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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
TheRealVille Wrote:You wouldn't guess it would be because using Hussein proclaims his "bias" louder?
I guess he could have called him Barry Soetoro
TheRealVille Wrote:Nobody said he had a problem with it. It's others that use it to show their bias. Any honest person would admit why they use that name. It's not like it's not already obvious.
Just like when people refer to Nixon as Richard Milhous Nixon,, or how about William Jefferson Clinton. We all know what people meant when using those middle nameConfusedhh:
And don't get me started with just using those middle initials those people are real radicals
We all know only serial killers use their middle initial :Cheerlead
TheRealVille Wrote:I wonder why Hoot uses Obama's African sounding middle name?
The President's first and last names sound African. His middle name sounds Muslim. Do you have a problem with Obama's middle name? Obama once indicated that his full name would immediately help the U.S. regain respect around the world upon his election to the presidency. Somebody apparently forgot to tell those angry Libyans, Pakistanis, and Egyptians.

Quote:Obama: ...the day I’m inaugurated this country looks at itself differently, and the world looks at America differently. If you believe that we’ve got to heal America and we’ve got to repair our standing in the world, then I think my supporters believe that I am a messenger who can deliver that message around the world in a way that no other candidate can do.

Tavis: They would look at the U.S. differently for what reason or reasons?

Obama: Well, I think if you’ve got a guy named Barack Hussein Obama, that’s a pretty good contrast to George W. Bush to start with. Somebody who’s lived in a foreign country, somebody who knows what it’s like to see family members in dire poverty.
Crossbones Wrote:So, would that give hispanics a right to riot and loot? After all they are a minority group and deserve to get to vent in their own way.:eyeroll: 11 million illegal imigrants of which probably half are hispanics. That means just illegals alone there would be over 5 million people rioting. :yikes:
Absolutely not. They do not look like the son Obama would have had if he had a son, nor do they look his daughters or offspring of Attorney General Eric Holder. If Hispanics want a get out of jail card for rioting, looting, and intimidating voters, then they will have to get a liberal president who looks like them elected.
Panther Thunder Wrote:People that side on a case based on race are worthless.

TheRealVille Wrote:Exactly!

So, where does that put you considering your predilection for slamming white folks as a bunch of bigots and hate mongers?
TheRealVille Wrote:How do you know the stalker didn't provoke, or start the fight? Why couldn't Martin stand his ground?
Standing your ground does not mean you have the right to attack the local neighborhood watch guy. That whole reasonable doubt thing and legally "innocent until proven guilty" is still throwing you for loops, RV. Maybe the prosecution got lucky and found six jurors who are as confused as you about basic legal rights. Otherwise, justice will be done whether you like it or not.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Standing your ground does not mean you have the right to attack the local neighborhood watch guy. That whole reasonable doubt thing and legally "innocent until proven guilty" is still throwing you for loops, RV. Maybe the prosecution got lucky and found six jurors who are as confused as you about basic legal rights. Otherwise, justice will be done whether you like it or not.

I would think the defense will point out that neighborhood watch volunteers serve a vital service to their communities and are therefore people to be trusted, not maligned in the manner the prosecution has done. The state tried to make it seem Zimmerman was playing cop and knew the 'stand your ground' law well enough to use it as a cover for executing Trayvon. A scenario I find to be absurdly complex for such a spontaneous and fluid situation.

The only witness to any part of the fight came down in Zimmerman's favor. The rest of what the prosecution has had to say is speculation. They proved nothing except that the defense had by far the strongest case. Even the prosecution's evidence favored Zimmerman's description of the confrontation.
TheRealThing Wrote:I would think the defense will point out that neighborhood watch volunteers serve a vital service to their communities and are therefore people to be trusted, not maligned in the manner the prosecution has done. The state tried to make it seem Zimmerman was playing cop and knew the 'stand your ground' law well enough to use it as a cover for executing Trayvon. A scenario I find to be absurdly complex for such a spontaneous and fluid situation.

