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Kentucky's Stand Your Ground Law
TheRealVille Wrote:^Was Martin allowed to stand his ground against the man following him. Doesn't "not having to retreat" come under Florida's stand your ground?
Maybe Mr. Zimmerman should have just taken his “whoopass.” as Ms. Jeantel said
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:[Image:]

Did you hear her interview after the trial. She is very smart.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you hear her interview after the trial. She is very smart.
Yes I listened to her interview. No, she is not very smart. Had she not been filling Trayvon's head with the thought that Zimmerman might be a gay rapist, he might still be alive. Gay bashing works better when the target is gay and unarmed. Thuggery 101.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you hear her interview after the trial. She is very smart.

Are you serious? As compared to what? I suppose that "smart" may be a comparative concept. She is 19, still in high school, and cannot read cursive writing which, I suspect, is merely the tip of the iceberg of her educational shortcomings. No. She is certainly not intellectually sufficient when compared to most others even ten years her junior. Of course, she is probably a bit smarter than a blade of grass. No offense intended to the blade of grass.

I really think all the attempts to paint Rachel in a ultra positive light are based on the feeling of many that she, in appearance and in demeanor, is stereotypical of what many see when they picture many minority people.

Fair or not fair that is reality. And, anyone who believes that life is fair or will ever be fair is living in a fantasy world.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you hear her interview after the trial. She is very smart.
Compared to the Pikeville educational system:Thumbs::biggrin::eyeroll:
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you hear her interview after the trial. She is very smart.

Im not blaming it on her.
Its the broken educational system in neighborhoods like hers that causes kids like Martin to be doing things he shouldnt.

And no, i didnt hear the interview but i would imagine a 19 year old that cant read cursive has been failed at some point.
nky Wrote:Compared to the Pikeville educational system:Thumbs::biggrin::eyeroll:

Its been nice knowing you......Confusednicker:
nky Wrote:Compared to the Pikeville educational system:Thumbs::biggrin::eyeroll:
If you are suggesting that RV attended Pikeville, then I believe that you are mistaken. Pikeville is one of the best school systems in eastern Kentucky. No matter what eastern Kentucky schools RV attended, none are bad enough to be held dully responsible for the ignorance of their adult alumni on so many subjects. Somebody taught RV to read and write and he has internet access. Nobody else needs to feel guilty about what he posts here besides him. :biggrin:
The Pikeville schools are very good schools.
As I posted on FB, screw politics, I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Have fun.
TheRealVille Wrote:As I posted on FB, screw politics, I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Have fun.

Well, don't feel bad there RV. After all, you gave it your best shot and just could not quite manage to convince everybody on here that you know everything. Not the least of which is that Republicans are mankind's arch enemies who care about nothing but their riches.
TheRealVille Wrote:As I posted on FB, screw politics, I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Have fun.

You'll be back.

WideRight05 Wrote:You'll be back.


but it's the WINNING seal :biglmao:
vector Wrote:but it's the WINNING seal :biglmao:

:biglmao: Good for winning elections, what else are they good for?

Welcome back TRV! I knew it wouldn't be long!

vector Wrote:but it's the WINNING seal :biglmao:

Not for long. By the time Obamas time is done and people finally realize just how bad he is and was and the disaster that Obamacare will become I think peoples eyes will be opened. When they see just how much money he spent and how he raised Americas debt to people like china. Raised the debt at a record pace I might add that no other president can touch. When the people open there eyes and it's not a matter of if but when, some are just a little slower than others. You see now a lot of people are in love with Obama but when he is done the people always like to reflect and ask what did this president do and how well did he do it. When he is done people wont need him anymore and then it will be fare game to all to judge his work. I said it before that when the love affair and man crush is over he will go down in the books as the worst president ever to get two terms. When this happens you may not see a DEM president again for a long time IMO.
I can see it now. All we hear from Obama is it's Bushes fault. During the next election when the economy is worse then when Obama took over and we are further in debt to china and the stocks are falling and more and more people are unemployed the REP nomine who ever he or she is can say.................


TheRealVille Wrote:As I posted on FB, screw politics, I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Have fun.
Excellent decision, RV. I have filed your PM in the appropriate location, as per my standing policy. Any others that you wish to send will also go unread straight into my round filing cabinet. :biggrin:

Seriously, enjoy the free time that you will gain by not worrying about politics. I have to give you some measure of respect for standing alone here (vector does not really count) with some very unpopular political opinions. I enjoy a spirited debate, but you truly placed yourself in a no-win situation here against some overwhelming odds.
TheRealVille Wrote:As I posted on FB, screw politics, I'm not going to worry about it anymore. Have fun.

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