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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
CNN) -- An employee of the State Attorney's Office who testified that prosecutors withheld evidence from George Zimmerman's defense team has been fired.
Ben Kruidbos had been on paid administrative leave since May 28 from his job as director of information technology for the State Attorney's Office.
He testified before the trial began that Trayvon Martin's cell phone contained images of Martin blowing smoke, marijuana, and deleted text messages regarding a transaction for a firearm.
He received the termination letter, dated July 11, on Friday, the same day jurors in the Zimmerman trial began deliberating. The letter states: "It has come to our attention that you violated numerous State Attorney's Office (SAO) policies and procedures and have engaged in deliberate misconduct that is especially egregious in light of your position."
Through his attorney, Wesley White, Kruidbos informed Zimmerman's defense team that the information existed.
In court, Kruidbos testified he was concerned that he potentially could be held liable if information wasn't shared. He said "all the information is important in the process to ensure its a fair trial."
The defense believes Kruidbos' testimony is relevant because it supports their claim that the state violated rules of discovery.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's too late after the fact because people sometimes edit their posts after the submit them. Have you never mistakenly deleted the last bracket of a close quote tag, RV? Do you really think that if I did so that reflects negatively on my programming ability? Just how petty of a man are you? Confusednicker:

Just letting you know to look who screwed up, after you said you suspect that I did. No biggie.
TheRealVille Wrote:Just letting you know to look who screwed up, after you said you suspect that I did. No biggie.
Just a theory. If it was no biggie to you, then you would not have mentioned it.
nky Wrote:CNN) -- An employee of the State Attorney's Office who testified that prosecutors withheld evidence from George Zimmerman's defense team has been fired.
Ben Kruidbos had been on paid administrative leave since May 28 from his job as director of information technology for the State Attorney's Office.
He testified before the trial began that Trayvon Martin's cell phone contained images of Martin blowing smoke, marijuana, and deleted text messages regarding a transaction for a firearm.
He received the termination letter, dated July 11, on Friday, the same day jurors in the Zimmerman trial began deliberating. The letter states: "It has come to our attention that you violated numerous State Attorney's Office (SAO) policies and procedures and have engaged in deliberate misconduct that is especially egregious in light of your position."
Through his attorney, Wesley White, Kruidbos informed Zimmerman's defense team that the information existed.
In court, Kruidbos testified he was concerned that he potentially could be held liable if information wasn't shared. He said "all the information is important in the process to ensure its a fair trial."
The defense believes Kruidbos' testimony is relevant because it supports their claim that the state violated rules of discovery.

Kind of gives new perspective to the prosecution's claim that Trayvon was a "child". If the state gets a conviction, I'd say the appeal lawyers will be able to get it overturned without much trouble. I just hope the prosecutors who have seemingly tried to cheat Zimmerman into prison, get the exposure they deserve too.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:According to Zimmerman, he lost sight of Martin and wanted to give the dispatcher the street address where he last spotted him. He said that he got out of the truck to find a street number. Zimmerman did not need to be in fear of his life when he left the truck. If his head was bouncing off of concrete and he feared for his life when he shot Martin, then nothing that happened before that second matters - it was a case of self defense. Unless there is reasonable doubt that Zimmerman was beaten an feared serious injury or death, then no crime was committed.

What you are saying that the law does not matter, you would vote to convict Zimmerman anyway. To cast that vote, jurors will need to ignore the judge's instructions and the law. That may very well happen, but it will be a great miscarriage of justice if it does.

That is certainly what I heard the Guy ask the jurors to do when he said they should (paraphrased) follow their hearts with their verdict, and not necessarily what the state has proven.
TheRealThing Wrote:That is certainly what I heard the Guy ask the jurors to do when he said they should (paraphrased) follow their hearts with their verdict, and not necessarily what the state has proven.
Exactly. If the prosecution believed that the evidence supported the charges, then they would not have resorted to an emotional appeal during the closing arguments.