The only witness to any part of the fight came down in Zimmerman's favor. The rest of what the prosecution has had to say is speculation. They proved nothing except that the defense had by far the strongest case. Even the prosecution's evidence favored Zimmerman's description of the confrontation.
I agree. I think that Zimmerman's personal trainer blew RV's theory that Zimmerman was a MMA expert out of the water when he said that on a scale of 1 to 10, Zimmerman was a 1 in terms of athleticism. It sure does not sound like somebody who would go looking for a physical altercation. The other thing about the hare-brained hypothesis that Zimmerman stalked Martin to murder him is that Zimmerman has no record of violently attacking anybody, despite repeated calls to 911 to report other people who he believed were acting suspiciously in his neighborhood.
I wonder when President Barack Hussein Obama will publicly condemn this latest attempt by the New Black Panther Party to incite violence over the Zimmerman case. I wonder if they have rescinded the bounty on Zimmerman yet? j/k

Art the racist powers that be going to ignore the New Black Panther Party again? Has Holder dispatched the FBI to investigate this as a potential hate crime. (Again, j/k)

[Image: http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/...20Panthers]

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TheRealVille Wrote:Maybe Martin was hitting from the bottom. It was witnessed that Martin was yelling "get off", or "get off of me"(I don't rember which).

Martins own daddy said it wasn't him in the recording, and his clothes were hanging down a few inches from his body at the time the shot was fired. That clearly shows to anyone non-biased that Martin was the one on top during the fight. And when did Zimmerman become white? He is Hispanic so how in the hell have we got to the point to where the media has been able to make everyone believe this is white on black violence? Al, Jesse, Obama, and pals have set race relations back in this country 30 years by starting a typical racial outrage bandwagon before the facts came out, and the liberal media is still refusing to report this trial for what it is. This is Kangaroo court pure and simple.
An honest look at the facts tells us that there is a lot of truth in Paintsville Tigerfan's last two sentences. I believe that Obama and Holder and their co-conspirators, but particularly Obama, have set race relations back at least 30 years. Sad and not politically correct but true.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I wonder when President Barack Hussein Obama will publicly condemn this latest attempt by the New Black Panther Party to incite violence over the Zimmerman case. I wonder if they have rescinded the bounty on Zimmerman yet? j/k

Art the racist powers that be going to ignore the New Black Panther Party again? Has Holder dispatched the FBI to investigate this as a potential hate crime. (Again, j/k)

[Image: http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/...20Panthers]

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Hopefully those in the "white suburbs" will use Floridas self defense laws on these pathetic rejects as well.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree. I think that Zimmerman's personal trainer blew RV's theory that Zimmerman was a MMA expert out of the water when he said that on a scale of 1 to 10, Zimmerman was a 1 in terms of athleticism. It sure does not sound like somebody who would go looking for a physical altercation. The other thing about the hare-brained hypothesis that Zimmerman stalked Martin to murder him is that Zimmerman has no record of violently attacking anybody, despite repeated calls to 911 to report other people who he believed were acting suspiciously in his neighborhood.

Do you need more time research that "attack" statement?

Also, Zimmerman was a self appointed watch guy. That title doesn't hold any water legally. It means as much as it would if I appointed myself the watch over my neighborhood. Look at the brightside, as far as you go, one black man is President, another is dead. You are batting .500.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you need more time research that "attack" statement?

Also, Zimmerman was a self appointed watch guy. That title doesn't hold any water legally. It means as much as it would if I appointed myself the watch over my neighborhood. Look at the brightside, as far as you go, one black man is President, another is dead. You are batting .500.
Your batting a big fat .000. Review the original Zimmerman thread. I seriously think that you set a record for the most error filled posts in a single thread - one that will never be touched and you have continued your record for futility in this one.

Apparently, you would rather see Zimmerman go to prison than to admit that you were wrong about who was screaming, who the aggressor was, who was on top when the shooting occurred, and most importantly, which man was the racist in this case (aside from the Reverund Al and President Barack Hussein Obama). That racist was the man who apparently sucker-punched the "crazy ass cracker" and then slammed his head into the pavement. For somebody who shouts "racist!" every time that he is proven wrong - a frequent occurrence - you certainly have been a strong supporter of a wide array of racists.

