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George Washington
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George Washington, WV @ Ashland 9/6
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Go thru any Ashland Thread an find out where Badcat has called out a kid From Johnson Central. Not a coach Not the music Not a fan But a kid or a group of kids. I doubt you will and will probably say something as that you don't have to or do not have the time. But we all know it is because you use badcat as a way to Hold yourself up and feel better about your lack of success like I said an embarrassment to the JC kids and Program.

Really???? ................:biggrin:
Bob Seger Wrote:And just who are you anyways????? His mom????

Where was he last year if he is so interested in meeting me?....I was wearing my Bob Seger Tour of 2012 T-shirt so he wouldn't miss me.....He's the one that must have tucked tail and run!!! I waited 4 full quarters.

Anyways, you would think that anyone so big and "BAD" could talk for themselves......huh???:popcorn:

Just as I figured, all talk no action.
Bob Seger Wrote:Really???? ................:biggrin:

He probably is unaware that you own a Bob Segar tour t-shirt
And the fun just never ends....now here's nitwit #3 coming back for even more ......Anyone need another example?????.......:lmao:

Forget the hook, line, and sinker, You need a net to catch all these morons.
Bob Seger Wrote:Why sure..........You cant resist the bait either can you Charlie Tuna??? You're officially one of the dimwit crowd now, 7200000000000.....At one time you had a little promise of being half way sensible.......I guess once maroon, always maroon....It must be something in the Ashland Municipal Water System that gets all of you guys.Confusednicker:

Nope always have had a problem with people calling out hard working young men on any team. So just being consistent.
Uh, which one of them was called out.......Be specific, Charlie Tuna!!
More deflection no answers. More proof you are a coward and an idiot.
Hey, here's nitwit #2 coming back for more!!!!!

You go girl!!!!

tomcat4life Wrote:More deflection no answers. More proof you are a coward and an idiot.

So now you deny running your mouth about Ashland's sophomores?
I don't think you are from Johnson county. If Matney knew what an embarrassment you are he would have already had you removed far away from anything to do with Johnson central
Bob Seger Wrote:Uh, which one of them was called out.......Be specific, Charlie Tuna!!

The whole group of sophomores. You've dogged them all year
Bob Seger Wrote:Listen you idiot, nobody ever ducked anybody,..... ever........You're talking stupid talk... I guess the only thing you've a chance at avoiding the issues of your sorry little bunch of sophomores is to try to defer the facts...........You and your ignorant little buddy remind me of those old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns where the little coward townspeople talk big when they're behind the coattails of somebody else, and then run and hide when they get confronted alone.....Grow a set of your own Malachi............... This is the last and only time I will acknowledge this stupidity....
You deny this is your post
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:The whole group of sophomores. You've dogged them all year

The whole group? Well now I don't want to falsely dog anyone. This kinda makes it a little complicated, and I really don't know what to do here Chuck. So in your opinion, which one should I dog and which one should I not dog?
Still cant figure out how a grown man can come up with a name as sappy sounding as tomcat4life......That sounds like something either a little girl or a 7th grader would call themselves.....

Hey is it possible that tomcat4life is actually a 7th grade little girl?......hmmmmmmmm, now that's one to ponder on.
More smoke and mirrors. More deflection. Maybe you didn't understand the question. Maybe you are really that scared. You think if you avoid the question and sling a few insults we will forget. So here it is again. Are you willing to have a face to face meeting with Badcat or not. We already know you have to insult teenagers to make you feel better about yourself. We know you where too scared 2 years ago to show your face. But that was then. Have you grown a spine in the last two years. Are you willing to meet Badcat.
Or anyone else for that matter.
Come on now boob cigar you can't be a coward all your miserable life now can ya.
So I take it yours doesn't get to play any.....Is that really what you're ticked off about?
Bob Seger Wrote:Still cant figure out how a grown man can come up with a name as sappy sounding as tomcat4life......That sounds like something either a little girl or a 7th grader would call themselves.....