Have you noticed how many times certain posters have repeated the charge that Zimmerman "stalked" Martin. Have you also noticed that the state did not even charge Zimmerman with stalking? Yet, RV would convict Zimmerman and condemn him to a very long prison sentence based on the "fact" that he stalked Martin and was just asking for what he got.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's too late after the fact because people sometimes edit their posts after the submit them. Have you never mistakenly deleted the last bracket of a close quote tag, RV? Do you really think that if I did so that reflects negatively on my programming ability? Just how petty of a man are you? Confusednicker:

Wow, how did you get that I questioned your programming ability out of that? It looks like someone has a serious case of "little man syndrome".
TheRealVille Wrote:Wow, how did you get that I questioned your programming ability out of that? It looks like someone has a serious case of "little man syndrome".
You are really desperate to change the subject, aren't you, RV? You always resort to insults when you some up short in the area of logic, and not topic has demonstrated your inability to build logical foundations for your opinions than this one has. You proudly proclaim that you would send Zimmerman to prison for stalking Zimmerman and the prosecution could not even charge him with stalking.

All that matters in this case is whether Zimmerman might have reasonably feared grievous bodily harm or death as his head was slammed against the concrete before he shot Martin. If a juror cannot conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman did not feel that fear before pulling the trigger, then no crime was committed.

If this was a movie, you would be wearing a black hat in a mob following a crooked rancher demanding that Zimmerman be lynched without a fair trial. You would probably be carrying a torch but I doubt that you would have any lines. (Lynch mob leaders with speaking roles have to be able to persuade a large crowd of people to follow them and you have only managed to convince one other poster to see things your way.) Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:BTW, it looks like you guys got a new cheerleader on your team, Hoot.

Is this suppose to be meant for me? I'm on no one's team. Except the team of me.:biggrin: I try to call it like I see it, from a logical law abiding view. Not like you that looks at everything from a racist and one sided standpoint and won't admit when your wrong.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Exactly. If the prosecution believed that the evidence supported the charges, then they would not have resorted to an emotional appeal during the closing arguments.

Have you noticed how many times certain posters have repeated the charge that Zimmerman "stalked" Martin. Have you also noticed that the state did not even charge Zimmerman with stalking? Yet, RV would convict Zimmerman and condemn him to a very long prison sentence based on the "fact" that he stalked Martin and was just asking for what he got.

Sure I have. I've also noticed, as you have already called out, that prosecutors would gladly see Zimmerman incarcerated for either murder or up to 30 years for manslaughter, neither of which have they in any way proven. Instead, asking those they hope are their handpicked emotionally prone women jurors to find him guilty, based on the dictates of "their hearts". They knew going in that the evidence was nearly invisible thus, this smoke and mirror travesty of justice was put on, via TV globally, for crying out loud.

I have also noticed the stable of supposedly conservative to a fault, Fox News reporters such as Phil Keating, irresponsibly ramming home the tinder box issues that have been repeated over and over by the media and the prosecution, which of course, are aimed at inciting emotional support for Trayvon. Calling attention to the fact that Trayvon wore a hoodie, (a veiled charge of profiling) and calling Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, controversial (which would tend to justify a guilty verdict). Such foolishness exacerbates the ramifications, what ever the verdict in this no win situation. If a guilty verdict is rendered, the right will, (shunning of the left's favored practice of rioting) complain that the obvious fix was successfully orchestrated by the left. On the other hand, in the case of an acquittal, the level of riots and thuggery which have been basically called for by the left in the form of supposed unbiased prognostications, will certainly not disappoint.

In such case, you can bet that none of the leftist cheerleaders on here, the liberal media zealots they let influence them, nor the federal government's Department of Justice, which according to "The Ulsterman Report" helped to organize support for all this in the first place, will have the first word of condemnation for the rioters.
Crossbones Wrote:Is this suppose to be meant for me? I'm on no one's team. Except the team of me.:biggrin: I try to call it like I see it, from a logical law abiding view. Not like you that looks at everything from a racist and one sided standpoint and won't admit when your wrong.

No big deal Crossbones. RV has vector on his side. :biglmao:
I believe prosecutors wanted to see him convicted of anything. No matter what it was. That way the civil case could go through and they could save face with the voters that side with the Martin family.
It is, again, time to be truthful and not politically correct. I have predicted manslaughter from the start. I'll stick with that.