It is pretty pathetic that a person could sit at home glued to the TV watching hour after hour of this trial and still not understand that there is abundant reasonable doubt that Zimmerman is guilty of anything but acting in self defense. The prosecutors' witnesses testimony alone showed reasonable doubt. Now, all you have left is to hope that intimidation of the judge and jury works. Pathetic.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you need more time research that "attack" statement?

Also, Zimmerman was a self appointed watch guy. That title doesn't hold any water legally. It means as much as it would if I appointed myself the watch over my neighborhood. Look at the brightside, as far as you go, one black man is President, another is dead. You are batting .500.

Neighborhood Watch Manual
"This manual has been created for citizen organizers and law enforcement officers that work with community members to establish watch programs. The material contained within covers a number of topics and provides suggestions for developing a watch groups. However, please incorporate topics and issues that are important to your group into your watch.

A Neighborhood Watch group is easy to start. Have a meeting with your neighbors and don’t forget to invite a local law enforcement representative. NW programs are built upon successful relationships between law enforcement and the community. Remember this is your Neighborhood Watch group and law enforcement is there to support and assist you. It is your responsibility to maintain interest and keep the group running smoothly."

Step 1: Recruit and organize as many neighbors as possible.
Step 2: Contact your local law enforcement agency and schedule a meeting.
Step 3: Discuss community concerns and develop an action plan.
Step 4: Hold regular meetings and train on relevant skills.
Step 5: Implement a phone tree and take action steps.

Neighborhood watch is strictly a volunteer proposition. Not only did George Zimmerman do it right, he did it the way all watch programs get started. All neighborhood watch guys are self appointed, genius.
^ Genius, the self appointed was in reference to his "authority", in which I gave an example by how much authority I would have in the same situation.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Your batting a big fat .000. Review the original Zimmerman thread. I seriously think that you set a record for the most error filled posts in a single thread - one that will never be touched and you have continued your record for futility in this one.

Apparently, you would rather see Zimmerman go to prison than to admit that you were wrong about who was screaming, who the aggressor was, who was on top when the shooting occurred, and most importantly, which man was the racist in this case (aside from the Reverund Al and President Barack Hussein Obama). That racist was the man who apparently sucker-punched the "crazy ass cracker" and then slammed his head into the pavement. For somebody who shouts "racist!" every time that he is proven wrong - a frequent occurrence - you certainly have been a strong supporter of a wide array of racists.

It is pretty pathetic that a person could sit at home glued to the TV watching hour after hour of this trial and still not understand that there is abundant reasonable doubt that Zimmerman is guilty of anything but acting in self defense. The prosecutors' witnesses testimony alone showed reasonable doubt. Now, all you have left is to hope that intimidation of the judge and jury works. Pathetic.

Do you need more time to research that "attack" lie? Did both sides have people that said Martin and Zimmerman was screaming? Are you privy to information the rest don't have that proves Zimmerman were screaming, racist? BTW, 100% of the calls the "want to be, turned down cop" made to the real cops described black suspects. It's obvious you are all in on Zimmerman's version of events, although he has been proven to be lying several times. I didn't think you were racist, but I am beginning to wonder. That, or you are just going with party lines, and Faux.
One thing is for sure, if you are black, walking legally in Sanford, you might get killed by a "watchman".
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you need more time to research that "attack" lie? Did both sides have people that said Martin and Zimmerman was screaming? Are you privy to information the rest don't have that proves Zimmerman were screaming, racist? BTW, 100% of the calls the "want to be, turned down cop" made to the real cops described black suspects. It's obvious you are all in on Zimmerman's version of events, although he has been proven to be lying several times. I didn't think you were racist, but I am beginning to wonder. That, or you are just going with party lines, and Faux.
The evidence supports Zimmerman's version of events. Your theory that Zimmerman broke his own nose and put a gash in the back of his own head to cover up a cold-blooded murder is one of the most ridiculous things that I have read. However, your accusations that people who disagree with you must be racist may take first prize in that category. Did you know that frequent marijuana use contributes to paranoia? That fact is very relevant to this thread. All Zimmerman needed to do at the trial was to establish reasonable doubt about the charges and that was done by the witnessed for the program prosecution. The Obama Justice Department had no right to politicize this shooting by reinforcing the false allegation that the shooting was racially motivated.f
TheRealVille Wrote:If Zimmerman is innocent, why did he lie so much?