Hey is it possible that tomcat4life is actually a 7th grade little girl?......hmmmmmmmm, now that's one to ponder on.
How is possable you claiming to be a grown man can't stand up for himself except for on a computer screen. How is it possable you claiming to be a grown man has so low self esteem that he has to try to belittle kids to feel better about himself
Good Lord you guys are giving me a headache.

And this is written.
FBALL Wrote:Good Lord you guys are giving me a headache.

And this is written.

Well join in the fun then FBALL. I know, I know, you feel like you've been left out. It's waaaaaaay more exciting when you participate....We wont "slight" anyone.....But be honest here FBALL, have you ever seen a bunch that is as easy to get riled up as this bunch of saps???:biggrin:
You can use my full name if you want. I'm not ducking anybody.

You and the tomkittens are doing enough on your own. I'll just keep reading.
FBALL Wrote:You can use my full name if you want. I'm not ducking anybody.

You and the tomkittens are doing enough on your own. I'll just keep reading.

OK, then S****......If you say so.

Oh hecky darn, it wont let me do it......Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:So I take it yours doesn't get to play any.....Is that really what you're ticked off about?

Nope my son plays. I do understand your bitterness. You are jealous that these Ashland kids work and get to play and all they would let you do is stand around and clean jocks by sucking the sweat out of them.
Bob Seger Wrote:Well join in the fun then FBALL. I know, I know, you feel like you've been left out. It's waaaaaaay more exciting when you participate....We wont "slight" anyone.....But be honest here FBALL, have you ever seen a bunch that is as easy to get riled up as this bunch of saps???:biggrin:

Bob Seger Wrote:The whole group? Well now I don't want to falsely dog anyone. This kinda makes it a little complicated, and I really don't know what to do here Chuck. So in your opinion, which one should I dog and which one should I not dog?

Unless your a fifteen year old kid. Which I'm starting to think is possible. You shouldn't be dogging any of them or in your words from the Ashland NCC thread calling them a "Major Dissapointment".
Oh, so now I see....You're the proud mother of a bona fide super star.......Gosh that's got to be the "cats" meow, there Heckle!!!
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Unless your a fifteen year old kid. Which I'm starting to think is possible. You shouldn't be dogging any of them or in your words from the Ashland NCC thread calling them a "Major Dissapointment".

Gee, TC7200000000000000000000000000, forgive me for just a moment, I've got to try to find a life jacket....Afraid I'm gonna drown from this river of tears.
Never said he was a superstar. And you still have give no answers. Guess you are just as scared to actually be a man now as you was two years ago
Bob Seger Wrote:Listen you idiot, nobody ever ducked anybody,..... ever........You're talking stupid talk... I guess the only thing you've a chance at avoiding the issues of your sorry little bunch of sophomores is to try to defer the facts...........You and your ignorant little buddy remind me of those old Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns where the little coward townspeople talk big when they're behind the coattails of somebody else, and then run and hide when they get confronted alone.....Grow a set of your own Malachi............... This is the last and only time I will acknowledge this stupidity....

Also called them a Sorry Bunch.
Not a superstar???? Gosh I've never heard anyone talk about a Tomcat that wasn't a superstar......That must haunt you day and night. I can certainly understand that burden that you must bear alone, that is having a son that plays in Putnum Land and him not a superstar and all. ...... :Sad04:
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Also called them a Sorry Bunch.

Just a moment here, tcf7200000000000000000, I'll be right with you, I've sprung a leak in my rowboat.
Bob Seger Wrote:Not a superstar???? Gosh I've never heard anyone talk about a Tomcat that wasn't a superstar......That must haunt you day and night. I can certainly understand that burden that you must bear alone, that is having a son that plays in Putnum Land and him not a superstar and all. ...... :Sad04:

How about your kid there boob? Have you raised yours to follow in dear old dads footsteps and carry on the family name of coward of the county?

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