I have used the presence of coercion and the likelihood of civil unrest as the main reason. I'll now give you another reason for my prediction- the all female jury.

While my experience leads me to conclude that a few males on the jury would make it easier for the jury to apply only the applicable law and to keep emotion out of the mix, I don't see an all female jury doing so.

Emotion should have absolutely nothing to do with the verdict. But, it likely will play a major role. That is unfortunate and points out a real flaw in our jury system.
100% agree.
Very well said...

Jury is asking questions about manslaughter. There's your verdict, probably.
It was genius how Zimmerman packed on 120 pounds to make himself look fat, out of shape, and not able to fight or anything.
Several of us on here has said that manslaughter would be the verdict. But not justice. You still not admitting you were wrong on the weight.:eyeroll:
TheRealVille Wrote:Jury is asking questions about manslaughter. There's your verdict, probably.

Or, they're leaning towards acquittal and they just want to make sure they understand the law well enough to do due diligence.
Crossbones Wrote:Several of us on here has said that manslaughter would be the verdict. But not justice. You still not admitting you were wrong on the weight.:eyeroll:
Like Hoot likes to fall back on when he's wrong, I was just going by the reports at the time. Initial reports had Zimmerman 100 pounds heavier than Martin. I haven't researched it to see if I was right, or not. You posted a link, not proof.
TheRealThing Wrote:Or, they're leaning towards acquittal and they just want to make sure they understand the law well enough to do due diligence.
Gentleman's wager?
TheRealVille Wrote:Jury is asking questions about manslaughter. There's your verdict, probably.

The jury would have to be made up of six fools if it doesn't know that a not guilty verdict will cause mayhem, looting, and burning from those who "identify" with Martin.

Also, an all female jury is far less likely to decide the case on the merits (applicable law and evidence of record) and far more likely to let emotion enter the deliberations. That is absolutely wrong.

The reason Lady Justice wears a blindfold is to illustrate the fact that justice is blind to all extraneous matters and is only concerned with the law and the facts. Our system has failed in this regard on many occasions- Simpson's trial being one of them. This trial will likely do further damage to our delicate system of justice.
TheRealVille Wrote:Like Hoot likes to fall back on when he's wrong, I was just going by the reports at the time. Initial reports had Zimmerman 100 pounds heavier than Martin. I haven't researched it to see if I was right, or not. You posted a link, not proof.

Figures!!Initial reports said alot of things. Atleast man up and don't keep pointing fingers at what everyone else does. Typical. As you said " I haven't researched it", Every link I provided stated the height and weight. The link you posted even gave his weight. I can post more for you if you would like, so you don't have to research. Confusednicker: What about the drugs in a kids system, guess you do your own research with the weed. :lame:
We have a verdict.
Crossbones Wrote:Figures!!Initial reports said alot of things. Atleast man up and don't keep pointing fingers at what everyone else does. Typical. As you said " I haven't researched it", Every link I provided stated the height and weight. The link you posted even gave his weight. I can post more for you if you would like, so you don't have to research. Confusednicker: What about the drugs in a kids system, guess you do your own research with the weed. :lame:
Do I really look like I give a rat's ass? He had a very small, minute amount of thc in his system.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do I really look like I give a rat's ass?

I doubt it!! But you sure have cried alot over it. :biglmao:
Not Guilty!!!!
If you want to kill someone, go to Florida.
I didn't think you gave a rat's ass?:rockon:
TheRealVille Wrote:Gentleman's wager?

Wish I'd seen this when you posted it. But, I was all-in well before the verdict was televised, I'm good.

PS I'd like to be able to say I don't understand why you decided Zimmerman was guilty from day one. But I can't do that, because I believe you took your cues from liberal commentators. Liberal commentators are biased, accusing those who espouse traditional values of bigotry and racism, while every word they speak reveals they are the ones who are ruled by their own bias against the right. Liberal commentators have done much to harm the American way of life. Here's to their swift rejection by the majority of all Americans.
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