It might be wise to wait until after the defense closes before calling anyone a liar. I believe that you will find, if you are open minded, that the prosecution lied on a goodly number of occasions by attributing statements to Zimmerman that he never made.

The most blatant example is that the prosecution said that Zimmerman told his friend to tell Zimmerman's wife that "I killed him". Zimmerman never said that. He said "Tell her I shot him". Quite different, don't you think?

For the sake of justice, we can only hope that the six jurors are not as easily influenced as TheRealVille. Of course, TheRealVille had already decided this case when he first found out that a black was shot by a "white Hispanic". I guess he attended the same school of logic as con artists like the "Big Three", Sharpton, Holder, and Obama.
TheRealVille Wrote:Do you need more time research that "attack" statement?

Also, Zimmerman was a self appointed watch guy.[B] That title doesn't hold any water legally. It means as much as it would if I appointed myself the watch over my neighborhood. Look at the brightside, as far as you go, one black man is President, another is dead. You are batting .500.

TheRealVille Wrote:^ Genius, the self appointed was in reference to his "authority", in which I gave an example by how much authority I would have in the same situation.

As the excerpts from the Neighborhood Watch Manual clearly point out, all civilian watchmen are self appointed. Law enforcement likes to work closely with them and the neighbors that benefit from their efforts have nothing but praise for their contribution to safety in the neighborhoods they watch over.

You were trying to paint Zimmerman as the Barney Fife of neighborhood watch. For all you or anyone else knows he may have done quite a bit of good for his neighbors prior to this tragedy. So when your bias is called out, you start acting like you were just making a legal observation. There are no situations in which the actions of neighborhood watch volunteers "hold water legally".

Mark O'Mara just made an excellent point to the jury, and one that the prosecution will have a lot of problem with. If Trayvon was scared and worried about Zimmerman, why didn't he just go on in the house? He was within steps of it. Why turn around and return to wait for Zimmerman behind some bushes in the dark, when it was raining, in an apparent ambush? People need to decide if Trayvon was a boy out to buy candy, or if he had the courage to confront Zimmerman in the dark. Phone texts reveal he was big into fist fighting and getting himself into trouble. That's why he was suspended from school at the time, and that's why he beat Zimmerman so handily in a fight. A fight that was at least in part seen by prosecution witness John Good who, testified that it was Trayvon on top doing the MMA beatdown.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The evidence supports Zimmerman's version of events. Your theory that Zimmerman broke his own nose and put a gash in the back of his own head to cover up a cold-blooded murder is one of the most ridiculous things that I have read. However, your accusations that people who disagree with you must be racist may take first prize in that category. Did you know that frequent marijuana use contributes to paranoia? That fact is very relevant to this thread. All Zimmerman needed to do at the trial was to establish reasonable doubt about the charges and that was done by the witnessed for the program prosecution. The Obama Justice Department had no right to politicize this shooting by reinforcing the false allegation that the shooting was racially motivated.f

Did you know that frequant weed use leaves more than very minute, trace amouts of thc? I don't need your googled pot knowledge.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you know that frequant weed use leaves more than very minute, trace amouts of thc? I don't need your googled pot knowledge.

[Image: http://rlv.zcache.com/what_a_joke_card-p...fb_400.jpg]
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you know that frequant weed use leaves more than very minute, trace amouts of thc? I don't need your googled pot knowledge.

What is Marijuana?
Marijuana is the common name for a crude drug made from the plant Cannabis Sativa. The main mind-altering (psychoactive) ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). More than 400 other chemicals also are in the plant. A marijuana cigarette or "joint" is made from the dried particles of the plant. The amount of THC in the marijuana determines how strong its effects. Marijuana available today is as much as ten times more potent than marijuana used in the early 1970s.

