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Chris Henry--Do The Bengals Drop The Ax???
Okay, Mary Jane decided that he was going to point his gun at a person while wearing his Bengals jersey (smart there, Chris).

Should the Bengals cut him or keep him?
i wonder how the bengals will sweep this under the rug ...
I'm sure the Bengals will end up keeping him. He is one of the good up and coming receivers in the NFL.
I don't see the logic in keeping a Cancer like this. They have plenty of other receivers who can run/catch. The worst part is--do you let him go--knowing that some other stupid team is going to take him--and he will most likely do well. OR--give him ANOTHER shot. That is the bad thing about the NFL. There are too many teams who care more about winning than the character of their players.

I think they should axe him--and the rest of the league should send a message. And I honestly don't think that he is worth another chance. He has been a thug since he was in college (and probably before). They shouldn't have taken the chance to begin with. Why would he change the way he has been his whole life?

Also--anybody get a chance to look at his mugshots? If I didn't know any better--I would say that he is wearing eye shadow (and even looks a little like a girl).
No way they should keep him...
Just a typical bengals thug getting into trouble! Truth will stand when the world is on fire!
He is a good on the field player, but it is very clear that he has a difficult personal life. That make him bad for the Bengals and it may be time to give him the axe. He is starting to show the punk side unlike Chad Johnson. We have other receivers that can step up and take his place. Too many side shows for this guy! bye bye,

Here is the comment by Lewis:
"BelfryJustice" Wrote:He is a good on the field player, but it is very clear that he has a difficult personal life. That make him bad for the Bengals and it may be time to give him the axe. He is starting to show the punk side unlike Chad Johnson. We have other receivers that can step up and take his place. Too many side shows for this guy! bye bye,

Here is the comment by Lewis:

I will give you that Justice--at least Johnson is NOT going out and getting thrown in jail all of the time (and he has been in the NFL longer than this moron--without any arrest record).

The worst thing is--these teams always wait to see how things turn out. When they need to start sending a message so they can regain control of the league.
"KentuckyHillBilly5321" Wrote:I will give you that Justice--at least Johnson is NOT going out and getting thrown in jail all of the time (and he has been in the NFL longer than this moron--without any arrest record).

The worst thing is--these teams always wait to see how things turn out. When they need to start sending a message so they can regain control of the league.

I think that every team has to be cautious in each and every case. We must remember that Ray Lewis was cleared of his criminal charges. I think teams must wait some to see what the Justice System does so they may act appropriately. I see it could become a big legal action if a team removes a player and he is cleared of all charges. I also feel as if teams can be much too lenient after the Justice System convicts in some cases. This guy appears to be a cancer for the Bengals and may have distracted this team some with his actions in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urnConfusedchemas-microsoft-com:officeConfusedmarttags" /><st1:State><st1:place>Kentucky</st1:place></st1:State>.

Control does appear to be a problem for a lot of teams.

just remember ... athletes get away with criminal behavior because we as society let it happen ...
Keep him, he's one of the best rookie wide recievers! :Guitar01:
KEEP HIM, he was a big part of them getting to the play-offs. He took alot off of Chad and TJ.
i think you should keep him ... he gives me something to laugh about every other week ....

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