if you look at the top players in the state- most of those boys and girls are working on their game year around.

I saw where Knott County Judge Executive Randy Thompson is working on getting a facility similiar to KBA. The facility is going to be located on Route 80 near the Knott/Floyd line. That looks to be a step in the right direction.
"HomeGrown" Wrote:A big reason we are satisfied with just getting there

I agree, although we are not as athletic as most teams down state we could compete if we had the mentality that we belonged. Effort, hustle and strategy can compensate for lack of athletic ability.
From what I see in some of the 15 region schools its not how good you are on the floor But who you are off of the court. We have some outstanding talent but they are not developed. We must start looking at talent. Stop trying to make a team around one or two players. It takes everyone. The good players get overlooked and discouraged because the coaches concentrate on the hero they want.
i think one of the main reasons is that there isnt as many big bodies. can any one recall in recent years when there has been like a 6'8 guy that has came from the 15th. the last big guy ive seen was steven stanley at 6'6. To compete in the state, i think you need at least one big guy, plus loads of talent.
"Bob Knight" Wrote:I agree, although we are not as athletic as most teams down state we could compete if we had the mentality that we belonged. Effort, hustle and strategy can compensate for lack of athletic ability.
I dont agree with us having less athletic players. If that was the case, we wouldnt go down state and dominate in football like we do from this area. I think the biggest part is mental part of the game. It has nothing to do with the physical part of it.
I think the reason is the talent pool in the larger cities. A school of 4000 has more to choose from than a school of 800. As an example, there are only a few programs from EKY since 1960 that have made it to the finals at the Sweet 16: Pulaski Co (if you count them as EKY), Clay Co., Paintsville & Ashland. The rest are from larger schools with many coming out of Louisville. 5 winners from Louisville in 15 years. I feel this shows the larger pool of players really does matter. We can have a special group of players come from one school and compete for a few years, but not year after year. The talent to choose from won't always be there.
because they arent as good.
better feeder programs in other areas..bigger schools help out a lot
Lack of heart. Kids work hard around here early but when they become the show they feel they are good enough. When was the last time you saw a good pickup game of young kids.

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