Marijuana in the Body
When marijuana is smoked, it travels down the windpipe and into the lungs. Once in the lungs, the smoke passes through the bronchi and into the alveoli (air sacs) where the THC passes into the bloodstream. THC is then absorbed by most tissues and organs in the body, especially fat cells and organs such as the brain. The "high" reaches its peak in approximately 10-30 minutes and will last from two to eight hours, depending on the amount of marijuana used.
It takes a week to one month for all the chemicals from one marijuana cigarette to leave the body. As more marijuana is smoked, THC accumulates in the cells and the body is never drug free. When chronic users stop using marijuana, it takes about three months for the accumulation of THC to leave the body.
When marijuana is eaten, it enters the stomach and is broken down for digestion by enzymes. At this time, THC passes into the bloodstream. Smoking marijuana puts 5-10 times more THC into the body than eating it.
Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Use
Loud talking and bursts of laughter in early stages of intoxication
Drowsiness or stupor in later stages of intoxication
Forgetfulness in conversation
Chronic redness of the eye
Odor similar to burning rope on clothing or breath
Decrease in school or work performance; truancy
Neglect of personal hygiene
Change of friends
Paranoia, defensiveness, secretiveness, self-centeredness
Mood swings
A motivational syndrome
Distorted sense of time
It's time for jury instructions and jury deliberation.

I'll stick with my original prediction of guilty of manslaughter.

The evidence doesn't remotely support such a finding but political pressures will win out in the end.

I hope I'm wrong and it is possible since the jury has been sequestered and knows little or nothing of the coercion, it may not be aware of the likelihood of burning, looting, and mayhem that would follow an acquittal. If that is the case, the jury could return a verdict based on the evidence. I certainly hope so.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:It's time for jury instructions and jury deliberation.

I'll stick with my original prediction of guilty of manslaughter.

The evidence doesn't remotely support such a finding but political pressures will win out in the end.

I hope I'm wrong and it is possible since the jury has been sequestered and knows little or nothing of the coercion, it may not be aware of the likelihood of burning, looting, and mayhem that would follow an acquittal. If that is the case, the jury could return a verdict based on the evidence. I certainly hope so.

Mark Furman talked about that last night. He said the state had no business bringing a case to trial that fell so short of prima facie standards. Indicating that to him, there was a woeful short fall of evidence and the push to bring this thing to trial was entirely motivated by race.
nky Wrote:What is Marijuana?
Marijuana is the common name for a crude drug made from the plant Cannabis Sativa. The main mind-altering (psychoactive) ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). More than 400 other chemicals also are in the plant. A marijuana cigarette or "joint" is made from the dried particles of the plant. The amount of THC in the marijuana determines how strong its effects. Marijuana available today is as much as ten times more potent than marijuana used in the early 1970s.

Marijuana in the Body
When marijuana is smoked, it travels down the windpipe and into the lungs. Once in the lungs, the smoke passes through the bronchi and into the alveoli (air sacs) where the THC passes into the bloodstream. THC is then absorbed by most tissues and organs in the body, especially fat cells and organs such as the brain. The "high" reaches its peak in approximately 10-30 minutes and will last from two to eight hours, depending on the amount of marijuana used.
It takes a week to one month for all the chemicals from one marijuana cigarette to leave the body. As more marijuana is smoked, THC accumulates in the cells and the body is never drug free. When chronic users stop using marijuana, it takes about three months for the accumulation of THC to leave the body.
When marijuana is eaten, it enters the stomach and is broken down for digestion by enzymes. At this time, THC passes into the bloodstream. Smoking marijuana puts 5-10 times more THC into the body than eating it.
Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Use
Loud talking and bursts of laughter in early stages of intoxication
Drowsiness or stupor in later stages of intoxication
Forgetfulness in conversation
Chronic redness of the eye
Odor similar to burning rope on clothing or breath
Decrease in school or work performance; truancy
Neglect of personal hygiene
Change of friends
Paranoia, defensiveness, secretiveness, self-centeredness
Mood swings
A motivational syndrome
Distorted sense of time
I smoked in the 70's, and I've smoked relatively recent. I don't know who wrote your peice, but the weed today in not much different. Martin had trace amounts, he couldn't be a frequent user with what was in his system. As for paranoia, some people get paranoid, some don't. I don't. At any rate, with the amount of thc in his system, he wasn't high at the time, and had no need to be paranoid, other than being a 150 pound teenager being followed by a 260 pound man.
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